The Daily News VIII. NO. 13. VOL, PIUNCIi ItUPKflT, II. 0, TUKHIUY, JANUARY 16, 1917. prick Fivfc clnt b RIM1 PRFP&R IG FOR NEW OFFENSIVE PEACE HOjES SHATTERED MEANTIME - STARTLING REVELATIONS BY LAWSON FACTORIES ARE GERMANY WILL Mgs.GtoQymfm war THOMAS LAWSON PREPARING FOR NOT CONSIDER DROPS BOMB AT BIG OFFENSIVE ALLIED TERMS INVESTIGATION Out t Inor-moui War Clouds Munitions Turned Looming Darker When F creed to Speak' Laweon Speed In Britain German Foreign Minister Says Makes Startling i On arise Say Prisoners Captured by Door Closed Meantime, (Hi airman Gave Him the Initial Frnch and Britleh. ut May Re-open. Information. BBaHBvRBav"' bIbbbVmbP BSaAaai IJRaBf 'jaESHggggggl (Special to Tbt Daily jws.) (Stvul u Th Miiy .vwa.-Ilerlin, LmbtbhsS aakis ' Kl.BMTd! .f;-4'fsSGYB'lL " bMBBMmtJ (fciweui to TO Dally Hews.) ' aBaBaBaw 4saBaT "aMjABSBjj?! j3EjlL "SBaE BvaSaBaBaaBaw ltftdon, Jan. 16. IlrllUti mu- Jan. 16. Zimmerman, ' Pf'SaMHHL '(E3mVb1hB Washington, Jan. I Threat aK nmons lactones "re n um- the German Foreign Minister, has BBaMaMr BBaw ened with Imprisonment jf hf continued jnr out every forty-fight hours informed the associated press his rn'usal to divulge the more heavy gun ammunition than that the conditions , put forward names of the persons implicated : they manufactured In the entire by the Kntenle Allies are too bard in the stock gambling pooL-which first year of the war and production and could not be accepted by I profited by advance iafyrmafion is still Increasing each week Gerniany. He looked upon the ISj wjs BMBHkvEBMBBri regarding; the issuing of Presi In preparation for the great new Allied reply to President Wilson . dent Wilson's peace note,.ThQni. offensive on the western front. W. Lftwson, ,befra the House as something of a rebuff, but believed Western Front. Committee on Rules, asserted that the answer did not The Ilrillth last night carried yesterday thai. Representative finally and completely close the out a series of their raids which Henry, chairman of the invvati- door against later peace efforts, are demorallilng the German defenders, gation committer, furnished him before one side or the other Is who never know Just with the initial .Information. completely crushed. where the enemy Is to strike nest. Secretary McAdoo: 11. plicey Fiske He eipects that a failure of the On this occasion the attack was a banker; a senator known by the Kntente summer ofTenthe might directed against the Herman lines Initial "O"; mwnber of the Fed make possible the approaching of north of Loos. Small companies eral Reserve Board Warburg, and the subject of again next peace Malcolm brother "of the advanced, with bombing com McAdoe, year, when reasonable terms panies in the lead. The bombers secretary, mrumaled- wtiuld have a pnwpeei ofsueee approached close up la the fler possessing knowledge of the af fully bringing the war to an end. man dug.ouls before they were fair. Referring to the German pro. Mrs. Huth Thomason Visconti, discovered and had the occupants nosals. the Minister said: "We I Geo.Cornhr.Mest I I at their mercy. Little resistance WhncecPessl 5heldhQ)rn.West in th presence Qf her attorney, was offered and a number of can't afford to create the Impres Married'Motier I GtrmJobfcmin I M.the Duke cf I declarel that Secretary Tumulty prisoners were raptured. sion that we are for peace at any GCN.3lRH.ttiU- :f Mrtston Churchill received his share of the profits price. For us to pursue the mai I There is French Attack. through Lawson. a re ler further at the present time THE CORNWALLIS-WESTS AND SOME FIGURES IN THE WAR OFFICE SCANDALS. This Count' current peated rumor ,that Parjs, Jan. 18. On the Somme front, the French forces made would be hailed as an expression picture not only gives good liken, sse of all the principals in the Hrilish War Odce scandal, but Von Berastorfffc the German Am several surprise attacks last night of weakness. There is not a Ger also gives the genealogical tree f the Cornwallis-Wesls, showing the important position which bassador, made two million, .iol- and raptured war material and man who would not rather die Mrs. West held in the upper strata of British society. ars In the deal. than see the Allies accomplish prisoners. Attacks by small Every Implicated' person, in parties their plan to crush Germany. In AMERICAN AVIATORS HARMONIOUS OPENING PLUGGING ENQUIRY cluding and inagaxine are very successful and as the meantime, until the htitie of OBJECTS OF SEARCH OF MUNICIPAL YEAR WILL BE THOROUGH newspaper has been to editors; subpoenaed many as three hundred prisoners I victory Is ours; tc d"or is closed are taken in one night. The Germans for farlher peace negotiations. (Specul to Tbe Dsiij The new council met for the Victoria,Jan. 13. The appointment appear today when Lawson will-be further hearing;'An given a attempted to. make counter, Vadenl Taken. San Francisco, Jan. 10. ixd.'nrst time last evening, when Aid. of two judges as members denial t -Law-sen's emphatic or attacks but ail failed., Loiidn. Jan.irt. The enemy Ilishop and Lieut. Ilobertson. the MrMeekin occupied the chair of a royal commission to investigate charges has bei"made by Ilep- in missing United States avku the. charges of torrupt practices are now Csjgplelc possession army ASSESSMENT RCMJGCB formerly .filled by Aid. Barrie. resentatlvrifenry and Secretary r Vadenl and Bulgarian artillery lut, are now the objects of an sl the Vancouver byelection McASJo; Tumulty said: CVRR TWO BULLIONS is firing on Uaicis. f-n tbe right international hunt. The missing Before entering upon tho even- held In February last, will shortly I will make Secretary good here. I won't ir.t f lh Danube. Berlin on officers are believed to bo mar- ,n Dueinea. .nayor .Mcuauery be made. Discussing this metier go to jail as the goat." That the 'ciiy iir?nni noyucca tVt the Germans re rooned In Ihe southern Ariiona expressed pleasure !n seeing so today Hon. John Oliver, acting ix id per cent loner man las of last council again premier, said to the pelled all tu nsc Romanians desert. many year's press: RITA JOLIVCT AT THE year th&.announrcment made attempts I'1 rcftuln Vadenl. at tho board. So far as be was "The commission of enquiry WC8THOLMC THEATRE at the city council tlmj last Russian Report. LUMBER TENDERS concerned,.the. year 1910, with its into the, Vancouver election irreg evening; from the assessor' c THrosrad, Jan. lfl -The Ilu-raanian ularities will be a commission of Joys and sorrows, was forgotten, Tonight and tomorrow, the port toF lwii. The total assessment bave i reed back, inn In The city ciiiincil last night accepted Judges and the gentlemen to com and he was prepared to meet the Famous Players drama, "An International is returned at 611,615,595, vader northeast of Fokshanl nt?d a tender of Albert & Mc-Caffery pose the commission will be appointed This is council as a new council to do Marriage" Is present-, a decrease of f .ifJfl.Slv. wj flic lei i-vy casualties on the for 100,000 feet of flr as soon as the Judges who the Westholme Theatre. ed at the best he could for the welfare 5,8 10,890 below the highest assessment lumber at f 15 per thousand, this have been requested to act decide enemy. the of the citizens as a whole, and he The star pf this highly iBteftwt- ever made In city. beln? the lowest offer. Tenders as to their course of action and hoped and believed that the council ing photoplay is Rita Jolivet, who; On the motion of A!d. Dybhavn. CIVIL SERVICE were called for by mail and Aid. also decide as to the form and fa Prince Ru has not been would work in harmony to seen seconded by Aid, Smith, the report Oasey.thought that it should have scope of the commission on which for lime, but whoso reappearance the end. pert some same wards was receive d. In tho list of successful candi- been done through the press, they will act. Tho widest possible will be welcomed by Aid. ileClyinant rnUfd the ditws lit tin Civil service appear though he admitted that the price discretion is being extended to the all Westholme patrons. A Topical HEAVY SNOWSTORM question of the assessment of the iha naroe of G. It. . TJtc was low and could not be met by Judges and their reply is expected Budget, showing the latest world's lirfront. The mayor faid that John M. ?truthers, i'rino ilupert, tho other bidders. at an early date. this the (Special to TM Daily fitwa) news completes a good show. wuJ,i taken l ui up the latter in Hie preliminary und The enquiry will be a thorough, court of revision. TUG-BOAT WANTED Dallas, Texas, Jan. 10. Tho tbe former In the qualifying cx- completo and non-partisan one, OOURT G RCVHHGN heaviest snowstorm in history The undertime Is opto to parthais t aminaton. and the commissioners will be Grand Annual Hall of Local until tuan ur. rorir to nrty ttM must struck this city yesterday and the rut rood sound bull. Brit-cUtt menin given which they re every power At the city council meeting last street had Id bo all Union 7i5, In UallwaymcA'e Hall of tho Fish pry tnd l srawortnr in trcrr respect cars operated Fpeclal meeting quest suggest, so that they. !7lh. vrrU ty ttT, sitnr m prticuur, night in order to keep the street Op n ight, the mayor nominated the u Vvdjtfdj evening, Jnu. Packer' Union in their hall, Cllt tillnr vtwr tur ran I Impeded. may carry on the proceedings in following aldermen to act wilh railway for tralllc this morning. Westholina orcheslr,. Refreshments. WILLOW' lUVER LUMBER CO. open al Ave Thursday. Jar.. ISlh. their own Judicial discretion, ab 0ISC0M, B. C, him as a Court of llevUIen; Aid, Tickets 50 cents. I'rocrcds 5mj p.m-t W. Grlmble, 8ecy. solutely freo from any poisibility MrPlvmnnl Dvhhnvn MaIIaa and to Ileturned Soldiers' Association. of outside interference." Montgomery. The ourt wH sit Ileal good time assured. The Ittturned Soldiers Ass-itlon LIBERAL ASSOCIATION on March 5th. beg to intimate that all NOTICE ftfoita to raise inon? on behalf WESTHOLME of the jMOolatlon must first mvb Annual Meeting l)avld II, Hays has taken over OfMA HOUSC tho sanction of the members. TOW Tlltf Kl KCTIO.N OF OFFICKI18 tho real estate. Insurance and LONDON CAFE safety business hanUed' AN GRILL Tonight and Tomorrow deposit NEW WILLINGTCN COAL, Tkursday, Jamary 18th, at 8 p. . by Hon. T. D. Pattullo. Mr. Hays Third AMU RITA JOL1VET phone. 6. W have Just re IN Till: LUIF.HAI. UOOM8, STOHK BLOCK will conduct this additional busi. Serve Nthln but the Beet An International Marriage" ceived a shipment Of 500 Ions nets at .his present ofllce at the JTslTLY W'iattPI Wttflt Lump Coal. Wo are prepared to ALL MEMBERS INVITED corner of Second Avenue and TOPICAL BUDGET BOXES PGH LABHW put In your winter's coal for you. (Second Street. tf;