The Daily News THE MAIL ' THE LEAUHC. HtWSPAVLH IN NORHttRN BRITISH COLUMBIA PaLH.beJ D,tfly and Weakly , LaaaVfli 3ar TjB lH For the Caat. Guaranteed jLargee Circulation Tuesdays, 2 n. m. 'Wednesdays, 0:30 a, in. HEAD officii: rmtnm hltttrrr l.f-allf ttttiriiM. Saturdays, 0:30 ft. m. i,iwtr U WW ta ami ax ii ,J,r7f5 Dolly News Itulldlug, 3rd Ave, Prince flu port. IJ.C. Telephone 08 th Cast. on the in From rAN8IMM' DISPLAY ADVKIlTlSlMt 60 cents map siilp.liulldlng. Far BlUroett ACttlSv per inun. ikmtraol c-ta wn1 nf s-dla prtmM.BAfMP Tcxada Island Is believed to hold Tuesdays, 5:30 p. m. junUnt IT A MLR t x ursa. wrna lot km Hiri aV rales on application, .h ala MUihla.nnili mart et r-pnrt iM pr tat tmuL the right kind of ores and there Thursdays, 5:30 p. in. wni i"r r.w" ' Fit KB Sundays, 3:10 p. in. A.B.SH UBERT,be DAILY EDiTlOU Tuesday, January 10, 1917. are also deposits in Uio north which will be looked Into. For Vancouver. Tuesdays, 4 p, m. HEALTH? teLBIEM In the open air and to the Tlio Italians report the capture Thursdays, 10 p. m, 1 The Seattle P.-I. has the hjrper-oxfgenntlon. It seemed of two Austrian submarines". The Sundays, 4 p. m. WINTER SCHEDULE following to say In regard to to him that repealed contact Jlritlsh destroyers are grabbing From Vancouver. a report on the health of the did not possess the Importance n number of the undersea pests Wednesdays, 10:30 n. in. Effective January first soldiers in the trenches. The previously attributed to It In every week "hut the Ilrltish Ad Fridays, 3 p. in. P.-I. attributes their Immunity the communication'of conta miralty docs not allow any in. Sundays, 7 p. m. S. 8. PRINCE OEORQE from dlscaso to the fact that gious diseases. formation to be published on the Alternate Mondays from Janu-ary THURSDAY 12 Midnight for Vancouver, Victoria A Seattle. they are so constantly in the The facts brought out have subject. . 1st. WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX fresh air. Undoubtedly this Is convinced even some of the For Anyox. 8. 8. PS INCE JOHN Per Ketchikan, WrstlL Jta and Bsway January 10t aad I4ih( to a large extent responsible more skeptical that predisposi 300,000,000 has been distributed Wednestlays, 10 p. m. February 7tb and 1t Maetn 7th and tlsU for the splendid health of the tion plays the most important in tho United Slates In the Fridays, 8 p. m. Per Queen CHarlatts Islands 4nary 3rd, 17tb and list. February 14th and tsth. Marth 14th. soldiers, hut it is not unlikely role In this matter and that way of bonuses fo labor. This Is Sundays, fl p, in. PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE that a great deal of their power the pathological seed, however the way wages are increased tern From Anyox. Wedneedav and Saterday at 1 1 ilO a. m. fee amHMra. Prince 0rt. Ed. mentea, Sastatvaa and Wlaalaea, nlla aonneetlena there fee all palate to resist disease is the result abundant and however virulent, pornrlly without danger of tho Thursdays, Sundays and Tuesdays. east aad aeelh, Mised traia every Tuesdsy at 4 a. m. of their attitude of mind. The will not germinate in an Inap men demanding that the increase Agency All Ocean Steamship Line. following is. the article:- propriate soil. In other words, be permanent. It is a step to The Islands. For Information and reservations apply to wards the taking of the men Into City Ticket Office, 820 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 Notwithstanding all that has the sound health of the men as Mail closes, been said about the squalor a ru!, their simple life, the partnership, which Is bound to Jan. I? and 31st at 8 p. m. and discomfort of life in the abundance of freh air, made Come sooner or later. Feb, Uth and 28th at 8 p. m. trenches at the battle front, the them to a considerable extent Mall Arrives. remarkable fact appears, according immune from diseases to which SUN AND TIDE January 21st, February 17th CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY to all medical testi they were exposed, a matter and March 3rd. mony, that the health condition? rwrhy of the largest consider-J Wednesday, January nth. arvaaeasasaBsMSwaaanvBaavasavasa ea M. ttaason. a.a. Lowest Hates to all Eastern Points tf the men averages far Alton in civil lire as well as in Sun rises i8:S8 a. in. v. . William, a . I I l via Steamer to Vancouver and the better than is the case ith caring for the. health of armies. Sun sets ............ t:22 p.m. WILLIAMS A MANSON CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY those at home and even better It Is an immunity which it is Low water ...0:15 a.m. III. 9.0 BarrltUr. Solicitors. Elc. Meat and Berth Irxlutl.d oe Mirr than nmoilg men of the same fairly within the powers of High water ...7:43 a.m. lit. 19.0 ONCV TO LOAN class'and the same physical every one of present moderate Low water ...2:17p.m. lit. 7.8 Relferson Blor Sot lilt fnert p.pri. s Princes Maqulnna for Granby Bay Friday 11 p. m. equipment in the days of peace, health to culllvalcand acquire. High water .. .8:10 p.m. III. 15.1 Princes Sophia Southbound Saturday 6 p. m. A French army surgeon has It is Irrational methods of life C-tpt:ittt MrHee. M. 31. A. Princess Maqulnna Southbound Sunday 0 p. m. recently written" about experiences which create the weaknesses J. I. PETERS, General Asent at the front during the and disease. Ralvatlon rmy. entire year of 1915, with the "Public; meetings, Tuesday, Stuart J. Martin C rer Farth Street at i Third Aru. Prlnca Kurxit. It.C troops under his' Immediate NOTES AND COMMENTS Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m ASSAY Ltt observation, lie shows that Sundays at 7:30 p.m. notwithstanding the The NAZELTON B. C. fatigue, government threatens to RAVI OA ELK WATERS PSOTICTION acr. the overcrowding, the exposure assume control of the western n. a. c. CMptr it. and the unfavorable climatic coal mines unless the operators The oldest est-tbllshed Assay Hume, B. Bafctnrton sod .lorman K conditions, the total of con. and the men can settle their differences Brodtrarst or tbe aty of Prince Rupert, Offlc In the North. tagious diseases among this soon. The government in the Province of Biitlih Columbia, bere-by lire notice that lixj bit coder Sec army was less than two-fifths has its hands full already without tion 7 of U said act deposited wtua tbe the peace average. In 1915 having to run coal mines and it Minuter of Poblie Works tt Ottawa and (a tbe omce or lot District Berisicar of there were 853 cases of-contagious would ! belter for it to decide Title tt tho Land ftcrtstry omc at the disease as compared as to whether the demands of the City ot I'rtnce Rupert aforesaid a descrip 1 STEEN & L0NGW1LL tion of I be site and the pl04 or a barf with 2,15? cases In a similar men are reasonable And. If they proposed to be tulll to llrosiunr Bay, force before the war. are, that the operators grant them Ucrcra Island. In front of Lou tt an ! SAfflTARY AND HEATINQ 11. Queen Charlotte Island Land District, In spite of the extreme con. at once. Province of OrlUtti Columbia. ENGINEERS D TAKE SOTICE that arter the expiration tagiousness of measles and or month from the one date or scarlet fever, he writes, they Premier Ilrcwster Is showing the first publication of this oolite the Agent for Mid Hume B. Bablnrion and Jlonnan R. McCLARV FURNACES did not spread among troops that he is getting right down to Drudnurtl will under Section 7 of tba bivouacked or camped in the business and that he knows what said act apply to the Minister of luMic FLUMBINQ The Royal Standwd Teat Work at bla once In the aty of Ottawa. war zone in makeshift shelters, Is wanted In the way of mining Province of Ontario, for approval of the and where there was at times the development In this province. If said site and plans and for leave to eon-truct SHEET METAL WORKS tbe Ud wharf. Hrte'i vthete vre leal the utmost overcrowding. He at-Jore to feed steel a plant can be DATED at rrlnte B. ftopert, C, this Phone S, 834 Second Avenue. choicest sample ti Canada's tributes this entirely to the life established it will put this coast tlth day of December. A. P. ltl. Night 576 WILLIAMS k MAX SO. phones sis rsXon acre wheal aop. -J Solicitors for the Applicant. and lilue 270 We ens J tKcrn Into Oour si ike BEST The right work, at the right Ease va3I sec on the left c you lime, and at the right price. Tickets tbe picture. Tbra ctwvci the DENT! 3TRY supreme test-bread LsVInf. If LAND ACT the LteaJ is perfect ta every l and fraav Norway, Mm, 09. CNOWN AND mark, finlaaa, tvi an Russia. a araouuTT way vre pronounce the wheat SAILINGS rftOU NEW YORK VANCOUVCN LAND DISTRICT OISTNIOT A1 and the fW-ROYAL DR. J. 8. BROWN Brfenf)or(J - Jin. 17th. OP COAST, SUMAC a. "StwWtolm" . . rrbrutry 1 0th STANDARD. OtNTlST TAKE NOTICE that f, LrO Stanley Bur k'rUtlanlarjorr ........February ITtn. 0flcl Smltk Block, Tktre Ateaea don, or Ocean rails, B. C, occupation mill AT YOUR GROCER'3 "Beriensfjord .. Mareb 1 0th. Pkoee M secretary. Intend to apply for permission Mi Tor Rairi.Vour RMartatloM Illustrated mate Folders tartf.tivt to purchase lb foilonlnf Oettnbti Un4t: VnnrnjivprWillintfrrnin ffll fT EQUAL STXPAD Oenerel larcnnatloo Apply to Coioaienclor at post planted about nve enains distant and In a westerly direction veneavvrr.a rw wi a,taster.s ana im.Ko i . OVeMSVN 4 HANSON Watch Your Sneeze! from tna aooUiwesl corner of Lot SI, Insurance end SlMRtahlf agency, It may be the forerunner of Ran I. Coast District, tnrnre sou in 19 r tain; tltenre east II cbalnsj tiienea nor lb mac Rupert, SJ. O. bronchitis or a bad cold. It to rbalnst inenra west II chains, to Ibis is nature's warning that your post, eooulniot In all about 41 acres. LEO STA.1LET WhelUec BL'PDO.t. body is in a receptive condition KOVEMBER I. 1911. T. . for germs. The way For Yoiirsell to fortify yourself against MINERAL ACT or aa a Let Us Save You Money on your cold is to increase warmth Notice to Delinquent Partner. Gift to your Friend Gasoline or Distillate and vitality by eating To Oram Manood and ratrlck Dtly, TAKE NOTICE that wnereas bave Shredded Wheat, a food done and caused to to done assesimen't tliat builds healthy muscle work by surveys on tbe Daly, Sullivan, We guarantee to taveyou 25 per cent, on gasoline or distillate and Edim and jo Mineral Claims, situated Id PERRIN'S upkeep and free any motor from CAHUON troubles. A seven ounce and red blood. For break lb Salmon Bear Hirer District. Portland box oi Uaruonvoul la equivalent U MJ gallons or gasoline, every box fast with milk or cream, or Canal Mtoint Division, for the year 1114, of Carbonvoid will save you and bava paid tot said work and record' (15 in gasoline and give from any meal with fresh fruits. Carbonvoid the Inr tame tbe sum of 110.00, unlets you GLOVES 400 to 600 ad-Carbonvoid puts ditional miles, pay to us .the sum or lllt.ot for your la a dry powder you share tt said assessment work, loietber "GO" in Gasoline Just drop in the : : tank. Will re with tba cost of this advertisement, wt move an canton from cylinders. shall of The well known F err in trademark as at the The largest companies in the woild uss it. THE ALLIES OKDEItED eiplratlon ninety i'0) days from tba date the ahovm In should be noreof, apply to Mlnlnf cuts on every rIovc IN J UNB 288,000 CARTONS. I'revloua order 260,000 cartons. Fully guaranteed or your money refunded. Ma'.'eU anywhere on receipt of ft.60 Interests Recorder In at tna Stewart,said Daly,u, C.,Sullivan,to htve fcdltb your you get, aa this aaaurts you perfection ol and UJ mineral claims vested In us, to Fit and Finish. For Sale Only by pursuance of the provisions of Ibe Mineral Style Act. Geo. L. playton, - frtRCC B.C. Dated it Victoria, B. C, tbls tlth day eel dmmttrt A aoorltf vr tafl (A of November. A. D. till. feaulae PBRfUM'S CLOVES. Made in Canada. JAMES McDO.fALD. HWj r. ti. ritEDEnicK c win tarn. EMPRESS C0FFE (WHOLESALE BISTRIaHJTOR P Q. OAW80N PRINCE RUPERT, B, 0,