Tuesday, January 10, 1017, thb Daily nkwi. SHELL PROFITEER ,135.35. In Mew of the fact Hint by the Horcalls, a largo schooner I THF WONDERFUL Kelt known in I'rinco Ilupert, SUING FOR RAKE-OFF HI"! 2,000,0001 - -- uuii rj tie toCMy gives ltd "lluffalo Hill's" last resting FRUIT MEDICINE v Wk. Jan. liA muni. thnnU to these iw,t i.hIm and to place is on thu top of Lookout Belgians uon eonlrar-L iiir.inuh ' n i ...... the . ... .,, . """" .ui who aonnteii hi llio rnnies nnd Mountain, overlooking plains Thniicanrfc fm Hunlfh InrI1 T " ci.y was(Ciriuied to the sale. Mr. where he spent his adventurous Depend on us IliUUdaillld UBO II--IIII nilU" receive approximately $3,000,- Plnnitr tf Din mn rill rmliillrti ..C youth. The plains of Wyoming, Slrenelh To "FroII-a-f Ives" i000 ,n mm. came to nght frillt. Uhlflh u-fl ur.n l,v Mr A Kansas and Nebraska can be seen for Bread! "FJtUIT.A.TIVKS from this lofty elevation. tf- 1lIne mailn from ,onntC(i by Mn. fn.ltJalce.-I.Mjp,0"he"O,,n,anyblalnclnnIn. H, Patterson, rcllcvtd mora c-csof Slomaih, Ltur, ;Junction from Hie Supreme Court LAND ItCQISTRY ACT Since shortly after the Gemta ... . .i j n. . .i . ', . I...t i .... ... were won by Mrs. T, II. Carpenter; hare for food the " .7Mf, A w-ry ana ww tnrwni man i r-iiuiumg liaSICk 011(1 Others the cake by- Mrs. Hhrubsall depended enteely oa jr .r from disposing of certain prom went to Mrs. Plllsbiiry; the Jar (Section It si! I K.I for Relief to Belgium", Their own store of food, of nheamatltm, ScUUc, LumUfo, il44ftM, Qe Applirtiiofi o. Sf.lft, mint 1,114. if would (tut note even not destroyed pffiaged, oely rln lu the Hick, Impure Rood, Keu ami transferrin of fruit by Mrs. J. 11. McLeod was TAKE NOTICE thai application hn tweo or raids. Chronlo Headaches, Chronla certain sloeks pendlng.lho trial won by Mr. Ooldbtoom. the doll's nul to rrri'itr lohn Perrman, of Prince three weeks they have had no chance to raJa more Indigestion, "Fruit, of a suil nupfrt, B. c, a ownrr In tf under a tad the ruthJess Germa&s refuse ( jnstirstlon brought by the explosives set given by Mr. H. Waddell went Tat Sale Deed from the Collector of tbe to supply theaf liitrs" has iita unusually effective a concern. oi rrince nuperi. oeanna aaie imii r?jlt. Hy IU elcantlnj, heallng-j, to Mr. Piilsbtiry, nnd the plant I Otli Jt cf September, It IS, of ALL A.1DI Backed by tho - i en tho eliminating organs, "llassick Man one of several by Mrs. J. II. McLeod to Mr. J. sicirua that ceruin parcel or tract of 1 f n.. s-U ves" tones up Mil Invlgor American named by 8r gam V. Dean. Cash donations were land and premltea altuat. Irlnr, and be-Inr In tbe Municipality of rrlnee nnpert, Relief fund ateaOe- I whole-- system f. rj I.I.I .!... Hughe oh having organized big made by Mrs. Parkin, Mrs. Clancy, more partlralarly knowu aa Lot Ten tli. Belgian Block riTo (i). section Seven (7. Mo A" lract. Mr. A. Ai-io-rs II. Uvans and Mr. Oold-bloom. tf. nn.l Hint,. I)..... I...I .1 ...I. generouafy cotttributed tbe Brieth Empire sad United a-uvrs I mlteJ, OtUwa. j ,mv iiitu ut;t;rliu VUII The following sent food: You are required to conical tbe claim so n tbe of tbe tat within States, tbe neutral Belgian Relief Cotnmaatioa has imported advance of only 15 per cent when Mrs. Howling. Mrs. I). O. Stewart, purchaser thlrtr-nve dara frcan tbe data of tbe aerrlce of thu enough wheat. Sour and other foods lo feed the whole nation j the rale of Russian, French and Mrs. fiibbons. Mrs. Hoffman, Mrs. notice (blcb may be effected br Rn- ! so far. The peat majority of the 7.000.000 BeJgiaas left in lirllifh advances wan 23 per H. P. Mellae. Mrs. Ilesner, Mrs. lered lentlon Mill li or called at Directed,to section and I your of tbe,at-1 the country have been able le pay for their daily sAowsnce of cent." A M. Manson. Mrs. II. 8. Wright, "Land Iteriitry Act" with amendments, ( bread but a stearUy growmg Dumber bate bo ssostey left. The prpsenl suit Is the result Mn. K. II. Bhockley. Mrs. Conway, and. ."and to tbe in fonovtnv default of eitraet a careat therefrom:or certio Unlets we are wiEcg to let these hundreda of thooeandt of of contract said to have been Mrs. Little. Mrs. Moxley, Mrs. rate ePll pendena belnr Sled berort tbe women, chSdren sad old dmo ttarre, tbey must be fed at the made with the French goern- Mc.Nichol. Ir. Gutslein. Mrs. j. rerUtratlon titled under a aiien owner tat tale,of tbe aU person perioni en-soi I expenae of the Belgian Rebel Fund. To make this p ostitis ment by the Aetna l!iploive Co. II. McDonald, Mrs. F.gjrert, Mrs. aerred with notice and tboae dalmlnr someone must coatnbuM -early S3,OUU,UOQ a i The Whisky Ihroarb or under tbem, and alt peraona i monlb al Ibis watterl In 1015 and itfi. llassick, for Mclllor. Mrs. n. L. Mcintosh, Mrs. clalmlor any Interett In tbe,land hj virtue) of Quality his services, is said to have re- Fuller. Miss Clark. Mrs. L. M. de oi any nnrertiiereii initrument. and all No people nmdef the ABed Flags sn as wel altk to peraona rlalmlor any tntereit In tbe land generoualy aa we Canadian!I N cause has err beeai At.U Wood n my ceivcd IC 11.900 in cash, 11,700,- (lex, Mrs. Jenns, Mrs. Lindsay, by dearent wht title la not rerMtered deaerring oi heap I fa the ttsaae ef Jitstics aad 8 Years ooo in par value preferred slock Mrs. D. C. Mcliae, Mrs. Murray, under tbe provUlooe of this Act. than be the sake of oar own setf-retjpoer- 1st sjs gsVe al we for erer eatopped and debarred from act before UtlHog m of the company', and 1095,505 in Mrs. Fmlth. Mrs. Morrissey, Mrs. tins op any claim to or In reapect of tbe beJp our marrtred ASesI CUASANTTZD BT THE "promUory notes. Pome of the I'arkin, Mrs. Smith (Digby), Mrs. ahall land ao rerltr sold for tbe tatei,pertoo and entitled the Retldrar under SwmI yest SwhscraatetftB aretaJy,taeattsly at la esse COVXHHMtXT-f CANADA securities and notes, it is alleged, Schelnman. Mrs. Lando, Mrs. Mc-have orh ui aal aa owner of the land to aold for tatea." Central Extwttft CetMrHtM, H St fetor St, atonfrtftl passed into the hands of Coll and Knott's Itakery. The AID WHEREAS application baa been oilier named as co-defendants society wishes to particularly made for a Certificate or Indefeasible Title $2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Menth. to tbe aborrmenUoned tanda. In tbe name with Dastfck. .thank Mr. IManllx for the very of John Bergman: The Daily nts delivered hj The Ibplosives Company, while fine oil painting she donated, ASD whereas on in'estiratlnr the carrier. 50 cents month- UUe It appeara that prior to tbe tth day per 'admitting it officers entered into.-nd which added materially to the of September, ISII, (the date on which funds. the aald landa were told for overdue the ntrrrwiiont with llassick and. a SmI Lr tlaiimn -J utea yon were tbe attested owner -?ave Mm the securities and notes, thereof. OLD WATCH FREE, FURTHER TAKE 7IOTTCE tbaa at tbe CANADIAN WOMEN disclaims responsibility and a!, tame time I aba! effect rerUtratlon In SHOULD KNOW TH I i FROM FAR AND NEAR lege- the ofllcers exceeded their purtuanre of such application and Iftae a Certiorate of Indereatible Title to the tald "CAVADA FIRST"Milk Is the BEST Milk authority by not waiting to have lands In tbe name of John Bert-man unless sMd b Yo?r Croctr. The GoYcrnment Ucllctta their action rallied by the board I'rof. Hans Delbrueck, of the yon take and prosecute tbe proper pro K303 ttlUthe ttory-IT COSTS THE SAME. ceedlnn to establish your claim. If any, assoaeotireaTeiecaieue oen of that University Kerlin, of directors. Hasskk, however, says to tbe aald lands, or to prevent auch pro. cMa aiat rtotacT-lsaiST nobody in Germany wishes to an posed action on tfrOwwBtwk-twdcrMni.cknt'CwMw-FTnlCaponted my part. ci.nlend be is entitled to "every Mlts whip ts with fresh crtua. DATED at tbe Land Rertstry Office. nex Iit'lgium, as it would be impossible Ttsai AYLMER CONOEN8CD MILKCOLras. I X-tiny agreed to be paid him." Prince Rupert, B. C this tin day of for Oennany to hold Uel-glum December, A. D. ISIS. Atuiib,or4 Caho It. F. MACLEOD. RED CROSS SALE In times o peace. Apr. IT. District Retlttrar or Titles. To Slmcin Peterson. DarltTUle, California. tw iim. im rm to a w. r i m mi m Mi Mi U M Fodder is to be grown in the I--. M M wfc -t to W bM J I The lied Cross sale last Friday, MMI toww wl - m i.ini i: i' i'.nr.a .w.w lloyal J'arka of , Richmond and in rharKr f Mr. Hoffman and Husby near Indon. The King is Mrs. n.bbons. realized the sum of setting an example to other large landowners in opening up his parks for national service. Trairv nnr rni a nrvur a rr Premier Hrewsler is expected lo be back in Victoria on Monday, T10 SCOOND VE January 2-nd. It is hoped that Carptnlsrs' Tool Uull.ers' Herdwar Ship CtiantfUry much good will result from the Wire Cable 9it Hloes risfilpfl Tackle conference regarding the returned Iran Pipe Pipe riUlng Rifles and Shotguns soldiers, which the premier re Rope Valtss Ammunition cently attended in Ottawa. Pumps Moss Paint SIovm and Ranges nubbcrold Hoofing CorruaaUd Iron The liners of the Cunard Com. -WE SELL NOTHIRQ BUT THE BEST pany Will ply on the Pacific after the war, in competition with the C. P. 11. liners, according to the FRED STORK'S HARDWARE western manager for the com pany. 111 ati m-m a 1 '-tgtaaTrm .jawB. t w. 4 Trans-Atlantic travel last year Hie Poor Man's was only, 18 per cent of the nor Baby's Own Soap mal trafllf. An enorm6us rush of tourist traffic to Kurope is looked University for after the war. Tho firs: of the spring fishing Jieet has left Vancouver for north ern waters. The first to leave "ONES kaows more about 1 wns the Celestial IlmpUe of the cars than any ether maa I followed know," said a raaa to kk) New Kngland CoSipany, friend. 4' He kas obtaJaed kk knowledge chiefly from motor car advertisements, and the catalogues end booklets I AKHRBERG THOMSON circulated through them. COMPAftT ' All I know about photoitranhy." declared a weM- known amateur, " I have learned from tbe men who A rents for -rmsco ittrmuL." -palmisi.- X advertise cameras, plates, papers sad kas." S "FISKtRtUN, -f taso asjo X -CW OAS KNaiSJES. Advertisements have been PHONE 626. f well called "The Poor Man's Notice to Delinquent P-ctners, University," but other than Te O. W. Stai-to and Charlta NUhalsan poor men have been schooled TAKE .NOTICE that wbereat I bare done iimI rauted lo be doue atseatuent work thereby. 111 the Wolf Mineral clatra, sl'.uste-t at r liead of Alice Arm. Obaerratory Inlet. In lu tktita tnluint; dlvlttMi of Skeena district, If i ' 11 raW.rit Muck of what the averstfe i4Mdu&l kaows eoa atacMiueot work for the years ISIS, talk over yc-r advetluing peob. cerning: personal and doraestio hygieaet saodera 14, and till, and hate paid for aald leait '.tih the Advtrtisia De office books sad . - -- - "fi and rrrordinf aaiua, tbe turn of piitneal of I hit aeotpaper. methods, authors, elcotneky, precious DOT.to. Unlets you pay me the autu or stones, investtneats, sad sknoit TTtrrtTikistltT. II ktt. tl.e. kt.th with BARVS OWN SOAP tho 111 is, Inr your toare of the aald at- mutual If fn ere kirit 4At it wotild fnnnUI te well r be hsselesrned from avdvertUemsaU. llll ttLtn Xm fniTifnH aKI. Mtirl sffvKf&lfifl ihtt w-tniebl work, tofelter with the cost 1' lor yoia to bav the couusel aad mm ssaaa fmnnri. ------ --mrj - ihia adeertltciDent, I ahall. it the siplra atslitauce ol a food edtrt!sint Advertisements have atimulsted our latsWisass, of freihly cut flowefw. lion of ninety St) dayt tua the il leocy, A Hit lI lk te -ill be sdded enormously to our kaowledet sad fivsa us he red I apply to the ssUinr recordiT at isifiii from tkiu troubles, explains in some measure rrince Rupert, a. to bare your inter gallon,larnithed.by tle without eetetary roil tr ol Can.tbli aspirutions which have raised us to higher levsts of refrcsltlttir sleep which "Baby's Own Soap" babies ttt in lb Wolf utloerat rlai&i veiled la adlea 1'rtta Attociatloa, Koom thinking and living. Advsnis4ai is tadsed MTk K jcially for nursery use insist on"Baby's Own". a r te.ilneral pursuance aet. of tb prvvlslona tf tbe SuJ,Luutsdca l.oiIai,Tof oato. Poor Man's Univcrsky." I III I AUiLKT -OAFS United, ManuiMturera, MUniKLAL. 14-1 i Haled al lrln nuperi. B. C. UUt tttk day uf rctiruery. Ills. Wl, l. g. STARK