THE DAILY NEWS Queen ip Double Weekly Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT and $.S. PRINCE GEORGE For Stewart, Sundays, 3,00 om. Mary’s Tra Will Ho ward —~ee Vialesdiesiolieills eed FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE _ For all kinds of help, covks, waiters, dishwashers, hotel por- ters, all kinds of laborers or me- chanics, call up Phone No. 178 or call at the Grand Hotel Free Employment Office Headquarters for cooks & waiters ld Up For Vancouver Victoria AND Seattle Mondays and Fridays at 8 a.m. | | ss. Prince Albert sails for Port Simp- | son, Naas River Points, Masset, Naden Harbor, every Wednes- day, 1.00 p.m. and for: Refuge Bay, Skidegate, Queen Charlotte City, Lockeport, Pa- cofi, Jedway, Ikeda Bay, Rose Harbor and return via Queen Charlotte City every Saturday, 1.00 p.m. The Grand Trunk Railway System connecting with trains from the Pacific coast operates a frequent and conven- ient service of luxurious trains over its double track route between Chicago, Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, Halifax, Portland, Boston, New York and Phila. delphia, Information and tickets tainabie trom the office hereunder men- tioned. Trans-Atlantic bookings by all lines arranged. A. E. MCMASTER FREIGHT AND PASSENGER AGENT | STEWART . . ROGERS & BLACK WHOLESALE DEALERS IN— Building Material, Cement, Lime, Hair-fibre Plaster, Coke, Blacksmith Coal, Common Brick, Pressed Brick Shingles, Lath, New Wellington Coal ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED = Samuel Harrison & Co. Brokers, Prince Rupert and Stewart, B. C. Agents for Stewart Land Company, Limited See Us for Prices. ee ee | FRANK D. KEELEY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST Phone No. 260 P. O. Box 580 PRINCE RUPERT, B, c, BE a ee te ree tre terme reed ras rae sr ees arms ms rm BE j ' LYNCH BROS. General Merchandise Largest Stock FAMOUS PRINCESS LINE Canadian Pacific Railway - B.C. Coast Steamship Service ee OTST SST TTT TST. W. J. McCUTCHEON Carries complete stock of Drugs. Special attention paid to filling prescriptions. Theatre Bluck Puone No. 79 Second Ave. HbohdLSbaooSoSaASSSoSLbRAAES LINDSAY'S “storace G. T. P. Transfer Agents Orders promptly filled. Prices reasonable. OFFICE-—H. B. Rochester. Centre St. Phone 6%, Sherer rere , Lowest Prices in Northern B. C. | 1g ms ems es ess rs Pe rs te Pats ons te ody ems oso ems me 9 se pe ets PULL or Veneer eeide iJ‘\Midiea FRIDAY, MAY 12th, at noon Train for Winnipeg and Toron- to leaves Vancouver at 9 a.m. daily Imperial Limited fur Chicago, Montreal and New York. Best train across the continent, leaves Vancouver daily at 3.45 p.m. Carries compartment observation cars, the finest car on uny road anywhere. Agent for all Atlantic Steamship lines. Tickets to and from European points. General Agent J. G. McNab Sh met ee ee rere ers ee RAILWAY | London,May 12.—When Queen|Lough Eme, and who is much of | thus following the ancient custom |Mary, attired in her robes of|an out-door girl; Lady Mary only departed from in 1902, when “|state, moves to her place beside} Dawson, daughter of Lord and) the Archbishop of York crowned pian spitow that George rin rine se Majesty, King George V. in| Lady Dartney, leo a keen lover Queen Alexandra, because of the for pertaission to purchase the following desertbed | Westminster Abbey ou the oc-|of out-door sports; Lady Eileen} great age of the then Archbishop a recat ak post planted about seven|Casion of their Coronation, June} Knox, daughter of Lord and Lady| of Canterbury. The Archbishop of | Staley reek ‘hee te ‘uth & the mouth of/ 29 six beautiful young women will | Ranfurly; and Lady Dorothy |Yerk will this time preach the ieanee ih aka teats thee ae Gen oe In this} Browne, daughter of Lord Coronation sermon. soil containing 640 sere thore orlew. nn Lady Kenmare. Accommodations will have to be Pe ee eee IZELL ling the precedent of Queen Alex-| Lord Ranfurly is an Irish peer|found for a greater number than andra, whose train was borne by|and his daughter is a brunette,|were present at the Coronation of King Edward, as King George has expressed a desire that the |dominions and colonies shall be adequately represented, and from every section of the empire rep- resentatives will be present. The Queen has personally made arrangements for places to be reserved, not only within the) Abbey but also along the route S.S. INLANDER of the procession, for a number ...FOR... Water Notice LAND PURCHASE NOTICE otice is hereby given that an appli- will be made under Part V. of Water Act, 1909,"’ to obtain a in the Queen Charlotte Division | a District. name, address and occupation cant is George Young, Reilly’s Bakery Lunch Empress Theatre Basement act as her train-bearers. and > ; matter her Majesty is not follow- mining purposes) Free Min- r rtificate No he name of the lake, stream or urce (if unnamed, the description Ain Lake and Ain River, The point of diversion at or Lake, The quantity of water applied for gn cubic feet per second) 1000, of the proposed pipe-line, power Coast to Coast OCEAN TO OCEAN Tickets To All Points } Cor. 2nd Ave. and 6th Street ROGERS’ Steamship and Railway Agency Second Ave. Phone 116 Queen Charlotte Islands Land District-——Distriet of | | : six young pages, when, nine years| small and dainty. ago advanced through the| Lady Dorothy Browne has been thronged Abbey and assumed her|one of the acknowledged beauties throne at the side of Edward VII) of recent social sessions in London The six young women selected| Thus the preparations for the by Queen Mary, besides being|Coronation go on. The multi- more or less noted as beauties, are} tudinous details connected with all Earls, actual ceremony have been representatives of England, Scot-| practically settled, The Earl Mar- land and Ireland. They are:| shal, the Duke of Norfolk, and his Lady Victoria Carrington, daugh-|advisers have been fortunate in ter of Lord and Lady Carrington, | having the precedents of so recent the late Queen)a year as 1902, when King Edward Lady Mabel Ogilvy,|/was crowned, to guide them, but daughter of Lady Airlie and the}even so, the work has been most Skeena Take notice that I, J. G McNab of Prince Ru- mt, occupation general agent, intend to apply of permimion te prospect for coal and petroleum on the following described lands: Commencing at 4 post planted at the so corner of Seetion 3, Townsh p 2 Graham and marked J G. MeN., S. E. Corner, thence west 50 chaina, thence north 80 chains, thence east 50 chains, thence south 80 chains to point of commencement. J. G. MeNAB Dated March &, 1911, Pub. Mareh 25. Wilson Gowing, Agent near she ir h-east Island, The character , dam, flume, es, plant, ete. lhe premises on which the water ) be used (describe same) at or ir mouth Ain River,Masset Inlet. ti Skeens Land District and are/the Take notice that District of Coast Range V Jack Bedford of Keighley, Yorkshire, England, occupation over-locker, in- tends to apply for permission to purchrse the following described lands Commencing at a post planted at « point in the easterly boundary of timber limit 38329 and in the southerly limit of lot 3989, Range 5 Coast District, where the said limits intersect, thence along the southerly limit of lot 3989 i t.resaid and the projection thereof in an easteriy di ‘ction 80 chains more or les to the wester.y lin it of timber limit 32501, thence in a southerly dire.tion along the last mentioned limit 11 chains more or less to the northerly limit of timber limit 36775 thence in a westerly direction along the last m: teoned limit 80 chains more or tess to the easterly limit of timber limit 35329, thence in a northerly daughters of os a “ % ROCHESTER & ey MONROE * LADYSMITH "< Coa aa ‘ oe do) a The purposes for which the water used for power develop- ent and mill operations, i If for irrigation, describe the | to be irrigated, giving acreage. to be is and god hild ot Victoria; If the water is to be used fcr now- rmining purposes, describe the ace Where the water te be re ed to some natural channel, and lifference in altitude between thi of diversion and point of return r near mouth of Ain River,about t below lake level, is of persons in whom she takes a personal interest. Some of these late Lord Airlie, who was killed|intricate and laborious. and representatives of various char- | x Lard “Ale. i f ous. | and representatives | HAZELTON during the Boer War; Lady Eileen he actual crowning of both the/ties and institutions, who are} are her own immediate attendants, Butler, daughter of Lord and Lady} King and Queen will be performed fortunate enough to have a ‘‘friend | Saturday, May 13 and others are humble retainers, Lanesborough, whose home is on|by the Archbishop of Canterbury,!at court.’ ===E. EBY & Co RFAL ESTATE = — Kitsumkalum Land For Sale H. B. Rochester - Agent «itsumKaLum B.C. JACK BEDFORD ea of Crown land intendedAo be pied by the proposed works. Take the fast light-draught steam- er Inlander for Hazelton, Skeena Land District-—District of Coast Range 6 Take notice that 1, Clara May Little of Prince Rupert, I Cy, ovetpation spinster, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands Commencing at a post planted at the north west corner of Lot 1735, Range 5, Coast District thence east 40 chains, thence north 25 chains thence west 31 chain® thence north 20 chains thence west 10 chains, thence south 45 chains to point of commencement, containing 112 acres more or less. Dated April 4, 1911, CLARA MAY LITTLE Pub. 815 April 15, Water Notice LAND PURCHASE NOTICE notice was posted on the of April, 1911, and applica- be made to the Commissioner 20th day of May, 1911. the names and addresses riparian proprietors or licensees wr whose lands are likely to be ected by the proposed works, either ve or below the outlet. None, GEORGE YOUNG, H. Edenshaw, Agent 5, Prince Rupert, B.C, One cubic foot per second ent to 35.71 miner’s inches. 1911, iw lay FAVORITE FICTION r os F | Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 5 Ss fItis K in Pri Notice is hereby given that an appli-| Take notice that Henry Macartney of Prince ome of it is Known in Frince cation will be made under Part V. of | Rupert, B. C., occupation miner, intends to apply Rupert the ‘‘Water Act, 1969,’’ to obtain a oe. poymianion to purchase the following described license in the Skeena Division of | Give ———————— of Feed Prince Rupert Lodge, 1.0.0.F. -M. S.W. cor. MENRY ‘MACARTNEY H. H. Morton i 3rd Ave. | NO. 63 Distriet of Coast | Meets in the Helgerson Block | Take notice that I, William Melville Corley | of Toronto, Ontario, occupation clerk, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following , Every Tuesday Evenin described lands: | L. BARKER ry y gs Commencing at a post planted at the northwest | : | z ; corner of Lot 3055, Rang 5, Coast District, thence Architect | All members of the order in the city are requested to visit the lodge. Commencing at a post planted on the south Skeena District. side of Exchumsiks River, about 2 1-2 miles from | Fruit its confluence with the Skeena River and about | (a) The name, ad:lress and occupation | 1-2 miles west from Exchumsiks rapids, thence 80 | of the applicant is $. R. McClinton, chains north, thence 40 chain east, thence i) oe > ay Te ‘uve >< } chains south, thence 40 chains west to point) Estate sae at, Vancouver, B.C. c |commencement, containing 320 acres more or (if for mining purposes) Free Min- | less. Post marked “H " er’s certificate No........ Dated April 22, 1911. | Pub. April 29. (b) The name of the lake, stream or! source (if unnamed the description is} Kitsumkalum River. (c) The point of diversion is near the | intersection of the east boundary of lot 1405. | (d) The quantity of water applied for (in cubic feet per second) is 140, | (e) The character of the proposed | works is a general plant for the pro- | duction of heat, light and power, and the manufacturing of wood pulp, | lumbers and timbers generally. | (f) The premises on which the water | is to be used (describe same) Mill site about 3-4 of a mile below intake; | wood, frame and concrete buildings | in addition to the masonry, dams, WHOLESALE Produce ho The Tribune of late has been compiling a few gems of the Chicago Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 6 Take notice that Eldon S. Detwiler of Berlin, Ont." occupa ion doctor, intends to apply for vermission t. purchase the following described ands Commencir, at a post planted at the south- west corner if Lot 1924, thence east 30 chains more or less, thence south 45 chains more or less, thence west 30 chains more or leas, thence north 45 chains more or less to point of commencement containing 140 acres more or less. Dated Mareb 31, 1911 ELDON 8, DETWILER Pub. April 15 John Campbell, Agent favorite fiction Endless is task terial, but here the Tribune “Gentlemen, I Failed to Win the Nomination, but 1 Have No U kind Feelings Toward Anybody.”’ “Mr. Squigley, I've Been Want- ing to Meet for Years; All I Buy the Bazoo for is to Read Your Stuff.”’ “Ves, it's a Dog's Life; I’m the First Ore at the Office the Morning, and Last to Leave It in is ~ the ‘collector of such ma- are few listed by Skeena Land District Ww. COAL n NOTICE east 60 chains, thence north 40 chains, thence west Second avenae and Third street 20 chains to Hell's Gate slough, thence along | slough southerly to point of commencement, con- Over Westenhaver Bros.’ Office. taining 160 acres more or less, Dated April 6, 1911. WILLIAM MELVILLE CORLEY Pub. April 29. District of Coast g MeArthur of Vancouver, estate agent intends to » purchase the following Land District het Glenn Charlotte Islands Land District n re Skeena vohn McLeod of Vancouver, d to apply for permi*sion petroleum on the following District of G. S. JOHNSTONE, N.G. H. MORTON, Secretary. MUNRO & LAILEY Architects, Stork Building, Second Avenue. You od 40 chains w7st : 1@ southwest corner of Glenn MeArtbur’s north- west corner, th e south 40 chains, thence east 80 chains, the north 40 chains, thence west chains to f¢ { commencement, containing $20 acres more « Dated March 20, Pub, April 15, Skeena Land District-—District of Coast Range 6 Take notice that I, Charles A. Vaughan of Prince Rupert, B. C., oceupation merchant, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands Commencing at a post planted on the south bank of Exchumsiks River and about four miles from its confluence with the Skeena River, thence 80 chains east, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains west, thence 80 chains south to point of Law-Butler Building Phone No. 280 commencement. containing 640 acres move o7 less. . | the Evening, 3 _ | flumes and penstocks necessary. ep | Thought You Said You!) The purposes for which the water Deted Apeil 31, 1911 CHARLES A. VAUGHAN Prince Rupert -O. Box 361 Couldn't Dance, Mr. Brown. You} 1s to be used & power development. | Skevos ! nd Di-triet—Distriet of Coast Range 5 | ——— | 1o it Splendidly.”’ |(h) If for irrigation, describe the land!" si avtice that I, Frank Hicks of Port Es- | do it splendidly, | intended to be irrigated, | aingt ecupation merchant, intend to apply ; : aie giving | sinete ; n To which the Richmond 1 imiee) acreage ... | fur permesivn t purchase the following described (i) If the water is to be used for pow- lands; | Cammeneing at 2 post planted on the south er or mining purposes, describe the place where the water is to be re- and Manitoba Bars, bank of the Exchumsiks River and about four | silen from a confluence with the Skeena River, | CARSS & BENNETT thence 80 chains west, thence 80 chains north, 3 turned to some natural channel, and | thence 80 chains east, thence south 80 chains BARRISTERS, NorTaRIgs, Ere, the difference in altitude between | % Pmt of commencement, containing 640 acres Office— Exchange block, corner Third avenue and veo of diversion and point of return, ower plant about 3-4 of a mile down Difference 1783 marked encing at a post planted about two miles ct mouth of the Tlel River and marked W. Corner, No. 29, thence south 80 east SO chains, thence north 80 west 80 chains to point of com containing 640 acres, more or less. at, 19L) JOHN McLEOD 7 Clarence McDowell, Agent Skeena Land STUART & STEWART ACCOUNTANTS -:- AUDITORS gi. GLENN McARTHUR in T. D, Laird, Agent F. W. H T UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER STOCK COMPLETE | } | } } | | | o | District ~ District of Coast Range 5, ast District Take notice that Wm, Leslie of Sapperton, B.C ipation Government Guard, intends to apply srmission to purchase the following deserib- ed |e Commencing at a post planted and 120 chains south of the weat 1788, rangre 5 coast district, mar N.W, corner, thence south 40 chains 80 chains, thence north 40 chains, thence | chains to post of commencement, ecntainin acre; more or leas Charlotte IslandsLand District — District ia $ otice that I, John MeLeod of Vancouver, broker, intend to apply for permission ph ry Ae coal and petroleum on the following ed lands encing at & post planted about two ‘th and two miles west of the mouth of ‘lel River, Graham Island, and marked I \. W. Corner, No, 34, thence south 80 ‘hence east 80 chains, thence north 86 hence west 80 chains to point of ecom- yc) containing 640 acres, more or less. eb. 22, 1911 JOHN MeLEOD 2 Clarence McDowell, Agent mati 40 chains west orner of lot No Wm, Leslie | thence east west 80 « 320 LFRED CARSS, of British Columbia Cc. V. BENNETT, B.A. of B.C., Ontario, Sas- katchewan and Al- berta Bars, | A Despatch adds: “No, I'm going to pay for this. | I'll be insulted if you do.” “Pellow citizens, | shall never do} thing. i that will} 1 anything, os stream from the intake, make you ashamed of me. in altitude 80 feet. “Mr. Toastmaster and Gentle-|(j) Area of Crown land intended to be me! occupied by the proposed works is 100 acres, (k) This notice was posted on the 6th day of March, 1911, and application will be made to the Commissioner on the 25th day of April, 1911. of this occasion and this audience, | (1) Give the names and addresses of | any riparian proprietors or licensees | who or whose lands are likely to be Little's NEWS :: Periodicals ; :: TOBACCOS G.T.P. WHARF Agency : Newspapers FRUITS WM, LESLIE r. D. Laird, Agent Magazines Dated March 20th, ill | Pub, April 29th, 1911 | CIGARS more or less, Sixth street, Prince Ruvert. 8 Dated Apri! 21, 1911, FRANK HICKS Pub, April 29 Skeena Land District—District of Coast Ra: 5 | ‘Take notice that Mary Maragret Gillis of Vie | toni, Be C., occupation hauequnener,. wapads 2 apply for cents to purchase the ow described lands; Commencing at a post planted at the north east corner of Lot 3987, thence 20 chains west, thence 20 chains south, thence 20 chains west to T. L 32597, thence about 80 chains north to Lakelse River, thence meandering said river up stream in & southeasterly direction to Lakelse Lake, thence meandering said lake t point of commencement Containing 160 acres, more or leas. Post marked M, M. G,, N. E, Corner. Dated Feb. 14, 1911. Pubs Mareh TARY MARGARET GILLIS affected by the proposed works, either j above or below the outlet. None, —_— eT WM. S. HALL, L.D.8., D, DLS. DENTIST. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. All dental operations skilfully treated. Gas and | loca! anasthetics administered for the painless ex- traction of teeth, Consultztion free. Offices; Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert. 4i-12 ) Charlotte Islands Land Distriet—District o elected, Skeena ve that I, John MeLeod of Vancouver broker, intend to apply for permission coal and petroleum en the following 1 lands Skeena Land Dis trict-—District of Queen Charlotte Take notice that Catherine Harrison, « { Calgary Alberta, occupation spinster, intends apply, for percciesign to purchase the following described | lanc J . eneing at @ post planted about two miles | Commencing at a post planted about 6 1-2 this 1 two miles west of the mouth of the Tl-el | miles west and half a mile south from the mouth | cs ca oe nd marked J, MeL, 8. W. Corner, No. 83, | of Stanley Creek, where it empties into Naden | Of an experience tL once ac north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, | Harbor, Graham Island, thence 40 chains south | 1 ie 1 fates ae south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to | thence 40 chains east, thence 40 chains north, | regret that rave not had | ‘ commencement; containing 640 acres, | thence 40 chains west to point of commencement 99 | and containing 160 acres more or less 2, 1911, JOHN MecLEOD Dated Mareh 17, 1911 pee Clarence McDowell, Agent CATHERINE HARRISON Pub Apr, 7. Numa Demers, Agent } | } occasion reminds men, FOR SALE Lots 5 and 6, Block 28, Section 1. $3000, 25 per cent. cash, balance 1, 2, 3 years, 7 per cent, GEO. W. MORROW 1076 Nelson St., Vancouver, B.C, HANDASYDE ©&® HURT AGENTS FOR STEEL, MACHINERY +-AND OONTRACTORS SUPPLIES... time to prepare an address worthy | ' At but I have been too busy to do so, My dear, I can hardly bear to think you the children | y 4 a leaving me all alone in town this} 8. 5 ee ON | P.O, Box 285, Prince Rupert, B, C, NotTe—One eubie foot per second is : : | equivalent to 85.71 miner’s inches. The bargain-news in the store | Pub, March 16, 1911. ads is important to all those who | hcena Land District~Distriet of Casaiar 1 pige that TL John McDonald of Prince f » occupation hotelkeeper, intends to re fees to purchase the following d lands A ‘encing at a post planted three and one- ‘B Riva easterly direction from the point “8 SSiver where the Lava Lake trail begins * mile in @ northerly direction from the iva Lake trail, thence south eighty chains, © west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, © east 80 chains to point of commencement, Rape 40 acres, eb. 3, 19Mt, JOHN McDONALD Joseph Belway, Agent Stikine Land District—Detrict of Cassiar Take notice that Sydney Hodgkinson of Tele- graph Creek, B, C., occupation clerk, intends to tpply for permission to purchase the following described land: Commencing at a post planted shout @ quarter mile north east from Glacier Riftle and of the east) bank of Stikine River, thence east 20 chains thence north 40 chains, thence west 20 chains, thence south 40 chains to point of commencement and containing 80 acres moze or less PRET Tn yt SYDNEY HODGKINSON April 7. C.A, Tervo, Agent of and LAND LEASE NOTICE | P. QO, Box 436 - Office 3rd and Fulton District of Skeena | | P.O, BOX 28 JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING PUPIL OF WM, FOXON, BSQ,, A.R.A.M.,”"LON,, BNG, Coast Land District Take notice that I, Paul Brendler, of Porcher Island, occupation farmer, in- tend to apply for permission to lease the following foreshore: Commencing | va at a post planted about 12 feet from the summer.” PRINCE RUPERT Pub careful to be} 4 Land District € notic er, B.C tiie mmencing at miles in an e BS LO point of } eb. 3, 1 Mar, 10, m1, that | Andrew Cuemings of Van- etpath pure a 1X aster ‘ com hase the following deserib- rly direction from the point District of Cassiar on Cook, intends to apoly st planted three and one 1e Lava Lake trail begins eat 80 chains, thence south | S) chains, thenee north 80 mencement, containing 640 ANDREW CUMMINGS Joveph Belway, Agent Stikine Land District District of Cassiar Take notice that Christian A. Tervo of Stikine B. C,, occupation customs officer, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following deser lands: Commeneing at a post planted north west of the custe wareho BK, ©., thence west 20 chains, thence chains, thence east 20 chains, (hence chains to point of commencement anc 40 acres more or less. > sone Dated Feb. 18, 1911, CHRISTIAN A, TERV( Pil. fur 2 2¢ » south north ibed bout 18 chains ~ at Stikine, i containing consider buying » jmportant, | Go on a “profit-hunt’’ now and! with some clipped classified ) ) then ads from The Daily News in your] ’| purse, ' Skeena Lan¢ Distriet-—District of Coast Take notice that I, William Jobn Corley of Prince Rupert, B. C,, occupation rancher, intend to apply for Rarmlenan to purchase the following deseri! lands: Commencing at a post planted at the southwest corner of Lot 3068, Range 5, Coast District, thence south 20 chains, thence east 40 chains, thence north 20 chains, thence west 40 chains to point of commencement, containing 80 acres, more or lews. » 1911, WILLIAM JOHN CORLEY Dated April & Pub, April 29. location post of lot 1801 on Porcher Is- iand, thence in a southerly direction following high water mark 1200 fect; | —--~~ thence west to low water mark; thence northerly following low water mark 1200 feet; thence east to point of com- mencement, PAUL BRENDLER, Dated March 7, 1911, First insertion March 11 GEORGE LEEK MERCANTILE AGENCY COLLECTIONS AND NEPORTS PRINCE RUPERT BOWLING, “yoo. » and POOL 4 Alleys, 7 Tables. A good exer- cise. Acleansport, Ladies every ternoon, Newican Block, be tween 6th and Tth Sta. TED MORRISON, Proprietor and Manager {SIXTH STREET