The Daily News no alum i: : Safety First rilt l KAIHMi. NKWJPAPtH IN NORTHERN MUTISM COLUMBIA a VMUii Dally and. Weekly ( For the Cast, Guaranteed Largest Circulation ijMiriiTtaT.t'gl Tuesdays, 2 n. in. Shlrs to Sltuherl" IKe UrtMl bM l I i W M Weilnesilajs, 0:30 n. in, iflaslmlr le. Air.. 1 , . . - HKAI) OKFICE Hi"ua Ul New Hiiildlng, 3rd Ave, Princn, Hupert. ll.ti. ., Telephone VS. Saturdays, U:30 n. m. S, iilr,Ueuat rw, From the East. WHi. re Ik Mvl .- f haVIKN I' I'll'LAY AOVi:HTlsiN( .50 cents per meh. r.miiracl m. Tuesdays, 5:30 p. in. SN.rrl ! oil alipltu.-ilion, saaasm "f I IKam HIVI Thursdays, 5:30 p. in' . m A. B. SHUBERT, Inc. VXWSSii Hnndays, 3:10 p. in. 'DAILY EDITION Thursday, Jan. 18, 1017. J For Vancouver. Tuesdays, p. in. GREEK DUPLICITY obliged to make overtures to Thursdays, 10 p. m. H would nppenr that Hie Kn every people on tho globe. So inlays, 4 p. m. WINTER SCHEDULE. lento Allien Imvo attain, been Greece, on- a smaller scale, From Vancouver. caught napplriK in 1 recce probably a very much smaller Wetlnesdnys, 10:30 n. in. 8. 8. PRINCE QEOROC Whllo the French nnd ltrlllslt hcnlc, will be obliged to do the Fridays, 3 p. in. THURSDAY 12 Midnight f,or Vancouver forces hnvo been carefully pre satiie. When that time conies, r-uiiilitjE,Q ....I a.a f n if, in in. Victoria and Seattle. man was In a very awkward pre k serving law nnd ortler between their conduct In tho war wI" dicament. Alternate Mondays fnnn Jnnti-nry WEONC80AY MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX He was faced by a the opposing factions, King bo remembered. JOHN livery up 1st. 8.8. PRINCE large licet on tho one hand and Cintanl1no has evidently bcon proach will be received with For Anyoi. fr KMtlilta. Wrnll. Jsssae " tar UnttMf tiih, rescf his wife's relatives on the other, TUt d Stet. Msrth 7ll ,d atst. ucvoiiiiR in vnergfci to schem suspicion, -as a result of the and he evidently feared tho fleet Wednesdays, 10 p, in. fOn CJUIIS CHARLOTTE IILANOS JtaMSev 17th 4 list, reacr fib ing for tlio Jinking up of his duplicity displayed in tho pas least. Fridays. 8 p. m. ltd IStH. troops, with iho Turk nnd two years and n half. Kven Sundays, 8 p. in. ., PACSENOCR TRAIN SERVICE W,s4er and atere'ar at 11iMam. fee inNhert. rHM Oseeas. te-msiitM, Ilulgurlnn In the north, and From the Anyox. viewing matter from Sweden follows the example of sUtlslMH tni WlealS, snellef aeeeetltsei IMr fee ell peisU now Hint his plans havo ma purely selfish standpoint, national .Vorwny in warning her people Thursdays, Sundays nnd Tues sest asd eeelk. Mlssd Irele iHy Tedr at 4 a. . tured, he will probably bid the duplicity, like individual that it is becoming increasingly days. ' ' Agsncy All Ocean Steamship Lines. Kntenle a polite good.bye. duplieiiy,. is poor business. difllcult The Islands. For Information and reservations apply to to remain neutral and The man in the street says, Cnnstantine's latest and final be In Kuropo. Hoth Scandinavian Mall closes. City Tloket omce, 520 Third Avenue. PH0NC 2(0 "t told you so" and. "the beg- escapade closes his career as countries are asking for peace Jan. I? and 31st at 8 p. m. gars ought to have, been shelled n king nnd it is an ignominious but at the same time they nro Feh. 1 Ith and 28th nt 8 p. tn. out of Athens long ago," but, close, for a man who has nd Mall Arrives. preparing for eventualities. unfortunately, nations such as mitlediy in the past displayed January 21st. February l"th CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY the French, Kalian nnd llritish considerable power ns n leader. Ilerlin says the Germans have and March 3rd. , cannot conduct their negotiations The formation of a Greek republic enough cattle, grain and vege tie W tsnsna. K Lowest Kates o all Eastern Points witli other powers by the is only the matter of a tables. The Germans seem to be w r w;nun. a . u s via Steamer to Vancouver and the rules, but short lime, ns, even if the very anxious to advertise the fact. WILLIAMS A MtNSON CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY must follow along the usual Italian duke does ascend the et they claim that the submarine Barrister. Solicitors, Etc. Meals end Berth lrtcludf m Sleerrer lines of diplomacy. In this throne, he is not likely ever to campaign was inaugurated to MIT Sol TO till tOASl war, the Allies havo como off gain and hold tho loyalty of Princess Miqulnna for Orasby Bay Friday 11 p. m. save tho German people from HeieeMa) Shwl 'eiaet Rasrt. S second best in all diplomatic tho Greek people. A republic, larvation. Princess Sophia Southbound Saturday 0 p. m. matters simply because they with Yenlzclos at its head, will Prlnoest Maqulnna Southbound Sunday 0 p. m. have played the game according probably be the final outcome General NIvHIe and Sir Douglas Centra. J. I. PETERS. ABent to the recognized rules and. If of the Constaniine episode. llaig evidently to aro preparing Stuart J. Martin TrlVce they - have been fooled, they Co nrr fourtK Street r 1 Third Avenue. Rupert P,C deliver a whole lot of very con- have at least done the honor, NOTES AND COMMENTS inciilg peace talk to Germany ASSAY Lrt able thing. . during tho coming spring and It may appear for the mp-ment Premier llorden's assurance summer. HAXELTON B. C. that Constant(ne has that the National Service Commission gained the advantage, but it is has not the slightest intention Call the I'ony Kxpress for wood The oldest established Assay a fleeting victory and can never of resorting to conscription cut In stove lengths or 4 feet. Office In the North. recompense him or his Itpyalisl should finally allay the fears Pest household coal and general supporters for the stigma of the Trades Unionists. transfer. Piano moving our which will be attached to them specialty. Prices moderate. Phone down through hUtory. The 'Tom" Lawson has started sure .101. It. W. Ilogers. tf. nations are not playing a game something rolling in Washington. STEEN & LONGWILL pf free fight in the bush, but If ho has hit upon the truth, it LAND REGISTRY ACT are making history. liritaln Is very unfortunate for the (Sections It and 131.) SANITARY AND HEATINQ today holds the place she does "powers that be" at Washington; Re Application So, tt.ltl. rilinr Mil. ENGINEERS In the eyes of the world because if he is simply angling for information, TALC N0T1CX that application has teen Agents for her word is as good as it is, liable to be even made to resister J aim Bertman, of rrlnct Rupert, B. C aa owner Id fee natter McCLARY FURNACES her bond, while Germany and worse than unfortunate for Ti Sale twed from tbe Collector of tbe now Greece will not be trusted "Tom". test PLUMBING The Royal Standard air of rrtnee Rupert, txartnc dale tbe for generations to conie. When ism day ef September, ttlt. of A IX AMD nd the war is over, Germany must "Tino' has, consistently played SIHOILAR thai rmui parrtl or trad of SHEET METAL WORKS land and pittnUes situate, Ijinr, and te Here's where we test trie get busy to put her commerce the "con" since the game ever, Phone 5, 831 Second Avenue. loa In tne MonleipaUir r Prtoce Rupert, cKoicett sueapln i CaaadV in whnpe again She will be outbreak of the The war. poor mure parUculartf known' a lot Tea to). NlKht phones 570 ait tnXoo sere wdeal a op. Block rive ), Becuoo Betea T). Map and Ulue 270 tIJ. We grind em mlo flour h U BE8T You are mjulred to cool it tbe claim The right work, at the right Uil bu&yoa tx on the left tf of tbe tax parchatrr wltttia ItUrtF-Oft time, and at the right price. Tickets dajrs from tbe dale of tae service or UtUj tKe picture. TKca comes uSe notice ImhJcb tntj Le edrcted by Rrl-tcrcd suprrae Ust-Utstl-LalsBi. IT Mail la or called aa acctlon and jovr or tbe at-tmuoa LAND ACT tKe btraj Is perfect in every flaEEPVEBKEflEEEPiEBH to and from Norway. Iwsdtn. 0n-wart, Finland, Italy RiimI. "Laud fwvutrjr Act" with amrndiMnu, way we ptonounce the vrbest SAILINOS mOH NEW VOM ami to the Jallnwlnr ettract ibrcfronj! VANCOUVtll LAND OISTICT OISTSICT A I sad (he flour-ROYAL "and In default of caveat Jan. a or cerUn- t7tb. Berrensfjord- or COAST, PAUSS S. k'SeIekIBIeveeeBbeQeeeeeeeI rau or Hi betni'oied "Stockholm" Fftmarjr loin prodrni before the .... rraitlratitHa a owner of tbe person en TAKE JIOTICE that I, Uo Sualey Bur-don. krltlianurjord" ftlirtiiry Mlh. YOUR GROCER'S -Bertenef'ord- 10th. U l I'd uaoVr such us sale, aU seraona so of Oceao rails. B. C occupation mm Minfl lervcd with nollr and Iboae claiming secretary, loieod to apply for peraltstcs Hf Your Rsesrtattoo euds garlf. For Rale. Illustrated roUlers tod tbroutb or nndcr tbrin, and all pertona to purcbate tbe f olio In r described UodJ: yancouvcrMilliigsCrainCaLrd: 0nrl Inrcrmvtloo Apply to otaimiua soy lourrit In tbe land by virtue Cutttorurlht at a post planted aboat 0e nt anjr unrrruicrrd Intirumrnt, and all cbalns aitlsai sail la westerly direction vneerKeMWestslattee ysasiete.tcieeHi DVSMAVN A MAN SON prrwot rlaumor any tnlerrl In tbe land from tbe soutbwesi corner of Ul tl. tene srS ttsamshls) Afsaey, by dtrent KkyMe tltto la not rerUtered funte I, Coast District, tbeace south ft rf lflt fturt, B. O. under tbe provuiona of Ibis Act, shall be cbalns i tbcDCe east II cbalns; tbence nortb for ever ekpped and debarred from ael-tioc 10 rbalns) tbeiice west It cbaios, to UUs up any claim la or In respect r the post, conuininy In all aboat 41 acres. land so sold for taies, and tbe Retlttrsr UEO ST A.I LET BUnDO.t. Ultetbcr shall rrrUlcr the person entitled tinder NOVtJIBER s. ttie. r. . For Yourself such Ut sale at owner of the Und so sold for taies." MINERAL ACT eras a Let Us Save You Money on your AMD WIltnCAS application has been Notice to Delinquent Partners. Gift to Friend Oiade for a Ceruarate or lodeftatible Title your Gasoline or Distillate to tne abovrntenUoned lands, to tbe name To Trsnt Mabood and Patrick Daly, of John Berrtnant TAkC NOTICE tbat bertas e bare AMD WHEREAS on tnvettltttlnr the done and caused to be dooe assessment title It appears that prior to tne lb day work by surreys on tbe Dsly, tulllisn, We guarantee to save you 25 per cent, on gasoline or distillate and or September. 114, (tb date on which Edltb and Ixila Mineral Claims, situated la PERRIN'S upkeep and free any motor from CAKUON troubles. A seven ounce tbe said lands were sold for overdue tbe Salmon Bear Alter Dlltrtcl, Portland doz 01 uaroonvota is equivalent 10 aj gallons 01 gasoline, cyery uu tatr you were tbe assessed owner :ertl Mir.lur (iirislon. for tbe year itte, of Cerbonvo'ul will save you thereof. and bare paid for aatd work and record $15 In gasoline Carbonvoid the and (fire from ri'HTIIER TAKE NOTICE that at the lot same tbe sum of ilto.oe, unlets yoa GLOVES 400 to COO ad. puts ditlonal miles, same tine I shall effect reHstrilloo In pay to us the sum of Hit.00 for yout Carbonvold is a :"GO" in Gasoline: dry powder you pursuance of such application ind Issiie a share or isld aatessment work, toatiher just drop In the tank. Will rc- Cettmcaie or Indefeasible Title to I lie said wild the coil of tnlt rfrertitemenl, w The well known Ferrin tntdemark as from move all carbon cylinders. Und In tbe name of John Derrmsn unless ball si tbe eiplratlon of ninety (10) days The largest companies in the world use it. THE ALLIES OltDEUED you lake and prosecau tbe proper pro from tbe date hereof, ipply to tbe Minim shown in cuts should be on every glore IN JUNE 288.000 CARTONS. Previous order 250,000 carton. Kully rerdtnte to esubllsb your claim, "If any. liecorder ai Sttwart. H. C t bate your this of as aaaurra pcxfrxtioa ytnt fpet, refunded. Mailed of SI.60 you guaranteed anywhere on receipt or your money to the aald land, or to prevent such pro InUresis tn tbe said Daly, Sulllran, Cdiib, SsassssiBssssssssaiseaassasisii posed action on my part, and Uie mineral claims vested In til, In1 Style, Fit and Finish. For Sale Only by HATED at tbe land luiisiry Office. pursusnce of lb prorlilons of tbe Mineral Prince Rupert. B, C, this sib day of Act. Geo. L. Clayton. Frlnce Rupert. b.c. trr'litber, A. D, 1910. baled al Victor!t. B. C, ibis 1Mb 1ay aW4 dmmUn thm seoHd oer nil fAe - If. Y. MACLEOD, . Of Naveo ber. A. P. I SI I. nmU0 PS HUM'S CLOVES. Apr. IT. District neflttrar of Titles. iAMcs Mcdonald. To Simon Peterson, Devlivllle, California. r. ti. rnEDEfticK & wi.inurt. EMPRESS COFFEE sVHBLESALE DISTRIBUTOR ,F. Q. DAWSON 0 PRINCE RUPERT, B. O.