Thvlrsilnfi Jamiiy 18, 1017. 0 D, filLY DOCTOR'S 2,000,0001 GOOD ADVICE ; Belgians - - t Depend on us ToGoOnTaklng'frull-a-ilves"Because They Did Her Good . for Bread! Itomoie, 1'.Q.,Jan. Htlr, 1D15. 'I suffered for many years with tr-riMc Since shortly after the German irmttoa, the Belgians Indigestion and Constipation. I , ' hare depended for food eattrely on the "Cosamiuiofl ditty spells in J liceamo I, i frequent a ly run down. Anrighborniiied for Relief to Belgium". Their own store of food, talrv "Frult-A.tifes,. I did so And even if not destroyed or pillaged, would lart only i; surprise of my doctor, 1 began three weeks they have hsd do chance to roJs more to injirovr,and lie Adrlsod mo to f o on and the ruthless Germaas refuse to supply thesal I silrrUatlowemylifolo'Truit- j Backed by the - and I want to say to those Lo i ,1 je froralndigttlon,CewtlpsdJeaor:'.' 'try fruU-atlfM'tbil foa 1 Belgian Relief Fund w t u". coniXBOAunnr.Au. , U: lx,0 for 12X1, trial !(, r. 1 Ata, ai.-rtoritpotp.ii.i uri-run- j so generously cootributed in the British Empire and the United a u- ' 1 " States, the neutral Belsjan Relief Commnooa bss imported eDoogh wheat, flour ood ether foods to feed the whole nation WHERE QEnMfiW tfOPfcS UND GERMAN SOLDIERS LIE BURIED IN EAST AFRICA. This so far. The peat majority of the 7,000.000 Betgmas left in photograph slum lUk walure . the country recently conquered by Lieut-General Smut nnd his the country have been able to pay for their daily alowance of IlrltUh Moulk Africa ft forces. The long line of headstone are on grave of German officers who lost bread but a steadily (Tewing Dumber have ne inacy left. tii-ir livea In dflfooee of this Ill-fated colony. Unless'we are wXag to let these hundreds el thousands of women, children and old men starve, they must be fed at the ) wole and panthern, the appro SUN AND TIDE expense of the Bebpaa Relief Fond. To make this passible FltCM FAR AND NEAR priation made by the late gov Friday, January 10th. someone must contribute nearly S3,0O0,000 a i i'i i month sB Ibis wisced l ne w nisy , ernment having been exhaunted. Sun rises..... 8:57 a. m. The Prohibitionists, Pine re-irf Son sets ...1:23 No people aader rite Aled Flaos are as wel able te Quality p. m. (wU tenerously as we Canadians! Ne cause has ever been aaere are cowing in that the ol. Australian viitors in Vancou Low- water ...3:10 a.m. Ht. 10.3 deterring of help I la the aame ef Jusbce sod HuMsosry fee (dmWoo! dieri tMvs defeated the proposed ver Mnte that the conscription High water ...9:50 a.m. lit. 20.0 the sske of ear own seV-tespect let sjs gfre al we csa to 8 Year Prohibition Hill, are preparing to vote in the Commonwealth came Low water ...4:39p.m. Ht. 5.1 bdp our martyred AEesI Lefore bttlif , make charge of irregularities in an a west surprise hi most and High water ..10:59p.m. lit. f 6.4 S jmrn wliimnlii wwkly,in lily is aw Isssp ssss kt LsaaJ as iUARAKTTtD jvrjwwrxr w BT Canada THE Op (tie taking of the Midler4 vote. that the people were stampeded f- Vrl ' . S. . Piniaual Ciiai at S sW Nothing definite wtll lie known into voting against the measure. Central fasetrtrrt CeessiittM, 5s) H Pttsr It, sntiul about Hie figure for about three $2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. week It was reported the other day AKERBERG, THOMSON that the liner Minnesota, of the The Dally nta delivered b) COMPANY . Viscount Lord Hrnssey's Hill licet, hat been sunk. The -e a Kit mm I Atl I H. llythe. ArtBti for Minnesota is still in dock at San addressing thousand Can. heir, a TRISCO IBietftUU" rALMER," Franelsew undergoing repairs. "Fit HERSUN," -TtnnO- AND adlant at Hauling recently. afd Ml LM S .' "CLAy OAS CNOINU. Igoli jtliat an Imperial Parliament PHONE 62S. CANADIAN WOMEN WATCH FREE ' nhould have the flnat 1eci('n in llobett Fenwlck, an old-time SHOULD KNOW THIS i the iMue of peae r war. Yukeiiff wno went to the front t CANADA FIRST"Milk Is the BEST Mflk wflh Iloyle's boys and was reported DENT! 3TRY sMlb Your Croccr. The Covernracnt Bulletin Nu.303 1 Us t he story IT COSTS Til E SAME. killed in France some ! The nM cupper.fold property trains ago, has written to friends csows o aitiMi WORK OslMAS iHCT-l!IST :un the top f Cunningham Mono- l(rvnslkrnr!eran.chinCa4.Fnr,'Enpettd a srcoiALTV in Dawson saying that he has not Mba cUp Aft wits Irnb exftut. Uis. winch lealtl in the even ben wounded. DR. J. 3. BROWN TmsAYLMER CONDENSED MILK COmLts. vent i. is to be rewnened. c- OCMTIST Atuut.Oht4 CkHsea 1 curding to report from Aggassit owoi smiis eiMi, th amm i Premier N orris, of Manitoba, Pitea M Amu'; tLLri i aye that agitators against Na-j The provincial government ha be called should . tion-al Service I eo aji ta Ml H ( a4 i.(hJ oddi ional tie.OM arM t J M LtOTU. Hi, in an traitor tUat they ape unworthy ofTlTepanW 'rtfTfen and should not be at liberty. f5- A petition, signed by over FRED STORK'S HARDWARE $ flfleen ihousaud ciliiens of Mas-j arhnIL ilni.-iniiiiie the sever- I rr i anec of relationship with Germany 710 SECOND AVE i unless tho deportation of llel-gians Carpsntere' Tools Builders' Hardware Ship Cftandlsry is stopped, has been for Wire Cable Steel tSlocks Fishing Tackle warded to President Wilson. Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Riflss and Shotguns Rope Valves Ammunition Gaplalrt Gabrielle D'Annuncio. Purnps Hose Paint I he Italian poet, who has lost an tUfee and Ranats fiubberold Roofing Corrugated Iron eye In tho air service of his country, I "WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST has been awarded the French War Gross. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE The Oregonian hails Lord Shaughnessy as the man who will settle the Irish difficulties. It is slated .that Canada w ill be taken Hie Poor Mans as a model for the governing of Balys Own Soap Ireland, University The (V. 11, reports that the tunnelling qf'Mount Itoval has been completed, after fivo years of work. The tunnel 19 three 'ONES knows more about i miles in length. It is expected cars than any other aaa I that train wTll enter Montreal J know," said a man to his through the nev tunnel iu June. friend. "He has obtained his knowledge chiefly from motor car advertisements, Just arrived 300 tons best and the catalogues and booklets adysmith Lump, Coal. Send Ir. circulated through them. or our orders to Princo Itupert Conl 'All I know about DhotolraDhy." declared a weft r.n. Phone 15. tf. known amateur, "I have learned from tbe ebcs who advertise cameras, plates, papers sad fifaas.' SAVIOABIC WATtRS rHOTCCTION AC! R. S. O. ChapttP ItB. Advertisements have been Ilurne H. IUb!nron nd Aormsa It lirvOliurtl r tb air or Prlncs nuperl. well called "The Poor Man's in ilio rruvlDco or Brltlib Columbia, rurs- Jfct'Wa uy rlv nolle thai tbry bsrs under 8c you but other than lion J or tbo Mia act deposited iw iu University," Minuter or rublie Works at Otuwa nd in ibe u(nc or ltie District Pertrr or poor men have been schooled Titles at (lie Laud llerUtry orac st tb i or rnnre iturcrt aroresald a dvscrip- thereby. J nun or the sit suit tho flans or a wbsrr proposed to t built In lltiulunr lsy, anssra ItUnd. In front or Lots ssa snd If yea mrt faf a iuiittn Much of what the average iadividuol knows ess S. Queen Cbsrlolt liltud Ltnd District. talk ovr yvur tdreititiag prub. ccraing personal and domestic hygiene, motisra rotlneo or Itrlllth UiluiubU. lemi with lh AdvilUia L)e office books sad methods, authors, eleeirraky, prs AMI TAKE .NOTICE tbat after tbe parlment ef thU newtpeper. iirsliuu or ui uiontn rroot tbo dtts of fysN art 4't e Srenen'e r slous stones, in vesuaeats, and almost cvxyHiiiil s4m, After the bath with BABY'S OWN SOAP tha lb llrl publtrstlun of Ibis notice lb mtimHtlmru It MoklJ kewell he has learned from advertisements. Mid Hum II. lUblnlon and Nor nun II. lor you to hsv th ccunstl sod kin is amoothf comfortable, and exhales tho UrtHliiorsi Mill under Section 7 of tb astliUac ol a ftood dettiiin Advertisements have stimulated our aroma of freshly cut flowers. Mid aei srply l Um Minister or rublie ey. A list ol tbrt will be added enormously to oar knowledge, and sjiven us Wotks st Ills offlr In lb City or Otuwt. lurnlihod. itKol .ot or tIU 1'rcciloiii from skin troubles, explains in some measure PruOne or Ontario, for sppruvsl or tb Sstioa, by th Seietry ol Co aspirations which have raised us to hijher levelaof the reft -11112 leP which "Baby'a Own Soap" babies tld sit aud runs and for tear to construct dita Press AwU!on, Koob th!nkir.i( and livintf. Advertising" Is iadsd "Tks ih sild wturr. S0J,LttiosJa l!ulldia,Toroato. loor Man's University." for u insist Own enjoy. JUjieciaHy nursery ou"Baby's PTt:i) st Princo Rupert. B. CM tbli ALBERT SOAPS UmltL AUaucturr, . MONTREAL, i-u 3 atth day or December, A. D. It It. WILLIAM a. MANSOK, Solicitors for tbo Applicant. i