Thursday, January 18, oi? flf DAtLl MWJ HARNESSING VOLCANO Bathe Internally eMM J.L.H1CKEY Local News Notes AN ACCOMPLISHED FACT Prmce Rupert Dairy and Keep Well ! "The Daily Now" MNTMOTOn BHJILBER l t . I A I 1 . UN OCR NEW MANAaBSWNT CLASSIFIED ADS. winner inwinpusi linurcil on The harnessing of one of nn Tuesday evening; S to 8, 35 cts PURE HOLSTIEN MILK Nature ha rnHMilr equipped ( Store and OITlco Fixtures, lure's power sources, the water W resist disesie-bul she C PMC AM old snd younr. Bosh, Door and Moldings. It. J. I). Smith loft Inst evening falls, is an, old matter. It ro. BUTTERMILK requires that tbancs' f If ws ptrmtl tb WANTED. bff no We live Oak and Hard Woods of all for Oranby where ho has n force mained for an Italian engineer to Urr Iniesilne to be more of less WA.tTEP Eipetlcnced woman fur kii,k tST P. O. BOX WSJ ssie. tit that kinds. PHONE rloirrd llh secupuUled work, OntfsllloteL of men at work. dud a new and untouched source universal condition today, at Is is s We SeeolalltB In making ail Order Promptly attended To. by tbe number or Isistlve dints VA?lTttOlrl for trnerst of natural power and to utilize it. provMi housfwor and fitting storm win-dews, OAfWeffVeif for sale by Lip. that are consumed. Aily Mr a. kennedy, m tmersoa sits. sett & In Tuscany, today, a volcano has R. MoKay, Proprietor. You can help nature In nalurs'i most any Cunningham, and Parkin effectual wsy by Internal Btthlnr. nd In WA.MLD Oroeral ServsoL AmIv mm T Flat and Shoot ftlasa and Ward Electric Co. tf. been harnessed and is furnishing tn easy, noa-baWl-fonnlnf wty kerp tbe W, Istmort. ' !lur J laving. power for several industries. In intestine st bs for peff "'" nd WATTED porter for demands II W Bivey Uoltl Gornsp Frasor and 0th 0ts. Father Cocola, ono of the pio on engineering supplement of the Harry A Harvey surer defence stsinst ronurton. Over neer missionaries of British Co-lumbia, half a rtllllon keen, brltht. healthy peopk WAITMESS WA?ITtDpflBce Buptrt HUk PHONE OMEN tSS London Times there are tho plans (Late Lesson, Rnf Conservatoire uitirr la us resnIL is spending a few days In how of Musis) Mrs, C 0. M, (name on rvqueit) of FOR'SALE presented, showing 15,000 P. O. BOX 441. town. pupil 'op lansoowNi oorrtLL Slraihroy, OnL. whts horse power has been developed Pupils Tairn for I sm plcsied to hat tbls epporlunlty ron SALE iarload mlnmt I). It, Kennedy, superintendent and utilized, the details being VIOU.f. PIANO, VIOU.ICXLLO sd4 of testifrtnt to tbe roeriu of tbe 1. It, L. Cladiof T mscblue drilia,mathiaery column Un is HARMonr. Cascade. I bate been mint It now ror a drtlllleel, stesn-Oltlsts. of utilities, i about again after supplied by President Luigl Luigi, EXAMINATIONS year ltb satisfactory results. I tm sn Pally Wews, iu. "J" rather a severe attack of la of the Italian Society of Civil Kn Pupils PraparoS foe liemlnetloMO old woman, bat my heslib Is so improved lease of life. Too Sheet Metal Wtfk associates Beere', VanooMvor, Oenter lhal I have t renewed MISCELLANEOUS grippe. ginecrs. Worst Polltf Steals. LenSoe. Ss- are al liberty to site my eddress to anyone privately who may desire to write to It seems that near Vollerra, in OASOUE LTiOl.tltrt-ai snail PHONE BLUE 278 me resardint the Catrsde. amowi Now is the time to have J. V. Kxley, of Dlgrby. who has Central Tuscany, there aro nu TERM8 - iusi rail on Cyni II. Orme. Drurrtit. or caib to Invest witb servtcts. Mkti four heating plant put In been in hospital for some days merous cracks in the earth from corner Ird Ate. snd lib Street, Prince bats yoat Write tot ill. Daily ji,n shape for the winter; roofs nuperi. snd request free bockleL "Way LOIT and skylights seen to. suffering from bronchitis, Is able which powerful Jets of very hot Man or Today It Only IS Per Ceal Ef- to bo around again. Ork-nL- Tbe moat emdenl device for UiST Lady slcB. m Mors cr. steam spout high In the FIRC ALARM SYSTEM m In such casos consult o air. Internal Batbiar. Tbe -I. B. L Catced Monday, ftader please rboae let tt practical man If you want bringing up, among other things. will also bo shown snd eipuised te yo Kenneth Morrison, who has if yon so dealre. If row prefer, wnio for results. LOST Between Wrstbsir Store boric the aad a acid, of which jiexjuiT v. been at Stewart for the past three recovery po Booklet to Dr. Cbal. A. Tyrrell. Ml Col. otvnMte rorber or riflb StrveL I pans C. 0. Rowe weeks on wharf construction, re has become a local Industry of Bet tl III St, aixt Ird leie sireet. Torooto. ruaumiot s sum or mcoey, A(tly ttsj sa 1Seu St. and Ird Av. ivews. In 1003 importance. the first at Practical shoot metal man. turned to the"city yesterday. Si 1th SL tad trd At. o tempts were made to use this Bet ISW-IbmUou Of III. ISA a! FOUND Opposite Board of Trade Irtl A to. Rooms 322 2nd Avenue llirger M. Hrynlldsen, son of steam as a source of molivo power Bei 10 hi Ave., bira stfe aa.1 Prince Riptft Feed Co. ruU.tD Silver net purse. Apply Mr. and Mrs. II. Hrynlldsen, of and a small reciprocating engine Ith SIS. (taut Hewl.) New t par9, t PHOM 040. SV 17-HI svs. aavl tU SI. (Co. Holla Coola, has joined the 223rd was installed, with the steam Jets tral MtaaLi Estimates Furnished Froe. Weeeeeeeeeeeeee'eeeeeee'e liattalion for overseas service. furnishing the motive power. NAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS ornowrr sto. a. (which in turn was attached to a AND FERTILIZERS Stoa tt trd av. and IrS Si. FOR V an eo u tar Lent LAND District ACT District of At Goldbloom's on Saturday,jdynamo. from which the lighting (IimI OBre i RENT OOOSt, Ranee a Specials Evening gowns and opera of the boric acid plant was sup oi It IM ao. se4 wcBrM St Wl KAN OUI TAKE NOTICE tbat Arcble Banes Martin, hilt in avow and MrSrVW St. occupation mill nanarer, or tbe city or cloaks, ranging in price from plied. . svs s.- raw Ave aa4 tud st Bulbs, and Taha Order for Medera I recta tkowse, Eattiak HO. Vancouver, Province, or British Columbia, $35 to $100, for $10 each. Satur Later, to get n more ample es Xt-to4 Ave aik SIS SI Nursory Stock. Col Coiute u re I I rooms,rooms, Av tuoamn see.At,1 xi t. p. Intend to apply for permUilon to purchase -n. day only. mrwisbed Coiure til it's Ate. t tbe roliowlnr described land: supply, pipes were sunk to the ctRoutr skx. a. Chicken Food A Specialty. Dolus rooena. Tswtwpaoa sad Its. Commenclnr at a pott planted on tbe source of the steam, which was Cottar 4 roMBt US iu sootn ibor ,of Cousins Inlet about Bre The latent issue of the Victoria Bo SI - lis Ave. sad ratio ft. Ata, t. cbalna wrest of tlx southwest corner of under a bard stratum of rock 500 Boa MM--sortve sad Tajlor su. SseM Oeeae Freislf Aitoeteed Te. Times contains a very fine picture Lot II, nan re I, Coast Dlftrict; tbence feet down. These" pipes gave as B4 TU Ave. sod relto SI BtaiO0C APASITSMtSITS. S ro. sou ID tQ cbalna, tbence west 41 chains, of Col. Bruce-Powley and his S IU ave, a d Cmi Ave. p. o, oo Baa. bos Tie a,, stetsj sd root- Meet ef Umm lew thence north to chains, thence west SI steam with a surface pressure k sjos BT sis Ave. aad Dodr PL bee tseee) redoeod te SB pee oeta officers. Lieut. V, A. Noble, of chains, tbence north I I.I chains more or varying from two to rive atmospheres. Bo sa- Ave. and Tbnro sl PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. Meet aad elesva. ee4 Jeeliee mm less to H. W. M. of Cousins Inlet, thence Prinee ftupert, is a prominent eke. WiM laieeeala U en Imc lollowlnr the H. W. M. to this post and figure in the After several Sears' use otRowrr no. a. MST TWreS) 11 TOWN FOR TM containing om hundred and twenty-Ore group. it was shown that the strain Slot ei - iiM Ave. aad Isnsnorsoe) BMMBT. (III) acres more or less. ft DATED at Vancouver, B. C this 1st Word reached town yesterday carrying the acids had a corro Boa sift Ave. aad MrBrlde SL day or November, A. D. III. S Its? We write Bre lasarsare. rvcee-SMilac Bos lui Ave, aad Oreea SL sive influence from "Hob" Davie, who left here on the engines, ne J. It. ARCHIE BARNES MARTIN. Boa aa.-sui Ave and Basil SL eft only s treat, t&erei cus with the Scotch contingent. "Hob" cessitating many repairs, so the Bee ea ru ate. astd SSerte. THLLOlMyfIK Ple. MINERAL ACT Tswe nooieMo le oiii. Boa lt TU Ave. aad Tismf SL has been In hospital for seven volcanic steam was used to replace Certificate of Improvements weeks suffering from trench fever fuel in the creation of pure rHHvHif( H. O. HELQERSON, LTD nones Silver Bow Mineral Claim, situate la the but is now keeping better. steam in boilers instead of directly. nAVIOABLI WATUtS PSrOTBOTtOSI ACT, t CL B 1- k l T la, 1S-1S 'Skeena Mlnlnr Division or Cesstar District. SL s. a GAP. its. Where located: At the bead or a Branch In the latest official casualty With the recent advances S CL S M k. Ir I M a, B of Lime Creek about roar miles from the heavy rAanc mills, limited. brty ti teach on tbe sooth side or Alice Km. 111 issued from Ottawa, the name in the price of coal in Italy, one do tiro uul It ba. tiader Socwm f e4 ta Moeee Pewee. n cc a ta a. tm 1 TAKE NOTICE that I. Oeorre R. ftaden. of J, F. Peters, Prince ftupert, appears ilk) AtL deposited vim the Minister of r PHONE SI P.O. SOI Free Miner's Certificate No. 140MB, aetlnt result of the war, it became necessary Public Works at Ottawa, aad la tbe efflce as a rent for Tbe. McRoeUe, Free Miners under the heading: "Re to enlarge the original plant or tbe Meftstrar OetMral of TtUrs sl VU PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. Certlilcale No. 1191 IB. and James L. Hatcn. torta. Sri tub Colombia, a oWrtptloaj of Further Information For ported missing, now for official Tree Miner's CerttSeaU No. S7SIIB. Intend, and now one of a capacity of 15,-000 tbe silo and tbe plana of rertala sirecter Apply to slity days rrom tbe date be roof, to purposes presumed to have died. horse rower has been In to be erected la frool or Lot Tblrty-oae apply,to the Mlnlnr Recorder for a OrUfl (It , Baoce Tbree (1), Coast District, Transfer ad Storage cate or Improvements, for the purpose of stalled' and Is In operation. The Brl tub Colombia, at tbe twed of Coasts W. E. WILLISCROFT obtainiof a Crown Orant or the above The Prisoners of War Depart ale;. BEST LUMP A NUT COAL electrical current generated by it Prlnco Rupert, B. C. claim. ment of the fled Cross Society A5D TAIB XOTICX tbat afler tbe es- And further take smiUos that action. is being sent by wire to the cities plraUoa of ooe soonta rroa tbe dsu of under section IS, most be commenced before begs to acknowledge with thanks of Northern Tuscany and has tbe Brtl mblicsuoa of ibis 5eUce. rs NO LONO WAITS the Issue of such CertlBcate of I- the receipt of a .cheque for 910 ciae MUls, U ml led. wUl, Boder Secuoa 1 NO SHORT WEIGHTS nm,rnraiL proved a boon to many small industries. or tbe said Act, apply to tbe Ooveroor-la-Council baled this 14th day of March, A.rf. lilt. from Mr. C. T. Heward, being the Further ror approval of tbe said siu aad Whan You Ordar from Us- extensions are 0E0B0E R. NAD EN. proceeds of the dance of the 12th plan. E. Davey contemplated, as it is believed Dated st Vaacvnver. BriUife CotosoMe . riatMoc RWfET lamb mstimot oisv Inst. that hundreds of thousands of this tU day or April. A. 0. lilt. TBMCT Or COAST, IMsstt 111. BODWELL. LAWSO.t 4 LAKE. TAKE NOTICE that Padflc Mills, Limited, has had additional horse power can be Bolicltors for Pscffie MilU, Usnlted Toachar of Singing and MUSA LBJtS) WSTBSCT OiaTSKT Of or Vancouver, British Columbia, occupation. Judge Young a letter COAST, fAAJSM TttSICt pulp and paper makers, intend to apply from Alex, who Is in the Naval harnessed. Seattle P.-I. LAND ACT Volco Production. TAkI nourw tbat I, rraacts t1 for permission to purchase the folio wins Stale, actiat as steal for - Estr described lands. Commenclnr at a post Air Service and is located on the Prleee Mspert Load OloUlot OlouUl of ratp sad Paper MUU, Ltd. of planted on tbe north bank of Xoeye river. Yorkshire coast. C. C. Purdy, who fOQ FISH ARC BCINQ Ooeet, staof e S. PHONE BLACK SIT. Bay. B, C oerwpMlon tot rr. laod about one-quarter of a mile up-stream PACKED EXTENSIVELY TAKE NOTICE tbat tbe ratine MUU. ipfly rt permtaatoa la lease the I"0" rrom the shore or rits-BuaH Sound; thence left for England at the' same time Litnlttd. or VaaroB?f r, B. C. orcepetloa let deacrtbed laaxU north twenty chains, tbence east twenty as Lieut. Young, is on service pulp aad paper raakers, lateod te apoij Cuaaorartnt al I post pleated ea Ik .on chain, tbence south to river's bank, thence Seattle, Jan. 13, -A packing tor pemlssloa to parcbaae Ute follow lot souUa a bore or tbe lerooa sl the ead ef aloof shore la westerly direction to the coast of Kent. described laodai CommeaciBt at a post tba East Arm of Mal laleL sbost see point of commencement and eonjtloiaf plant at Friday Harbor. V;!i p lac trd at tbe soaUvaJl corner of Lot III aad one naif miles la a westerly ire0a iwri iv, vera. more or icsa. Mrs. Parkin ha Just canned 300 cases f dog! tSm Cit shore T Cooalos lalet, tbence 6. C UNDERTAKERS Iron it n.W. corner of T, U tint, Dated lone lOlh. 111. Sept I gave a delightful vest fbalns. tbeace soutb ts cbala. lldisr tbeace south II tbaias, tba PACIFIC MILLS. LIMITED, ' skating party yesterday in honor fis,h, and plans to complete fifteen tbence csl to sore, tbeoce norUKuiertf UNtsuu. DiwsoTosta ajas bsb- west IS rbAias, tbence north II tkatnt by "Mark Smaby." AfeaL thousand before aloot snore to polnj cf cotuaeacemeaL BALIKS MTtsraoTIOM SJUSeV more or Was to shore Mae, Ibrare? folio rases the. of the Misses Gibbins, who are end. of MMtuiaiss srrva, more or ltt, direciM ajrrtaoopKsi oat and maerr tor snore line la as eaiterly visiting from Vancouver. The the season. The label on the caps pscirit; ri'LLi ukites, pot a I of rucBnMncemeaL iit tn smttrr pmosjb at yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.eeeeeeeee.eeeer. Mark toabr stent. rrtiMCii jossrn beale. Appat young people spent the afternoon says; 6rey neb a new food Dated May lltb. A. D. Ilt. Al. II October lltb, II IS. " m FURS! RAW FURS! at Morse Crek after .which tea parked at th request of the was served at the home of Mrs. United iiieavDurjtj of Flherie Parkin. aal under m-iuods approved iy 11k EwbewtM Fur i It. The grcJT nsh Is eitcmed In Ltd. WE8THOLME THEATRE European countries .but hitherto 1 TO I NVESTORS foctage, lias nst been utliucd in the United r Is open for business and offers Another Installment nf I'cs G States." expert traders service and buyers to trappers, of The King" Is presented ai is There Is a large demand for 1 1 T- furs. This Exchange is the Westholme Theatre tonight along grey flsli for u?e In tanning II I 1HOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING out largest a plan in Canada.of open,It competitive carries with the Knickerbocker star feature, leMheA. They are hiatf ns large INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE selling. It Is made up The Morning After the as a hen's egg. Orey fist: wn.t AT PAR of solid business men and served fat night at the annual Night Hefore.",a comedy-dram in stands for RECfWMMLITY RELIABILITY which Hlliy Parsons p7" it? dinner nf tho Washington Now, DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK RESULTS leading part. The. panic of the pnper inUL;!, University of Exchange sales are advertised widely. They reach tbe Knickerbocker feature sounds interesting Washington, and was prdnounsei IN SUMS OF SSOO OR ANY MULTIPLE THERCOf. big buyers. Tbe Exchange and whellier the play is excellent. employs none but experts. Its warehouses are safe more comic than dramatic depends Pilnciptl repayable tit October, 1919. against fire, Yermln, or other on where Hilly was the FRINGE RUPERT CADET CORPS Interest pjyabt haK-yeanV, Ut April and tit October by chequa (free of eschanga at damaging contact. The Exchange offices are central in night before. Any chtirtetod Dank In Canada) at the fits of five par cant par annum from tho data of Edmonton. Send your next A meeting of the above corps purchase. shipment to At Goldblouin'i or, Saturday. will be held at the Harden Rtreet Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrenaeiUas!ArAnd accrued Interest, aa the oqulvalont of cash, In payment of any allotment made under any future war loan Issue The EibMtM Fur Special, livening gowns and opera fcliool on Friday evening, Jan. In Canada other than sn Issue of Triasury Dills or other like short date security. cloaks, ranging in price 'from 10th, at 7 o'clock sharp. All cadets Proceeds of this itock are for war purposes only, Exduife, Lti $35 to 100, for 1 10 ciicn. Saturday must attend Ihu'parade and turn A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to rocognled bond and ARAMS BHHLB4Mw) only. in their hats and bolts. stock brokers on allotments made In respect of applications for this stock which boar, their Telephone MM, Edmonton Uy order, stamp. Alftortau For application forms spply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, OHsws. Salvation Army. J. C. IIHADY, Instructor. DCTAKTMCNr Of flNANCC, OTTAWA, mm. mm Pubtlo Blastings, Tuesday, OCTOBtn TIN ISIS, 1 fret your dinner at Ilnptlst Church Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m 'undsys at 7:30 p.m. Tuenday evmilng, 35 cents,