The v.. t A kl -'A Daily News -jus it v i ! r t voi.i'Mi: VIII. no. m. -I- pjiinci:, n. c fiuday, January 10, ion. 9Mm CKNTS C ARIYNOW K1 YACOATING BRAILA USSIAN5 AND RUMANIANS CAIN IIPPFR HANnRinSRRS HI INTINH FOR PAIHF.R r k nil am i ii a sm ww Krim,. m shy at CRUISERS ARE EXTENSIVE LOGGING GERMANS BEING inn m m m m m m m m OPERATIONS ON ISLANDS EVACUATED BY SCOURING SEA MASSED ON THE BMBBM Thirty loggers, who arrived GERMAN FORCES AFTER RAIDER B rf0fd 'giMTBBBt?rr Baf from leave the for south the Queen two days Charlotte ago, will Is-land SWISS BORDER BBJ JBBBJsNii'i Ni BaBBBaBaBKi'-hVbbbiHB Bas VT - a, . s '3BaV9AaVHBVBSiaRLBlH this evening on the Prince I J B 1 1 m a h 1 n a M. . Rio lleved to b th BBJ . - ,j TwiJfci-'M ii ini arm nwiiiBmwii. Mo we In Swls Believe Invaevton l Being John, to go to work for the New Oarb Brazilian Navy Planned LHUe Betas, en Cabinet Chang Keeping Lookout Thoma Kelly Logging Company, Sharp tons ff West Front Venls4- In Russia. foe Pirate. -vV , 4 .-&BIMbW which is starling to take out lete MBBjBBJBJBBJBBjr Tt v NBBJfr,' J BBJ BBlBBBBBBBBBBWaBfiSBBKat -.' sprnce on a large scale. A party spial 14 TIM bally Jiwa.i I BBBBBBBBBBBQHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaB- went over there about two weeks (Special to The Dally 2tw.) i-lr graii, Jan. iw. jiib icu- Norfolk. Jan. 19 Intercepted ago to prepare for the starting up London, Jan. 9. The Swiss It anil UIIUC lavai iin nirelen report Indicate that of the work and it is believed that general staff, according to a Gen- l?rn fJeflnUHy ii foaled on numerou Allied cruiser are the operations will be of the most correspondent, is convinced It Uik on Urn uumnnian couring the couth Atlantic in extensive character. The intention that Ilerlln is. contemplating the a ti. a Sua . & search of the Herman raider Itlo of the company is to take nvasldn of Switzerland for the d Janeiro hich hs cauel such of Alsace from important commercial centre the spruce, by mean of patent purpose freeing the Danube which they cap- havoc amongst shipping. The booms, to Vancouver. The com the French invaders. German rnider i believed to be the iloewe I MLu'ii j.j r.i "altJ V ibbbM bm pany has purchased a large quantity troops are being concentrated The battle continue with great dioguiped. It I UipoKei that of supplies in town. near Basel on the Swiss border. il.. -HIM 1.1 fsrksft he put to ea from Kiel under IM.11 III llio if IIIIV VI IT w w Western Front-London, . . .-lit..M II.A the Danldh flag and deed the pa OFFICERS ELECTED BY Jan. 19, The British - T..I -I. I tifilfla fits llrilih and French patrol a nn the Calonne region sprang a LIBERAL ASSOCIATION oilier aide of Hi Danube the innocent neutral trader. mine under the enemy trenches f--. ...In.l Hhe carrie rollapnible funnel luuriau kuiih air uliiic csttaittT ith good results and success hostile shipping ami militarr and auxiliary plate and other The annual meeting of the Lib fully bombarded the enemy de In l..t,.l.. apparatu n that he may regu eral Association, presided over by WITH THE FRENCH ON THE WESTERN FRONT fenders near Grenlere. G. Dawson last evening, was Political Chang. larly change her appearance. This photograph shows a colonel interrogating two German F. French Resort. well attended. The following of (icneral ixiiaess nan been ap. The Ilritib strainer Harfleld non-commissioned officers who have been taken prisoner. Paris, Jan. 19. The nigfet was and Auchjne and the sailing fice-bearer were elected: Hon. quiet along the whole front. Berlin I, . . II I Ml .M.'U, ...... r.l.w ship Kimbuiney have "Been sunk CONSERVATIVE CHIEF TURN GERMANY INTO Pres., nt. Hon. Sir Wilfred Lau-rier; admits the evacuation of the aUo has the Danish steamer wHIPiHAS RESIGNED V ONE Hon. Vice-Pres, Hon. i C ctMur. r uu uijt hit irin a GBCAT(,JiSCNAJL German.positions nearSerre pn 7 itfewVierf President, F. flTJaw- butclalFm" nation oi i-reiuier irrpoi, ii is (limlllC the Somme front, lEat believed that there will be several Brazil Watching. spcUI u It Daily .Xcvm The Paris Journal special correspondent sons 1st vice-Fresn f. w. Anaer-son; British attack near Loos were 2nd Vice-Pre T. McCly-mont; other Important change 1n the Itlo de Janeiro, Jan. 10- .V di Ottawa. Jan. t9. John Stan-field, at Zurich say: repulsed after violent fighting. W. E. Williams; I avian nliinl vision of the Ilrazilian navy la chief Conservative iiip, ha At the general meeting of the Secretary, Serious artillery duels In the V. S. Fisher; Executive: Polish Vice-Roy. protecting the coat presumably tendered his resignation to Premier Gesellschaft in Berlin Treasurer, Vosges region and bomb fighting Allgemeine Dr. V. T. Kergin, George Berlin, Jan. 19. The Kaiser as a precaution against the u:v.g iioruvn but retains his seal at Steenstraete. the chairman, Walter Hathenau, Frizzell, Martin O'Reilly, II. P. mb nniHBiiiif! iTinrn arifw on of Ilrazilian territory a an opr- n the iesrUlalure, W. S. Middle. Yenisei let Releeeee. chief of materials Mcllae, V. P. Lynch, James Mc-Nully, the organiser raw enovaniki in it vi.iinv in ating base by the oermau raUSsr !ot Serth Orey, has Athens, Jan. 19. Follower of for revictualling John Currie, J. G. Sleen which l in these wnSrr-. SarfJ-vor hi 2tiCffe,or purpose ex-Premier Venizelos, who were during the made a speech and W. Martin. landed here from the sunken war, held prisoner by the government. fron which lake the following: During the evening speeches "LEAK" ENQUIRY and captured vessels have made WORK HAS STARTED we have been released. Foup dele "F.ven those who make no mis- were delivered by Howard Camp statement which indicate that no ON DELTA TUNNEL gates, representing the Entente lake about the reality of the bell, of Hazellon, who assured the po- itfrui io Tt Dtur fls.i American clltzens lost their lives Allies, will exercise full control itical and military situation have audience that Hazelton would give New York, Jan. I0r The In- Norwegian Steamer Sunk. Howard Campbell, one of the over affairs In Greece. now the impression that, for the Fred Stork even a bigger majority Umdnn, Jaft, t?. -Th Norwegian best known and most popular of first time for a very long while, than had been given to A. M. Man. rcparding the Wilson peace note leamrr Cltr "f Tampleo ha the old timers of this d!trirt. ar- GERMANS) RBiGOtRjC , distant glimmer of peace ap son, and.mat tneir memoer in mo I.. 1 i i v -v 1 r i. -1. - miiiitti iu orw IIIK. lilt? been sunk in tne war lone. nvn! from Harelton latt evening TMNULTS FBfl DOBTS Hut no snouid provincial house Is even stronger nope pears. record of the tck luuht and on hi way south. Mr. Campbell tujn us from our duly. today than on the night of the "old by the broker for th day INTERESTING HELiC ays that there i to be big mining The" German newspapers an "Wc ml continue to extend election; Dr. W. T. Kergin, Fred covering the period of utock ct-chniign FROM BATTLE FIELO development vork In th interior nounce that, owing to the shortage our war fat lories and build new Stork. Dominion candidate for etciteinenl are being examined. this spring and summer. of leather, the Chancellor has to Increase our production. Skeena-Atlln, T. McClymont, A D. II. Mclnal3 has received Work !rid yesterday on the oues, decided to prohibit the buying of You know that Hindenburg's M. Manson, M. P. P. for Omlneca; Wnfthhiglon, Jan. t9 Sher from Andy Hepburn, formerJy of tunnel which the owners of the boots and shoes in Germany with strong programme call for the W. P. Lynch, John Dybhavn, and man K Whipple, DenuKral, of the city lire ?tftir nd aow in the fwdu Urouo are.pulling in. Five enthusias out a special permit issued by the A. H. Allison. A most IIonIoii, ban been invited to net motor transpoi r scrri in Krancf, car or macnincry nave armru. authorities, who have to satisfy the immense tension of these tie gathering closed with the sing, a counatl on behalf of the government a copy of The Continental Times, for this mine and ,a 'rge force themselves that the boots are force should turn Germany into ing of "God Save the King."' lit the enquiry into the which was dropped on Allied ter of mtsn will bo soon to work. The really needed. Exchange. one great arsenal. peace nole "leak." Public hearing ritory on the western front by a mining prospect In the Interior "It Is no longer. a wsr of one GERMAN LINER S0LB have been uopended until flerman aviator. It i printed In never were brighter. t Carl Holm was brought up at army against another; it Is a wnr Monday, uheu Mr. YWcountl will Inglish and contains such news the police court 'this morning to Th Dally fawa.) (Special .f material, a struggle of country be the II rut witnes heard. Hem bs are supposed to convince WESTHOLME THEATRE charged with the theft of an overcoat. sttainst London, January 19. The big the llritlsh soldier that the cns "Frofrt IJrcasJwny to a Throne" country. He was committed for trial. "Our adversaries that time Hamburg-American liner Prinx say N0TI0E uf the Allies Is hopcles. It also in the till of a flve-act comedy- Accused had a ticket for Seattle work for them. Time works for F.idelbert, which was captured by gives iu full Chancellor Von Ileth-maiui-llnltweggV drama at the We.tholme tonight. in his pocket. David II. Hay has taken over no one. Time flghtjrogalnst all. the Hritish shortly after the out peech In th Carter de Haven play the leading the real e.lnle, lnsurniico and " us help ourselves. The break of the war, was sold yes HclChtag on November 0h, In part and th title suggest much Word reached town thla morn aafety deposit busine hanilled war has tuughl u how to apply lerday by order of a prize court which he blamed Viscount flrcy that Is funny, while there I pos ing from George 8. Fllxmauriee, by Hon. T. I). Paltullo. Mr. Hay raw material and man power to for having brought about the war. sibly a good deal that is exciting who is "somewhere in Franee . will tondiiH thla additional 1umL the best advantage. MEXICAN SITUATION as well. On Dec. 22nd. -Fltx" was all alive lien nt hi present olTlco nt the "We must put into practice the ARRIVALS HALIBUT kicking. and corner of Hccond Avenue ami fruit of our expertonc r.O of Cr.lumbus, N, M Jan. 19 It is FOlt IlKNT Five-room cottage Second Blrept. Ibe new method: of war." F.x- unotlloially reported that the Yesterday, the schooner Yaku- with bath ami range connecteJ, Alex. Smith underwent an oper fehanso Special. United State militia will be re ATTENTION, EAGLE!I Hpocial tat brought In 32,000 poumu oi opposite New Oltlcc, nvallablo ation for appendicitis yesterday. moved from the Mexican border meeting, Hundny, Jan. Sift nt 7 halibut, which was purchased by Feb, t5. Ptore 0th Street, Alder The operation was successful and PEACE RIVER FIRE in live days. p, m, All inember requested to iiM n.mlti Coinnniiy at 12 cents. lllock, $35, Store with full buse Mr. Smith will boon be around be oreKnnl. f The riirerlor hud 22.000 which ment, 25x50, Third Avenue, $20. ngaln a fit as ever. (Special to Ttt Daily Nawa) P.JNCC RUPERT CADET CORPS went In lh Pacific Fisheries at Apply W. J. Alder, Suite 30, AU twW'" (lood weather still Peace lltver, San. 19 A fire of 1?W cents, ler lllnck. 21 WESTHOLME prevail outside and bl catche mysterious origin threatened yesterday A-meeting of the above corps LONDON GAR to wlp out the entire town will be hld at the Dorden Street are looked for. TUG-BOAT WAWTEP OriRA HOUSE but it has now been controlled. school on Friday evening, Jan AN BRILL TONIGHT ONLY NEW WELLINGTON COAL, The undrltneJ It open to purchtis'-nun The damage is estimated ul 120,. 19th, at 7 o'clock sharp. All cadet Third Avenue mll Irani lur. fvrty to llftr (Mil idione llrt. Wo have Junt re Mr iwmI smiKtl bull, rtrst-cUs nurbin 000, must attend thla parade and turn Prompt Servlee ef the Beet CARTER DE HAVEN of 500 tons try nu4 I srtworlliy la tvtry rpct. In their hat and belt. there is to est ei eN heere. ceived shipment -IM- n Mvly ty luifr. llt all r"luUra. rrom Broadway to Thron Lump Conl, We are prepared to tutinr hrs lur ran h IntpscWd. George A. McNicholl left lot Hy order, Coindy.droma llvo ctv- put In your winter' coal for you. willow ntven luhpeiv 0I3C0M,co.,D. C evening for Seattle. J, C. IlilADY, Instructor