The Daily news (5" - Of.. VHI. NO. 17. PRINCE RUPERT, II. SATURDAY. JANUARY 20 1917. Pnir.KIVK OHNTH ' LOUDS HARASSING E'p TUNG GERMANS n' aAjrv-nMr TV l rV TT m J lVV 111-iJlV 1 11J WW 1 Vs - 1 1 UKIjU aJl 1IJL aJ lXrlllf JAaJ IIHillA Q VMM KIN'HK HI I llill PERLEY CANNOT ntr nircoi a mo aitt nnirJf?o to FIND ROOM FOR urn niiu Aill Alkie mnATr oinno MANY OFFICERS i nut Bridges r Carried Away .Spanish, Danish and Norwegian I Surplus Seniors May Have to Russians and Rumanians Ships Sunk Hun Wlreleaa GLARE OF SEARCHLIGHT "SHOWS HOME" TO RETURN IN 3 NIGHT FLYER. This eilra- turn to Civil Ufa In 6na4a Advancing Along in Station off Brazilian rdinary photogrnph ahowa the rttuiii wf a French Hourgel aeroplane after a night trip over the Dlsasirous Explosion In Entire Front. Coast. enemy's lines. It is not a simple matter making a landing or finding 'home in the darkness of the Munition Works. night. The searchlight is powerful enough to illuminate the surrounding territory and to show Sprrul la V Dsily Mtwi.l ((ll la Ttw Dtlly SewM the way to the air pilot. The Germans follow a different method, which does not show up so well (Special, to Tbe Otiiy .Jtcws.) Pctrograd, Jan. 20 Further New York, Jan. 2 OrA Jlrillsh lo the enemy. They place lights in tittle pits dug at the corners of a huge diamond in the centre London, Jan. 20 Sir George I. . .....lrAr II. A 1 1. cruiser off Handy Hook has flash, of the "field." This method has a disadvantage in that the aviator is apt lo miss bis landing Perley, Canadian Military Director i..German armies In northern ed the information that the Her altogether unless he haa steered a straight course for "home" and i sailing practically right over in England, has authorixed the i- II..a..mIi lAna(va flkrulel the aerodrome. publication of a statement to the mania inruunu ..wv,- man have fitted out two of the ! t r movement. effect that it is his Intention to captured trader aa armed scout. MILLING provide suitable positions In England i I l...-. An aIw1 ntavftv Hi A CONCERNS GERMAN HOPES OF it iiimiij n iinir i cs i a ' w lug vessels bt harass the steam and France for many of the ship lane on the Atlantic. One DENY COMBINATION VICTOR ARE DEAD senior officers who are arriving ftfliaiift aim nuiuailiaus "'uv advance along the entire front. of these is the British merchant in England with the various Can- . - . -- SWUI lo TM fituy .Vs. London, Jan. 17. The follow-1 adian battalions. It is possible a iitiia ana rmv rnmiirru man St. Theodore. The Herman 1 III? IIUPliHiin Winnipeg. Jan. 20. Mr DobelK ing information concerning it may be considered neces- second lino of German Held raider is reported to hae been thejthal western general manager for the ai7 and advisame to nave the Baranowichl grow ing feeling of discontent and ttion In the rr- at various all operating points Ogitvie Flour Mills Limited, giving remaining surplus return to Can the way from treland to the lira. evidence before the high cost ada In rpmim. thele civil nernns.- WHUrn Front. Germany has been supplied to the I,. tilian coast. nf living enquiry being held by flF sTaaaaaYsPfl Itions. in view of the fact that no Paris, Jan. 20. Intense arlll- Times by a neutral who left Ger- r-njlllan nfflr- hnlilins rank The Spanish ship Manoel and the Public Utilities Commission, rive. i a rri .a Vatic have Wen sunk, a also has vigorously denied that there is many at the end of December. that of lieutenant is allowed lo mironr f. i up iirruiaii mi out a hmvy bombardment nf the Danish steamer Daginar and any combine existing amongst "I met no one who thought J proceed to the front on active the Norwegian ship Hergenhuus. the milling concerns lo fix flour Germany was going to win the j service. 1 1 I .,l..a Cruisers Buay. prices. war. The Kaiser and the Crown I .Explosion Moor London. ion ui I'liamurrurs auu ,-ui-i- Itueno Ayres, Jan, 20. Four lIHaj Prince are done for. No one talks! It Is officially announced by the ve nut in rrencn.uig guna a. ii a iL . ..ill nritish cruisers are reported to MARQUIS OF QUEENSBERRY of them. Yon Hindenburg, Ton I Minister of Munitiona that aiuex. iru la iv i a ai i ia v ae-mj a Irry effectively. have left the Falkland Islands to INTERESTED IN THE NORTH .Ludendorff and Yon Mackenzenl plosion occurred last evening in very which search. I are the only really important men.I a munitiona factory in the neigh- The British successfully bom join the other are of Queensberry. jThe Austrian leaders are never borbood of London. Ills feared barded the German position ing for the Oerman raider. Ilio de The Marquis i .i - i i Janeiro, in the south Atlantic. It who has been a vlsllor in the city CENERAL H. J. GOURAUD I mentioned. that the disaster was attended by i.believed that the raider is re. for the past few days, oir his way Who commanded the French "It is believed in Germany that considerable loss of life and con- threes in the Dardanelles and who has been far damage to 'property. Qarman Conference. celving wireless information from to Alaska, visited the cold storage England given loo sidjrable . The Marquis. "ceii appointed rrencn itesi. much time to prepare her -de yesterday coast. plant The parliamentary head of the an Island oft the Ilraiilian Precaution a. who Is the headof the famous old tfrnt General in Morocco. fences against Zeppelins. I un-1 SPLENDID RCeHH.T f Central Powrrs are conferring in derstand the German submarines OF RED 6RDDS BALK Berlin. Ilaltimore, Jan. 20. Since confirmation Scottish bonier ramlly, the Ioug- ha been received of the lase of Dumfriesshire, has been PREPARING now work in threes. The com interested in western Can-ada mercial submarine Bremen is be- The Red Cross sale yesterday. WILFRID ACOOfJALD activities of German raider on keenly tor and twenty FOR GERMAN INVASION lieved to have been rammed and in charge of. Mrs. F. McD. Young RESTHM IN ENGLAND the Atlantic, all sailings of ves many years a consiaeraoie a a. a unk soon after leaving port. and Mrs. J. II. McMullin. realized sels belonging to the belligerent years ago spent ISHU1 to Tfcv Dtiijr fteM therelthe handsome of 178.65. The time ranch in southern Al-lerta. it is popularly believed sum a nations have been suspended. on A, W. MarLean liaa received a Always n great traveller. London, Jan. 20, In view of will be a German invasion of Hoi-1 result speaks Volumes for the letter from Wilfrid Macdonald, "JOCK PERRY MAKES the Marquis bas covered a large the mobilization of German troops land, Switzerland or Denmark forjenergy of the ladies in charge and-the who left here with the tint con-tingent. SUPREME SACRIFICE part of the globe and bas been in nn the border of Switzerland, Ihe sake of the food they contain lalso for the patriotism of the The letter was arillen out-of-tho-way places. I.ike and that Germany will attempt icitizens of Prince Rupert in giv- many SwjM wishes commander-in-chief on Christmas from the home - Day no further offensive on the west-ling such splendid- support. By "Jim" Neville ha received a most me.. " i...o. -!u IllobIIle Ul0 force3 al hu of Wilfrid' aunt in Haiti, Eng-land, a I the of these weekly sales, ern front. means tensively, h o has experienced where he and flay spent the letter from Dan Livingstone, one i command but the Federal Council instances of Ihe smallness' It is mr oninion that if one orlladies are doing noble work in. of the well known boya who left many holidays.front Wilfrid since that haa been memorable at the here with the flrsl contingent. of the world. The other day. one"u,u i...i.i. that two divisions will be Ihe other of these invasions hap- helping to defeat the enemy. ever The letter contains the sad news of the engineers on the Prince sufficient. If the necessity arises pens and Is successful, the war battle of and haa been Ypres that "Jock" Perry, one of the George sent In his card lo him a larger force will be called out, will last until October. Otherwise THE SELFISH through much hard fighting, with ' it must end There AT WESTfHKJMC TDDHM4T pioneer of Prince llupert nnd at the Hotel llupert nnd the Marquis sooner. the result that he la completely said be number of 420 to longshoreman, lia was delighted to find that TO MARINERS are a formerly a run down. The doctor has ordered Cleo and Wallace Reld, other than millimeter guns held in readiness Ridgley died of wound. Dan mentions his visitor was none him to real up for a month the Dutch frontier. One in "The Selfish Woman." is the which Lock on sees having met Hill Denning, who was the engineer of n boat on Wrangell Strait Point before returning to France. ni and well, and - Sandy" Grant, ho crossed Lake Haika in Siberia wood Float Light No. I, reported no cavalry in Germany, but I be big feature at the Westholme to lieve they have to Rumania night. These young Famous who wo well known along the Mome years ago. on December 27th as being adrift gone THE CRADLE "I Confidently expect a revolu Players' stars are deservedly waterfront here. The Marquii Is greatly Inter- nml opposite Deception Poinl, lion in Germanjv There ore said I popular and should draw a packed esled in the north and is now was replaced and relighted Jan. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Ilaymond NON-PARTY GOVERNMENT on hi way to Alaska to look over; nth, 1017. to bo 1 0,000 deserters, including I house tonight. With strong sup. Porlet. I2?t Eighth Avenue, Eut, officers, in Holland, awaiting!(tort and splendid staging, they FAVOREO BY BAPTISTS some mining properties. Ho has) vrnngell Strait Point Alex n daughter nt the general hospital events. Iprovlde in this photoplay one of Huch faith In the country aiong;ando Llgrht changed from group this morning, I had to wait two hours for I the finest things ever produced i the line of the G. T. P. that it j Hashing to single flash 0.3 sec Cnlgary. Jon. 20. The Western Is Ids intention to bring his ram- juratj,m over- three seconds, permission to buy two pairs oflby this company. NOTICE closing e. out here lo settle. He I al- sock, two shirts and six handker lloptist Union, at the ily j IKcetnber 22nd, tOto, was restor David II. Hays haa taken over s ion of It -annual conference Isfled that thero will be a large eJ Ul lu ,lorniai character Jan. chief. The national servico law! Christian Science Society ser- resolu number of immigrants coming In will kill all small businesses. The vices are held every Sunday at it tlio reul estate, insurance and hero yesterday, passed a ltth, 1017. after Ihe war. middle classes, however, are la. in. Sunday School at 12 noon. here from Europe safety deposit business handled tion favoring national non-parti Chatham Strait Poinl Ellis ruined already ond their morale Wednesday evening meeting at 8 by Hon. T. D. Poltiillo. Mr. Hay san government. Light reported not burning Jan FOR RENT Five-room cottnge has conspicuously deteriorated." o'clock. Hays Building, 245 2nd will conduct this additional buai. uary itth will be relighted as soon received n coll wilh bath anJ range connected, Avenue. nesa nt bis present olllcn nt Hie The lire brigade n practicable. corner of Second Avenue nnd from the wharf yesterday afternoon opposite News Office, available Sumner Strait Spanish Island CROW'S NEST MINERS A to E.E, width shoes Wat-18. ,r where a number of sack in Feb. 13. Store Oth Street, Alder MAY STRIKE AGAIN Second Street. Light, reported not burning Dec lace's a shuck adjoining the immigra. Mock, 35. Store with full base. iCth, was relighted Jan. 15th. tlon shed hod caught fire. I lie ment, 25x50, Third Avenue, 20, CpetU ta Tb Dsily ls.) WESTHOLME outbreak, was soon extinguished Apply WJ. Alder,, Sulto 30. Al Chatham Strait Point Ellis Fernle, Jan. 20. Further ces and little daionge was done. der Block. L 21 Light, reported not burning Jan sations of mining operations have LONDON GAR oriKA HOUSC itth, was relighted Jan, 13th. occurred at the Michel and Hill. TONIGHT ONLY French atotlstica show forty NEW WELLINGTON COAL, Lynn Canal Sherman Rock crest Mines in the Crew's Nest OLEO and RIDQLEY five families In that country hav nhnne 1 10. We have Juit re- Buoy I, reported out of position Pass. The union leaders' are urg. Prompt Sendee of We Best WALLACE REID Ing 18 or more children each, 37 reived a shipment nf 50ft tons and drifted ashore January 15th ing a complete strike within there Is to s H IN with 17 children each and more Lump Cool, We are prepared to.will be replaced as soon as prao hours unless the de BDXBB FsW LABI htHI SELFISH WOMAN" thou 1,800,000 with no children, put in your wlptnr'e coal for ynuvtlcoble. mands of the men are granted. ,ni,.f..iir) r'""trr I