rn caaII.Y ?r.rt I M M t M 4 t M l The Daily News ! THE MAILS THK LEAIMC. NWrtn IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA lubli.Sd DaHy ud WwLlr For the Cail. Guaranteed Largest Circulation Tuendrtji, S n. in. IJKAD uPFICK Wedncudayii, 9i30 a, in. uauy riewa JiuilJiiiK, 3rd Ave, I'rince Hupert, IMJ. Telephone 8, Saturday. 0:30 n, in. Prom tho East. I HANMIh.V U(f'L.V ADVKHTI.xiNO Ml rent per iiti-h. ikmirnol inlghly wide space fit which to . rale on awplitin. chase rt single fugitive ship but Tuecdnya, 5:30 p, m. the chances nre the Moowe will Thuriday, 5:30 Ji. nt. Hundayt, 3:10 p. in. DAILY EDITIOR Saturday, Jnn. 20, lt17. n no more shortly. jiMrairBBBBBBBBBBBBBSKVTV Tor Vancouver, ; TThV"Washington peace4(igo- Tifeidnyjf, I p. in. TMY FEAftf like an effort to convince the llallons have been completely Thurilny, 10 p. in. The Toronto Dally News is public thai no "such cat exisls. overshadowed foP the past week uudaytt, 4 p, ni. WINTER worrying considerably these Again, jusl yesterday, we hud by thn Lnwson investigation. From Vancouver, SCHEDULER days nhoul the "tllorgnnlxa another instniicn of this tnuch-vaunled Cynics will say that It Is very Wetlni'sdaya, 10:30 a. m. Hon which threatens the Lib 8. S. PRINCE QEORQC Tory solidarity in the 3 appropriate that stock exchange Prida), p. tit. THURSDAY 12 Midnight f.o r Vaneotme eral party In Canada"." It I resignation of the Chief Con dealings should naturally, lake Sundays. 7 v. m. Victoria and SeattU. Ivery kind of this Tory organ servative Whip. The Alternate Monday front Jaiui-nry only sign precedence of war matters In the WEDNESDAY MIDNIQHT FOR ANYOX to be bo anxious about the of unity in the 'Xoty party State. I at. 3.3, PRINCE JOHN health of the Liberal party, wiiicn is mentioned by the For Anyox, rar RttcaUaa, Wraetetl. Jeaaaa aad tlaar inn try ram, rear. which is 7ta a4 flat, atarab Tta ad 1L ' very good Indeed, .ews is we fact thai there i. Wednesdays, to John J. Htnnflcld, Chief Whin p,m. rON QUIIN CHARkOTTK IILAMOS iaawaff ITlh a 4 9 1 it, rabeuari 14,. thank you, in fact, never was an absence of conflict both in of the Conservative nariv In Ol. Friday. 8 p. m. e4 . more robust. The Tory organ um.. nousc and. in. the cablnet.Itawa,i has resigned. Another sign Ftinday. 8 p. tit. PASSENQER TRAIN SERVICE seeks to show that the authorr The fact of the matter Is thatjof the splendid solidarity nf the From Anyoi. Wadaaaaar and telardaf at 1t(Ma.. fee Smnfcera. rrlaa 0ra. fa. aneetaa, Baakalaea and Wlealaf, RMtlnf aeeaaatleaa thee lae an Ity and leadership of Sir-'Wil Sam Hughes was the only Igovernriienl, Thuritday. Hun.l.iya ami Tuea-layi. aaat ad aewtb, Mlaad teal atf Teeadaf at 4 a. m. m,-u frid' Laurier is questioned and member of the nugunl Jwxly - Aganoy All Ocean Slaamshlp Lines. even repudiated everywhere ex woo unreo 10 snow any signs on fiermans concentrating troop The Islands, l,ir inforrnnti'tn and reaeratitna apply I cept in Quebec and IlrltUh Co scrapping, and even Sain only Ion the Swiss border. It Is to Mnil rlosf. City Ticket omee, 520 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 lumbia, at least the latter prov did so when he realized that iljhoil thai Swiss battalions Jan. It and 311 at 8 p. m. ince Is omitted when the others dldn t matter IVI.. I lib fth K a wrap anyhow, miners are busy laying nice soft nnd at p. m are mentioned as being In a Just imagine what would hap-J stepplng-plaees for them in tti Mall Arrives. slate of seething revolt. When P-n ii any oj me remaining event of th'i trying to treat January Slat. J-Vbniary iUU one remembers that ever since members of the cabinet slarleil Switzerland as they trleMjIlel nnd Mareh 3rd, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Sir Wilfrid became leader of anything thai resemble! afgium. the lei M Hananau a.A. Lowest Hates o all Eaatern Pointa Liberal party, some considerable fight amongst themselves, fni- W, K. WtltUnM. S . . ttB vim Steamer to Vancouver and tle lime ago, we helicve, ngiiif flub lloger starting after SUN AND TIDE WILLIAMS A MANSON CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY there has been a periodical attempt some of the others and they in Barristers, Solicitors, Etc Meela and lleith Irtelud.rt n Mree on the part of the Tories turn telling all they know about Sunday, January 21st, ONCr TO LOAN t,,.. ti.i ... . . .. . i.. ... . to spread dissension in the jh.ii. nurni ivniiiuni u.ue a ."via rte.... n;so n.m ai-vt pet.ee ftrL B. C Princets Maqulnna for Oranby Say Friday 11 p. m, ranks of the Liberals, one Is rorker? No.Hieri? will bo no Sim e( ........ I:2r p. in Princess Sophia Southbound Saturday 6 p. m. apt to smile at such effusions. sign of conflict amongst the Liiw- water . ..Ssfli a. jit, II(. H Princess Maqulnna Southbound Sunday 6 p. m. The fact of the matter is that Tories at Ottawa. There will High water . . 1 1 : 1? n. m. llt.IM.H frtrrt - the Tories cannot be reconciled lie absolute unity; the kind nff.ow water . ..G:IS n. tti, lit. ? J I. PETERS, Cencrrl Aeent to the fact that the Liberals unity therr is between a drown-1 Monday, January 22inl. Stuart J. Martin C. ner Famrth Street ami Thlrtt Avenue. Irlnee K re,i. I r have a leader, and such a leader, I II rv Ilinil ml .1 .,, i 1. ! a uiij nit- uar which i.-mi rises .......m;; a, hi ASSAY Em while they have a makeshift someone has thrown him. Sun sets . ..1:21 n. in 'in 8Jr Iloberi liorden. To offset I - High water ...0:17 a. m. Jit, tt t HAZELTON B. C. I the alleged lack of unity in NOTES AND COMMENTS I aw water . . .6:27 a. m. lit. 7 the Liberal ranks, the Toronto High water ..I2:3S p. to. Ht. 88.7 The oldsst established News expatiates at consider Xou that the Jlussians and ftu- Assay Um water . . . .7:2 n. m. HL able length, in fact, far loo j manians have assumed a real Office In the North. great a length to be convincing, businesslike offensive in northern on the solidarity of the Con- niimania, and the Teutons have CARBONVOID for sale bf Lip. wmWMmJ servative party. It is careful been forced out of Ilraila, the elt & Cunningham, and Parkin- not to cite any instances of PPUhr "ong amongst the Oer- Ward Kleclrlc Co. tf STEEN & LONCWILL thls solidarity but it mighl mans is liable to be, "We've not have cited many. For instance, a Long Way to Oo." LAND REGISTRY ACT SANITARr AND HCATINO it mighl have dealt at length (SmtutM is sod 134.) ENGINEERS It begins Jb look as If the with the Sam Hughes correspondence with the Premier, In peculiar craft seen some lime ago He Application Xa. 81.HI. Hilar MI4. Agents for in the Atlantic, and which refused TAKE NOTICE thai application tut been which Sir Sam let the cat qui nude to re filter John Bernuaa, or Print McCLARY FURNACES of the bag regarding Sir Robert's to answer signals, was our old Rupert, I). C, at owner In fee Kbder friend the ,Moewe Too bad some Tai ?le Peed rrwn the Collector of ibe PLUMBING The Standard Test plans In London. The PI I V tf l,fnA tl ti r k .mm it.. ,K Royal Tories cruiser did not talk plainly to her I I'm day of September. iu. or all a.m and are chasing lhat cat then. isivoiLAR out mutt parcel or tru r SHEET yet. In fact the editorial re ubu iua prvmiMS uui, Ijrinr, tad V METAL WORKS Here's where we tett iht Ifir in ltwi Mnnlrlrxlllv nf friirm tn.,i I'hono 5, 831 Second Avenue. ferred to looks suspiciously The southern Atlautie is nla Mrtirultriy Umma i Lot t, ia. choaceat aampies tA Canada's Mghl phones 576 Bloc It me (II Serum Sarrn (I,. Map ais raataoQ acte wheat aop. and Illue 270 tti. We (Tsui uSchj into fiW n the BEST You are required H cooutl Iht elilm The right work, at the right of the ut purr ha wr llbln OUr'Ore time, and at the right price. Enle 31 you see on tKe Wt c Tickets daj-a frwn u date ut the w-nlre p tbu the pkttire. Thco comes the wore (Wrb Eijr be .rffrcted by ! term naii or a Directed, and your at supreme tetl-ktcad-Lallnf.. If lenuoe ia railed v section 3 or the LAND ACT the If tad perfect in U t4 front Norway. t4n. Dos-nark, "land nevtaur Art wim asueDdowDU. m erery Finland, Itaiir iM Ratals. SAILINSS mOM NEW TORS ana lo um ronoviof ritricl iberttrvtn: way we pronounce the wheat "BfrrofjorJ- Jan. uta. - "sad la defauli ot a eareat or eeriu) vaacouvm land district oistriot A I sd the IW-ROYAL "Stockbolm' rate fr lla fiendenf twfnt Bled before Mm or coast, a amok a. Frbruarr 101b STANDARD. krutlmurjord- rrbroarj I7UJ. rrrntralUfl nwner of the teraon ro TAKE SOTICE thai I, tea lunler Bur- -Brrtrrnrjord'' ituth letn. Ulk-d under tuth Ui sale, all peraun to d.. of 1 1 re an raila, B, C . ocrepetton mill AT YOUR CROCER'S Ha ta Your Raaarrauons mass Earlr. aerred vllh tK.Uet and Iboat elalmlnr aeereury. Intend to apply for prnuitiloni rtrhtlf. Iltuitrated roMars and .inroutn or under Um-cm. and all xrraoni ta purtbate Ux foiiowtnr deatrltd Ud4i. VanmnvprMilliRrjrniin fn! t,r onrl lofcrmttion Apply to lauiunr $of tntcrett In tbe land by ilrluc Camntenrtnr tl a pott Masted about fir i or sor unrrrutertd initnunent, and all ehaina dliunt and In a wealerly direction! j w ,v. . ... y OTBHAVN HANBO! pert- euimlnr any Inuretl In (be land ttvm tbe evDlhueil corner at Lot II. i nawranea aas liamahl Bfanav, br deaeeot hoae tule I nol reaittered ruate J. Ceaat Dlitrlrt. ihente eeutb SrWta Rusort, B. a under the provOkm nf thlt Ael, ahall be ebalna; I hence eait tl cbatoa; Ibrnce nortkj ror eer eaiiped and debarred from aei to rbalaat thence weal If chain, to mu Unr ip anr fUlm ta or in reaped of Um puat, ronuinini m ail abeat it .cret, land ao jk.M rPr laiet. and the Hertalrar LEO STARLET Bl'ROOTt. hall rer iter tn prrtau entftled under KQVCMBEft I, I til. r. S. Wbelber mth ui sale at owner of Mm UM ao For Yourscll Let Us Save You akl lr Uim." MINERAL ACT Money on your A.M WIIeHEAs appllrallon bai been or aa a Nttlco to Delinquent rntde for a Certlflrtta of !odreaibla Till Partnera. Gasoline or Distillate I" Mm aboveruentioned land. In the name To Oraot Mabood ajJ Fatrtck Dalr. Gilt to your Friend or John Per man: TAkB NOTICE Uu berett mm hare ami wiiinEAS on inreallraiinr Mm dune and rauaetl tj be done iimiuwdi We to title It aiipeara inat prior to tba in dar ora by purveys on the Dalr. fluliuan. guarantee save you 25 cent, on gasoline or ditUtlate and and free oi wTirruoer, i?u, (tlx dale on ulilrh tilllh aivl lr,ia Mineral la) PERRIN'S upkeep any motor from CARUON troubles. A seven ounce Ibe ald lahda CHima. all ua ted box of Carbon void la equivalent to W gallona of gasoline. Every box rn sold for overdue - ii i. f-wriianu of Carbonvoid - will save you laea; ym ere tbe aaaeaaed owner Canal Mlolnr Ulrtaton. for tbe year ma. i aaw .aKveaaai (Hereof. aiHi nv iaiq rir tain rk atw! record 'aio W Carbonvoid puts the I SSJSrJSS H llTllf ll TAKK NOTICE thai at lb lor tame the sura or HIO.Oo, uaieaa you Carbonvoid la a I urttt n I ilrv tnwil,rvi,i aatne lime I inaii efftti rrrtairaiioa In pay to ua Hie turn of im.ae fur youi GLOVES juatdronln the I I KVJ 111 UaSOllfie : I tank. Wilfre. purauaiire of aurh awUrallon and laaae a ahara f it Id taaraainent work, toretk. araP'K.'. BBB lSJt move an carbon from pylindera. Cerliaraie of uderraltlt Title tu tbe aald lib Ibe roal of tbl adrrrllM-ntenl. e aaw i-y-Bar i The largeat companies In the workl use It. THE ALLIES ORUHKEt) lanua in um nam nf J-,l.u Hernno ttolesa ball al tbe eiplraltoit of ninety (90 1 dayi The well known renin trademark as take UWB 25,OW UAKTUX4. I'revloua order 250.UW cartons. Fnllw Jfou and proaeeute Ibe crrner nra. from the dile heref. apty lo Um Mlnlny sbowa in guaranteed oryour money refunded. Mailed anywhere on receipt of 11.60 ceeduiM i eiltLllih ymir tlalin. If any, Hecorder t stcwarl, Ii. n, to tare rour cuts should be on every glove lo Imard the action said land', ir to tireernt n nm. iDiervaia in ibe aafd laly, iulliTin. Kditb you get, as this aaaurea you perfection of on my tart and LfiU mineral claim vrmd in ua. in For Sale Only by I'rinre IATHI at Mm land nealair nn puriuanrf of Um lrollom of ba Mineral Style Fit and Finish. Itureri, B. C. Mil a em day or Geo. L, Clayton. Prince Rupert, B.C. December, A. It. I9I, ACt, - Mated It Victoria. B. C thll I III, Hat afeaera thm uvHd I H. f MACLEOD. ol Aufli.lr. .per aatf lae A, t. It It. Apr, IT DUIMf I Ilerlilrar of Tlllea. JAMES MtttOrtAIIl. leant!. PIS MUAf'f CLOVES. T tiliiM'n I'eterton, Daviavllle, California. r tl, rnKbrnick- c wi.VKi.rn. EMPRESS COFFEE MttM.BMLK BISTRIB4JTOR DAWSON PRINCE RUPERT. -