f Kalunlny January 20. I07. IMf IIAII.T HKWfl HIE CHE (HARM GartlfleaU BrHtCRAL MOTIOI of Improvements ACT Silver Vow Mineral Claim, situate In la Skeeo Mlnlnr Division of Casslar Muriel. Ml LOVELY OF Wher lor Sled i Al the bead of brinrb f Uim Creek ebon I roar tHes rrom ih neaeh on lb south ltd or Altro Ann. Soft,Clear,Smooth Skin Cornea Willi TAkE NOTICE that I, Oeorre B. .Nadea, rrre Mlfiefa Certificate Ho. titMR, senna. Th. Ute 01 -FRUIT.A-TIVES-. t arm I for Tho. N en we, Free Miner Certificate No. (lit IB, ami James L. II ten. free Mraert Certificate Ho. S7t(B, In. lend, ility dan rrom the date hereof, to Pflf to the Mlnlnr Recorder for Cerlia rale of Improvement, for the purpose or obuminr Crswn Oratit or the above elalfa, AM rurtber Uk outlce that anion. under section l(, mult be commenced be. fore tbe Issue or such Certificate or Im-provrmenta. Dated thia tith day or Mareb, A.D. Ilf. nEonoc R. hadet GERMANY pfmnck Rueurr lano DISTRICT dis- TfllCT OF COAST, RANai IIL TAkE NOTICE that Paelfle Mills, Limited. or Vancouver, British Columbia, occupation. WANTED WAU pulp and paper makers, rniend to apply for permission to purchase tbe followlnf ' ; ..Tnif Bwil m n i ran described landa. Commencinr at s post planted on tbe north bank or Koeya rivar. about one-quarter or a mile up-stream NORAH WATBON afai Hall Young, ha been rrom tbe sbor or Fits-Horn Sound) tbence just pub. MINERAL ACT 80 Drayton Arc, Toronto. FROM FAR AND NEAH A Do ever have north twenty chains, tbence rail twenty Xur. tO.U, l a.). a-' lialied. It in 4Jieat(i to the Arc- you NASTURTIUM. IRIS FRACTION, BELLI chains, tbence aouih to river's bank, thence lie Ilrothrrliood. rni:Tfn. CEMTIA.V. BLLI BEU. FRAC alonr shore In a westerly direction to ion i . n iful com pie i a Uan.Uorne I TI0.t( COSMOS FRACTIOX TIIISTLF point or commencement and conttinlnr Wirj eaJvlwimey of her jit.- iily ctf MuMt&w, In riuett, . theblucs,,? FIIACTIO, MARIGOLD FRACTIOS. LILAC forty (o; acres, more or lest. :,.,;! matt. Y 4 soft, etrar ha r ACTIO., FER.1 FRACTIO.1, Pl.lf APPLE Dated Jane loth, HIS. Septa i-n il.miui to refuse. Ttj A Seattle halthul Maimer which n.jif ltli health--it only A That discouraged feeling often FRACTIOM, COXCOMB, 8FG0IA FRACTION. PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED, .:c. n uiteffurf ltid. ! i cr...i.d vUlli jieoplf Imm,r"etty rrlwl in the utli from comes from a disordered stomach, MINERAL CLAIMS allaau In tbr by "Mark Smaby," Arent. or an inactive liver. Get Quwn Charlotte PUtrlet. loralcd at or near I w trouble! for consider Ma Ntt-nanta. Iimi Alaska, had a quantilx of ln.,K-ir iiihI jwllitfi in Iknta Bar, 0e Charlotte Island. Prortoee . your digestion in shape and Notice lo Bslinquont Partner. .-rysjt.')kViUdw, diiftgurtug townl Inilo ihi" flfh. it u , mated or Drttlih Columbia, and lawfully btld by !. ro i t face an.I ff Jt.thlTII MiiMta. the bile acting properly then Iktda Mlnea Limited. To O. W. sjaiwMl anal Charles Nichols,. w pf '1 rmtia that forty eac4 of whl.kcy mh the"blues"will disappear. You TAKE noTIf-E that I, John A. Maelooia. TAKE NOTICE that whereas I bare done "f. .AfUrr iialtur " Krwit -tie Wilbur taken AiHiani in Alaska but nlf will soon be cheerful,tf you take t iiriior for Ikrda Ml no Ural Kit. frw and caaaed to be done assessment' work OrafU, of tliu laterna-iMmal i: i: rr' rrrtlflrai 5a 1CSSI B, Inlrnd on tbe Wolf Mineral claim, situated at tbe we-i, tiie n'j la oui thp nrB'rn were al)lt lo ilnti in head of Alice Arm. Observatory Inlet, la artrr the expiration or alitr daya rrrnm harm Hunan J an C ! Wiuk.ful f.r in Vahing' Sattl wae eiffhtfen bottle. lb date brrrot to apply on brhair or tbe the Sktena mlnlnr division or Skeena dis-trtet, . I in IbaAitwn-, 1 ill l MM. bo u I lr- thAl u tUnaJ rail. I BEEOUM'S Mid Company to tbe Mlnlnr Recorder for assessment work foe the years tflt. J uit-a-liTea". a certificate or improvrmenta for the pur II. and 11 S. and bare paid for said KDIt AU WATSON, r..t -u ikc in the United Mat A I rfiaett oldie.r who U.k i-u.i poae or obuininy a Crown Grant to tbe work, and recording- same, the sum or .InrvaHi... f.- tltu- atmte riitrna. 1307.10, Unless you pay me the sum or u 0 for $5 ao, UUI atte, 83e. ,fr. ,n IU liaUIe f Ull Mtrni ,a)l PIUS AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that acOOB ItJt.lO. for your share of the said ta-sestment c LtiotjKit.l ob r ij't of ' 1 i'W- J beiil anleep fur the pa at twniT- under Section IS or tbe Mineral Act mutt work, torether wltb the cost ol be commenced brore the uauanc or uct nils advertisement. I shall, al tbe eipl ration 1 rs a lire LmivL Ottawa. !eeh mnnlhe. Hie cyeliilft nr.- the people's remedy for Mfe'st rertlflcate or Improvements. or ninety 10 1 days from tbe date Il.rll.. rlatirtfi ItlSt Jliere in a'rloil i.irallnn U rM.Ir l.l Dated tbla II at day or May, A. D. tf It. hereof aipty to the mlnlnr recorder at common ailments. They act JOHN A. MACLfNES. Prince Rupert. B. c'tn have) jour Inter I ltt K I f iJim ipliue in the numauian't),,, i- rapiil. IWtitr w!n. thoroughly on the stomach, Jolinior for Iked Vines Unill.d. ests In l be Woir mineral claim vested In 11.) riiuiiK na the rcirat from liver and bowels,and soon res nie. m twrnuance or the provtsiona or toe aaanieiTM ell ( era I tHnt j ulate and these important mineral art ...I I III .rriiianMi rw.t worry f.f hyeterlral lelharjry and strengthen t LAND ACT Dated at Prince Rupert, B. this If ts organs. Purely vegetablecontain Print Rupet Land OlaVIe Olatrlct af a ..mi tbi ekni'.. thai this patient will day or February. It IS. entpally harmful no f Coast. lUafla S. ml. I. E. STARK i .u l t.f Uieir emtnli. waken imi mume Iih normal - drugs. Whenever you feel j TALE NOTICE that tbe PselOc MI1U. eupation. despondent a few doses will i Limited, of Vancouver, B. C. ecrnpatloo and paper makers. Intend to apply -ui.ij inuib- iif flah i.ii are Make Things I'pntp permission to purchase tbe rollowlnr AKEIKRG, THOMSON lie Whisky iur-i novelty. Tbe -kin ! REAL LILLIPUTIANS lands:-Commencinr at a pott planted al tbe southeast corner or Lot ta oQuality ii.uh..;. .rwil. ilriil aivl HAVE BEEN DISCOVERED look Brighter a ttie mett snore or Cooslna Inlet, thence COMPANY ( An -IUn-i. Tlx- inur iMdo i I west 40 ftulns, tbrnee south 19 chains. A rents for I Iranx-e east to sbcre, tbence nortbeasterlr L 3b tl Amy MiJ.U. i.Ik.Wait -FRISCO laSPERIAL.' "PAAJa." A(edUWeI nfHifli gixl .1 nl- Polr, . or a grey nhirnsm. Jan, I?. ftnlliver dU. tloor shore to poln) commenrrment. -FisMswsutM." -rsmto- aim 8 Year ,ronulninr St acres, more or less. in If tin. ..ul -!! hiit tbe Imx. otAY m twaitus. k(orebtl!uif rnvered the Liniputiane, but he PACIFIC MILLS LIMITED, Inrr- of tin- in plainly. I Daily .mas delivered bj ' Mark Smaby, acent. failed lo learo that the tiniest CUARANTUO r THE rare I COVUtMMrKTaf CANADA MM earri'-r. fjO cents per month- Paled May tllb. A. O. ISIS. Ant. II eilant were linn believer in woman I la- Kteinttykr r.lan, a r. fuarkMblv vHttl jlory uf the daye auflrflFe and the eteHCt tli- Vnfcoei ninli. by llev. S people on earth. Ir. Hiiward A. Salilur. in ctiinpany with Mrs. Mary IluWrte FRED STORK'S HARDWARE HeinhaH and Ilex Ueaeh, well. kiunvn writers has juat eomplet. Ml n trip of exploration thrtHiKh 710 SECOND AVt the Ielamlo of the wpKteni rnat of South Atnerira and made a Carpenters' Tools Builder' Hardware Ship Chandlery io.ono.tnil trip in hi 90-foot Wle Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle paaolme launch. Iron Pipe Pips Fillings Rifles and Shotguns The erientI.Ueiplorer, while in Rope Valves Ammunition Pumps Has Paint niiicnpo told a siory about tin Store and Ranges Rubberold Roofing Corrugated I roii Sou Ilia Indian, a pygmy rare if which little t known, lKcau' -WE SEtlL NOTHING BUT THE BEST f their excliiMvp jliabils. They inhabit nn Inland near Colon. Tlu re nr only ID.ffpft of the amall FRED STORK'S HARDWARE race in exfitahce. Tllee Indian nrfl a aerlous. inded little, peaple, who live a I sIBBBBbV -A Hie Poor Man's '..n iiiuniniio ill., in which me 1 Smttf woman j!nj! n important a part Babyis Own Soap as the inanJ; aid ho. "They are lli- Lilliputians of fact. All mat. University lets of importance are settleil by the whole tribe a u council, in which the women vole and talk. If a youth decided to marry he 'ONES knows more about present hi choi.cn bride to Hie cars than any other i council and if !ie.Is approved be kaovr, said a man to hi inalex hU demnhiU known. Tliem friend. '' He has obtained tua Indinni naver marry nut of the ' knowledge chiefly from motor car advertisements, tribe. They are wary of while and the avtalotfuee and booklata becaue they have oflen ocen circulated through tntMn. hHte.d." " AU I know shout phototrapby,'' dekrcd a weS-known nmatcur, " I hsve learned from the ssmm wao NAVIOABLK WATERS CHOTECTION AC! advertise cameras, plts, papers and &lsa." R. S. O. ChtpUe 11S. 'V Advertisements have been IIuiimi n, Babiniloa and Norman R. Pnidiiurst of lb city or rrlnce Rupert, well called "The Poor Man's io IIm rrovlneo or British Columbia, here- 9jou iiy five iHUlre that tbry have under See. Thi i ion T or the said art deposited with tbe University," but other than Minuter or Public Works at Ottawa and m trie vRlca tr the District lieruirar or poor men have been schooled TU at Uw Land llrfUlry OIHct al tbe iiy or Prince Rupert aforesaid a descrip. thereby. Dim or I lie site and the plana or s wharf pmpuaed to be built la llenalunr Bar. Lanrara liUnd, In front or Lola Sit and ysa art sfe'ar a Itetl imiatti Much of what the aver4 HsMeividutl kaews la. oueea Charlutle Island Land District, talk ovef your advititlr( ptob. vviMArif, )'vi iuiiai mmm wiwiisim p V nwi assn rovlur of British Columbia. Isms witlt the Adwtisiat D. aad office (looks methods, AMsWt cltrl4i)r, AND TAkK NOTICE that after Use tx partmoat of tbla nxrrr. turaiiuii of wm iiKNilli rruiu th oat of ctous stones, invcsttaeaM, aM almost c After the bath with BABY'S OWN SOAP the Hie ursl putllcaiion or tbla notice the Mai'aaai If y are laWaru Jit it e wovlJ frtthrUt b wtrl tr he has learned from aavecweiPQnte. smooth, comfortable, and exhales the said IIuiimi p, Hablottoo and Norwio H. lor you tu bare the couettl and kin it Urudliursi wilt under S Hon 7 or the assistance ot a (ooJ dvtftii Advertisements have stitnwJated oar aroma of fre.hly cut flower. 4ld art irply t. Uia Minister or public eny, A list af ibese wiH be added enormously to oar knewkdac. aad afvea ua Works hia al In ofuce the or Cliy Oitawa. troubles, In measure iarnitiiaJ, witlmul east or fc!i have raked ktJher Uvak ef 1'rretlnm from skm explains some Prnilnro or Ontario, for aiirotl or the tloa, by lU iU'lsiT ol Can. aspirations which ua to the refreshing sleep which "Baby's Own Soap" babies aid ill and plana and for teat o con rf'iMt frets AtMteUlieiit, Kooaa thinkinit and livia. Advrtiias1 ia kdeesj ATke enjoy lvpccially for nurxryutM! insist on"Baby's Own". iruri iim said wharf. SiM,UwiJtu t!u;iJio,Toroao. Poor Man's Uaiversky.N PATH al Prince Ituwri. U. tbla . . . ... . ' nn 1 1 i n.-,.r.r... ajyaiTDril, Itlli Al-iaUvl sunn .-..,, - ..r... .- day of PeconOter, A. u. lilt. WILLIAMS A MANSO.t. Suiteiiora for the ApliciL