f.' The Daily news VOI j, VIII. NO, 10, MUNCH rilH'KIIT, II. O, TUK8DAV, JANUAIIV 23, 1017. , PfllrtK FIVK iikfrw fill Lilly, FLAYS THE BORDEN GOVERNMENT NO CONFIRMATION OF REPORTED SINKING OF RAIDER - BERMUDA PROTECTED LAURIER FLAYS GOVERNMENT BRAZIL LACKS FOR RECKLESS EXTRAVAGANCE CONFIRMATION AMPLE EVIDENCE OF LACK OP UNITY FHICTION WHERE FROM GLASGOW HARMONY SHOULD PREVAIL CANADIAN EQUIPMENT WORTH MILLIONS 8CRAPPED IN ENGLAND Minister of Marina Taklnf Amolo LEADER FAV0R3 ADJOURNMENT Prvoautlons 3x Submarine . and Cruiser AMsd to (H-tui t iiy jng t, atl adjournment for a cer- Bermuda Ottawn, Jan. 23. The debate ain neriod. Hlr Wilfrid ouoled on the addros a continued In from (he Sam Hughe correspondence (SpcUI to TIM Dsn? JtCWS) Ihe limine of Common yesterday. in support of hit view re-(wcting Ilia de Janeiro, -Jan. 23, The In rrply to the speech from the itm absence of harmony Minister of Marine has announced in Ihe councils of the government that no confirmation has been received throne, Sir Wilfrid Laurfer slated of the report that the Brit that the Canadian soldiers had ish cruiser Glasgow has sunk the COUNCIL FAYORS don their part In fh war mag-nincentlr. German commerce raider in the MHa the government ELECTING BOARDS south Atlantic . The minister has done an mucht" asked the leader ordered a cruiser patrol to be es of the Opposition, -mere is ei-j ,g, n ln. -it council tablished between Pernambuco dence, Irresistible, abundant nndLlw.,jnB ,aM njghL Actjng Mayor and Maranhao in order to prevent GIRL MUNITIONS WORKERS GIVE WOUNDED TORI MIES A "TOPPING" TEA PARTY. There controvertible, thai, In the gov- ..McOlymnnt ratted the question of the raider from making use of was a waitress for every guest when the Glasgow girl munition workers recently entertained a eminent council, there is no the appointment of license and this portion of the coast as a 1 party of wounded men toa special Christmas spread. The girls who prepared the feast and waited unity of thou jt hi or action, but He said base. police commissioner. on the men work all day long at shell making, and have been devoting a good deal of their spare Jarrlnic and.frlcllon from first to thil ln maiter iiaj been discuss- Bermuda Protected. time and no small amount of cash to entertain the wounded.soldiers of their city. last; hesitation Instead of dec! ed at a political gathering re New York, Jan. 23, Four Brit ion, and friction where harmony cently and a resolution passed RIDICULOUS MOTION would put himself in a bad light INDEMNITY-BYLAW ish and two large Italian subma should have prevailed, said Sir that the police .commissioners rines, along with the British arm if ho made a noise about it. Wilfrid. consiil of the mayor, the county BY ALDERMAN CASEY Aid. Dybhavn said Uiat the FREELY DISCUSSED ored cruiser Leviathan, have been The Leader of the Opposition court Judge and one member added to the Allied fleet at the flayed Hlr Thomas White for Instituting elected by the people, and that the At the close of the city council checking was in the hands of the During the second reading of British naval base at Bermuda, crusade for purchasing agent, who, in the according to information received a economy license commissioners consist of meeting last Aid. Casey referred night. the indemnity bylaw at the city had past, usually hired an outside amongst the people of Canada, from passengers arriving here on the and two elected mem mayor to Ihe recent purchase of council Iat night there was to out the checking. man carry considerable when a an II I ion dollar worth of bera. He thought the matter the steamer Bermudian. 1 00.000 feel of lumber from Albert had doubt this He no that discussion over the WoaUra FronL , Canadian military equipment Is should be taken up by the council. scrapped in I'ngland, while Can-ad A McCaffery, and moved that, would be done as before. clause covering the penalty for London, Jan. 23. Quietness continues to buy equipment Aid. Montgomery said he in view of the fact-that the employees Aid. Mcltae said he did not non-attendance on the part of prevails on all the fighting fronts In England and continued scrap thought the suggestion was an of the city held their jobs agree with Aid. Casey's statement aldermen. The proposed clauseH and no advance has been made. ping of Canadian supplies goes improvement on the old political largely by the goodwill of the that he had no intention of cast- says that any alderman omitting Paris, Jan. 23. French forces method, but he favored a further major, an outside'man bo hired ing reflections on the mayor. "If to attend four consecutive council repelled attacks last night along on.81r Wilfrid deferred atl com advance and that the city council to check up the lumber when it.this motion carries," said Aid. meetings snau lose me proportionate the east bank of the Meuse. menl regarding National Service have full control over both the arrived. 1 Mcltae, "the public can interpret amount of hU indemnity. Lmm rook Ship. and the proposals for the further police end licenses, lie said that. Aid. Montgomery said he be- it in no other way than as a relieved Aid. Mcltae took exception to Athens, Jan. 23. The Entente extension of the life of. parliament, in the early days, the politicians in the city getting all that flection on the mayor. If any emit this clause on the ground that it Allies propose to lease the Greek but stated that the Opposition on the license commission landed paid for but he still had suRl- ployeo failed to turn in a true did not overcome the question of mercantile marine for the dura would facilitate the Premier the city into a lot of expense in cient faith in the employees of j check on anything, lumber or non-attendance, particularly ' at tion of the war. connection with a lawsuit. He the city to trust them In doing i otherwise. I believe that Mayor committee meetings. He suggested attend the journey to London to thought that the matter be en their duty. If he thought that MeCaffery would be the first to that the sum of 13 be deducted Ibe doing of less work in committee Imperial Conference by consent- tirely In tho hand of the council, any employee was name 10 De reprimand him.M Aid Casey's motion for each council meeting missed and more In the council. which had to foot the bills. tampered with, he would see that did not find a seconder. and t2 for each committee"meeting though the committee method had WILSON ADDRESSES Aid. Casey preferred Aid. Mont he was dealt with in the proper missed. The word indemnity its advantages, in that; it allowed SENATE ON PEACE gomery plan, but uij npi entirely way, until lie was tnown mai FOR flKNT Five-room cottage meaning the repayment for loss of freer speaking. In,dealing with approve of either. He ob his confidence was misplaced, he witli bath and range connected, sustained, he thought there was the clause as it stands, he took Washington) Jan. 23. President jected tn the judge being a mem. would not feel justified in sup opposite News Office, available no loss sustained by an alderman illustrations from last year's Wilson", personally addressing Utr of the.board as that would porting any such motion. Feb. 15. Store. Cth Street, Alder when he failed'to attend. council. He- said that one alder the Senate yesterday, declared practically make it an appoint Aid. Casey said that it was not lllock. 935. Store with full basement. Aid. Montgomery objected to man,Vho had missed 30 meetings that a peace following victory on ment for life. his Intention to make any insinuations 25x50, Third Avenue, $20. the proposed .change. He had to last year, would, under the exist the neld of battle cannot be a Aid. Mcltae said that the put against the mayor but Apply W. J. Alder, Suite 30, Alder work for a living.and might not ing clause, bo penalized 12 times. permanent peace. He said that ting of the Judge.on,the police Hint, as Ihe employees' jobs depended Block. 21 be able to attend the committee while another Alderman, who had the United Stales would lend its Commission would put him some- upon the goodwill of the meetings during the day. missed 26 meetings, would be authority to nny guarantee of limes in the position of prose. mayor, a city man checking up) Spring) and mattresses, 20 St Acting Mayor McClyiuont said penalized 21 times. He thought peace, but the condition must win tutor and judge as well. the lumber and finding a shortage reductions ni Tile's sale.. If. the object was to do away with his amendment was quite fair. tlin approval of all mankind. The The acting mayor said that ho absenteeism. The clause as it Aid. Casey said he was not par senators generally reserved comment understood that the scheme work. stood would allow a man tomiss ticular as tn wnicn clause wa- upon the President's "views ed out well in Ontario. three meetings out of four with adopted, all that he asked was that and some Republicans opposed Mr. Peters said that Ontario PATRIOTIC : CONCERT out being penalised. The council he receive consideration with them. did not always do what was best. In Wostholm Theatre on meetings were the least of an the others. He was working for American Prisoners? lie saw serious difficulties in the alderman's duties, the committee an employer and it was not pos January 24, at 8 The United Stales has asked way of the judge acting in a dual Wednesday, p.m. meetings taking up much more sible' for him to be at all com-, Oermnny for Information an tn capacity. GREAT PICTURE PROGRAM - time. The idea was to give the mittee. meetings. If they could whether any United States cltliens Aid. Dybhnvn said he agreed William Fox presents public tho service they were pay be arranged for the evening it were taken prisoners when the with Aid, Montgomery to an ex. ing for. would suit him better. It was KM EDA ARA steamer Yarrowlale was captured. tent, but that such a drastic Aid. Mcltae said he did not want decided to leave the matter opsa Tho Vampire of tho Screen In change nil nt onco, could hardly be to penalize Aid. Montgomery, or unlit next week. looked for. Though, ho believed "JEWELS OF THE MADONNA" i any other individual, but ha was WESTHOLME ld. Montgomery's suggestion was LATEST WAR GAZETTE a working man too, they were all best, he Would bo prepared to working men. He asked for the LONDON CAFE OrXRA HOUSE support the line suggested by tho R NATION change in order that the clause AN GRILL TONIGHT ONLY in tliiK mayor, n the one most Secretary of the Provincial Ilranch of the Patrlollo Fund, might be effective and the com Third Avenue. JEWELL IM HUNT likely U bo accepted. Ho moved will deliver an uddres oil tho purposes of the fund and mittee meetings, rightly or wrong Prompt Ssrtlce of tho Boot "A LOVE REDEEMED" Hint the council express the opinion its administration, ly, were much more, imperial! h U ut it iH hour. (hat the pollra Tpmmission-(CotiUmied SHORT MUSICAL PROGRAM ADMHWON 15 CENTS. than the council meetis, as they Also Comedy and Gazette FM LAMM on Pago Two lasted much longer. He favored COMMENCING TOMORROW - - WEDNESDAY COMMENCING TOMORROW TITE'S BIG MID-WINTER FURNITURE SALE