Till! DAILY NKW8 The Daily News WHEN BUYINGYEAST a THE MAILS Safety Firat INSIST ON HAVING THE LEADING NEWSPAfER IN NONTHftHN BRITISH COLUMBIA PablUaad DHy and Weakly THIS PACKAGE For the East. QuaranUod Larfoot Circulation Tuesdays, 2 a. in. Ship to Shubcrf Wednesdays, 9'.30 a. m. Elijah IIIJAI oFFICK Haturdays. U:30 a. in. frwf h4 .T . i .. tfQ iMily .New) Hullduiff, 3rd Ave, Irinc Hupcrl, It.C Telephone UH, 7 From iha East. tltANtfll XI IMHI'LAY ADVKIITISINO 60 rents per Inch. Contract Tuesdays, 5:30 p. m. rale nn' application, Thursdays, 0:30 p. in. P a. b Hundays, 3:10 p. in. DAILY F.MTrOR ajQklU Tuesday, January 2.1, 1017. For Vancouver. J Tuesday, . m, 6 al the terminal of the (Irnnd Thursdays, 10 p. m. Tho following is from tlio Trunk Pacific Hallway. J Sundays, I p. m. WINTER SCHEDULER New Westminster evidently From Vancouver. llritlsh Columbian, a new thinks that, because the chief Wednesdays, 10:30 n. m. paper published In Now Westminster: TITUTES S. S. FRINCC QEOROC fishery Inspector for the province Fridays, 3 p. m. THURSDAY 11 Midnight f.o r Vancoutte Is located nt New West Sundays, 7 p. m. Victoria and Ssattl. succeeds like success and there "Prince Rupert evidently minster, the fishing headquar Vilernate Mondays from January WEDNESDAY MIDNIQHT FOR ANYOX the fact that is no denying Villa alms to be some burp, according lers are also there. Surely the 1st. 8. S. PRINCE JOHN has been successful, if he even re Ktltbtaaa, tWraatait aa Sttr r lata, raew. to a report In one of the llshery headquarters of any For Anyoi. saeb Ttb t1H. has been only a successful bandit. Tib t1l. Prince Hupcrl paper., which country or province are where Wednesdays, 10 p. m. fON QUIIS) CMASJtOTTI ISLANDS Jaf 17th k4 tttt, rtfcearf Hia aad asu. states that a delegation that the flsh are, and the fish are Fridays, ft p. m. If the (llasgow has succeeded FASSENQER TRAIN SERVICE recently left the northern city undoubtedly In greater ahund Sundays, R p. in. in sinking the Huh raider, her I W-4r 4 S4te at ItiMa.. fe BaiRbae. rla Omci. i(. for Ottawa will ask the Depart mice around Prince Rupert than From Anyoi. m SMlittM asd Wlaala. mIIs aaMllaa lbe fte M iall commander will feel that he has ment of Marine ami Fisheries al any other part of the coast. Thursdays, Sundays and Tues. at ad Math. ,SH4 leala fef Tar al 4 a. pa. got back some of what he lost to remove the fishery head. According to .New Westminster days. Agsncy All Ocoan SUamahlp Lin. whin Craddock's gallant little For information and reservation apply to quartern from .New Westmln way of figuring, the fishery Tho Island. squadron was out-gunned. City Ticket Office, StS Third Avsnuo. FHONt IM ater to Prince flupert. The secretary headquarters, of Canada are In Mail closes. brought the matter to Ottawa, as it is at Ottawa that Jan. 17 and 31st at ft p. m. It must have been, n case of the attention of the Hoard of the Fisheries Advisory Hoard Feb. I llh and 2lh at 8 p. m. when "fireek meets Greek" at that Trade last evening, and al. meets. The people In the south Mall Arrive. mass meeting in Hoston on Sun though .Mr. Jas. Anderson and have not got It through their day. January lst, February l"lh CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Mr. C. 11. Sword thonglit there heads yet that Prince Rupert Is, and March 3rd. was no occasion to tale any and because of its proximity to llrussiloff says that the enemy aiai at. Staaao. BX. Lowest Kate to all Eastern Point notice of It, the board decided the fishing banks of the Pacific W. SL WtlUM. A, I,LB via Steamer to Vancouver and tha will le completely routed during that the .secretary should write arid the Skeena and Naas rivers WILLIAMS A M ANSON CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY the coming year. The general Maal and iUfth Included mn Jtteame the department asking assurances and the inlets must always be, aerlatara, Sotlcltora, Eto. their who led the Russians in that no such removal the fishing centre of the coast. tremendous advance of last spring Baa tits for Friday 11 Princess Maqulnna Granby Bay p, m, would be made. The majority last month's halibut Compare HlrMi Bloc Pnra Rasaet, B. C and summer ought to know some, Southbound of the members took the view returns at Prince Rupert with Prlno Maqulnna Suntfsy p. m. thing about it and. if he has halt Prlnc Sophia foe Alaska Monday, January 2tth. that, ridiculous the as sugges-tion those at Seattle and Vancouver: a chance, will do his share in the might be, this city should compare the salmon pack of routing. J I. PETERS, Central A?nt not risk the assumption that It the north with that of the Stuart J. Martin CaMne Fourth Street ani Third Anua. Pl Ruil, B.C acquiesces by its silence." waters adjacent to New Westminster, COUNCIL FAVORS It may l well to assure the and we find that the ELECTING GAUDS ASSAY EH New Westminster Hoard of inly claim that the south has Trade that Prince ilupert not to being the fishing headquarter! (Continued From Page One! HAZELTON B. O. only aim to be some burg," is tha(t the chief inspector but already is "some burg" and Wake era ronsit of the maor, county resides there. tip, New-Westminster. Tho oldoot slabllshsd Assay if the court Judgp and one elected mem that, north reaped the Offlo In tho North. ber that the license romnil full and benefit of its harvest, of the sinners consist of the mayor and sea, Prince Rupert would be NOTES AND COMMENTS still greater. If the British two elected members. Thl wa seconded by Aid. Mcllae. Columbian or the secretary of President Wilson's troubles are Aid. McMeekin favored tho STEEN & L0NGW1LL the New Westminster Hoard of increasing. The Mexican filiation electing of two to each board of Trade will take the trouble to is In greater turmoil than commissioners, with the mayor SANITARY AND HEATING. go into fishing statistics for ever; the peace movement I nt the year 1016 they will dii. running smoothly and now the an ev.nfllcio member of each. ENGINEERS Aid. seconded Aid. Mont Casey cover that Prince Rupert i fireek nr asking him to recognize gomery's amendment that the Agonto for not endeavoring "to remove the the Saloniki government. board be abolished and the mat MoOLARY FUMNADES fishery headquarters from New Heine chief neutral is some job. Westminster," as that l quite ter controlled by the council. On FLUMBHNO Th Roftl aSUndard Test vote leing taken the motion unnecessary, the Ashing head- Pancho Villa has "come back" and quarters, not only of Sritih;ln no uncertain fashion and he carried. Aid. Dybhavn then SHEET METAL WORKS amended hi motion to follow the Here's voKerc wt lest tn Columbia, but of,the whole Pa-J seems to have put it over Car.. Phone A3 4 Second Avenue. line proposed by Aid. McMeekin. 5, cKotcett SMBoles CaaadVt Ciflc coast already being located ranza In the meantime Nothing Night phones 576 The change was unanimously ap sts saXaoa aoc wneat aoo. proved of. and Illuo 270 Wc end uSem into Hour h bSo BIST Tho rhjhl work, at tho Hfht btU J you see oa lit IA of Umo, and at tho right prloo. Tickets SUN AN TIDE the picture. Tnra coste Am supreme IcatLccad-baliaa. V Wednesday; January 24th, LAND ACT th LctaJ ta perfect ia ertry t Ml trm rli. Bda. tack. Plata, naif an MuMla- Bun rises .......8:53 a. in. vrsjr wc proooiac to wkest MILIUM FROM SHEW Y0M VANOOUVt UMO Dl STVUCT 04ST1UOT Al rJ the flour-ROYAL Brraeiufjonr Jan. 7lh. .Sun sets 1:25 p. m. 0 COAST, SUSJOC S. "Stork bo ln February I Ota High .2:lfi lit. 21.5 STANDARD., water a.m. TAKE .tOTICK tbat I. Lro Sunlry Bur-don. h'rUtlaniafjord' February 1 7 th. AT YOUR GROCER'S of Orraa Tall. B. C, ccmptilaa anil) -Pifrttnifjora- .. Msrcn ISth. Low- water . . . .8:1 a. m. III. S.t ecrttary. Intend to apply far prrmutkio Nat For Rale.Vr W Hlnttrated Mao m rolder Sarty.and High water ...2:12 pin. HI. 23.3 to purcbaM lb followlDr detenbed Iaa4i tfranc(Hiver Millies train CtLtC EOYAL JTAXWiO General Information Apply to ComiarortBf al a pott pltatad about Bra Low water . ..8:25 p. in. lit. 1.2 BaaaiM.VWtaeu. chain duiant and la a wrilcrly diracUoa OTBMAVS) J i Hi'lnin Mctlee. M. M. f. A. from tb oulbcil eomrr of UH SI, ueaaaa a Si ll Hnr S. Coail PUIrkt. tbrace aoalh t cbala; tbvor ! IS etui at) tbcoc north Pel Raaart, SV. i MVIOASU.C WATlftS HOTSOTMM OT. 10 tbcnra St rbini chain, to iht a a. a otwt u. pol, eonuinins la all about is acr. LCO 8TA.1LCT Bb'KOO.1. Waaabar ItuiiMt B. Babiocloa so4 Morsaaa It. NOVEMBCIt 6, III. T. S. For YMrseli Bmusrft of tt City or Trta nuptrl, :o ttM I'roHiiF or BriiHb Columala, bar. MINERAL ACT Hail Let Us Save You Money on your by.sirs aoiita Hut tby bava andr Nctlca to Dllnqunt Partners. tloa 7 of Um al4 atl dpoalt4 wlla Um GIN to ytv Friend Gasoline Distillate MiaUirr of Public Work al Ottawa and To Orant Mabouii and Patrick Daly, or In ib otnra ut iba blurlcl Rcsiitrar of TASK MOTICIC that brra bf TUl at Um Uu4 llrrlry OOlea al doo and caud la b duo aituucnt City bt Prior Ituprrl arorall a dearrlp ork by ury on tb Daly, alilTan. We guarantee to save you 26 per cent, on gasoline or diatilUta. aol lion of Iha lt and the plana of a wbarf Edlih and lxia Mineral Claim, tlnuiad Ut PERRIN'S upkeep and fre any motor from CAR BOM troubles. A seven ounce prfiHjMl to h bulll In lUiulunf Bay, Iba Salmon Bar Rlvrr DUtrKI. porUand box of Carbonvoid is equivalent to W gallon of gaaoline. Every bos Laarara Ulaod, In front of tola Sit and Canal Minlnt Division, for tha year ISIS, of Carbonvoid Will V UU Qurtn Charloiu Ulaod Land Iiliirlcl, and bat paid fcr aid work and rcord (15 in gasoline Carbonvoid the and give from Protlnre of BrUMb Coluuitila. lay ,mim lb uiu of IllS.eO, unlet you GLOVES 400 to 600 ad. puts ditio'ial mil, A.I II TAk'E NOTICE that after Um ta-piraium py to u t lie uut of fttl.oo for youi ,Carbonvoid is a "GO" in Gasoline dry powder you of una month from iba data of lure of ald aenieNl work, torather just drop in the : : tank. Will re U Brt publication of ibis nutlre tlx w lib tba rol of Uil aduerUaement, w all carbon from cylinders. Ta wall kaowa Perria mdesnark u move said Hun B. Babinatoa and nortnan It. lull al IM eiplratlon of ninety (SO) dat The Unrest coraoanWa in the world it. THE ALLIES OKUKKEt) um Iirodiiurtt will nrwlr kciioa 7 of Um frota tho dM hereof, aity to tb Minis atowa la cut saml4 bo on ere 17 f lor IN JUNE 2Hd,000 CARTONS. Previous order 3&0.0W cartons. Fully rrra aid art apply to Um Minliur of public Recorder at Stewart, H..C, to bar your guaranteed refunded. Mailed anywhere on receipt of H.&o fost ft, a UtLtsaamrw parfoctJoa 0 oryour money Works at hi offlra In lb Qiy f Otuwa. iNterrd In Iba bl Daly, Sullivan, tdnh jou Prnvinra of Ontario, for approrat of tha and Lot mineral claim netted In ui. In For Ssk Only by aid Hi and plain aud for kv u cva portiioM- of iba prvrition of tb Mineral Style FN m FlsUili. irucl in said wharf. Act. Geo. L. Clayton, -FriHCC 8 c- DATED at Prior nuprrl. B. C, thl luted al Victoria. B. C tbl I lib day aioaloe trt Nr nH (A t7lb day of Drrruibr, A. I). ISIS. of Noiilr, A. D. I SIS. PBMMUTM QL9VMS, WILLIAM a MATISO.1, JAMts Mcdonald. tlMti Solicitor for tha Applicant. f, 14. fBCDCRICK & WIN UH. iVHBLEBALE DISTRIBUTOR . F. O. DAWSON PRIRMMI RUPERT, B. 0.