Ttiaaday, January i3, 1017 TUB DAILY NtiWS HIMHaWMaL' A A T MINERAL AOT STRICKEN IN THE FROM FAR AND NEAR . rtlflai of Improvamanla , .1ASTI MtlLM, nj FRACTION, BtLLIS NOTIOI rnci!o.i. or.m?, blie bell frac. lifer Bow Mineral Claim, aitatla In !M (irrtm-iHHl ii. no iMiay nl Hip no, mm rBACTio.i, tiimtli Bkeena MlMflff Dirlalon of Catirar DlatrRb STREET end of Hi yrnf Hint It forgot all rnACTio.i, ma mould fraction, lilac Wnera located i At toe bead or a branco about Hip invcrto, rr.R.t fraction, pine apple of Unto Creek abont four mHet rrom Mm nwemiUy if holding a FRACTION, COXCOMB, BrOONIA FMC beach oa tn aontb alda or AHca Arm. Rfwfrd Health municipal election. 'A special TION, MlNF.ftAL CLAIMS sltual In the TAKE NOTICS wal I, Oeorre B. Raden, CsmpkMy To Que-a Charlotte District, located at or near Free Mlner-I CerUflcaw No. 40IB, tctitif warrant i now being Issued. Ikeda Pay, Queen Cbtrloita ai a rent ror Tbot. McRoatle, Free Miner1 " " Island. Province y FraH-a-tlws of BrfrNh Columbia, and lawfully held by Certificate Ho. Cltf IB, and iamei U Hatrn, Free Miner Certincata flo. itkib. la-tend, 892 Ht. Vaur fir., MtorraaaU Hlfiei. Hip oulbrenl iif Ihe Ike4 Mine Umlled. war. TAKE NOTICE ,'obn idly aaya from tiM dau bcrenf, to that I. A. Mactaali, "lb 1913, 1 wai tken luddrnly III lit Wninn hate- 'mill merrnn. K lienor for ftKI Mlnei Umlteit, free apply to the Minlnt Beeorder ror a Ortifl' with Acuta Stomach Trohl and nineri' (eninrtu o. itf B, Intend tat of ImproTtmenti, for MM purpose of drupel in the atreet. I wi treated Hie hlp totalling Ifif.OOft toil trier tlx ftplriiloo or tin dart rrom obtaiaint a Crown Grant or tb above by aeveral phyatciaaa for neatly to In rearalion for the trad war tlMi.dau tttmt to apply oa Urtuir 12m claim. . . And further ui nutira that anion, aid Company to 11m Recorder for Uimnr from 223 yeara, and my weljht dropped which will follow pear. a rertMeale of IntproTriwnia for tlx pur coder aecttoa It, malt t eomroeneed b luotla to HO pound, Then several pom of ofcuinfor a Crown Ortnt to we fort tbe inn or aocb Certificate of Improvement. of my frienda advUed me to try "Fruit-a-tltea". ! e (talma. htg la mfroxt altnaii The Admiral Walsoti. which re-cently A.D rt'RTHEKTAIE 50TICK that aettofi Dated thl f lib day or March, A D. tits. uilh tkt titJttf, and by uInf them, went n shore off fttalsu anler B-f lion it of tbe Mineral Act moil GEOBOE R. NADEif. tm rnmiurnred urore tbe itan of lucti from the I recovered diatresain; Alaka. m proceeding Otilh under eertlfleate of Improvenvnti. PMNOC RUPEftT LANS DISTRICT 018- Moraach Trouble and all palo aud her own ateam. Uie will l dry Dated tnlt II it day ef May, A. D 11 1. TRIOT 07 OOA8T, RANM III. Constipation were eured, Xow I we if h JOH.1 A. MACI55E9, TAKE JtOTICE mat Pacue MUM, Umiiad. 30S ound(, I can oot praise "Fruit docked nl Henttle. '' Solieiloe for fkeda Minea Limited. of Vancouver, Brttlib Columbia, occupation. a Uea enough. II. WHITMAN. "BURIED IN MUD IN FLANDERS." f'.ime of; Hi hardhip pulp and paper maker, mtend to apply 60c. a box, 0 for 7M, trial le, 2V1. i'jinn.lin have In endure? on tin- western front. (C.ntUm from LAND AOT ror permliilon to purchara tb followlar Philip lloileau, whoe drawing described land. Commendnr at pott all dealers or aeotpottpaid by Fruit """ At Hie l.ii.I..ii HyulamhT planted on the north bank of Koeya river. figured ollen on thi roter of (he a-tlve Limited, Ottawa. erls Rsaset Usd OItfV OItrlct f about one-quarter of a mile up-stream Saturday ttvenlng Post and other Oasit, Punt a. rrom the abort or FIti-HurB Sound; thenea 7 .. . m , . . 1 . a ' berth twenty chain, tbenee cut twenty publications, it a iiico in ."ew NEW ATTORNEY-GENERAL Do ever have you IF T AKE .10TICE tlMt tbe Pan lie MUla, chain, l hence south to river bank, thenea York. SAYES PROVINCE MONEY Limited, tr Vancouver, B. C, occupation alone a bora In a weiterly direction to tIlcblucs,,? pulp asd paper maker. Intend to apply point or Commencement and eontalnlnt for frmtMion to puree tbe rollowinf forty (40: acre, more or lea. It i reported that Aiiihandr dcsciitsMl tin.1v -ommncinr at a poat Dated Juno lOtb. III. Septl ielona. Jan. V. A. SI. Johii-aon, That discouraged feeling often plantrd at tbe oatbtl corner of Lot III PACIFIC MILLS. LIMITED, (icranl ha a tioHfled lreierU "Mark Smaliy." A rent. . Ihe new tptit allonn v-general comes from a disordered stomach, no ihe wol bore of Coasln Intel, tbenee by WiUon that he will nd in JiU or an inactive liver. Get est it cbalos, tbmc aootb II chain, f ltnlili Oo'mnhia. will tbroc eal to abore, tbeora nortbcaitcrly r-lannlioii if Wnihlndton i not your digestion in shape and Notice to Delinquent Partner. The act for the province m th enll the bile actinc properly then tloor bor to po'nt of commencement, Ta av w. BUiwstl aad Ortaei aa Waboiaaa. Whisky atifted wllh hi upeefh at a re. tanutnlQ- CI aerct, more or le. tmitttr hronaht ngaiiiot the ImmhK the"blues"will disappear. You ACiriC MILLS LIMITED, TAKE ROTICE that wberea I have dona reni Imminet. in Iterlin. and caused to be: don aasetsmeat work will be cheerful,tf take soon you Mark atent. oQuality 8maby( intr coiupaiih which i(iiaraittet-il on tbe Wolf Mineral claim, altuated at tbe Dated May I Jib, A. D. III. Aar. II Ihe deiNtHilorxniid creditor ' bead or Alice Arm, Observatory Inlet, in t:hara tSnhUleln. prominent tbe Sktena mining division or Skeena dla-Ulet. 8 Years the Imiiilitioii Trnt 0. Thi Mil BEHHAM'S astesament work for tb years till, fur lni-r of Juneau. Alaaka, hat Ceflgtiff scatten till, and till, and have paid ror aald befaraWtliac nounreioeiit, ina.l- ill a Ootle work and fteordinc tame, tha aum or jui returnni from a I r 1 1 to Atlin JUAKAKTrXD BT THE IHed ui the nnprein fourt rtrRietry Step H - 07.t0. I'nleaa you pay me tbe lum of ICOVrJtKMCNT ml CANADA . at earh of fur. He report thai yeolrday, t in Hit with the PILLS Tor yoor abare of tb aald -eMment thi work, totetber with the coat ol the outlook for fot thl yearl Conxbba; policy a n in.u need by Hon. M. A. trritatKMi of tha already Inflamed this adverusement, I shall, at tbe expiration jxr the country beinir over-run mncwooa membrane or ninety ill) day rrom the data MacJoiiahl. allitrnv-general a the for Kfe'tf people's remedy and i moreover apt to carry hereof apply to the mtnlnr recorder at tr and coyote. -He ahort time aso that tinder the new common ailments. They act 4iaea to crtber. Prince Ropert, B. C. to have yoor Inter thoroughly on the stomach, afathiru'a Syrup of Tar sb4 rt - tha Woir mineral claim vested la rearime' Ihe (taid ofliciaU of the liver and bowels, and soon regulate Cod Liver Oil protnpUy tOM me, in runuance or tb provtaiona or tba The index," ttuhliaheil at Mon ermn wittihl personally in and strengthen these important cmhiac, ana aaoa, thank mineral acL that "bad to its tonic properties,effects Dated at Prince Rupert, B. Oil tltb ANYONE i Waablnslon, aa the law riurt more than formerly, organs. Purely vegetablecontain 0 a ptfmaneat cure. day of February, till. P CAM "alhe at It.-rtlia l attain Inter Mr. J"luitii will act in the no harmful ,Tb wonJerfoJ popwlnrity ml. J. E. STARE IferiiiB Whenever feel of Mathlea's Syrup of Tar drugs. ou iiri acliiliea on the two oiiil airaiiil the l..ii.liii: aad Cnd U ver OU la(pecially despondent a few doses will bm to rU rrcat vain sj 'wi"ern front." DYE companfe inlecd of V. J, llaird. armanent Tang aad Vroai-cfcial One of the eiiiU i for payment Make Things haalcr. AKERIERG, THOMSON Sold rrerrsrbera,jje lar The half-holiday act. hastily of a t0,0rtt iNind furnished by C0rHANY WITH drawn up in the dying day of the the Hallway Paaseniers" A- look Brighter X U atATBIEV CO,Prwaw , m. ' Arenta for Itowfter Koernrnent hM.el j u ranee Go- and wa lartel by Vmmmt SmU ml Amr UUUU, ht,.WU. sWhrstlH, rJJ. "FRtaoo lata'PiUi,'' ALaWR.- DYOLA put t"frther that u will reiHire , thf. former atlorney.eeneral. Hon. SwIV-Sm mm mm mmmtmmmmm-m iiiaRasAM," -i mmm mmtm mmmm mm i. i -OLAT" SkM w amending at Ihe next aeton ..f W. J. Ilwer, about lo yeart mmm. mm i li lnvsTsfasC BcB j Tbe Dally rus. delivered b) J ... . I m mm I ri i n a Mr. Itaird im ura in i rotors aaswa iiiui the legislature. aso. Althmiph month- rarrier, 50 centa per then retained by Ihe poternment In .freiiiijr hi congratulation to act for it in the car.e and engage . iUn t" N. Ilbodea. the new cuuiuel, the cae wa ueer ol Ihe lloue of Com- et down for trial, lion, lialpb mith. the present minUter of finance. Marled the other tuft recently, which I for payment of a FRED STORK'S HARDWARE 50,000 bond put up hy Hie In-don Guarantee Co. 'Mr. Itaird wa nlo retaineil for thi. auit. but 710 SECOND AVI Mr. Johnon will now tale oer OarpaoUra' Tool tilUUrV Harfoar Ship Chandloey both. ItVIe tBakla SiMl BlMka Flahlna Tackla The ItrilUh Columbia government Iron Wpa ripa Flttlnoa Rlfla and Ihotauna I carrying on these uit Hoa VaUaa AmmunlUon aa the. reprtentative of the de Pump Hoaa Paint positor and otht-r creditor -f IIovm aiMl Rang Rubbarold Roofing CorrogaUd Iron the Ihimjiiion Trust ;o. in tin - WE SELL BJOTHINQ NUT THE BEET pnvlnce. The liquidator ha other anil in Ihe: courtx and peiidintr and represent all the FRED STORK'S HARDWARE creditor everywhere. Thus, if the province U iiccejful in re-coverina: th 1250.000 or part of Poor Mans that Mini, another unit may have e to le fought a o whether the Baljys Own Soap money wilj t.. uix'd to pay the It. Universiiy U. creditor or all of them. The liquidation JKolns: 'no under a Dominion act II will he, reiuemhered that 'ONES knows about more i Ihe 1200,000 was placed in provincial cars than any other Baa I eHninlesjhy the former know," said a man to hie hut Itowaer. Ihen government, Mr. friend. "He has obtained his attorney.eeiieral, found it im-poihle knowledge chiefly from motor car advertisements, to pay nut Ho money till and the catalogues and booklets the court dcridi'd nloul IIih bond circulated through them. money. Hon. !hilh Smith, it is underlKK, will be interviewed by " All I know about photography dekrd a woM-known the de-poMlora amateur, " I have learned from the saea who n deputation repreenlln: advertise cameras, plates, papers aad filaas." on hi next visit to Vancouver, in regard to Ihe prosecution Advertisements have been of the suit which it i understood UI 4 will now bt piitthed well called "The Poor Man's vigoroiify to a eoncltiion, University," but other than men have been schooled iooiim Si Wllfri.l l.anrier said poor - -- - ----- t m I hut he km-w of no hlemUli In Mr. thereby. llhohH' character evcctt Hint be waa ii Tory. -Hut." added Sir yaa ar Jmitf a isisfia Much of what the average kadlvisittal kaews talk advertUiaf proh. over four i tmtl iicisuuH niiamaa pjatmi sawM "it not Wilfrid. nmhMaoghter. l loai oltb Ibe Adfartiaiai Ue-parlssaat oftce methods, books sad swiaors, eleatriaisy, re-cioua iraett to every man to be, a iril. of this Bappar. stones, invesUBeats, aad ehnosl evsylsssssiajaet (it l f pedal dipenalion," yea ar ilt yrtftWai r he has learned from advertissnieaU. n Ah-, ik. with BABY'S OWN SOAP tUm mlimml IsWaeM It would m will lor ou to bav ih aad kin is imootii, comforUWe, and exhales th aaaUlaaaa ot t food adtmliiaf Advertisements have itlmwUted oar aSteMagssee, cut flowers. An increnvlnir tiuinlier of wo. aetr. A liil ol tkt is willba added enormously to ear knewledge. aad givea as aroma of freihly tu0ii nr beitiR eniployeil in Vancouver luraUbtJ, wilUout aotl or otli-iaiiuu. aspirations which have raised as to higaer levels of Freedom from akin trouble, explalna in aome meaiure by lb Sccictary ol Can thinking and living. Advenieasg U ladeed '' the banka. Womert ledser-keeper adi.a Vrts A"wlliott, Hoom babiea which "Baby's Own Soap" the refreshing aleep SOy.Lumidaa ltwildia,Troala. Poor Nfsa'i Universky.rt nlnv. Koeciallv for uurnery use inaiat oa"Babr'a Own". are becomiiiK quilt com ALBERT 30AM Lulled, Maaufarturora,, MONTRAJL mon and they ure proving Just a elllcieut at tha boyi. oi e