TlllSiy Ja THH DAILY NKW8 tin E M. Snndilaiids arrived on the DAVIS VERY FORTY LIBERALS TO SENATOR John I tils morning from J.L.HICKEY OTTAWA FROM WEST Local News Notes SERIOUSLY INDISPOSED Queen Prince Charlotte Islands. 11 Is "TIip na;i l. flawil over three years since Mr. Hand!, (Special to The Dally Winnipeg, Jan. 18. There has 6QNTRACT0R A BUILBER heen a scries of conferences here Vox feature at tho Weslholme Prince Albert, Jan, 23, Following lauds was in the city and he Is CLASSIFIED ADi Wednesday night. receiving A warm welcome from of -western n severe relapse, Senator Sloro and Ofllce Fixtures, Liberals this week to Sash, Door and Moldings. discuss the party's attitude tlur Tile's Mg furniture sale starts Davis vVas operated upon 1at his many friends, lie Is on his Oak and Hard Woods of all Ing the coming session at Ottawa Wednesday morning, 20. night. His condition Is exceed-lugly way south. WA.Vtn and all Indications Imau ' njt kinds. point to th grave. Mark W taaelallta In making likelihood of a general election Captain J. IJ, Olllatl fs In town . Jk 1.. Mcintosh, of tho city, fire lot. ulaff, has received word that his WASTED rncf, f(7TN and fitting atorm wln- this summer. from Sandsplt, Oraham Island. PATRIOTIC) CONCERT concern. ,.. if WEDNESDAY NIOHT brother "Hob" Is now well enough dows, any alia. Hon. Frank Oliver, J. O, TurrllT, (let your dinner nl the Ilsptlst to leave hospital In England. He Plata and Stoat Glaaa and W, K. Knowles, Dr. Neely, Hon Glazing. A. Colder, Senator Watson Church tonlght,;5-to , 35 cents. F. Nation, secretary of tho Provincial was wounded in the attack un the Port nu Corner Prasar and 0th Ma. 'remler Norrls, Atlorney-genera Mld-wlnter sale at Oo. Tile's. branch of the Patriotic llfKina trench. fOR Hudson, Premier llrewsler and 25 Comnlele homo furnishings at Fund, will deliver an address at ldlog SALE IT Carlos machine ntuTH. PHONE GREEN 269 other prominent members and tf. the concert In the Weslholme on Theda tiara, at the Weslholme drlll-sleeL tlUS, cost, P. O. BOX 448. Wednesday is of the greatest Dally news. one candidates were present. Wednesday evening. Many are Opposition to Hon, Itobert Don't miss the reat Patriotic under the Impression that this stars of the screen. WISCCLUNCO lingers in South Winnipeg and Concert In tho Wcstholme Wed fund is n costly one to administer 0ASOUSE kuTT Hon. Arthur Meighcn, wherever nesday night. .Ml such should not miss being at CARBONVOID for sale by Lip. of cash to UuntER IB it wits J!j DENTISTRY he may decide to run, was planned the Weslholme tomorrow night to sell A Cunningham, and Parkin-Ward ntte you W- w Sit ii l.I necessary, Attorney - general Sheets, pillow cases, blankets, hear Mr. Nation explain Just ex Electric Co. If. LOST bed.spreads receive 20 re GROWN Aft tmBM WOM Hudson will oppooe Mr. Ilogers. our actly what Is done with the money a faction Geo. I) Tite. IM LOST-IW4 mrja; Manitoba has only two Liberal and how it Is administered. Scribed, r.mkr t L DR. J. S. BROWN "as ij Mmrr members out of ten seats, but 11. T. Punly and li. K. Murphy. There will alto be one of the Prince Rupert Feed Co. Set SmltA BtMk. TUM atMM fler the next election there will of the Ilooth Fisheries Company, finest picture shows ever screened FOUND be 10 members from the province. of b'caUlc. are In the city looking In Prince Ilupert, uhen Theda fOOD- Sitter e Sixteen Liberals will be sent from over the local plant. Ilara, the vampire of the screen, HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS Ket OOlre Saskatchewan and 10 from Al Is presented by William Fox, in AND FERTILIZERS berta In place of six as at present. 'The Jewels of tho Madonna,' Tho Jewels of the Madonna.' With 42 seats to fight for, the at the Weslholme on Wednesday This Is a film which commands Wf HANDLE FOR REN Sheet Metal Wwk Liberals are confident 35 will be is ona of the most ' remarkable high prices in the big cities and Bulbs, and Take Order for Liberal. With British Columbia's photoplays ever staged. it is given on Wednesday at 15 Nuraaey Stock. Now Is the time to have help, the western Liberals expect cents, which will rover the bare. cetuge Madera I rooea reu&s,sm. t.1, Chicken Feed A ta iK In Specialty. Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Hoops your healing plant put in to send 40 members to Ottawa cost of production. This great! uim( nxass, seta.iaa(J shape for the winter; roofs lend tn leave for the south on the rrtutl Colur W tthi after the next election. patriotic concert Is something not'fN aji c rr!; au t. unxn and skylights seen to. Cbelohsin tonight. They will visit men, TkatMHJ to be misted. Cciuge 4 routs tit u n,l In such eaaas oonault a in Portland. Seattle and other r. o. at ass. so tmh ate. 0 practical man If you want VITAL STATISTICS southern ports. PRINCE BHaaOADlt ArAKTStSTi roatiKa. HALIBUT ARRIVALS RUPERT, B. O. I, e e The report of Dr. Cade, health hm hm r4et4 te tpj C. 0. Rowe The eily council last evening HWi UIH, a o nicer, shows that in the month passed a resolution in regard U With good weather conditions; site, will lsiei.tKM Practical ahaai Hiatal man. of December there were ten births the high cost of living. Lack of prevailing on the banks, halibut, MST TMts j TMtfti Opposite Board of Trade and four deaths in'the There fegarlittiar ostr, j city. space makes it necessary for us receipts are mounting. Yesterday- Rooms- 322 2nd Avenue ere three cases of German to hold over tho details until to. afternoon, the Tuladi came in1 Tltt ViOlSIJtUlhUUXl 1 PNoac as. measles; one of chickenpox and morrow. with 15,000 pounds; the Marga. j stir taslf ttrg, kVf(t1 Estimates Furnished Free. faaiea. one of scarlet fever. Kvery effort lice had H.OOOif halibut and 3.000 Veer ! Is i was made to trace the origin of The city council last evening of black cod, and the Sumner, moved resolution of thanks to t CiL M Is. T Is, 1S-1S H. Q. HELCCRS0l,l3i the fever case but failed. There a which lost three men overboard 0BSP4 19 VPs t LAMB ACT were no other cases. The doctor a C. Perry for the gift or an 1853 some little time ago, landed 30.. i Vsaooevsr Leas District Oletrlct ef cl s s-4 is. hr a 1-t lav as ooMt, siMfl a. reported that there had been a rifle and three stone adxes, to be 000 pounds. A small Canadian) 'occupation TAKE NOTICE ml!! that manager,Archie of Barnes tb city Martin,of severe epidemic of la grippe dur hung in the city hall as the nu schooner, the Ed, brought In 000 Vancouver. Province or British CotcsobU, ing the month. - cleus of a museum. pounds this morning. The Pa- PHONC id 93 P 0. Intend to apply for permission to purchase e the following described lands: ciflc Fisheries bought the American Foe Furihsr InformaUon Call the Pony Express for wood Commencing; at a pott planted on the NOTICE fares at 12 and the Cold Apply to PACIFIC CARTAGE,li aouta (bora of Couilns Inlet about fire cut in stuve lengths or 4 feet. chain west of tba southwest corner of David II. Hays has taken over Storage Company purchased the Lot st, Ranr S. Coatt DUtrlct; tbtact the real estate, insurance and Best household coat and general Canadian cargoes at IS Vs. W. E. WILLI 3CROFT Transfer aid 5(onJ oath 0 chains, I bene weft 40 chains, transfer. Piano moving our Prince) Rupert, B. C. I hence north 10 chains, thence weal SI safety deposit business handled ipe;lalty. Prices moderate. Phone BEST LUMP tV MUT Cm chains, thence north tt.l chains more or by Hon. T. D. Pattullo. Mr. Hays WESTMOLME THEATRE lest to H. W. M. of Cousins Inlet, thence .101, It. W. ftogers. tf. following the H. W. M. to this post and will" conduct this.additional business no lono tsvn containing one hundred and twenty-Are at bis present office at the A llroadway Star Feature, A On the motion of Aid.. Mont vvtjwn (lit) acres more or less. no sMorrT DATED at Vancouver, B. C, this tsi corner of Second Avenue and gomery, seconded by Aid. Mc- Love Iledcemcd,,, in which Jewell Harry Harvey When You Ortae Nasj or November,ARCHIE A. BAA.1E3 D. til.MARTLt. Second Street. tf. Meekin. Aid. McClymonl was last Hunt plays the leading part, is (Lets f awe)S Oeeesrtetelro nlghl appointed acting mayor the attraction at the Weslholme rvL or LAJSSOOWtll 07-piece dinner set and all UVtOASLC WATBM mOTSOTIOM ACT. during the absence of Mayor Me-Caffery Theatre tonight. This Is a highly ft pOt Takes fee. sl a. c. cap. its. other china, 25 reduction al vtou., vtoujcxLto a interesting society drama. There in the .south on city busi MXIAA LA MO WtTSXT-ee- llARMO.1T, PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED, hereby aive Tile's big sale. tf. notice that It has. under Section 7 of the ness. is alo a comedy and a war ga. - EXAMINATIONS i COAST, MI TStWI TAXC Boce ll L aid Act. d-poeilc4 with the Minister or xelte, making a good program. Pagele Petgwod fee taeesleeate Si lie. attMt u sees nr i Public Works at Ottawa, and In the office Iron beds at cut-in-two prices Aeeeelated Beeee. aeistee, Oetee The city council last evening, ralp ead rsper Mas. IM, of the Tteglatrar OenersI of Title at Victoria. tteral Oellete ef Steele. . British Columbia, s description or at Tile's sale. tf. on the motion of Aid. Dybhavn, Dinner In liaptist Church fb. ajr. . C . erraraeae 1 the tile and the plans or certain structures TERMS PHONE BLUE 278 scplr (or rerwisstia to tic erected In front or Lot Thirty-one seconded by Aid. Mcllae, adopted night, from S to 8, 35 cents. .,, w tag drcnt4 Uaos I (It , Ranre Three (I). Coast District, LAND REGISTRY ACT the report of the city treasurer koutk CetBowactag there af tl tbe a Ura po" r-" 1 British Columbia, at the bead or Cousins (Sections It and U.) MM H recommending that the deposits tae tasi Ana e Mos nlet Re Application Ho. I. riUnr l.lll. la t """'l ASD TAKE JtOTICE that alter the ei-pirtUoo TAKE ftOTlCE that application has been on light on hand for three years Prnce Rupert Dairy aa4 rroea esse Ike aaff M.W,antes earaet of T L -ir. 1 of one month from the daw of made to re at tier John Bergman, or Prince- or more be returned. 8. C UNDERTAKERS 1 1 thraee scca l the nrt publication or this Notice. Pacific Rupert. B. C, as owner In fr tinder a u aiDta new awsuastarr wl IS castas, Ihrtn asrS l Mills. Limited.- wlU under Section 1 Tat Sale Deed from the Collector or the e e IM or the said Act, apply to the Governor.In-CoudcU City or Prince Rupert, bearing" dale the The Fortnightly Club will hold uftciui, omaoroas amd taf Or lets 14 Ifcer stunt! al la as PURE shure line for approval or the said site and 0th day or September, 191k. or ALL AMD HOLSTIEN MILK as4.ifta MTiMAovtoa auAa- tag plan. SINGULAR that ceruln parcel or tract of its regular meeting in the Pres CREAM MTltB Or SIS OAT AMD ttlOXT . " 7 ' . Bfl riLisas joii.b sj"-i Dated SI Vancouver. Smith Columbia, land and premises situate, lying, and be byterian Church on Wednesday lit ISO STUSET rSSOSIK octetr Ill this tetb day or April. A. D. tl. ing in the Municipality of .Prince Rupert, BUTTERMILK His. RODWELL. LAWSOtt ft LAKE. more particularly known at Lot Ten (10), evening at 8 p. m. Miss McClen Solicitors for Factfle Mills, Limited. Block It. rive (I). Section Seven (7), Map aghen will read a paper on th phosjs: z7 p. a box at Salvation Ann- 'M SI-SB XnT'- You are required to contest the claim Emancipation of Woman and Oil Order Promptly aileaeee Te. ADVERTISE IN or the us purchaser within Ihlrty-Ove Frank Moore will give a short talk ItuhHn .natma. M days rrom the date or Ibe service ' Ibis R. Kal-jr4s McKay, notice (which may be effected by Regit, on the last book be has read. Proprietor. The Daily News fhtirsday and mW FURS! RAW FOBS! tered Mall or as Directed, and your at Sundays at 7 Jd P lentlon Is called to section I or the 300 tons of Ladysmith lump "Land Registry Act" with amendments, and to the following attract tttertfruin- coal fcr the Prince Ilupcrt Coal lie EibtatM Fur . . . ."and In default or a caveat.or eertin Co Is being discharged from the cate of Us pendens being filed before the registration as owner or the person en Prince Albert. For the past few Ltd. titled under avrh tat tale, all H ExcbuLfe, persona so TO INVESTORS served llh notice, . . . .and those claiming weeks, owing to shortage in the fa open for business and offers through or under them, and all persona ftoulh, coal from another mine expert service to trap- of claiming unrerl any Interest In the land by virtue had to be sold, but this is the any tiered Instrument, and all ers, traders and buyers of f This persons claiming 'any Interest In the land Ladysmith article and first class urs. Exchange is the by descent whose title Is not registered HOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING largest in Canada. It carries In every way, Oct your order In under the provisions of this Act, shall be out a plan of competitive INVESTMENT open, MAY PURCHASE selling. It is made up ror ever estopped and debarred from set early. tf. ting up any claim to or In respect of the of solid business men and AT PAR land so sold for Uses, and the Registrsr stands for shall register the. person entitled under Tho little daughter of Mr. and BESPeWSIWLITY RESULTS RELIABILITY sold such for 1st taiet."tale ,as owner of the land to Mrs. A. Murray was admitted to DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK Exchange sales are advertised KM WHEREAS application baa been the hospital yesterday suffering widely. They reach the made for a Certificate of Indefeasible II lie from in the sums of effects of having tried to ssoe on ANY MULTIPLE THCnCOF, big buyers. The Exchange to the tbortmtnUoced lands. In the name employs none but experts. of John Bergman swallow lye, Mrs, Murray was Its warehouse are safe AND WHEREAS on Investigating the cleaning shelves and had laid thu Principal ropjysbla 1st against fire, Vermin, or other title II appears thai prior to the 8th day October, 1910. damaging contact. The Exchange or September, ttlt, (ibe date on which lye on the table, when the little Inlerett payable half-yearly, lit April sod lit October by chaqoe) (frae of ssehsno J offices are central in the tald lands were told for overdue inite reached up and put some of any chstlorcJ Dank In Canada) st the rata of five par cant per annum from the date of Edmonton. Bend your next lain) you were the assessed owner purchaia. shipment to I hereof. It lit her mouth. Dr. Cade was FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that al Ibe Immediately called and the little Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendsftno st par and accrued Inlsrsit, TlK.EtkmtM Fir tame time I shall effect registration In ss tha equlvslant of caah. In payment of any allotment mads undsr any future war loan '" Certiorate pursutnni or of Indefeasible such application and Issue girl was removed to the hospital In Canada otherthan an liius of Treasury Bills or other Ilka start data security. Title to Ibe tald Excfage, Ltd. lands In the nume of John Bergman unless where she is making a good re Procoods of this stock sre for war purposes only. you take and prosecute the proper proceeding covery. A commission of one-quart a r of one per cont Mill bs allowod to recognltad bond V ABASM BiHLBHHI to establish your claim, if any, stock brokers on allotment! mads In respect of besr their to the said lands, or to prevent such pro applications for this stock which Tsleahona.MM, Edmonton NEW WELLINGTON stamp. posed anion on my part. COAL, AtaarU. HATED al the Land Registry omce. phone 110. We fiave Just re For application forms spply to tha Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. Prince Rupert. B. C. ibis lib day of mm. mm. December, A. D. I9I. ceived n shipment of S00 tuns DCPARTMCNT Of rirwter, OTTAWA. II. P. MACLEOD, Lump Coal, We are prepared to oct own n ,,. Apr, IT, District Registrar of Titles. r rrfff ru,j To Simon Peterson, Davlsvlile, California. put In your winter's coal for ynti, t