the Daily N EWS . -7 4.. a a a a a.r I'AiNr.i: wifo?i5itta. , . I- ' nupKiif, iivC January 2i, 1017. PRICE FIVK CENT ICRiff Ml 10V 4 I BBS II SI A 11 MS II VV LOSE 1 MOETH SEA i- WU OUINK. AINU UINfc, DISABLED UlNhKIfcWDLY COMMRNT ON WTI .SON'S epRFrU nu KlflAnlN MI.Nr iiiiii FRANK OUVER WILSON SPEECH n m a aa a a w n n. m i m ADVOCATES AN COMMENTED ON juw a v h v a i THE NORTH SEA1 c UNFAVORABLY i . ii i A a J I Va.uA J l-lal Oovernmsnt Has Mads War Along Britain Feels That President's; Dutch Fort Commander Party Lines Pledge Are Unfulfilled Intentions Qood are House Killed BrIIUh Take iatway ajy HW People's Mandate Prisoner. May Discuss Wilson's Needed Views. ..... 'SrTMl ta TtK- lHy . UtwtUI M 4 ...I.. Anmt mxfmm to The Daily Naws.) Ottawa. Jan. 21. Continuing London,Jan.2 4,There I. con the debate on the speech from the siderable: unfriendly comment In throne. K. M. Macdonald, representing the Dritish press on President I'iclou. declared that the Wilson's recent'sspeac u the Dominion of Canada Is the only Senate, In which &Vl&U4 that Koernmcnt within the Krnpire Mn r nmifth iitiiirnrtrft ana which ha preitened a partian permanent peace coHW nA be . - I u .Ul.... Canadian Lines In Flanders. I 1 alllliidn in Ihn pnnlml nf Ifa mill. expected to follow victory M't.'-f tin lniifl Into vw Turftday morninff. Thl. map show, the area held hr , aTarg e llec,ared that Prominent citizens court I I . ft Z 1... .U.l-Afkua tin- Canadian Ilattationi on the i Canada nhould limit patronage, iSaBftlaaaaaSa ''1m&l!miMitEnKKBKR refer to the President's good fa. the Germans. suffered heavy western front. 'graft and favoritism in connec tendons in trying to bring about . .III.. II I.-I I.-A.l IfirtltOl. tion with the administration of a peace which will be lasting but, detail are lacking.. Sixteen BRAZILIANS CAPTURE all affair relating to the war. Mr. WOUNDED SOLDI EH MAKES HIMSELF NEW TEETH at the same time, express the be a a y Macdonald aid, "It U useless to Corporal Carr. who is a d ulal mechanic, was badly wounded lief that the only way in which been landed from a Dutch GERMAN SUPPLY SHIP ask men to fight for freedom when in tbe face and jaw. hileavait . g his turn to be operated upon, a lasting peace may be brought.. at a. a . a a II he himself entire set of teeth to wear when the doctors the citizens nf Canada know that made an about is by supporting to tbe utmost destroyer V.M containing fllaa fr r ttj m I a-A r I iwn If A HAtrt bad completed their reconstruction of. his jaw. Britain's gpui to it Dr ."" i-..-i- new war measures mittees are running things en- for the prosecution of the strug er a i en Deiore rracninir Dnri. llio de Janeiro, Jan. 2 1. The .ii ihi.mselea anil their SIXTY-SEVEN KILLED IN TULAW CAFfURES gle to a successful issue. a aa a. V t aft.-. Danish steamer llammershire wa friends. In official circles silence is it-men 1. Therrt nr no -de- fired on !y shore batteries as she II. II. Stevens, the inomber for MUNITIONS EXPLOSION HUGE BLACK FISH maintained regarding the speech regarding the Ilrltith cami. Vancouver, briefly mentioned that was heading out to sea secretly but it is believed that the matter it was Canada's duty to prosecute will be brought up in parliament from Santa Cnu, llraiil. The :(!pecUI to Tb p4lly Si-p ScMI to 1h Dally ?lw. Weetern Front. the war with all vigor and expressed when the House of Commons reassembles waaa v aa aa ir aaw vessel was loaded with provisions the opinion that conscription Lnidn. Jan. 21. It i offlcially The Tuladi, which brought in and that there will be . . J ft - III... 01lI.J,JEJoJ,lve- obtained from Is not yet necessary In the, JwnitincE.4 thatjbe.casualties re a quantity of black cod as well a free parliamentary discussion . German ships In the harbor. She Dominion. sulting from the munitions fac as halibut on Monday, had among oir life President's expression of ..i a ft. i was brought back to port. Frank pledge Oliver of a claimed half million that Canada's men tory explosion of last Friday are her fare a huge fish of the black his views. Irmnti In it a In Hi! I rnr ha Danish Steamer Sunk. in the service of the Umpire was sixty-seven killed; 'seventy-two cod species, weighing 155 pounds. RETAIL SWROHANTt London. Jan. 31. The Danish still unfulfilled to the extent of st-verely injured, and thirty-eight It is believed that this fish Is of ELECT OPFI Hie party to leave a number steamer Kama has been sunk by a hundred and seventy thousand iiv-re or less seriously hurt. the same kind as that landed In dead behind In tbelr retreat. a submarine. men, when the wastage from re Vancouver some weeks ago. W. The annual meeting and election On the French arclion of this jections and discharges was de ANYOX WITNESSES 11. Thompson, the fisheries expert, of officers of tbe Retail Merchants SAMDILAKDS IS ducted from the total. INTERESTING WEDDING expressed the opinion regarding Association was held last ft. a aft. Al.. a TRANSFERRED SOUTH Mr. Oliver strongly advocated the Vancouver fish that, though vtnlnfr nt lha rifw hall. Tha fnl ft I that the Government should se apparently of Ahe black cod spe- A quiet but Interesting wedding ,ow,n? offlee were elected for Rumanian FronU the mandate before ll. M. Handilands, who arrived cure People's was celebrated In the New Church 1 ' the coming year: President, O. Ilerlln. Jan. ItTh Teutonic further with the this . . Iproceeding con l codfish. He believes that RmUh virPrpMn H. E. a.a a front Quren Char otle C ty ,es-, at Anyox on Jmuary ltl. when lerday morn ng. let for tl a ouih of he Miss Marjori raser, dataller nf huge fish comes over from Japan. peck; sTr-as, J. C. Gavigan; on . L. Fraser, mine, was iue i-r iuce P "'"uifr Executive Committee, Messrs. A. on,lh ?h,,n fi casualties which had been suf- the of .. . -r aa"a" aaaavw V o 1.v aV m possession u Thmn.nn Jim. route for Kilmer, to wh united In holy mat" mimy with the Canadian oversea, sail, who Is being bombarded with w w Wralhall . A. T, he ha. bee,, t"rfmed b, Mr. Aubrey IMacherwick. Untd JaD0U lalcd for to take provincial government. HI. Place recently, Mr. lHatherwickvwas employed requests permission 1arkin and w Uarper. aiiiti ins iiuisian aiiacKa. ftnd d had bwn a picture of t. "Biir intends to ns min.UK recorder nas .ween --y- ., in the electrical department f FQ,owlnr the installation of An artillery battle la raging In kj,od (ur(n Mp Oliver by J.L. large, of 0U" of the Granby Company but "T " , V, " " 'f ""'".the new officers the meeting got CJ"'0' J also said that it wa, quite possi- to hang It n his smoke-house. City, while the duties ! ft fo take up work in Tacoina. q buginegs. Tbe new ex. peopte Mr. and Mrs. Illatherwick left on ir successiui in curing h. .r. oril,ivft Hl,1a rn,!d-hle R8. PHILfeTT WOfHCS J.lmmisionrr II. McMullin. government agent Bni,-l.nnce ainrA,hft H.,r Ihe the Prince George for Vancouver, sbrubMll will hand it over & the ,hu9ia8m and real activity, mark- FOK MUITI0N8 OIRL8 at Prince Hupert. where they sint their honey ,l,ru "",cu-jCd the proceedings for the balance if of the Government to find out moon, and have now taken up - l0f lha meeting. A committee was Word haa been received In town SENATOR DAVIS DEAD it still had the peopMe behind it. their residence In Tacoma. The CVTAMIC S3HCERESS AT annoinled to interview the city rmii Mm. I'liunou. uainain 34 Sena-lor hearty good wishes of a hot of WESTHOLME TONIGHT council in regard to certain de. 'hllpott U -till Mninewhore in Prince Albert,who had Jan.been seriously TO THE PUBLIC friends in Anyox go with them. Ifects in the half-holiday and early rnnrn nnn ta lit nnn viii .vru. Davis, bylaws, which could easily time, passed away Kmily II. Vaught. a New York loosing hilpntt la aloo doing her thare ill for some We. Ihe Returned Soldiers Association, FOIt ItKNT Five-room cottago . ft. a a a last nigtil. society phrenologist says orTheda L.ftrrtnir would like to draw the with bath and range connected, nf thB ftct, ukimi in iiinHinir iniinuinni. mm attention of the public to the fact Haro: "Never io all my experience jt wa8 decided that the Asso-as opposite News Office, available, ui aval iruiii u:ti ii. iii. iiiiiii v ia. ROCHCR DE BOUusv that Mr. Pete Loreiuen, the city a professional character reader.ciation, in view, of the many Im-have iiu iniiivinir niiAP iiia UMinrn ni CUTS VEIN AT DEPTH engineer of Prince Hupert, was Feb. 15. Store Cth Street,-Alder I gazed inl6 a face portray- poirtant matters to bo taken up, he girls who work all night in not only a member. of the ...late lllock, $35. Store with full base re8Une i .ir ing such wickedness and evil- hn tniinll Inn. nlnnta TtiA wn. Last week the long lunnei at .Herman Club, but also one of the ment, 25x50, Third Avenue, ?20. Imonthly meetings, date of same tho llochcr Do lloule cut a five- jofllce- bearers and we would nsk pply W. J. Alder. Sulle 30, Alder such characteristics of the vam.;,0 be adverUged prlor to meeting. n KinAfflntr nniAiinl r f tviirk- In foot vein nbout 2,000 ftct.ln thejihe citizens If they consider that HlocC 21 pire and tho Sorceress." Theda initiation fees and membership hill oud at a depth of 1.050 feelo n rgj,t and proper person Uara Is presented at the West-!dues were lowered and every effort 'iiiirniiiic inn wniinii-u nnn in iiiiia on the vein, This Is what Is o be entrusted with such an Ira-middle Springs and mattresses. 20 holme Theatre tonight In The will be made to secure the Ing wnr aupplies. known as tho or No. 3 poctnnt and trustworthy position. assistance of every merchant in Jewels of the Madonna." This is redurtlons at Tite's sale. tf. vein wmcn was unewnra u v llirrUIlNF.D SOI.DIKHS ASSN. the work of the association. ground tram. a Fox production and one of the RED CROSS SALE surface near the The Retail Merchants Association The vein is what is called good most striking ever staged by this unanimously decided to sup and strong and while Ihcre was faniqus producer. The play caus port the Exhibition Association in Mrs. John. Mcltne and Mr. Oakley will have charge of the only a little oro of a milling grado Indication PATRIOTIC r CONCERT ed a sensation throughout the making the fall fair a bigger and in the crosscut, there U eery better success than ever. Hed Cms snln nn Friday. Hiden- or it making ore la cither In Westholms Theatre on United States recently and is certain hii sunnort I befnir accoruea me to draw a large audience to I directions. A drift on ladle in their magnificent work or both 24, at 8 SPECIAL 3 square packages Wednesday, January unfit U'.aI; n -.I II I- I., t.., IwxnA.I this vein will be started tho first p.m. the Westholme tonight. Quaker Oats 25 cents. Fuller, Mc- Hint via !! Ik II better .if February, Omlneca Herald. There will also be a war go. Meekia Co. 33. Ibis week may be even GREAT PICTURE PROGRAM than over. The demand for lied tetta. a short musical program Cross supplies Is Insistent and NOTICE William Fox presents and ait address by F, Nation, sec Theda Bara, at tho Westholme the good work must go on with ED A $ARA retary 'f the provincial branch of Wednesday is one of the greatest the namo determination with David II. Hay lai vor Tho Vampire of tho Screen In the Canadian Patriotic Fund. Mr. stars nf the screen. Mhlch share at our the boys front.are doing their the real rUl. Insurance handled and "JEWELS OF THE MADONNA" Nation ttijiexplaln just bow this saffly tloponit business 'V fund i administered and will give NEW WCLLINQTON COAL, by Hon. T. D. Pattullo. Mr. Hay LATEST WAR GAZETTE Instance of. the splendid work it LONDONCAJI phone 110. We have Just re-reived will coiuluot this additional busl. . p. NATION U accomplishing. at his rccut nftlce nt tho a shipment of 000 tons ness Secretary of the Provincial Branch of tho Patrio'.lo Fund, Third Avsnus Lump Coal. We nro prepnred to corner of Second Avenue and will deliver on address Oil tho purposes of tho fund and Boys' I.eckle Boot at $3.(10: Prompt See vies of ttes Beat put In your winter' coal for you. Second Street. tf. its Administration, Youths' Leckle Boot 3.15 Child-ren'a thsr Is to t ai H kaufa. I.eckle Boot at $2.45. Yeur Iron beds nt cut.ln-two rrir' Children's shoes reduced, large SHORT MUSICAL PROGRAM ADMISSION 15 CENTS. choice of red or black stitched. MXKS FtR UUMM nt Tile's sale, tf. assortment tit Peck's Shoe Store. wwi Peck's Shoe Store, ZZ