TIIK DAILY NKWS Wrdnrsday, January 2i g "Going up on High?" The Daily News Better try the low gear first. THK MAILS THE LEADItf-1 NEWSr-Al'tR IN NORTHERN WttTtflH COLUMBIA The human engine must r.blitKrd Dally Weekly have the kind of fuel-food. For tha last, right Guaranteed Largest Circulation I MSht In Muitur4 Tuesdays, 2 n, in. . .. !aaa Power to do things I IV UriMl bnM In K WrU i(h. Wednesdays, 0:30 a. in. Jn Anet lu rZ 1 1 HAD office J comes from food that k tmu mm !.- r- A..J3 Saturdays, 0:30 n. in. OmlrVcwa Iiuildlng, 3rd Ave, Prince llupirt, U.C Telephone 98. rich in muscle-building materialthat Prom tha East. fRANBIKN T UIMLf ADVEHTIHINO 50 cents per Inch tWtrarl is easily digested. Tuesdays, 5:30 p. m. frwKM'BMSML. umawMiMiniMtuit,Saeet eVrrT miw, tttmim rule on application, Shredded Wheat is a high-power Thursdays, 6:30 p, in. AHUBERT food, the kind that Sundays, 3:10 p. m. DAILY BOTTIO Wednesday, Jan..2 1, 1017. Vancoursr. fits a man or woman for the Tor day's workjust enough Tuesdays, 1 l. OmWTHM the past two years, weaknesses muscle-making material,just Thursday. 1 P '" Since Iho outbreak of the which were inherent In a government enough heat-making material Sunday.From 4 p.Vancouver.m. WINTER SCHEDULER with a makeshift leader, war, the Opposition in the Canadian to keep the body in top-notch Wednesdays, 10:30 n. in. such as the Conservatives S. 8. FRINGE QEORGE House of Commons has in Ottawa had forced upon condition. Shredded Fridays, 3 p. in. THURSDAY 1t Midnight f,or Vancouver dono its utmost tu support the tlieni by circumstances over Wheat is ready-cooked, Sunday, 7 P. m. Victoria and Seattle. Biscuits Mondays from January WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX Government in whole Two Alternate every which they had no control. It ready-to-cat. hearted effort to prosecute the is most certain that, but for with milk make a nourishing 1st. 8.S. FtlNCE JOHN Pee t. ionttn and Slawar itut of few For Anyoi. EeUnlla, Wff rearr a war to a successful conclusion. the Hughes correspondence, Sir meal at a cost 7th and tie!, Btarth Tib and 21 ii. in Canada. Wednesdays, 10 p. m. PON CMAftlOTTt ISLANDS Aaavaey ITlll Ml SIM, Made QUCKN Pekeaary fik Nothing has been done to impede Wilfrid would have refrained cents. Md SStk. Fridays, 8 p. m. the Government or embarrass from mentioning the lack of FASSENQER TRAIN SERVISC It in any way, so far unity which has characterized leadership on the part of the Sundays, 8 p. in. Wd4r sad Sataeday at 11(SO a. m. fee Sainaeea, Prla Seeeta. (. as the actual work of carrying the actions of tho Government Premier. From Anyoi. meal. See I alee, and Wbmipee. maktafl atl thee fe all peiau Canada Thursday. Sundays and Tuesdays. aaal and aeetK. ,Mtaad leal vry Taeaday 4 a. am. on the' war was concerned. In-many nt this time, but, In view of tht If the war, so far as instances, both In the facts brought to llfrht by Sir is concerned, is to be carried Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. and reservations to For Information apply Islands. Dominions and in the old land, Sam Hughes, no loyal leader to a successful conclusion there The City Ticket Office, BtS Third Avenue. FMONE 260 liberty has had to be sacrificed of the Opposition could afford must be changes, in fact there Mail closes. to the demands of the moment, to remain silent and still lead must be one great sweeping Jan. 17 and 31st at 8 p. in. yet, in no parliament, in the the people of Canada. It was change. The getting rid of Sir Feb. 14th and 28th at 8 p. m. Dominions, in France, Russia, imperative that he should Sam Hughes did not clean up Mall Arrives. Italy or Great Britain, has It speak, and speak plainly. the sltuntion, but simply threw January 21st, February 17th CANADIAN PACIFtC RAILWAY been found necessary or advisable The Important business before more light upon it. Iloth in and March 3rd, to utterly still the voice Canada today Is the carrying Canada and in Kngland, mil-Hons lci M. Manane. . Lowest Rates o all Eastern Points of criticism. In Great lirilaln, of the war to a successful of Canadian money have w. B. Wimeaaa, a a. LI. p via Steamer to Vancouver and the the been wasted. Sir Thomas White WILLIAM A MANSON CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY where, rightly or wrongly, issue, in fact that is the only Meal and Betth Included on Meemee government" has been carried business before the people of calls for economy, Tho first atarrlslere. Solicitors, Els. on by a coalition, culled from the Dominion, as all other matters economy should be the placing BtOfltV 4I TO tin LOAN Frlncess Maqulnna for Oranby Nay Friday 11 p. m. all partes, there has always must be set aside until In power of a government which HlrrTO sine fritft Raeert. . C Princess Maqulnna Southbound Sunday 1p.m. been a most active Opposition. victory is won and a permanent will root out all the profiteers; FHncesa Sophia for Alaska Monday? January 29th. .Vol only have matters of general peace declared. That th'o war throw the tariff off food stuffs policy been attacked by the may be successfully prosecuted and bring the manufacturers J . I. PETERS, General Atrent Opposition, but many of the Canada must have a strong to a real sense of their patriotic Stuart J. Martin Center Fourth Street arJ Third Aei. Pflixe FwrM. U.C war measures have been strenuously government, and no government duty at the present critical opposed by the coalitionists can be strong while its time. Sir Wilfrid has given ASSAY in who occupy the benches leader is so weak as Sir Robert expression to the thoughts of opposite the government. Dorden has proven himself to the people of Canada and it is HAZELTON B. O. It is clear then that, in Canada, be. The reckless extravagance now up to the people to act. His Majesty's Loyal Opposition of the government In its purchases Tha oldeet established Assay has shown splendid of war supplies which tVH AND TIDE Offl o In the North. restraint in regard to many were never fit to be sent to the matters which have been front is one of the results of Thursday, January 25th. brought before them in carrying the weakness of the leader. The Sun rises...... 8:55 a. in. on the work of the war. fact that he had not the Sun sets 1:25 p, m. STEEN & LONGWILL Criticism.hasbeen"offered only strength to shake Sir Sam High water ...2:57 a.m. 111.22!! when no honest and loyal Can Hughes loose two years before Low water ...8:10a.m. lit. 4.9 adian could be Justified in remaining he did. In fact the having of High water ...2:58p.m. lit. 22.8 SANITARY AND HEATING Low water ....9:6 p.m. HL St ENGINEERS silent. this gentleman in the cabinet itHain Ait-lit . M. M. d. A- In replying to the. ;speech at all, was ample evidence of Agents for from the throne, at the opening his weakness. The fact that Call the Pony Kxpress for wood McCLARY FURNACES of Parliament this week. Sir Hon. Robert Rogers has been cut In stove lengths or 4 feet. Wilfrid Laurier, in clear, un allowed to remain in the cabi Best household coal and general PLUMBING Tha Royal SUndard Tctt mistakable terms, pointed out net, after the disclosures In and transfer. Piano moving our the weaknesses which have connection with the Manitoba SHEET METAL WORKS specially. Prices moderate. Phone Here where we I cat tbe been so flagrantly displayed by Agriculture College building, is Phone 6, 834 Second Avenue. .101, R. W. Rogers. tf choicest sample of CasdVe the Itorden government during another instance of lack of Night phones 570 sis nXoo acre wheal and Illue 270 We tnn Ihetn into flour n nS BIST Headaches The right work, at tha right utile left you see on tbe t4 time, and at the right pries. Tickets come mostly from disorders of tbe picture. Thra cooes lbs the stomach, liver and bowel Supreme teat-UcaJ4a Lin f. V Regulate these organs and keep LANS AST tKc bicsd ! pofett la erery U a frMi Nerwav, Swataa, Dm. free from headaches by uaifig mark, Finland. Half Nuaaia. way we proootnee the whct SAIUftSS mom NCW TOM VANOOWVSJI LAND DISTRICT OISTNICT AI sad the IW-ROYAL BerrepUjord1 ........ Jm. nth. BEECHAM'S or coast, rams. a. ...... totn STANDARD. "Stockholm" February TAIC KOTICJC Ibal t, Le SUaUy Bar-don, lirlilUaUrjord" .... Februry 171b. of Pecan Mill. B. C. occupation mill AT YOUR GROCER'S -Brrrnrjonr .. .... Kirch tout. ecrctary. Intend to apply for prmtitloa Hex Tear Wervett mm larlf. PILLS to parcbat Um followtnr detcrtbed landit iVancomerMillirg>ain CtLtf rot Rate. Illustrated Folder an4 nixnl Inrcrnuiloa Apply to Cotnoendnr at a poit planted about nt at Safe -Aar IMbht ta(U Wast. chain dilnt and In wtatcrly direction Vncier.KewWtikliut hula. Vk.w. OVMUVN SeMTytma, bknaiHa from tb aoulbatt! corner or Lot II, lMrMM m4 MMNMhls M y, nnr 1, CotJt DUlrtct. tbence sotiUi IS eiialna; tbence rail tl cbalnt tbence Dortb PrtoM Naeeet, a MAVIOABLK WATERS mOTKOTtefl Mf, II cbatntr Ibenc tit It cbaina, to tnli N. S. O. OkaUr pott, contalnlnf In all about 4 acres. LEO 8TA.1LCT BUSDO.1. U'betber Hum B. Babtnttoa and flonnan ft. SOVEMStn I. III. p. f. Brodhunt or tbe air or Print Itoper), For Yarsell tn lb Province or Brltlib Columbia, bcre MINERAL ACT Let Ui Save You Money on your by ie nolle umi they fear under Sec Notice to Delinquent Partners. ease Uoa 7 of live tid act deposited with tbe GUI to ymr Friend Gaaollne Distillate UtnUter or Public Work at Ottawa and To Grant Mthood and Patrick Daly, or tn la otnrt or to District Rcritrir of TAKE KUTICE that wberea - bare TllVee at tbe Land nttlitrr one at in don and rauied to be done ataeiament City or Prlnc Rupert arorcMld dctcrtn: work by turrcx oo lb Daly, Sullltan, We guarantee to aare you 26 Der cent, on gasoline or distillate and Uon or lb cite and in plan of wbarr Edltb and ll Mlnertl atlra. tltuated In PERRIN'S upkeep and free any motor from CAR BOM troubles. A seven ounce prcpoMd to b built In llemlunr By. I b Salmon Dear Hirer DUtrlel, rortland box of Carbonvoid is equivalent to W gallons of gaaoline. Every box Untara liUnd. In front of Lot Stl and Canal Mlnlnc DltUlon, for lb year till, of Carbonvoid ill save you Ifl, Queen Charlotte I Hand Land Plitrlct, and bate paid for tald work and record $1S in gasoline Carbonvoid the and fire from Protloc of Biitlib ColurobU. inr mm the tun of ine.oo, unlet you GLOVES putt ditlonal miles, 400 to 660 ad-Carbonvoid aBBBBAaPvCLatEiBaBBBv AJID TAKE MOTICE that after lb ti-plrttton pay to u the turn or Itll.so for your is a dry powder you of one month from tlx data of hr or (aid Justdrooln the : "GO" in Gasoline : Unk. Will re- aaaeatmenl work, totalber auaaaeakaw .BSBBBBBm in nm publication of tnli nolle tha with tb coat or Ibit adtcrtlarmeni. w move all carbon from cylinder. Mid Hum D. Tha well known Perrin trademark ss Bablntton and ftormta IU ahall ai the ciplrallon or ninety (10) day The Urreat companies In the world use it. THE ALLIES OKUEKED lircdhurit will under Section T or In from Km dU bereor, apply to lb Mlnlni shown In cuts should be glove IN JUNE 288,000 CARTONS. Previous order 260,000 carton. Fully aid act to on every apply lb Mir.li t r or Public liecdrrtr t Stewart. H. O, la bar guaranteed or re funded. M ailed anywhere on recel p t of f 1.60 your of your money Work it hi lb la ornre In the City of Ottawa. Interest In tbe ld Dtly, SuMlrtn. Edltb yon get, as assure you perfection .VoUnee of Ontario, for approval or tbe and LoU inloeral rltlmi veiled In ui. In For Sale Only by aid ir-dM UU the and tiid plan wharr,and for leer to con. punuanr AeL or tn prorltlon or lb Mlneril Style, Fit ud Finish. Geo. L. Clayton, - ranee KMpert. b.c. DATED at rrlnr rtupert. B. C, tbi Dated II Victoria. B. C ibl I lib iUi AW dUrt A wrtd mr 00 It fA 17th of day ftrcemUr, A. D. Itll. or MorrutUr, A. D. Itll. WILLIAMS MANSO.f, MMr.s Mcdonald. fnmlmm PMUUATJ GLOVES, Solicitor for lb Applicant M4, rniDEaicic c WINKLE n.