Wednesday, January 21, 1017. TUB DAILY NEWS STRICKEN IN THE HIM COST RESOLUTION OF LIVING PASSED STREET The flnanco and general com iii.ii.ii of If ic cily council brought Bed To lleallli Cdinpietftfy ii a npmt on tlio high cost of By flflFrait-a-tlT8S9t I.viiil' on Monday night. Tlio re 883 Mr. Valus St., Montreal. volt adaled that the report from "let 1912, I was taken suddenly III with Acute Stomath Troublt ami the n; iouH merchant had been dropped In the street. I was treated atefiilly considered nnd Hint by screwl physicians fur nearly tww show' that autre was nothing lo years,and my weight dropped from 223 potimU to too pounds. Then several ihu prevailing high prices are due of friend advised mo to try"Fruit my 10 any uclion on llio part of the -lit ft". tegaH fa imf roil amosl and iiivriliaiils of this cily but that Ihfm, u-itktht fititdou, by ualnj I recovered from llio distressing tlio high prices are caused by the w Mm Stomach Trouble and all pain and manufacturer amongsl whom cured. Now I weigh ' Oooalipatlon were there are signs of combination for JOH pounds. I cannot pralao "Fruit 1 ELIZALETH ASQUITH all Tea"enough". II. WHITMAN. Daughter of ex Premier Asqullh, the arranging of prices. The Wc.a box,G for $7M, trial alte,25c. committee recommended that, the At all dealers orsentpoatpald by Fruit whose engagement to Hugh 8. resolution of the .Vanaiino city a-tiTc Limited,OtUwa. Ulbson, nf (ho American F.mbassy, council be endorsed. In announced. .Mr. Peters, not being satisfied TO MARINER ' with the wording of the Nanalmo resolution, drew up tho following, which was adopted on motion of Wrangi-ll Strait Point Lock, Aid. AicMeekin, seconded by Aid. wood Float Light .No. I, reported Dybhavn: on December 27th as being adrift WIIKIIKA8 the government of The Whisky , and opposite deception I'olnt, Canada has taken some steps regarding was replaced and relighted Jan. the high cost of living till.. 1017. ("rutrt throughout the Dominion, but, AfllaWo-l Wrangoll strait Point Alexander nevertheless, in order to obtain 8 Years Light changed from group satisfactory results some further Wotwbottliaff flashing to single flash 0.3 sec. steps uiust be taken: :UARANTtZO BY THE duration every three seconds, AND WIIKHKAt) the purely lo JVtJWMENTW CANADA December 22nd. 1910, was reslor. cal investigations made by the' ed to its normal character Jan. individual cities will nut. in our Ilth, 1017. opinion, lead to any very satis Chatham Htrait Point Kills factory results: Light reported not burning Jan UK IT T1IKIIKFOHK IlKSOLVKD uary Ilth will be relighted as soon that the (iovernmenl of Canada ANYONE as practicable. be pressed lo take prompt and Sumner Ktrall Spanish Island stroug measures for the purpose Light, reported not burning Dec. of reducing the high cost of living DYE tSlh, was relighted Jan. 15th. by regulating, if necessary, the Chatham Strait Point Kills export of food stuffs; the remova 'THEJR WITH CLOT 1 Light, reported not burning Jan. of tariff barriers on food stuffs Ilth, was relighted Jan. 13th. required in Canada; and the fixing sm Lynn Canal Sherman flock of the price of wheat: V DYOLA IJuoy .'. rcMrlrJ out of position AND UK IT I1K-80LVKD aid drifted ashore. January IMh, that the Government of iTbs Dt that color AMY KMrOI will bo replaced as soon as practicable. Canada hold a general investiga. of Ooth rrffcctty.wktba SAME OVS, lion into the cost of producing canned goods, sugar, flour, and ' . delivered bj meats; all of which articles, and f-o per month- others besides, are now being charged for at prices which seem exhorbitant. which prices it is suggested are caused by the Jn FRED STORK'S HARDWARE lluence of monopolies and after surh investigation lo fix reason able and proper prices for the TIB ICCONO AVI same. CarponUeo' Tools Buildsra Hardware Ship Candlry That a ropy of this resolution Wle Oasis Stosl Blocks Haling Tackls he forwarded to the Minister of Iron Pips Pips rilling stifles and Shotguns Trade and Commerce for Canada, Hop Vslvss Ammunition and a ropy to II. S. Clements, the Pumps Moss Paint member for Ibis district, asking ttovM and Hangs ftubbsrold flooring Corrugated lfor him to use his influence In this "Wl KLL HOTHINQ BUT THE BEST" matlsr. Aid. Mrltae was of the opinion CIGARETTES that the resolution was an im FRED STORK'S HARDWARE provement on that submitted by Nanaimo. Aid. Montgomery could not see that there was much dif ference. Aid. Casey said that there was Baiys Own Soap one omission, in that the matter TO-DAY of the price of meat wan not men tioned. He held that there was something wrong regarding the at this very hour mare amckm are r - r " '1 price of this commodity, as it was trying Murads for the first time thaa all juoted at such widely varying other hitfi-grade cigarettea comlNneol prices by different firms. The resolution was altered so as to Almost 100 pec cent of these mewMmod Include meals with the other ar smokers continue Murad smokers. ticles mentioned, and adopted unanimously. What is happening to-day has hapgsaesl "Safety Fktl" k the every day since Murads were first9 Slogan of Biume" introduced. , mm OVER 75 in years Canada,of What is responsible for this? rev.i-mj demonstrated I the strength, security, tyou safety and service of The Bank of British North And the endorsement of Murads ay oat 6'.. 13, J. A 71 iJBV sV this for The over history three-quarters of smoker to another, from coast to oaast. of a century has been one of progress and 1 'Wi;'. :f S development, and of consistent growth in the regard of the business Aff. it.. Kth with BABY'S OWN SOAP th world. kin U wnoolhi comfortable, Bad exhales the THE BANK OF aroma of frcihly cut flowers. BrM Nrft America Freedom from skin troubles, explains in some measure the refrcshlnir sleep which "Baby's Own Soap" babies Tt YEA II It IN UUSINESS. enlov. lUnecIallv foriiurscry use insist on"Baby's Own". CATITAL AND Bt'irLUS, S7.Mi.IOS.' - ALKXT 50APS LhsitotL MaaMitactursrs, MONTREAL 1-401 TWm RUPERT BXANCI W.J.SMITHERS,MaBBger