Wednesday, January 21, 1Q17, THE DAILY NEWS A 10000000 f' J.LHICKEY "Ik Daily News" 000000000000"'Local News Notes wtiwotow builpiw CLASSIFIED ADS. Tito's big furniture snlo starts Wednesday morning. 20. Store and Office Fixtures, Bnsh, fjoor and Moldings. WANTED. J, II. Iloerlg left for up-river Oak and Hard Woods of all WASTED 9mll rowboat, II feet, phone this morning on a business trip. filatk tot. kind. The Constance brought In 40,- Ve taaolftllsa In making WANTED-Bookkeeper for Prince nuperl concern. Slt age, experience and 000 pounds of halibut last evening. nd flttfrtg storm wln-.dowe, Salary expected. Apply Dot Itt, Daily L'lf T AW L.B I 1 1 i rsaai 1 l any alte. Mews. It Plato and MM filaaa and for Sale Chief Common left for Ocean filaxlng. Falls on the Chelohsin last evening. FOR SALE Carload mining machinery, In- The Prize Corner Praeer and 0th Ma. eluding I' machine drills, column bare, drill-steel, stesm-nuings, elc Apply W. G. Ollletl, of Prince George, PHONE GREEN M9 U. Dally New. camo In last evening on his way Packet In the P. O. BOX 44. MISCELLANEOUS south. ' OASOU.IE EOI.IEER h small amount F. K. Holler, superintendent nC Mess Kit is of casta to invest wltb services. Wbil the Surf Inlet .Mines, was a visitor hire your Write Bos Its. Dally rtewe. DENTISTRY in the city last night. Weds Canadian Canadian Nurse LOST Mr. and Mrs. D. Mcpougal, of Officer. Miss Jean MoTavish, RIG Lost OolJ name J, Judge In scrlbea. rmacr medal,return 10 u.k. biioi. llazelton, arrived from the interior daughter of Dr. McTavlsh, who W LEYS BP. J.-8. BNOYsVN FOUND on last night's train. has Just been married in England stjmtT George Hard, before Magistrate to Captain II, II. Van Wyck oaui earns mt, thin Atmm FOU.ND 8llr Ml parse. Apply Dkll Carss this morning, was lined f 25 adjutant to No. t General Hospital, Last Sews Office. U Hie Flavour 00000000000000000000000' lor killing deer out of season. Orpington, England. Miss f 10 discount on all shoe., re . McTavlsh went overseas early em. Made Mid-winter sale at Geo. Tito's. 000000000000000t mainder of week at Peck's Shoe in the war as a Canadian nurs ia Store. 22. Complete homo furnishings at ing sister, and, while perform Canada Sheet Metal Wwk cost. tf. ing her duties as such, met the k.n: y rt- -"w m 07-piece dinner set and all Canadian officer and the couple Sealed Nrt Kept other china, 25 reduction at Sheets, pillow cases, blankets, fell In love at first sight. mimht Tight Now Is the time to have Tito's big sale. tf. bed-spreads receive our 20 re heating plant put in shape your for the winter; roofs duction Cleo. I). Tile. tf. JOHN P. ENSCH LEFT and skylights seen to. LAND REGISTRY ACT Millions of Iwirs supplied cscry month to The schooner Constitution PROPERTY TO THE C117 In auch eaaea oonault a (Sections IS and Itl.f with fare the Army nnd Navy. Every bar means more He Application No. Sl.tll, rillor I.SU. came in this morning a practical man If you want TAKE KOTICC that application has been of halibut but left again for Se to our forces at home and abroad. roauHa, mad to reglater John Bergman, of Prince attle. City Solicitor Peters, at the city power Rupert, B. &. as owner In lea under council on Monday night, reported Send in letter and parcel to the C. 0. Rowe Tat Sale Deed from tbe Collector of tbe some every City of Prince Rupert, bearing date tbe Ivor Hansom, of the Union Hank that, by the will of John P. Enoch. Front. Small In cost, but big in benefit. Praetloal ahoat metal man. lOin day or September, It II, of ALL A.1D staff, who has been holidaying in who was killed at the front, four Opposite Board of Trade snoULAn that certain parcel or tract of the south, returned home this land and premises situate, lying, and be morning. ots in the city had been left, to Delicious Antiseptic Rooms 322 2nd Avenue Ing In tbe Municipality or Prince Rupert. the city for the purpose of creat more particularly known as Lot Ten (10) who has been " mouth and teeth. Help appetite and Mrs. Ileckwith, Cleanses Block me (I). Section Seven (7), Map ing a playground for children Eatlmaioe Furnished Proa. ttl. visiting- in the east and south for digestion. Refreshes, soothes and sathtfies. Mr. Peters said that a man named You are required to contest tbe claim some months, returned home this or the tax purchaser within thirty-five forenoon. Henry Engall appeared to hav WM. WRIGLEY, Jr. CO.. Ltd. days from tbe date or tbe service of this WrlaUy I tide, Toronto undivided half interest in an on notice (which may be effected by Regis ttrXina tered MaU or as Directed, and your at K. II. Hogan, who has been in of the lots. The city could not tention is called to section it or tbe the Yukon since 1003, is in the 5 The Flavour Lasts 1 5 uso for the mentioned, THE ENCMykirmDKNll "Land Registry Act" wltb amendments. city on hh way north after a visit purpose tnd to tbe following extract tberefrom. to the east. property in which another man ....and In default of caveat or cerufl rate of Us pendens being filed before tbe holds an interest and it Is pro FisMBtauurs aiMim registration as owner or tbe person en F. Nation, secretary of the prd-vincial posed that the city buy the in t OyL a 1- la. 7 la, lt-11 titled under such tax tale, all persons so branch of the Canadian . . . terest of the other holder nr sell SaX IMA LAND DtSTatOT OlSTStlOT Of served wltb notice. .and those claiming Patriotic Fund, arrived from Van tunas. tmu coast, througb or under them, and alt persons the Ensch interest. FOR RENT Ovl a-4 In. bv 1-t taw claiming any Interest In tbe land by virtue couver this forenoon. of any unregistered Instrument, and all A bylaw was submitted accept. TAKE doucs that t, PraBcts oil a 1-a la. f a hk, persons claiming any Interest In tbe land Mr. and Mrs. A. Dalley and fam ing the gift from the lata Mr Belle, acting as erat tar tbe taoptr by descent whose UUe U not registered lly arrived from Victoria this Pulp tad Paper MUis. Ltd.. of Swaaaaa Modern S ream horn, ttUb Hltt under tbe provisions or Ibis Act. shall be morning to lake their residence Ensch after which the following Bay, B. C ocrspatlori togttr, latewd In Cottars reuna, ttk At. up for ever eatopped and debarred from set apply tor permlssioa to tease tbe follow Coltaie 4 rwosna, bath, Ssassatt Aa. For Further ting up any claim to or In respect of tbe at Inverness for the season. resolution was passed on the mo Df oVscnbed lands rrwtsh4 Cottage tit Itt Ate, t Apply to land so sold for' taxes, and tbe Registrar lion of Aid. McMeekin, seconded Cnomenelsg st a poet pUatrd oa tbe Cuius i rosaaa. 1Uxb&m and lis. shall register tbe person entitled under W. K. Thompson, of the Trades by Aid. Casey: hxith sbore or tbe lagoon at tbe rs4 of Cvltag I rooms IIS Ith Ave. E W. E. WILLISCftOPT sucb lax sale as owner of tbe land to and Labor Council, left last even lbs East Ana of Mfel lattt, aboal one sold for taxes. ing for Revelsloke where he will That this council greatly ap simI one hair miles la a westerly direction StcSIOatDIC APAJtTSSf ATS, a r.. Prince Rupert, B. 0. AMD WHEREAS application has been fruot tbe .t.W. corwer or T. L 4II4S, ttl, taU ad Um Su the action of the said rest. t000000000000000000 made for a Certificate or Indefeasible TlUe attend the U. C. Federation of La preciates lltttP tbettea aouUl tt chain. IWstee baa r4ad te s aeta, to tbe abovemenUooed lands. In tbe name bor. John P. Ensch In leaving to this west 4t cbama, tbe nee north tt chains ssaet 4 alaaa. Ooed JeK (Leslie. of John Bergman: ux-rs or teas to sbora lib, tbeaee follow' Will lalMMia te H teMat. city all thai he owned, for the "t A.XD WHEREAS on InvtsUratlng tbe Harry McLeod, who has been in ins shore line la an easterly direction to m TOWN POtt TMC atsr TMIMO title It appears that prior to tbe ttb day of benefitting the child pntnt of coouMncemesL Prkce Rtpert Feed Ce. or September, 1!4. (tbe date on which Victoria for the past week in con purpose rRASClS JOSEPH SCALE. ApptlcaaL HON IT. the said lands were sold for -overdue nection with the work of his de ren of Prince Ilupert. October Ittb. Itlt, taxes) you were tbe assessed owner nartment. returned north on the Mr. Ensch showed himelf to We write are insurance, trpr FURTHER TAKE JtdTICE that at tbe,I,"fcD he a brave soldier, and has paid CARBONVOID for sale by l.lp. parUra.Kailag nmt stroag, liberal na HAY, QUA IN, FEED, SEEDS airrta tlma f txhatl fffaaf taH att tlta In tctt & Cunningham, and Parkin. the supreme serrlflce. It Is moat Tasr ttwaiaeae te 4laNs). pursuance or sucb application and issue at 1-onsiaDic uretnour, oi mo pro- AND FERTILIZERS Certiflcate or indefeasible Title to the said .vlncial police, left for the south pleasing to note that not only did Ward Electric Co. tf. H. O. HELQERSON, LTD lands in the name or John Bergman unless ,,agl njf?nl in charge of a prisoner. be possess the pluck necessary "W MAMBUI ceinn to e.bTore,a1mr.f EE!"" ' .P another prisoner to go to the war. but that he also, Bulbe, and Tako Order for to tbe said lands, or to prevent sucb pro- and two insane men ai bwanson PHQnX 83 P. O. BOX 33 during the last days of his life, posed action on my part, Bay. Nursery Stock. A. HarVcy u.tiLu ax ine una negisiry umce. should make over his property PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. Harry Prince Rupert. B C. this etb day of The finding of the coroner s which showed that (Lit LaMea, la Oaaaaetautr Cnicken Feed A Specialty. December, A. D. It I. fop n. purpose wmmmmmmmmammmmmm f Mtiata) II. P. MACLEOD, Jury regarding the death of Jas. he not good soldier was only a PVPIL OP LANSOOWNE OOTTtLL Mil OeSars PrempUi MUM Te. Apr, 17, District Registrar or Titles. Cameron was that deceased had Transfer and Storage but most excellent citiien, one To Slmot Peterson, Davlsvllle, California. died from natural causes. J, II. a Pupils Takes foe who had at heart the best in BEST LUMP A NUT COAL VIOU.1, PU.tO. VIOUSCIUjO and p. o, ai saa. toe mire Ave. LAND ACT McMullin presided over tbe en IURM03T, PffHNSC RUPERT, B. 0. Vancouver Land DLtrlct District ef quiry. terests of the city In which he had - EXAMtrtATIOMS Coast, Range a. made bis home. NO LONQ WAITS Pvaila Presaeed fee EsesatseHect TAKE NOTICE that Archie Barnes Martin. The wailing roomn ami new NO SHORT WEIGHTS AaeecUled o0ri, Vaaeesvae, Ct And be it further resolved that vZt'TK'V'.Zl fu' 0,Ulckel ofllce on the G. T. P. wharf Aeial Oil., ef Slysia. Columbia i When Votf Order from Us. this resolution be extended on the business last for night f 000000000000000000000000000000001 Intend to aoolr for nermls.lon to nur.(Pned TCRMS PHONE BLUE 27f chase tbe following described lands: and passengers transferring from minutes of the council, 0000000000000000000000000'' mm MW FURS! ifujukwius i ix),! piauira on mime train to tne uoai louna it very south shore of Cousins Inlet about five "comfy". It is a big Improve chains west or tbe southwest corner or Lot SI, Range t. Coast Districts thence ment on the old conditions. south to chains, thence west 40 chains, TIk EsbMtM Fur thence north to chains, thence west It W. J. Bmithers had a letter chains, thence north IS.S chains more or from P. Margetts, formerly man. less to II. W. M. or thence TO INVESTORS Cousins Inlet, Eutaige, Ltd. ager of the Hank of H. N. A. an': following tbe II. W. M. to this post and containing one hundred and twenty-live now "somewhere in France," last Is' open for business and offers (Itt) acres more or less. mall. Mr, Margetts is lit and well expert service to trappers, DATED at Vancouver, B. C this tit though he finds a soldier's life traders and buyers of day or November, A. D. 1 1 IS. HOSE FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING furs. This Exchange is tbe J. SI. ARCHIE BAR.1EI MARTI.1. very strenuous and sometimes a WHO, largest in Canada. It carries trifle muddy. INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE out a plan of open, competitive 00000000000000000000 selling. It is made up : AT PAR 300 tons of Ladysmlth tump of solid business men and stands for Price Rupert Dairy coal for the Prince Ilupert Coal WBSPBNSIBIHTY RELIABILITY DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK RESULTS UNoca nsw ssAiuuHHtijrr Co., Is being discharged from the Exchange sales are advertised Prince Albert. For the past few IN SUMS OF 50O OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. widely. They reach tbe PURE HOLSTIEN MILK weeks, owing to shortage In the big buyers. The Exchange employs none but experts. south, coal from another mine Its warehouses are safe BUTTERMILK had to be sold, but this Is the Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. against lire, Vermin, or other Intereat payallo half.yearly, lit April and lit October by cheque (free of changa at The Ex. Ladysinilli article and first class damaging contact. change offices are central In PHONI tS7 r. O. BOX see any ciiartorod Dank In Canada) at the rate of five par cent par annum from lha data of In Get order In every way. your purchase. Edmonton. Bend your next ail Or fare frerapUy Alienees' Te. shipment to early. tf. Holdors of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and accrued Internal, R. MoKay, Proprietor. as the equivalent of caih, In payment of sny allotment made under any future war loan Issue kJassjaJp: MUf jU eft BJaVB 0000000000000000000000000000000, In Canada other than cn Issue of Treasury Dills or other like short date security, Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. LhL AKER5ERG, THOMSON Exckuge, A commission of one-quirter of one per cant will be allowed to recognized bond and ArAbVC bHH Msl B. C. UNDERTAKERS COMPANY stock brokers on allotments made In respect of applications for this stock which bear their TsleMihftnai bbbbbbI gdmrtnlftn stamp. .AJfcarta. Agents for For application forms apply to the Deputy MlnlaW of Finance, Ottawa. 'USJtsiAL DWaOTOM "rnisco ireprHtiAL, "PAL," La(RI SATIMAOTIOSI OUAJV. "risHMsuN, "rwuto" and DfPAmMrNT OF f INANCC, OTTAWA, UN FURSI RAW FURS! MTSSO OPSN DAT AND NtaStT OLAVM OAS EMSINSS. OCT OBt 11 N ttlS. 11T asw BTKMT MONB 41 PHONE 62S. 00000000000000000000000000000000, 100000000000000000000000000000000