THE WEATHER Twenty-four hours erding 6 a. m., For Sov May 13. c CEN S53 4c kodabewens ay, 9a.m MAX. TEMP. MIN. TEMP. BAR, IN. RAIN Prince George. vvtesedee M , 8 a.m, 60.0 BA.0 30, 082 For Nort City of Seattle..... Wedne May 17 Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist VOL. II, NO, 107 PRINCE RuPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, May 18, 1911. Peon Five Cents aS. WAR SECRETARY HAS RESIGNED HIS PORTFOLIO FOUGHT Canadian Press Despatch) con, May 13,—The narkable exhibition of aviation Ber given at Henden outside the auspices of rliamentary Aerial Defence e. It demonstrated that Great alive to the means of attack and most this Lon- the Lea- was presented rning 1 unaer itain is importance the new Fourteen Aviators BATTLE IN MID-AIR onderful Demonstration Made in Presence of Army | ,,,., ;,,. Council and Lords of the Admiralty—Fleet of Aeroplanes Armed With Machine Guns Attacked the Army Dirigible LANG WINS BIG FIGHT | Lester Met with Injury. Young Wagner Held Jim Kennedy | OVER LONDON | idian Press Despatch) j Australia, May 13.—In “avyweight fight last night, | Lar g got the decision over Lester jin the sixth round. Lester broke |his wrist and had to quit. ec y; | greatiy they! New York. Young Wagner had | lall the best of the ten round bout Some of the Feats lwith Jimmy last night. Graham-White who led in most! Kennedy lays claim to the Erglish | of the feats showed how bombs | bantam-weig! t championship title. could be impressed by what Saw Kennedy placed by an aeroplane} eit S boats and launches flying high in the air. He dropped For row a number of golf-balls on objects | telephone 820 green. Davis’ | which it was oP it would! Boat House. | a BASEBALL SCORES | ee 9 Northwestern League Vancouver 11, Portland 1. Other games postponed, rain, iy | 1H | National Leasrue Chicago 2,.New York 6. Pittsburg 5, Philadelphia 9. American League Chicago 5, Washington 6. Philadelphia 17, St. Louis 13. New York 5, Detroit 6. Cleveland 2, Boston 6. Coast League Vernon 7, Sacramento 9. | Los Angeles 0, Oakland 12. Portland 6, San Francisco 1. ! +, | Stinson, | been given the portfolio, |affairs are the reason given for the | resignation. WAR SECRETARY RESIGNS Henry L. Stinson Succeeds Dic- kison in Taft's Cabinet (Canadian Press Despatch) Washington, May 13.—Secreta- , ‘rt of War Dickinson, a Demo-|Deputy Attorney GCiedel 8 ‘cratic member of the President's Include All Witn :sses, cabinet has resigned. Henry L. of New York who was recently defeated as a candidate for governor in that state has Private Probably the Government will eventually have to bear the expense of taking all the witnesses in the Prince Rupert strike case —— to Victoria for the trial at the Everything at Reilly’s is home|assizes on June 15th. In the made. When you want some-|telegram from Deputy Attorney thing good to eat go to Reilly’s| General J. C. McLeod, it is stated in the Empress basement. ‘that the Government Agent will advisable Finally be in war to took a blank missile weighing one hundred pounds, “== EXP LOSION de sstroy. | he and | ON FIRST - | be instructed to pay the expenses of those witnesses who testified for the defence at the preliminary UP TO GOVERNMENT TO PAY STRIKERS’ EXPENSES Wire Does Not Apparently But for Fair Trial All Must be Present—Some are in Alaska While Some are Up River Men are Mostly Broke Since the men concerned were all pretty well broke at the time of the trouble it stands to reason that they are not very likely to be in a position to pay their own expenses even by June. Therefore it looks as though the payment must rest with the government. The case of Nick Vasovitch a striker, who was to have appeared before Judge Young for election Sa fee ui ri hk - Beh i ie irteen of the leading air-men |*¥ing high in the air oe a acchent of Abjerties’ Bide e world were on the program wes os a ee ty For a Fiar Trial Chemii Picaacnk As Todge is! ding ‘soadal: Ieee evi- hile this was going on, other | ‘ per ae - ‘ Nae ; aviators dew to Aldershot and hatic! ut there are more witnesses| Young is going up river, the case Fibs ; Their feats were all a NOT messages and for scout re-| INJURES THREE WORKMEN for the defence to call than those) has now been adjourned until the PAS ae ee ea — ports of the troops who testified at the preliminary | returns. eal iné as an instrumen Lae : a Tae ae i 4 poe heathens ere ef EME mI a rine eae Battle tn dhs Ate SiG chara ete — it is Sees —_ ve : F ‘ government if it pays the ex-| Will Know on the 20th g, wouting and despatch| |For a grand finale a battle in Gubano Barteldi, Joseph Obano aid Broape Leoni Rushed to the | penses of one witness must pay for| “At present 1 have nothing to rying ped bass Seiad Si iy, Sea tmnged Maphete vcy Chee all in order that the cases may|say about the application I made Crnid Stand’ ce of ees ee. al Hospital ---Bartoldi Terribly Mangled---Other Two May be fairly tried, Unless all the | to the Supreme Court in Van- t ie idarmy dirigible. The aeroplanes| Lose Their Sight---Accident Caused by Putting witnesses for the defence are there|couver to compel the license com- ere were present Premier As-| had little machine guns mounted : | it Ganiot he attair trial: lnisstoners: of . thik city to grant : War Minister Haldane,|/on them. Flying like a swarm o Powder in Hot Hole 1n Rock Cut It may bevaieeetly’ matter ea tans a license,” said Mix. peeks *§ ; me Secretary Churchill, Mr.) mosquitos they discharged volley ae ; , aN | get together all these witnesses|homme, proprietor of the Savoy x yd-George, two hundred mem-| after volley of rapid shots at the! As the result of a premature|juries about the face and body. | not completed his examination. een of them: aée in Prince’ Ru-| Hotel, to the News this maxieik Parliament, and a great) dirigible which though it retaliated, | explosion on Salvatore Camosi’s| Oliario and Leoni are injured about — Cause of the Accident | pert, some are up river, some are|when he returned from Vancouver k ber of officials from the army) seemed to be at the mercy of the) contract on First avenue opposite|the hands and.‘sce and it is|As far as can be learned the}as far away: as Dawson-and other| ‘The case will come-up on May ae Lae RRREY RET rere eer pam. the St. John Hotel, three Italians,| feared that owing to the severe! result of the accident was putting} points in Alaska. 20th.” ; . Caibiaan’ Bartholdi, Joseph Oliario injuries to their eyes they will|in the dynamite in a hole before} — = ——————— ‘ 7 : HOOL INSPECTOR HERE THEY WANT iit Biecacs: Leon) ‘were tecthiy 10ee mee sight. |the hole had got thoroughly cold! CITIZENS’ being talk talked of between Earl Grey's eS By, ; , sigh a aks gitar nS hi Dr. Tremayne was called im- after drilling Bartoldi was put- brew and the rifle association as a ! me on Official Inspection NO RACE MEET ; % : mediately after the accident andj ting the powder in and the two UB soon as the range matters are got a Praises the Staff fore two o’cleck after rendering first aid had the|other men were standing near by RIFLE CL ‘in shape. is Bartholdi is injured more ser-| men rushed to the General Hospi-| when the explosion happened. A All young men in the city who "4 " good school here Victoria City Solicitor Applies iously than the other two poor|tal where up to the time of going|shower of rocks shot up with! Fé@ective Revived: for This Sum- are interested in rifle shooting are b HN efficient staff of teachers,” for An Injunction fellows He has a broken leg,| to press he did not know the exact | terrific force and knowked the men pe | welcomed to the membership of ee : hia enconium handed out fingers blown off and serious in-|result of the injuries as he had | down. ee Pt te | the association. The subscription 4 ing by Mr. T. Leith, TO PREVENT RACING TO SHARE RANGES | is $4 and present members or any Inspector of Public DR. McINTYRE RETURNS MADE ltanglefoot yesterday afternoon. | ——— of the office-bearers or members of ead y High Schools for the coast|Seven Day Meet Scheduled to THEY | Constable Mansell acted as usher; Membership Increases and Of- | committee will introduce new mem- ag i Britiah Coluntbia.’ Mr. oeert on: Sey rh ae? n Intends Staying Here This Sum GOOD FIGHT ‘on the occasion of his triumphal| fice-bearers are Appointed at bers. i fs ‘age Ti VOd GRE: Oat SOG. Ss. Pestponed—Hearing is Ad- mer, Will Probably Build lentry into the Civic Apartment! Meeting Last Night. Shoot-| Office bearers elected last night: eae George and after he has) journed to Thursday. ; ate | House. ing Match with Earl Grey’s| President R. Cameron, Secretary ted the public. schools, “in Fresh from San Diego where he Rival Clubs Met in Billiard | —- Rifles Will Shortly Take | Treasurer Arthur Cuthbert, Com- > { wtb ahiisle 33 weather tneatine Canadian Press Despatch) lias been sperding the winter Match Last Night | OFF TO CORONATION Place. |mittee J. R. Beattie, Guy Tooker, hie ye pl ices alor & the coast Victoria, May AG oN ARY. | BON Dr Mech tuck vaturded today to | ce a | I. Cameron, J Brown, C E Woods j gs} he returns to his home in| citor McDiarmid o _beralt - Prince Rupert. He was accdém- PRINCE RUPERT'S WON | Capt. Fred Stork and Family) prince Rupert Citizen's Rifle|and J W Potfer i ie i ae er re en S v= ree panied by Mrs. MclIntyre, and = Leave on Sunday | Association has taken a new lease} ee ea a i plied today for an injunction tf) \1-. Maurice Bondeau. Dr. Mc-| After a Hard Tussle They Man-| - of life for this season’ In the; Daly Graham is not welcomed a POPULAR PASTOR BACK bgekidecs the a pal rae ‘ oi Intyre has been quite close to the aged to Defeat the Wanderers Tomorrow morning Capt. Fred | |court house last night a meeting | Very cordially in cities on the ‘* si |from holding wishes turbulent scenes in Mexico, saw by 42 Points--Each Side Won | Stork with his wife ne family | | of members of the Citizens’ Rifle | Pacific Coast, at least not by the broboae Be imeet which is scheduled to com- the U. S. troops leave to restrain} Three Games. leave Rupert by the Camosun on} Acsoication and all interested was| Police. He is frequently requested : re F. W. Kerr came back/mence here on May 29th. _ Justice the menacing advance of the in- |their way to ie for the| held to discuss the re-organisation | t0 move on and today it was up if "i the Prince George from | Clement adjourned SA8:- “a surrectos, and saw the British} The rivalry which exists between | Coronation, and Europe afterwar-| of the Association. to him to move again. He left for ; She } Presbyterian Synod meeting the application until Thursday ships of war steam into harbor! the artists of the cue in the Prince}ds. Captain and Mrs. Stork will \n arrangement is being planned Hazelton for a brief sojourn. i Pes couver. While taking part| next at yencouver, etre rush after taking part in the work of | ; Rupert and Wanderers Club led | cross the Atlantic in the S. S. Cam- ha kchioh the Cldssnht dab Aenea lhc inen’ anil Sweeny, who is Pt ‘egeann work of .the Synod Mr. | of the Supreme Court will be heré | preserving order and the safety of}up to another match last night, | pania sailing from New York. ehacr and Earl Grey's Rifles| said to answer also to the name o Cha, poke strongly in the cause) ext week, non-combatants. lone of the best of the series. After] They will not be accompanied will have the joint use of the| Pat promised Chief Vickers the + Ay. a iemperance, and was reported eam! During the summer Dr, Me-/a close match in which each side| by the children, who are to remain ranges across the harbor now used|morning that he would be good ae e Vancouver press as having It might be worth a GREAT Intyre will remain in Prince Ru- | won three games, the decision was|for a holiday with Capt. Stork’s by Earl Grey's Rifles alone, Reg-| and get: work at’ nae. Chae if a ted out in a vigorous anddress,; DEAL — to you to “know real pert. ‘This is my home of course,’ |arrived at by counting points,| people in Bolton, Ontario. The ho practice will proceed this! Vickers relented a little and let Te oF difficulties which have beset/estate values'’ in this on but) he said, “and I intend to develop|when the Prince Ruperts gained trip will extend to several months. summer, and a match is“#lread) ise go under supervision. i el : ! fighters for temperance in| you'll never learn unless rhe Daily and improve my property here this| the veridct by 1850 points to ———__—__—___-— : on oe ip nee Rupert, New’s real estate ads interest yous} lseason. If things are as good as'1308. George Clayton in Town a | their promises indicate at present,| The teams and invidivual scores} George L. Clayton of the Prince | ABORERS FIND NUGGET r il shi all go in for some more build-|w ere as follows: Rupert Cold Storage ¢ ompany, | , WO) STEAMERS LOST jin g.’ | Prince Rupert Club- arrived by the Prince George this| ett bas J. H. MeMullin... 3 250]}morning. He was down below; (N MOOSE JAW STREETS f ee >. R. Naden .. 250lattending to matters connected} ' BY (Ol ISIONS AT SEA Another pone Reil | A. Carss vuaadaes ; 250} with sha alveiveiniant of the loomed oo bs Mea Pen oe ae ae ere ty jae It has been repor tec that Kets) iy p Wilson .. 170‘ struction werk of the plant which eae ‘ Aa 7 ily’ s Bakery Lunch in the Empress oe sa qs 200}is making strides in this excellent; Were Digging for a Track Bed for Street Railway when we. Pamer Debays Pheer Of Candin Sands Captain) Theatre basement would not serve A. T. Brodrick se _. 230| weather. a Rich Gold Sample Was Found—There is ” ; and Four Others Drowned—Steamer Merida june ches in the morning in future. * ot ghee dean Be Now a Still Hunt for Spot that i ‘ Founders in Collision—Three Hun- |To the contrary that place wal Total 350 Real Estate up River — Earth Came From ibe, commencing Monday, May Wanderers’ Colub- Real estate attractions up river : NN: ; dred Passengers Escape 15, open from 7 a.m, until 1 a.m, A. Oakley. . 222| have drawn many live real estate (Canadian Press Despatch) | of the tracklaying has had @ lot pa Canadian Press Despatch) averted off this coast this mornings | daily except Sunday when it will W, A. Pottigrew 218|men towards Hazelton recently.| Moose Jaw, May 13. While | Of mining experience, and he de- ha over, England, May 13. when the ship Merida, bound | open at 8.30 a.m, If you want W. A. Casey 118|This morning Capt. McPhatta of| preparing the track bed for the| Clares that th » nugget is a very hf thin sight of shore, off the! from Havana to New York with} good quick morning lunch in a F. P. Bratt 250] Vancouver travelled by the Haz-| new street railway a laborer this) jrich sample. The soil in which re dwin lands, the Spanish steam-| 319 souls on board was rammed | clean place go to Reilly's. 107-108 H. Simpson. . 250] elton which left at ten a.m. morning found a good sized nug- |it was found had been carted from Debayo sank today, as the|by the steamer Admiral Farragut | — S. P. McMordie 250 oS get of gold. The discovery has neighboring hills to fill in a ravine, [ ult of a terrible impact with the] The accident occurred 55 miles] Provincial Police Note Rifle Went Amissing caused a great sensation, and| and every effort is being made to ae tish steamer Westmoreland | northeast of Cape Charles, and the | Provincia! Constable H. L. Gay Total 1308] A complaint was received from | raised hopes that Moose Jaw may | ace the soil to its source, It is as ; , i. ran into her, The captaiia| vessel sank in 35 fachone or | ae 0 Port Essington to — one of the passengers on the Prince} become the scene of a gold strike |expected that more nuggets are ¥ Ce and seo * a ne sa a senes among the pens Constable Forsyth. Con- t The Mystic 0 | George today that a rifle had! Men are already prospecting in at found where the first came j a ehayo were drowned with): After exciting scenes & a ‘stable John Mason Hitchings has} Seven dollars, that is five and | disappeared from his baggage. | the district where the earth came |'T™> ¥ she sank within two minutes | panic-stricken passengers, all wer yet to take up duty at Stewart|costs, was the magic sum which|Chief Owen of the Provincial) from. ere Tt 1p pre assistance could reach her, |reecued and brough to pr re the Provincial Police. Chief|this morning secured liberty for| Police Force has the matter in : O. M. Helgerson, Limited, have . the struggles which rook gem al | Owen arranged these appointments! John Hill, who failed to resist! hand, and will trace the lost A Good Specimen several houses with bath for aoe ; ew York, May 13.A terrible| number were injured and are da the attracuons of the insidious property, Supt. McPhee who is in charge| rent, Phone 96. 106-tf } : Bedy of the sea was narrowly | being treated in the hospitals. | yeste ny ae