The Daily News '2 1 VOL. VIII. NO. 21. PIUNCIi ItUPKItT, D. C, THUHHDAY, JANUARY 25, 1917. 'm PHICK FIVK CENT CAMP AM OFFICERS FAVOR COKRIPTION BONAR LAW REPLIES TO WILSON-COMMONS DISCUSSES RECRUITING SITUATION OFFICERS WANT BRITISH VIEWS HOUSE DEBATES MWa-TfMpjwgwfejawpBJ AEROPLANES CONSCRIPTION AND AMERICAN WAR SITUATION BBBBBBBPT. 1 LOST ON BOTH 4 IMMEDIATELY DIFFER WIDELY AND RECRUITING BBBWBBJBJPJBlSKrBBj SIDES IN WEST SprrUI lo Tlx DUIr 5t.' Bonar Law Discusses Wilson's Ware 1 1 taya Bourassa and Monk Series of Air Encounters Yaeier-' Canadian Senior Officers Declare Latest Speech Britain Wantc Responsible for Trouble day Patrols Active on Ui Voluntary System Mat.Failed Peace But Milltarlam French-Canadians Were Somme Russian Line and Conscription Mutt Muat Qo. Mlaled. Bant Baok. B Adopted. Toronto, Jan. 25 That enlistments Stl to The Dslly bLLL sIsb (Special to Tb Dally Ksva.) in Canada under the voluntary Bristol, Jan. 25, TlU Hon. A.I Ottawa, Jan. 25. Hon. Charles JiUI 13p Ull. au "tve illUUU ovv system liavc ceased to pro-vide Bonar Law. addn-ssing a war loan Marcir, member for Honavenlure, ral successful raids on the Ger enough men to fill Up the ubec; I- . Mackenzie. Cape BBBBBBJBBBjfZpjMhJKflat BBfjfj Jia7 man positions south of the Somme campaign meeting hero last night. overseas battalion, wa the Breton; A. C. Boyce, Algoma; h. and in the Woevre region last unanimous opinion expressed by referred to President Hson's re- u. vril, mr.mi. an.l.V. night. Patrol parties of the enemy senior officer of the Canadian ... riKaru. , y CockshuU, Drantrord, address are unusually active near the Fipeditionary Forces at a con-frrence 'iaN ing the impoaalbility of peace fol- vi the llouae of Common yester-lowing eastern end of this front. hero yesterday. The eon-ference m W 'BSKBm He day on war topica; the Dorchester Air Fighting. Wmi'A'A BBM "BBBF" ' victory. a la ted that LIEUT.-COU CANTLIE, D. 8. O. asked for Ihe passage of by-election and the recruiting London, Jan. 25. There has Great shared Britain the aima of Who was included In the ?iew an order-ln.councl! enforcing lhrouKhul lhe ""-neceaalty been considerable activity on both Ihe Militia Act and calling up fori 'the I'niled Stale In regard to the,JJlua"on Year's honors. He Is well known the French and British sections m Ice Immediately all male oi of securing a lasting "jir lU)yce ciarge)i tHe people throughout Canada for his work of the western front. Both par Ihe flrt class, from eighteen to I world's peace, but that other,of Quebec w ith failure to do their in connection with the C. P. Hn of ticipants lost machines in a series thirty years of age, who are unmarried (means were necessary to the pro- duly by Canada and the Kmplre. which, since 1908, he has been of aerial engagements. or who are widower LLPaE';LLH curing of it than the calling of Mr. Cockshutt said he believed superintendent of car services. Berlin Report. without children. a peace conference at the preaent that the urgent necessity for retime. Berlin, Jan. 25-rThe Germans Gold for Raider? .Mr. Law said very eniphati- cruils had not been sufficiently for brought down six enemy aeroplanes l, New York, January 25. -Twice cally that it is Impossible to con-'In the proper way Impressed upon over the western front , steamers have left Maltlmore re-'cently sent to Germany's peace terms,'the French-Canadian population, yesterday. which had gold aboard and jBRIC-GEN. Q. H. CORY, D.S.O. leaving the German military ma-!The wonderful story of the A flotilla of German destroyers i have not yet been reported aa Canadian officer who haa been I chine unbroken. He added that.'French heroism in the defence of bsVbbsmbE'bbsH encountered British destroyers In having arrived at their destina-tlofts proni. utl i the rank of Major-Oeueral. 'though the United States and, Verdun should be told at every the North Sea on Tuesday. The in South America. It la said He ha been three limes Ilntam arc both anxious for cross-road of the province of British had one destroyer sunk that the gold was for the Herman mentioned in despatches for hia peace, their viewpoints naturally j Quebec," said Mr. Cockshutt. and one German destroyer was raider. brilliant work on' the Salonlki differ widely, in that the laller Hon. C. Marcil stated that the damaged. It was towed into Ymul-den, front. nation is in the midst of a war teachings of Ilourassa, Monk and in Holland. AH tbe other CANADIAN PATRIOTIC FUND with all its horrors and terrible other Nationalists that Canada German Vessels returned safely MH NATION EXPLAINS sacrifices, while the former Is far should not participate in the war to port. The annual meeting of the rrimivrd-frmn any sue'h-tonilict. trail Wen responsible for the small Rumanian.Front. Prince llupert branch will b held PATRIOTIC FUND WORK Less Beer. interest taken in recruiting In The withdrawal of the Teutonic In the city hall on Friday, January London. Jan. 55. Thn food Quebec. forces in the region of the Danube 9 ?h, at 8 p. m, for the election Fund controller has decided that thel Michael Clarke gave notice of north of Tutchi is officially1 announced. That the Patriotic is care- f jfllce-bearers and for the pur-poae ftillv and eeonumicallr adminia quantity brewed in Ilritain a motion that the governmen of organizing the new I VI 7 tennl and that it is doing splendid for the year beginning on April should introduce legislation dur Russian Front. campaign. All are Invited to attend, eflU-iently and 1st must be but seventy per cent ling the present session for the Pelrograd, Jan. 25. It is re 22 jwork much more of the quantity produced during jeitejiding of the franchise lo ported that attacks by the Germans much more cheaply than could ie the the previous year, on account ofiexery Itrilish citiien who hail en-the ii9X3HbxbbH in strong force have bent RED CROW SALE done by the government was nnd! back the Russian lines about: a the fact that barley, sugar listed for overseas service and j mrJmw m iMbbmbbwBB gist of Mr. Nation's speech at mile and half in the Tirul other 'ingredients of beer are re- who was resident in Canada at a Mrs. John Mcllae and Mrs. holme patriotic Theatre concert last in evening tbe vvesU In aid quired for food. 'the time of his enlistment. LleuU-Colonel Creelman, D.8.O. swamps in the River Aa region on Oakley will have charge of the of tbe Canadian Patriotic Fund. One of the Canadian officers recently the Iliga front. lied Cross sale on Friday. Splendid Mr. Nation said that those who decorated by His Majesty CANADIAN ENG4MCERB support Is being accorded the Ihe King. stayed at home must pay to take KIB MANY WB BRUITS ladies In their magnificent work care of the dependents oi those GOVERNMENT TELEGRAPH SERVICE each week and It Is to be hoped who had gone to the front. PROVINCE RELIEVED Lieut. A. Evans, of the Canadian that this week may be even better NIGHT LETTER That Ihe province has respond Engineers, is coming to Prince Cross than ever. The demand for Red ed nobly to the call was shown by Of HEAVY BURDEN llupert shortly on a recruiting, supplies Is insistent and the fact that, whereas 1125,000 mission. Men are. urgently needed the good work must go on with the aimed at for 1910, Victoria, B.C., Jany. 24th, 1917. the was sum Victoria, Jan. 21. British Columbia for this most important branch same determination with outside of the cities Of Voncouxer now rid of the Indian Qt tbe service, Lieut. Evans will which our boys doing their Daily Newa, are of (150.000 and Victoria, the sum commission which has cost about bring with him a set of moving ahare at the front. was subscribed, though this was r Prince Rupert, B.C; . V a quarter million dollars and gave pictures showing how the Canadian NOTIOE found to be Insufficient to meet nothing in return. For the pat Engineers are trained for the demands, owing to the Increased Understand statement circulated in three years these commissioners active service. This unit enjoys number of enlistments. have been drawing thirty dollars a high standing in the Canadian I); d II. Hays has taken over This year, it is espected that Prince Rupert that I have been appointed a day for 365 days in the year, forces and only men of Intelligence Hie real estate. Insurance and tho sum of 1.000.000 will bo Crown Prosecutor instead of Fisher. I 'at tbe rate of 120 a day for salary are wanted. The work Is safety deposit business handled raised throughout the whole province, .and 110 a day for expenses. Day such that tradesmen are able to by Hon. T, I). Pattullo. Mr. Hays and such an amount will be am not ;and would not accept if offered. in and day out, their salaries and adapt themselves to the duties will required. expenses never varied, except while men who have been engaged conduct this additional business Nation cmphasiieu mo laci I not after-any Government Job and am and Mr. am once, it Is said, that was leap on railroad construction and pio. at his present nfTlrfl at the onlr those who actually need year, when they pot in an extra neer work generally are invalu corner of Second Avenue and assistance arc given aid. He congratulated surprised at my friends thinking so. day. able. Second Street. tf. tho local committee L. W. Patmore. Were Partnsrs. and the citltens of Prince llupert . The commissUn was organized in the deal, and both owned a mnerally on the line work which jointly by the Itorden government fifly-flfty share of the furniture, NriV WELLINGTON COAL, they had done, and all that he and the Mcllride-Uowser combination it seems likely, after all, the province phone rt. Wo have Just re-relved asked was thai they do at least of British Columbia, The will at least have some costly n shipment of 500 tons as well this year as they did last. INTERESTING PAPER "THE MARK OF CAIN AT duties wero to look after tbe Indian chajrs and tables to show for an Lump i'inn . We are prepared to He pointed out that there were AT FORTNIGHTLY CLUB WESTHOLME THEATRE whit ha.l matin rprlnin expenditure of its many thou-, 150 branches of the fund in this ., , (claims as to this country, which sands. On Saturday, Hon. John put in your winter's roal for you. province und that 7.000 families At the Fortnightly Club, in the "The Mark of Cain,' U BiriklllK a il,Am whr hail )inn tn Oliver, acting premier, offered the nnv being assisted. The circum Presbyterian Church last evening, flvo.act drama, in which Dorothy CHM) nnj tt whote lot or white Indian commission fifty cents on FOIl IIH.NT cntlnge stances of the families aro reported Miss MeClenaghen delivered a Phillips plays the leading part, is pergons tt4 we( claimed origin-very the dollar for the furniture with baih nnj range connected, on every month by tho of-llclals fine paper on the hmauclpa-;tlio big feature of the Westtiolme aUy t,ej0,ipeij to the Indians and ottered to pay that for the federal opposite News Olllce. available nnd the greatest care Is lion of Women. Dealing particu- program for tonlVbt. The four- lh whUe people ought to pay for government's share, or take that b, 15, 8tore th StrceL Alder taken so that the fund may se lar ly with the period of the war.tteenth episode of "Peg O' Thevhal iUcy look Occasionally, n much for the province's share. Ilh'tk, 835. Store wllh full basement, mjuitably distributed. tho i essayist showed how women lling" w ill also be screened. J meeting would be held between The province, can use the furniture Throughout Canada last year, had so quickly come to the front the IndiaiX and the commisslou- fur the. Workmen's Compensation 2550, Third Avenue. 20 collected of the struggle. between the sexes started when the sum of 115,000,000 was since the begiuuing er commission. Apply V. J. Suite 30. Al-'ler they wero still in the trees and Alder, and the cost of admlnlstra-Un The scales had fallen from Much Evidence, Little Action. Illock. 21 wus only 0-10 of one per their eyes ond a nuw conception had continued down through the Much evidence In Chinook and Springs and mattresses, 20 f addition to the nccumu- their the state had been ages. 11 was a highly Interesting at in of duty to 4 IiiuIhiiaI la AI1.I Kngllsb was taken, but never so reductions at Tito's sale. tf. n n n r A ek lileil tillered n whatever sums born. They were assisting to (UK .!, .l.ltUVWIO Vy7i U , .,,, -Bi deposit. tho engine of state pulsing treat to all who wero pr v eged "v "7"" " WESTHOLMR were m keep ,,., t, Si ,be arrived at a reasonable Mr. Nation dealt with criticisms forward and something of a revo 10 near u. . , OPERA HOUSE which have been levelled at the lution had taken place in the Frank Moore gave a short talk bora,' of the commission and"7 the LONDON CAFE TONIGHT ONLY fund. Ho splil that it had cost ranks of the ''weaker" sex. on the latest book he had read, easy money.' However, the commission AN B4HLL less to administer than any char Miss MeClenaghen compared A musical program completed had a short shift after TMrd Avsnos "REG O' ini)THE RING'S itable fund on record, lie quoted the prnnt status of women with most enjoyable evening. the. Liberal government got in, Prompt Sorvlos of ths Boat DOROTHY PHILLIPS figures to show exactly how the the past, dealing particularly with hm.I mi Knliiniav Ihpv went sulllnir made. The full SPECIAL packages! thars Is to oat at all hours. IN allowances are (lis early struggles of Mrs, Pank-hurst 3 square "THE MARK OF CAIN" amount is given where absolutely and her followers. Miss Quaker, Oats 25 cents, i uller, Mo-' ul i,jockt u bolh t,,0 ,,rovitlce i BOXES FBR LABMHJ (Continued on page tour.j McClonugheu said that the debate Meekin Co. ,,and the Dominion were partners