TIIK DAILY NKWS Thursday, January 25, lot The Daily News THE MAILS Safety First TMC LKAttlx. NCWSI'ArCR IN NORTHERN BRITISH 1'ol.UMBIA Nail -v PWUhed DePy aae! Weakle . For the East. K" Guaranteed Laroeet Circulation .VSllZJC Ba7. Tuesdays, 2 a. in, Ship to Shuliorf Wednesdays, 9:30 a. m. I Iha lartMt Ina In ihm wtW II HAD OFFICE '. . . . . i 1 . . ... . Hnlurdays, 0:30 a. in. - -.. Daily News liuildlng, 3rd Ave, Prlnctf Huport. II.U. Telephone V8 - mm4 A tne interests or tne people, a From the East.. "Ti I' M ttni.m. ritANSDiXr Dli'lJL.A Y".ADVEltTISINO 60 cents per Inch. lion tract new government must, If it Tuesdays, 0:30 prlii. WrNa 1. i MMt aba t "itl. . ratesnrf application- does Its duty, perform, and this Thursdays, 6:30 p. in. was one of thein. A. B. SHUBERT,!iic.rauAf Sundays, 3:10 p. ni DAILY EDITION Thursday, Jan. 25, 1017. ( RED CROSS SALE WAS For Vancouver. HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL Tuesdays, p m. 1 rMTHIMUTH . . -power, Just so long will this Thursdays, 10 "p m. The keen interest which the city be entirely neglected. Tho Ited Cross Society wishes Sundays, 4 p. m. Dominion Government is taking It is true that the Oovern- In thank Mrs. F. Mcll, Young and From Vancouver. WINTER SCHEDULES In Prince llupert and the ment is very busy vvllli the war, Mrs. J. II. .McMullfn and all who north is again exemplified in and that it has enough troub- assisted these two ladles in inak-les Wednesdays, 10:30 a, in, the report that the Canieron- of its own without being '"B "uch a great success at the Fridays, 3 p m. THURSDAY 8.12 S. FRINCE GEORGE fienoa Lumber Company is to harried by the wanU of the n,o It Friday, when the sum Sundays, 7 p.m. Victoria Midnight and Seattle.f,o r Vaneouisr be given a contract by the red people of the north, but surely ' .05 was readied. The fol-it Alternato Mondays from Janu would lowing arc the results of Iheiraf- WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX eral Government for the build require no more energy Ing of two wooden .schooners lo place this extra ship-build- i"a: Mary antl Pin-cuslilon, do. ary 1st. 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN with auxiliary rower, to be ing business in Prince Ui pert .'dated by Mrs. Tyro, won by II, L. For Anyox. 7th Per KeUhltaa,and tttt. WraaatlL.Start h Tib iaaaaa aa tltU u4 Slafwty iaauary frith, riaeaact built In Victoria. Nothing deft than in Victoria or Vancouver. Mc,nlH9H 5 handkerchief case, do-The Wednesdays, to p, in. POR QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Janaerr ITUl and Ht, Ptbraare 14tk nlte has yet been announced, Government has time Inated by MrsJabour, won by Mrs. Fridays, 8 p. in. aad tSlh. but it is significant that this enough, and enerey enough, to I Desner; slippers, donated by MrH. Sundays, 8 p. m. PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE look after Its I Deasey, Masselt, yvdn by V. Gold-' company is contracting for i 'friends in the From Anyox. Wadaaaaaf ad SaUretf at 1 1 9C a. m. fee BeaHbeea. Prlaaa Oaaeia. E4. year's output of the Port Cle o u tli, and it is up to the peo bloom; ham, dontcd by 0. Fritxell,! eele, Baatataa aad Wtaalpef, matl aaaaaetlana thtea fee all patatt merits sawmill on GrahamIs. ple of the north to -remind Ot won by Mr. Sinclair; table cover Thursdays, Sunday and Tues. aatt aad aaala, Mliea train every Taeedar at 4 a. m. land, taking all the clear spruce tawa that they exisL or rather (laces, donated by W. floldbloom, days. x Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. which this mill can cut. are trying to exist. What are won by .Mr. D. 11. Hays, and the The Islands. For Information and reservations apply to Victoria and Vancouver are you going to do about It? 15 gold piece, donated by Mr. Mall closes. City Tlcfctt Office, 628 Third Avenue. PHONE 2C0 busy as they can be in the way Uroderick, won by Mr. C. K. Betts. of ship-building, while the'dry- THE DEPARTED The picture given by Mrs. Car Jan. 17 and 31st at 8 p. m. dock at Prince llupert remains The, notorious Indian Commission, michael, will be rattled later. Feb. tlth and 28th at 8 p. in. an empty shell, with no sign which cost half a million The following sent cooking and Mall Arrives. of activity. That our drydock, dotlars and did little else, made donations of cash: Mrs. C. January 21st, February f 71 h which the Vancouver Province is no more, and the onlr re L. Monroe, Mrs. D. Sutherland, and March 3rd. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY recently denied the very existence grets that it has passe'd beyond. Mrs.. J. M. Carmichael, Mrs. K.". A. a. a a m. I of by stating that the ..-lit win uo. uApresseu 1 uj .tne m gentlemen .. 1 jonnson, .vir. a. is. r.vans, prince iet m Hinaoa. I L Lowest Kates " o all Eaatem Points nearest large floating drydock who drew down f30 per llupert Dairy, Mrs. C. C. Perry, ' W. B. WW1ABM. I t. L L R vie Steamer to Vancouver and the in British possessions was at day for 305 days jn the year. Mrs. Kllpalrlck. Mrs. McMullin, WILLIAMS tk MANSOM CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Hong Kong, is able to handle "Honest" John Oliver declares Mrs. MJesner, Mrs. do Oex, Mrs. arrlsUrs, Solicitors, Etc. Meelt and Derth Included an Sleamae big business, we know absolutely. that the sum in the provincial It. L. Mcintosh, Mrs. Smith (Dig. ONCV TO LOAN w That the north is able treasury is about "six bits" by), Mrs. Cambie, Mrs. Otto .Nel Soi lilt 15 furnish valuable lumber for and that the utmost economy son, Mrs. W. S. Fisher, Mrs. Mel H'Mrrmntt BUy rftoc RarL B. C Princes Maqulnna for Granby Bay Friday 11 p. m. many of the rarts needed in must be practised by the new ville, Mrs. 11. II. Shockley, Mrs. Princess Maqulnna Southbound Sunday 6 p. m. wooden vessels we have ample government. There is to be a Allison, Mrs. I). O. Stewart, Mrs. Princess Sophia for Alaska Monday, January 29th. proof of, yet the government paring down all round; 'in facL M. M. Stephen,. Mrs. Saunders, ignores Prince llupert and there have been evidences of it Mrs. CI. II. Arnold, Mrs. Hggert, J I. PETERS, Cenernl A pent hands all the business to Victoria. already, and the Indian commission Mrs. Kergin, Mrs. J. F. Ritchie, Stuart J. Martin Co-ner Fourth Street and Third Aeeeiue. Peine Rupert. B.C. It did not even think is one of the luxuries Mrs, Lindsay. Mrs. Irwin, Mrs. it worth while to split the business which British Columbia can ho Woodlands, Mrs. Homer, Mrs. F ASSAYErf and gie the north one longer afford McB. Young, Mrs. Murray, Mrs ship to build. Squandering of the people's King, Mrs. Hal Peck, Mrs. Muse, HAZELTON B. C. Prince llupert is represented money is a crime at any time Mrs. Williscroft, Mrs. McNIchol. In Ottawa by a member who has but, in a time like the present Mrs. O. Sweet, Mrs. Akerberg, Mrs. already signified his intention when every cent is needed to Scott, Mrsj Doherty. Mrs. A. M The oldest established Assay of devoting all his attention to defeat a powerful foe, it is Manson, Mrs. Vickers, Mrs-J. II. Office In the North. the south, where he rightly belongs, doubly criminal. Before the McLeod, Mrs. Broadhurst. Mrs and it is very' evident war, this Indian commission. Morrissey. Mrs. Illx and "Fritz that we are no longer represented which was a Joint imposition cnuitz. Mr. F. O. Dawson Is In the Federal Uouse. of McBride and Borden, was also thanked fora donation of The attitude of Ottawa seems considered as something of a I1G. STEEN & LONGWILL to be that it did not bring joke, but, since the Dominion Prince llupert Into existence, became embroiled in a life and Call the Pony Kxpress for wood and that it, therefore, has no death struggle, it had become cut Ui stove lengths or 4 feet. SANITARY AND HEATINQ business whatever to take the a very lerious and unnecessary ENGINEERS Best household coal and slightest interest f J general what is encumbrance. It is hard on being done, or left undone, the members of the commission, iransier. riano moving our Agents for here. So far as the Dorden that tbey should be deprived specialty. Prices moderate. Phone Government is concerned, this or such a pleasant mode of 301, n. W. nogera. tf. McCLARY FURNACES city might be a fishing town on "earning" 130 Saturday and 1 C the coast of Alaska; a place Sunday, and it may be that Salvation Arm,. PLUMBING The Royal Standard Test where it is understood that some of the Tory newspapers and halibut is landed in considerable will raise a howl about the Pafilic meetings, Tueedat SHEET METAL WORKS Thursday and Saturday at 8 Here'i where we teat the quantities. Bo long as the "cutting off of beads," but there p. m Phone 5, 831 Second Avenue. aundayg at 7:30 of Canada's Borden Government remains in p.m. cboaceat sample are some operations which, in Night phones 570 sit tnXon acre wheat crop. and Blue 270 We travl tbero talo flour in tito BEST Headaches The right work, at the right time, and at the right prise. tkile vJl you arc oa the left of Tickets come mostly from disorders of the picture. Then comes lite tne stomach, liver and bowels. supreme teateaaVUlnt. V Regulate these organs and keep .LAND ACT the bread u perfeU la U m4 trm Ranter, Sweeee. Dm. free from headaches by every using mark, flnUiK. Keif ana Rvetia. way we pronounce the wheat "Stockholm"sailiros rstoai.f,... new February tor lOtb VANCOUVER LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT A I aad the flovr-ROYAL BEECHAM'S OT COAST, RAMOS S. kmtltnurjord ... . . February I7lh. STANDARD. -Cnlled State- TAKE NOTICE tbat I, Uo iUaUr Bar February IS. -Owir ir March 7th. duo, or Octa rail. B. C, occupation mill AT YOUR GROCER'S Meee Vew Reeeevatleaa ui Early. PILLS Mcrturr. lauod to apply for pannUtioa For Kiln llluttraied FoMr an4 to purcbata tba roltovinr otcnb4 Uadi: VancoavcrMaiiiasGniinCdtd: saw, itntm O'wril Inform lion Appl? to Commandnr at a pott planted about eta , at UU ml Amy aWiclaa hi Am chalnt dliitat and la a wrturl? direction OTSMVR MAN SON SaM araryvkara. la rrom tba aourbil comer of Lot II, lneaate an SXeaeathla Aaeaea. name i, coati uuiritt. tbrnca soma is rbaius tbrnca tail SI cfcaioj; tbrnca nortb Peine Rueart, a. 0. NAVIOASLK WATERS PROTECTION ACT. 10 cbainis tbrora tit It tUlna, to tola R. a. a Chaaiar 11E. poat, coouinlor la all about 41 at ret. LEO STANLEY BURDOJI. U-betber liuma B. B&blnrtoo and 5ormB ft Novtxotn i, itu. r. . Brodirartt ot tba air of Prtnc HuptrJ, For YOatrself in tba Protloc or BrttUh Colombia, bar. MINERAL ACT Let Ua Save You Money on your by lt nollra that Ibey btra ODdrr See Notice to Delinquent oeaaa lion 7 or tba u(4 act drpoaltad with iba Partners. Gift Gasoline or Distillate MlBlilrr or Public W'crti At Otuwt tod To Oranl Mi hood and Ptuirk Daly. to your Friend in tba omca or tba Oltuici Rrnirtr or take notice taal wberta a bae TlUr L tba Land Kriiry Offlca tt tba Kxa and tauted to ba dona utattnvrnl Ciijr or I'rlnca liupcrl afuraMld dctrrip- work br turrera.ui th r,iv aniiii. We guarantee to save you 25 per cent on gasoline or diatillate and lion of iba tile and tba pltna of a btrf Irdim and Ili viwni n.i. .n.,.i.t i PERRIN'S upkeep and free any motor from CARBON troubles. A seren ounce trvtTu w jm vuiii iu iientioDa oty.iiM stimon Hear Rlrer Pltirlcl box of Carbonroid is equivalent to 50 gallons of gasoline. . Every box rortltod Unrtrt la of Carbonroid ' ' will Itland, rront of Uli tl and leant! Mininr oirltton. for tba year till. , aava you Ml. Ouaen Cbarlolta Itland Und Dliirlci.iod bat paid for aaid work and record. SfcEffiC Carbonvoid puts the &grJfiZ ruTiuc. oi lining unuouiu. Mar tttiM tba turn of ItlO.eO. unleta ou GLOVES A.1D TAKE NOTICE thai after tba I par to ut the turn of lilt so for u : "GO" in Gasoline : iSTwVZ piratlon or ona month from tba data of I ihire of aaid attettmeiit work, lamwr Hv Sb a ea JB more all carton ' I from Iba Urtt publication of I bit notice tba I with tha mil at ihu t,..n.n..ni cylinder. TS'.toS11 eompanle In tho world una it. THE ALLIES ORDEftEU ald lluma B. Biblnrton and Nonntn n. iball at the eiplratlon of ninety' (lit dri The well known Perrin trademark as IN J UNE 283,000 CARTONS. Previous order 250.000 carters. Fully Brodburti will under Section J of ID frvra tba dtM bereof, apply to tba Minim kowa In cuts should be on guaranteed or your money refunded. Mailed anywhere on receipt of f 1.60 aid art apply w tba Minuter of Public hecorder ai Siewtrt. U. C, to hart your every glove worka ai bla offlea In Oa Cliy of Ottawa, Interett In tba ttld Daly, Sullivan, rditb you rt, as this assures you perfection of rrovlnea of Oouiio, for approval or tba and Lola mineral clttma jietled In ut. In Far Sale Only by x ttld iirfct ilia the and ttld plant wharf,and for lei fa to con- purtuanra of tba provliloni of tba Wliwrtl Style. Fit and Finish. Geo. L. Clayton, - Prince Rupert, tC. dated at Prince It uteri. B. C. thiil r vi.h. n . ITtb ' dUn thm wmrid arar m(I IA day-cf becembar. A. D, l.ll, Ut o.t Z Z tT W1LUAMS 4 HANSON. . Jiwra ii.hm.ii. restataaM PMMMJJi'J GLOUMI. lollcllori for tba Applicant, r. II, fHEDEWCE C WNKLEIU tint 9J eVMSLelSALE MSTRIsHJTOR F. G. DAWSON PRINCE RUPERT, . C