Thursday, January 25, 1017, THE DAILY NKW8 ! APPLES, ORANGES j JACK McNEIL.HANDLE- will PnAiniC. BEEF Internal Bathing's 2,000,0001 :nr!y next spring J. 4. McNeil Rapid Growth I Belgians FIGS AND PRO will secure a small farm on lh ICO pralris o few tniien tliii eldo of It ) but nstorsi la etpeei thsl s rtUtt tr-k i n fro.n Conttipatkm and Urn tautr Ills uepena on us Edmonton arid utilize It as a ui hlrh II ctns, watch is o ffectasl snd In lectin place for live stock, especially m nstortl s Interns! Pthinr, ittooid Are Tie Jour Fruits Used lippf animals, sheep and qulrklr mskt mor eoneft. for Bread! ho. Hut Iti ventral dm hat Inerrssed so r' "Fruit-a-llves Not only will he handle Making tftrwnd'rtiilr m Um pttl ttii.years si to meat animals hut will also have lorml othrr reatont, and Hm4 ars foond FnUlT.A.TIVES" Is the only breeding Mock or will he in a la IIm lUtement of niers tost tbey feel Since sftortry after tfce Cewasa is medicine la the world that Is mads position to secure for buyers any s If -mad over nW lbs mornlnr after have depeaded foe food snliwly oa tfce from the Julees'of fresh ripe fruits. tflas of animal desired. tn Internal Hath. for Relief BcJhhi". TWr si fooel the snd store "I ellminatlofl of tlx pernteloM m owa unfair Thus, It Is manifestly to say, The chief object in to he able to potwrtwut ttt wbich It ever prtaent la take Frulta-tlf es because I hats even if not destroyed oc ssllsgtrJ, vfould last otAf won't secure meat and gel it on the tbe Loiter Inlettlne tires nature s f hi nee tried other remedies and tbey did tne locnl market when he wants it. to work unhampered. And on antes In tKree weeki they hsve had ao chaace to taisf aure no rood". On the other hand,tbe fsct nd at prices which will enable tb mornlnr clear-beaded, able, brlrbt, . aad the ruthless Geisaiai isiwss tsj sappty tlsMsil conn drat and eater for the days dntiei. "-'"JW-.llie c,msumer; in Ieg 0' The Jllng" at the WesU In Northern Hrll- Sit t t Smith wrlieti (ifi Columbia to live like ordinary holme Theatre tonight. 'Iear Doctor, Yonr 'Ca trade' mad s Backed by tlst ' shbuld It fair j u iust why you pite a trial, new man of nie at the its of 49, I per-uaded is any trouble of tbe Stomach, Liter, ! mjr wife to ute the treatment alio, AM le summer and early fall when ind (he hit better health than Iloweb, Kidneys or Skin. "Krult. DOLLY VARDEN MINE tAdar Belgian Rdief Rind tires",Uttmpoud oflktttiveHntf'U ocally produced beef Is Inclined ever before. Sine ths DM of tne 'Cat-cade cJfyit and the rtaltttntnt tonic tvtt to he scarce, the Idea is to pick MAY BUILD TRAMLINE boors ihe iieept belter and ran walk ror without ftUme. Faiotlor apelli luantrcd. fOc. bos,C for 2.0,trial P n(1 animals on the prairie bare beroroe a condition of the put: can so teoerouafr cssstijbuted is tfc Bntash Essbsm sas) tkt) Ussted fUe,U. Atslldtsalertorcntpotid nl to hold them on the new farm eat anrthint on tbe bill or rare and drink States, tLc neutral BetftSB Rcfid C i miiiTii Us stsported by rraiU-tlfes Limited.Ottawa, until B carload Is ready to ship! Victoria Jnn 21 Klnalvn ill bereraret. Doea not tike cold when caoogb wheat. Bow aad atsW foods to feed tke whots natoa and the market here Is -ready for mining development is now going eipotedj hot weather doei not raate op. prrtifrm." so far. The great majority of the 7.000.000 Hflsiisi left m the shipment. on in the Alice Arm district and Tbe "I. B. L. cXtcade." the mott era-rtent tJie coontry hate bean aUe to pay for aSeir dsaV slssrserf ef This Is an important develop, that the company owning the derlee ror Internal Bathlnt, It belnt bread but a steadir sMenas niimbsr fssv as fessssy ten. tnetit in the hilflness of Hroigh. Ihdly Vat den group of claims hown' and riptalned In deutl bj CTTll H. Ion & McNeil, Blnco going into eighteen miles up the Kitsault Orme. nratrltt, corner Ird Are. and tb Uaieas we art) wiSog te let dtese liisilnai ef "aWtssseda ef Up meal business this trade has river Is planning a heavy invest- Street. Prince Van Rupert. Atk for free booklet. rotnes, ckiidrcs sod old bjmsi starrc, tby ssst baMstaW Why of Today It Only SO per ment was Indicated ef tb Bdpaa Refief Foad. Te mtkm tail ssstUs been steadily increasing and at yesterday Cent tfiident," If yoo prefer, writ to apeose limes they have been unable to when L. W. I'atmore, of Prince Dr. Chat. A. Tyrren, 111 Col If re ttreet. $3M99jam a i till orders. With the prairie station Ilupert, appeared before the ex. Toronto, ror same. i tl JUL operating they will be able ecutlve council of the provincial MM r at W - M ss Tlie Whisky Nepeook lAUFepWH to supply the' needs of the north government to ask on behalf of I aalety rirst" is the sdisasl Necaai of Quality at all times and wllh Ihe very the Dolly Varden company the I Slogan of Business" dessmeflkck! kithc eases ef best of meals Omin6ea Herald. right to lay a tramline along a tbe sake ef ear own AiUWiod i gazetted road which the company 75 years of help ear ssswtywstl AJkesl 8 Years The I has built. The company is not OVER in Canada, Dally its delivered by asking for a charter, but for the demonstrated carrier, 50 rents per month. I right to lay their line for the the Y THE strength, CUARAMTTXD security, CtntrsJ CwMetlsMt Sts aeaV i GOVUtNHENTW CANADA .purpose of transporting ore from safety and service of The the mine to the water. The A MeTsath. gov $2.50 A Belgian FaatJly Bank of British Conghi lag scatters ernment lent a kindly ear to the North 'application. In return for the America. The history of Stop it .concession tbe company will uus DanK lor over three-quarters Coojbin;; locreuee tits imake a common carrier of the of a century has Irnutioa A Ut aire la. tramline for ore and freight, but been one of progress and Caawd nsciwai mrabriaca not for passengers. It will also ANYONE Ml rne rrrr aft to carry development, and of CANADIAN WOMEN 4ietft la oibttv. build a pack trail for the use of CAM M i t ' S trxsp of Tar tut the public. At present the road consistent growth in the SHOULD KNOW TMIO CM Ur Oil praaptly xot is eighteen miles long. It could regard of the business "CANADA FntST"MHk IstAs BEST Mi& C. Hint, aad moa, thaok be extended as other properties world. s-1d h Yoir Crocer. The Covcraacnt UntUtln U tU tonic proprrtxa.cffrru IT COSTS TH E SAME. Nj.305 Kilt the story tmnnarat rare of the district are opened up and THE BANK OF M(reaaMctarMTiacMUiuB anas 'TUEJR CLOTHES Ta worvlrrfal prpc'ritT require transportation for their ' ciiinii iui rcT-tasiST r WITH of klathkm't firrop of Tar ore. British Nertfa Anerka 4 Co!Litrr OU it petUIly -tliM whip t with ltnkcnu.t dm to Kit rt raloa u Tbe Alice Arm district first Tt TEAMS IN BUSINESS. TmATLMER CONCCrlB ttLJCtSnLa. , lrmanrnt Taaf a4 brut' came into considerable prominence CAPITAL AND StTSlPtUS. S7JSSMSS. Arkaiia.Okt..Cii DYOLA tbUl hrtoi. at the time of tbe Portland Sold trr bi,jjc Urf) PRWCE RUPERT BRANCI Canal boom. Some hardy spirits, struck with the excellent showing W.J.SMITIIERS,Manager Tb cetera AMY KINO J a. i Maniiru ktrtewkt,co.rrw rj. on the surface, pinned their faith IVfSVctfy 8AM i K DVs. to the district, with the result that today they are reaping their .lia..i. fiiai ...L,f ILlI ll A fa ' reward. There are a number of high-grade properties under de. velopmenl In addition to the Dolly Varden. A smelter Is near at hand at the O ran by works, at "Goose Hay," as the place was formerly FRED STORK'S HARDWARE known. Northern mining men all speak highly of the Alice Arm district and predict it has a great future as a producer ef copper I 710 SCCOND AVC and other minerals. CarpenUrV Teola EulldsrV Hardware Ship Cttandlsry Wirt Csble Steal Blocks Flshino Tackl SUN AND TIDE Iron Pips Pip FltUngs Rlflss and fhotguna Friday, January 26th. Hop VaUss Ammunition Fun 8:55 rises....... a. m. y Pumps Hose Paint Sun sets t:25 p. m. tletM and Range nubbsrold rtooflng Corrugsted Iroi. High water ...3:38a.m. II U 22.2 Low water .. .0:33 a. in. lit. 4.8 "Wt SLL NOTHING BUT THE BEST Hieh water ...3:ltn.m. Ht.21.8 Low water ...9:48p.m. lit. 3.2 iii'l.iiii ilfi.ff, S. M. o. A. 1 i FRED STORK'S HARDWARE TO MARINERS Wrangell .Strait Point Lock- wo4td Float Light No. I, reported on December 27th as being adrift and opposite Deception Point, Bateft Own Soap was repjaced and relighted Jan. l tlth,Wrangell 1917. Strait Point Alex. 2 THE ROAD TO THE RIGHT. nnder Light changed from group (lashing to single flash 0.3 sec. met at least oae of those few good old duration every three seconds, YOU'VE are constaady detuns the worst of k December 22nd, 1910, was restor . . when shoppuiM, who doa t believe io advertisifl A hundred disappototiat and iastructive experieaoeti '.i. ed to its normal character Jan. .. have failed to teach him their plain lesson. I tlh, 1917. - When he boufht his first watch he was beguiled into Chatham Kills Strait Point buying one without a known name or a trustworthy Light reported not burning Jan guarantee. That watch a poor timekeeper coat uary 1 1 tit will be relighted as soon him dearly by reason of missed appointments and -or as practicable. missed trains, and for frequent repairs. Yet he paid Jfa& the price of a good watch. Island Sumner Strait Spanish Light, reported not burning Doc. It is the same story with regard to hia underwear, his shoes, and his fountain pen. I Oth, was relighted Jan. 15th. 1 i- ' This good old soul's case is not unique. Many of us, U Chatham Strait Point Kills for Qrrt the truth be confessed, resemble him; we aHow ots Light, reported not burning Jan. selves to be sold merchandise with an uaknewn brand 1 1 thv was relighted Jan. 13th. , or trade mark instead o( buying merchandise which is Lynn ('.until Sherman Hock well known to us through the medium of advertising. In slang language, "stung" often. Huoy 2, reported out of position we get pretty and drifted ashore January 15th, In most of these esses we have ourselves to blame, for "the road to the right" thing to buy has bean made j. tvill be replaced as soon as prac plain by advertising. ticable. i There is no good reason for passing by the known . . thin;!, soundly guaranteed, to buy a dubious svtiala, which, quality for quality, cannot be eh caper than the After t!io bath with BABY'S OWN SOAP th 1 E. Davey , v,'. 'known, branded artieie. and exhales the. Itin ia smooth, comfortable, " V yew ara ialmg a Ual eethnai talk ovar oet eOsrtiiteg esett. aroma of freshly cut flowers. 15 better Uaia with tba Adrrtitia OseartMael at this estrspaper. Freedom froot skin troubles, explains in some measure Teacher of Singing and 1 If yeu ara doin? prariatctal er esUsaal batiaaaa il weali be wel babies Voles Production. to be sure . far jm to have ike settaaat aa4 aaabtaaaa at a food eSTSitlileg 'the refreshing sleep which "Baby's Own Soap" tpnej. A Hit of taaaa will taraUksd.whfcwM aetl M tikUjailia, enjoy, Kbjccially for nursery u insist on"Baby's Own". I than sorry" ay tk ftaarttsry el PaaaiHaa Frees Aiiaslatiea, Ksaei Sej, . PHONE BLACK 117. Uia4oe BUUaa, Ti ALBERT SOAPS Umltad, ftUautcturart, MONTRLU. hm,uu Q