T1IK DAILY iv4 Thursday, Jnnuary 25, 1017 LABOR SPEAKER RAPS LAND REQISTRY ACT (Set Until tt aAil ( , Local News Notes. GOVERNMENT "The Daily News" IK Application Mo, 11,111, im. J.L.HICKEY In the Letter Box BORDEN TAkK NOTICE tint applicaiioo bu hi: mad lo retiiter John Berrn.an. 0r prZ. BUILBBW CLASSIFIED ADS. Iioperl. B. C, ai owner In fee ttNTMOTM A ynder kdItoii, Iron beds at cut-in-two price Vancouver, Jan. 22, Declaring I Tai Sal Peed from lb Collector of al to Tin: nt Tito's sale. tf. thnt tho working people of Cnnada Cr of l-rine Bupert. beirini dit Store and Ofllco Fixtures, Dear Sir, Wo soldiers' wives, "foil In line" behind 1011) day of September, till, or t nnd ulsters of Prince were anxious to WANTED. Sl.iOUUh thai certim parcel . S mothers, or Bash, and Moldings. t Door 403, Selling out at cost, phone any "laudablo proposal for land and .premlaea illuile, tinf, ? Oak and Hard Woods of all lltiperl linve long bon asking Iho Cnvcnailo & Ilnnnan. tf. real national service," but that WA.ITttl Small litbi rotxt, (ihon inr In lb Munlcipillir of prit-e RyhlV. question put forward by the Re nutk tit. mor psrtlculailr known 7a kinds. Ilorden government had not it Lot Ten . the turned Soldiers Association In A. C. Cameron is In the city Block lit (I), Section Seren J u.. Wc Specialise In making your issue or .yesterday, is u from Oibso'ii Island. so far brought forward nnything FOR SALE ttt. and fitting storm windows, fair to our menfolk Hint while nearer It than giving profitable You ar required to conieii tbe tliim kite's sale starts munitions contracts to Its-friends, ron SALE Crl1 mining machinery. In of tb tai purcnaier I thin tbirrr Sta any alts. they are fighting nnd dying In the big furniture diyi from tb dit tt tna aertle L. T, 1'ngllsh, a prominent man rlndine IT miefcln drilli, column bar, of u, tranches, we should ,bo employing nvilr (which N miy effected morning. 20. Plata and thoet Glass and Wednesday in the labor movement locnlly, drill.iteel, iteam fitliori, etc Applj Mail by Been, tered a. d palronUing Germain ever New a. If. or birected, and yoyr at Glailng. spoke at the People' Forum in Daily lenilon la called to aection tt or hero? Is It honorable? Is it loyal? rhll,ti-n, li no 11 reduced. Inran -Land toe Corner Prascr and eHrt Sta. Is It wise? the large O'Hrlen hall to r large MISCELLANEOUS lietlilry Aei" with amendmenn. Peck's Shoe 8loro. at assortment and to tho follow ln attract thererruni The position of city engineer audience yesterday. Judging from -and In default of catrat or PHONE GREEN 269 could bo as well and better filled iiniirine from business Kale 'the applause given the principal OASOU.1K tAOI.IEEIl bl imell amount rat or III pendem belnt Died before eerui the of rein to Inteit with sertlcei. whet . O. BOX 44S. by Urltishers In this town who Phone 193, Cavennllc llannnn.'spraker and the remarks of most hat jouf writ Dot its, Deity nwt. retlilrallon n owner of lb peraoa ea titled under turn Ui ule, all havo to outside or U10 omer speakers who toiiow- perioni n for now go employment, aerted wlib nolle . . .and thoM 'and If Mr. Loreruen's Mid-winter sale at Heo. Tito's. ed. the bulk of the audience look LOST ihruoih or under them, and all claialat perioni sympathies are with the Hrltlsh, Complete homo furnishings at ed upon the matter from the same LOST Oolil melii turn J. Jodie Inscribed, clalmint any Intereil In lb land by tirtue DENTISTRY as lias been said, would it not be cost. tf. viewpoint as Mr. I'nglish. ri rider return to O.K. BtUtt. of any unreriiiered Iniirnmeni, and m "One of the rerfsons," said the periocia clilmlnt any Inlereii in the land a token or nis sincerity mat ne FOUND by descent wboi title u not retliiered ono ww ajio mmotm Join our overseas forces, and give Sheets, pillow cases, blankets, speaker, "why the working people under lb protUktn of ibli Act, inat U a his position to a returned soldier. receive 20 of this country have opposed the rou.io-.siuer tMt pur. Apply Duti ror eter eitopped and debarred from mi or some other capable Hrltlsher? bed-spreads our re- so-called national registration of Newt ome. u tint up any claim to or In reipect of tke DR. J. 8. MOWN luction fleo. D. Tito. tf. land o ld for tue. and tbe Betutrir the Dominion government Is be. Further, should a German hav-ng DOW TIT hall retiiter tbe person entitled im,, such a complete knowledge of cause there is a deep-rooted sus. aura tat lit owner pf tb land OflUtl See.Ml MmI, Third Iimn every detail of our harbor as Mr. Hums' anniversary entertain nlclnn In their minds that the old for taiea." ment in St. Andrew's Society FOR RENT A1l WHEREAS application bai Lorenten Is said to nosses. be scheme is like so many other beea tonight at 8 mad for a CerUBcat or fndefeaiibl TlUe rooms sharp. schemes which have been brought I free to travel back and forth to) to lb abotementioned lindi, la tb American cities where abound his forwnrd, nnd Is not for the good of John Bertmaat J. J. Thompson, of Vancouver, Mfekre room bou, CuftUa IIUL of the nation at all, but for the A1I WTICBEAS on Intealltitinr countrymen, to whom such Information Cotitr I ruocni, sta At hc 7, tke is amongst the visitors In the title It appears that prior to tb tik Sheet Metal Wsrk may yet be valuable? good of n few of the friends of Colltrt t roodit, tttth, Summit At. diy city. He is at the Hotel Rupert. of September, ltd, (tb del on wkfek mnutb4 SIT lia A?. C Cotur the government. The people have I It is not to the city's credit that tb aald landa were aold for oterdee ColUl I routn. 1bntnpa tod lla. there should be room to beg that We publish on the front page been hoodwinked no often before Cciur I roooi It I in At B. l it ) you were in aiieaeed owar Now is the time to have our positions of trust be given to a telegram received today from n "I10' Pa,r,oUV" ,,r Vf thereof.rthTIIIH TAKE .10TICE Ikat your heating plant put in Iirilishcrs only. L. W. Palmore, It speaks for loyalty that they suspect Is MtMOnOlI ArANTMINTS. S rHM, inn ttm I aball etect reiutrtuo at Ue shape for the winter; roofs Yours truly, itself. the same old thing. Mh Ui4 fu9 . RmI of tkMt IUU pnreuane of lurh appUcaUon and (nee I and skylights seen to. Soldiers' Wives, Mothers, Sisters. "Hut perhaps the greatest ob Km r4c4 I M Pf nath. CerUSeat of Indefeailbl Till to Ik 1414 In such cams consult In a recent casualty list appears jectinn to the scheme is that the NmI an4 tla. OmS JaHe Mr Undi la tb nam of John Berrmaa nWn k. Will ItJoxnla U H I total. tot Ule and proaecul lb proper practical man If you want Mtt. NATION EXPLAINS the name of W. M, Jones, time has come when the people reedint la eiubluh your claim, tf pea atsr tmism in Town row TMt aay, results, PATRIOTIC FUND WORK Prince Rupert, amongst the frankly seek an Issue with the oat V. to to aald landa, or lo pre ten I lark pr wounded. present Canadian government on poeed acttaei on my part. C. 0. Rowe the question of the conduct that PAYED at tb Land Retittry bm (Continued From Page One.' We writ Brt lnirrwr. rrr-oili)t rrlnrw Rapert. B. C tkll Ilk It; g PractloaJ sheet metal man. Mrs. A. L. Robinson, of Vie- has been pursued by the government ool tiroor. lu-rl ma' liecrmber, A. D. Itl. t I I 7 let. ft I w" in the prosecution of the II. T. MACLEOD, where soldier's .necessary, but, n l.' l';",l'n Board of Trade Opposite aml moihn, Mr. nnd Mrs. John wnr. Vf feiM I illlti. Apr. IT. MHrkl Bettitrar of Tion. wife and family have no rent to Rooms 322. 2nd Avenue To Simon reteraoa, DatUtille, Caitranat 'pay, the amount of rent Is de- "arnsley. Political Pull For Officers. H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD ducted from the allowance. Some ,.,, MirnA(i iHi.r "In Calgary, they picked nut ft. LAND ACT Estimate Furnished Pro. .said that they receive too nmch.J. . ' ,n,lw. ,n ,h I4rt many cases men who had no rett Repeet Land Dletrtct OieUtet et To this he replied that they could 1 training whatever and made them Oet, ttoaa S. ,n,pn Tfl Un Ma(T al Quen ofllcers in the overseas regiments, StttNA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Of TAkE BOTICt thai tb radB HOa. not receive too considering much, OOAST, RAMM TMRtt of Llmtled. VaACoaur, B. Charlotte Cly C, mwM the sacrifices their husbands and) putting them in command of many TAIE notice tbal I. rraacu loerph pulp and paper maker, la tend to ipptf officers who had been In the militia. actiaf a atml for lb Scale, Empire trXittcr ror permliiio to fathers were making that we J Mltchel Albert, who left for the purtba tb faOowiet Pulp and taper Mltla. Lid, of 8anoa comfort.1 It got to be n joke, and that leecrtbed tuxle -Cocunravrina' al a peel THtENOINiyXtfW might live in safely and snut, a week ago, sails for the Bijr, B. C. rcupeiioa toirer, loteew to Pteate4 al tb aoaiaeait of corner Lot III why did not wns one reason men Dealing "witli charges of graft, he foe permletlon U Wtte lb folla '(orient today on tho Empress 6f ttr tb wen eaor of Cooaiaa Inlet, rkeore imt foes oCteffrtf enthuse over the way the war was deeenbed UnaJ: said that such lr charges were madejriussia, en route for Russia. oeel It cuiaa. ibeoe aU tt turn. in ignorance. He asked If it was I being managed by the govern- CcMiawttctar al a poet piloted oa Ike ikmc eail to alecr. IWore nartfcaiterlf emitli hur of tb lirwe at the end of likely that the head of the llankf Alfred Oveson, one of the boysj"1"1 U Ceil Arm Of Moeeel lalet. aboal Mm iioai abwr to potat ct ceannwaceawat, t ci 1-a la. 7 i. ia-ia ruauiMat t acrea, mor or tree. be idea In fact, it seems to the of Montreal would contribute,who enlisted for overseas scrviee and mm naif mite in a aeetrrly direction raanc mills umited, of tho Ilorden government that' from lb X.W. corner of T. L. 4ill. ISI. $100,000 to a fund which was ' from ne)la Conla, has been award- Mark Smeby, treat Cl - la. k I M Ik, as IUr tbrtK eooib IS rnaina, Uwoce Mor rewr. badly administered. ied the Military Cross for bravery national service means handing j tet IS cbaina, tbenr aorU ts cbato Peird Miy lllk. A. P. Itu. i. II oil 1 i2 la. kr s i. as-ss Dealing with the question of on the field, out fat contracts for munitions . atnr r leee l ibor line. I be are follow PTMRCC RuriRT UkNO DtlTSCT Oia-T1MCT government manaeement. he said to Its friends, and the government le ebnrn lin la an eatterty direcuoa lo Or OOAST, RAMI in. that the leading men of the Do- noyV Leckie Hoot at 13.(10; seeing that all the necessary la. point of cotnnMacrmeaL TAkE MfUICr tbal rarUc MUU, Limited. 'minion 'Youths' Leckie Hoot t3.15 Chlld-'much bor was provided, so that thtryj rRA.tClS JOStril BCALE. AppUrant f Vanrovter, BrltiiB Colwmbta, patiav, were satisfied that it was For Further Information OcUXer lllfe. III. J.ll taleod to could palp ad paper makert, apMr make lots of out of! leckie Hoot at f2.!5. Your money Apply to better handled by the pres. for permlietoa to paccbax tb foOevae nt organization that it could be'cho,ce of red or black stitched It." enbel Uade, CoaMaeewtai at I pa" Peek' Shoe Store. 22. (.UdusI on ue anetk baak of toer im, W. E. WILLI3CROFT by either the Dominion or pro- J 10 discount on all shoes, remainder PHONE 93 P. O. BOX 31 abnat ttequartr of a mil tp tv-m Prince Rupert, B. C. vincial governments.... Mr. Nation The schooner lla brought in of week al Peck's Shoe from tb ibor of nil-Mark Soaadi Oewe .i.-i 1- r PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. aorib twenty cbaJaa, tbeaca eail tit iEn-H. WOO pounds of halibut this fore Store. 22. are doing very little in 1 I cbaina. tbeac soaw to rtteft baak. Ibrare It was bought by John la direciiaa m noon. alooc aaur a weiierty pattiotic work compared with the 97.piece dinner set and all pmal f rommeaeemeal and coataialM people of Britain. In Britain, the ; - '.4V I.' . other china, 23 reduction at Transfer ad Sttwge foriy lit; arrei, mor or teaa. Prwce Ripert Feed it. people were glying ten times as " "k -7. v""; Tile's big sale. tf. BEST LUMP A NUT COAL luted lane PACinC Itta. Itia.MILLS. LIMITED,Ut much. We must realize that this J The Delia Coola Courier pubis by "Mart Smaby." Ateak Canada's war and that we must a hgnIy interesting letter MINERAL ACT either fight, work or pay. v (descriptive of life in the trenches, Certificate of Improvements NO LONQ WAITS lAVIOABLt wVATEM ntOTtCTtON ACT, HAY,. MAIN, FEED, SEEDS a. a. a oat. 11s. KO SHORT WIIQHT8 Tbe also out speaker pointed I by Randolph Saugslad who is now NOTioa PAartC MILLS, LIMITED, bereby eie AND FERTILIZERS that the work must not cease with Ilimeuh Jn Krnrr Stiver Bow Mineral Claim, aitoat In tke When You Order from Us. nolle thai It baa, under Secuoa T of U the ending or hostilities but must Skeena Mintof Ditiilon of Cautar Diitrlct aald Act. 0 rattled wllk tb, Miaiiur of WK HAJWLt be carried on until the men have Sergeant Hert Squires, who left Where located! At tb brad of branch rattle Work 1 at Ottawa, and to tb mre ir Lime Creek abol four ml lei from tbe of tb Rrctiirar Oeaeral of TlUei al VM returned to Canada from Europe, with the 102nd Battalion, has Buloa, and Take Ordsra for beach on In aoutb aid of A lie Arm. lorn, Brtuib Colombia, a deicrtpOoo af which would be some months been awarded the Distinguished TAKE NOTICE that I. Oeort B. .taden. lb an aad lb pliai of reruia lUwcurei Nuraory Stock. after the close of the war. On Conduct Medal. Mr. Squires was rree.Mlner'i Certiorate fa. ttOtlB. acUnr Harry A. Harvey to be erected la front of Lot Thirty concluding his speech, Mr. Na- formerly with P. Burns & Co. ai a rent for Tboa. McRoetle, rre Minere (Let Ld, Ea 0arttlee III , Bant Tbre (tl, Coait Duirlct. Chicken Feed A Specialty. rertlflrat 5a. itttIB, aod Jaroea L Kites, f !) sntub Columbia, al lb bead of Coaita tion was accorded a hearty very rrre Miner! CerttOcau ft. STtSIB, Intend, nleL 300 tons of L'adysmlth lump ruriL or umsoomthi oottexl SUM Ofr rrtaiaily AtlMM T. vole of thanks, on the motion of titty dayt frocn the date hereof, to A.1D TAKK MITICK that efler tbe S. M. Newton, who presided. coal for the prince Ilupert Coal pply to tb Mininr Recorder for a Certia FuplU Taken ror trfratlon ef mm moaui rrom tb dau f the tai of Improtnnrnu. for tb purpose r VI0U.1. PlAltO, VI0U.1CEXLO and tb Brit publicilloo of Ibli !. During evening, J. E. r. o. ai su. oa ntiM at. Davey Co is being discharged from the IIARMO.fr. t i4taininr a Croan Orant of lb abot cine MUU. Limited, will, under Sectloa vocal solo and Principal PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. gave a Prince Albert. For the past few claim. i ' EXAMI.1ATIO.1S ' of tb aald Art. apply to tb Ootemor-lS' Brady gave a selection from Henry And further take nwiu that aeUon. ruplla Pfiaar ed fee tiaw leal tee a Council for approtal of tb laid ail aad the Fourth, in splendid style. The weeks, owing to shortage in the under aecUon.tl, mail be commenced be Aeeetlated Board, Vaeeeetee, Oeater plan. Westholme orchestra rendered south, coal from another mine ror tbe Uiue of inch CerUflcai of lm Rerel Oelle of Slwet, Load, Ej)(. Paled at Vancouter, Brttub Columbia, provcojenie, this tllb dit of April. A. D. Il patriotic airs while a very fine had to be sold, but this is the Piled thl ttth dajr of Mirrti. A.p. 1 I f TEP.3I3 PHONE BLUE 27S BODWELL, LAWIO.1 k LAIC series of war pictures were Ladysrnitli article and first class OEOSGC h. NADER. Sollcltort for racist MUU. limited. MW FIliS! RAW FURS! screened as well as the drama, In every way. Get your order in "The Jewels of the Madonna," (Ood Save the King brought the early. tf. Tke EkftiM Fur meeting to a close. ORDERS Lti Fixtures for sale, phone 403, 43t Prince .Rupert Cadet Corps, TO INVESTORS Exckuge, Cavenailo & Hannan. tf. By J. C. Brady, Instructor. Is open for business and offers LAND ACT The above Corns will narade expert service to trap- Vmmiiiw Laao Dltvrlct OltUlct f for drill, In plain clothes, at the ?ers, traders This Exchange and buyers is the of 0ot, Haas a. Borden Street School, on Friday HOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING TAKE noTICJC tbtt Arch) Bin! Mtrun. at 7 o'clock evening, January 20, largest in Canada. It carries occupation mill maiurer, of lb city or INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE out a plan of open, competitive Viacourtr, frotince or Brttub ColumiiU, sharp. selling. It is made up Intend to apply for prmiion to par AT PAR qf solid business men and cbM I be rollowlnr 4eicrUd Undli RESPONSIBILITY stands for RESULTS RELIABILITY chain outh Ccmmr ibor west nclnr of of l to Couilns aouttiwtit poit Inlet pltoud about corner on 0t tb of Prwce Rifert Dai DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK Exchange sales are advertised Lot St, Kant t, Coail Dlttrlcti tnenc UNDER NEW BUtMACEMSJIT widely. They reach tho aouth to cbaini, tbene wait 49 cnalnt. in sums of sseo on ANY multiple thereof. big buyers. The Exchange Utcnce nortb to cnaini, Utacce weal tl employs none but experts. cbaina, tnrne nortlt II I cratn more or PURE HOL8TIEN MILK Its warehouses are safe leit to II. W. M. of Couilns Inlet, tnenc CREAM Principal repayable lit Octobor, 1919. against fire. Vermin, or other lollowlnr b II. W. M. to tbli poll and BUTTERMILK Interest payable half-yearly, lit April and lit Octobor by choqu (frea of oichanas at hundred on damaging contact. The Exchange ecnlalnlnf and twenty-flr offices are central in (III) arm more or leia. any charter! Dank In Canada) tt the rata of five par cant pr annum from tho data of Edmonton. Send your next DATED al Vncouvr, B. &, tbli lit rHONK f7 P. O. BOX SM purchaaej. shipment to diy or November, a. D. till. of at and accrued Intereat, Holders of this stock will have the prlvllogo surrendering par Ml. ARCHIE BARHES MARTIN. Jl Orer armpu Attended T. TltA as tho equivalent of cath. In payment of any allotment made under any future war loan Issue baHaaAatlg sBaSBMBVaFRSvVrsV rlV in Canada other than an liaue of Treasury Dills or other Ilka short date security. m mm0 Sb R. McKay, Proprietor. Proceeds of this itock are for war purpoaoa only. Exchufe, Ltd. AKERIERG, THOMSON A commiailon of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recognized bond and ADAMS BUILBMM COMPANY stock brokers on allotment made In reapect of application! for thla stock which bear their B. C. UNDERTAKERS Telephone BBSS, Edmonton atamp. AlftorU. Areata for For application forma apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. "rsisoo iMrsjtiAL," -rALswsj," UNCRAL OIRBCTORS AND EBW lHOJHAN.M flSSO" AM SALf RS SATISPACTICRl CUAR. DCTAHTMENT Of riNANCE. OTTAWA, MW FWtS! RAW FURS! HOLAVM OAS KNOINCS. ANTCCO OrEN DAY AND NIOHT ocTOBtn rut, lets. lit SRO STREET TMONt 41