The Daily news VOL VIII. NO. 23 prince hupert, n. a, Saturday, January 27, 1917. PHIHK FIVE CENT IE U ft mmk ORIS IN ME TRENCHES TAKEN AND CONSOLIDATED - TURKS SUFFERED HEAVY CASUALTIES BRITISH TAKE BRAVE MEN DIED ' j 1 fliYBBBav ft ili - KING FROST IS TURK TRENCHES BECAUSE RIFLE PLAYING PART IN MESOPOTAMIA ON WEST FRONT 1 First and Second Llna Tranche Turriff Start Government for German Canal and Rivera are Taken and Consolidated Continued Use of Weapon ' Icebound Food Transpor Turk Suffer Heavy 8tlrrlng Fight in tation Being Casualties Quebeo Today. fered With. (SpKUl V Th PHI fUwt.) lSpcl(l to The Dtllf ft M.I (SprCUl to TM Dally nrw) LADY LAWYERS OF THE FUTURE These Ave ladies have successfully passed the - young London, Jan. 27. The British) Ottawa, Jan. O. Turriff. London, Jan. 27. The intensity ChrlslmaV examinations at Osgoode Hall, Ontario's law school. Front left to right they are Miss I It....... lail-iA In MfniUI.1 hmniUM t.e A a In In nfiAl.l 1 of the winter weather in central II. Palen. Miss Mary McNulty. Miss Aileen I. Silk, Miss There a Cherrier and Miss Muriel Lee. is Europe increasing and is causing mia, unucr cover o an imcucijeieruay in we uouse oi uim- additional, suffering through, HtiDaruiiirui- a a iiuiii I uicm li aI li.w v mons conversations which he had PATRIOTIC FUND IMPORTANT DECISION i PASSENGERS WERE out Germany as it is interfering sjii n ml rnnflfillilAlA(l had with returned soldiers. These I I X ilh the transportation of food, t ... front 1 1 flf" soldiers slated that because of ANNUAL MEETING UNDER MORATORIUM' ROWED FOURTEEN MfllSi;Lit- 1.ii is I- aiso-I uiuueriiiK.! I 1 it tue rtnttiPi in the aouroacb to KuU the Inefficiency of the Itoss ride t I movement of munitions. The a... 1 flan Ul(nir ttiam flrl they were unable to protect themselves At the anual meeting of the! Vancouver,' Jan. 21-An Im-I The steamer Prince John, ac "vers ana canais are iceoouna. .. ... II.. j at n during the German attacks. Patriotic Fund, held in the city'portant decision on a new point cordjng aicst reports, Is still t lit? U9C UI UUI'ID UJ W1C uriiisii Ifaitjf htr (ha fnrfllnrllim Aft tVfll' . . .. and' French on the western front urrii n cons derail e iciiKiu ui "Fathers and mothers who have hall last evening, the following 7 V l. . . 7, . V .L. ifat on the rocks oil tne Aiassan is almost impossible and. several given uy uniei justice iiunier tins sacrificed brave sons in this war executive was elected: Mayor Mc-Caffery morning, his lordship holding coast. The vessel struck a large have been left stranded on lonely II II 11 LIZ U CAII.. CIIIVI7 tie .-mrwrnv mm I - have a right to know the reason and Aid. Mcllae, representing that in a case where a debt on an submerged rock off Finger Point, roads. The soldiers, principally le upon tne enemy. jiany pris- -I ....I Tlia why this defective weapon was the city council; 8. I). agreement of sale existed before Uen miles from Tunka and four- those assigned to trench and the war and wbich as such miles from Petersburg. All niry amy, are suuenng severely iirv. ii.irvrMi rm. uniuccess. continued In use after it had been Macdonald, representing Ft. Andrew's teen would under the Moratorium irom tne intense coia. ui itui lunoui couiitcr-mic. proven unsuitable." declared Mr. Society; E, Kemp, representing come the passengers were taken off in Ruae I an Frant. Act has been transmuted into a WesUfh Front. the ship's boats and rowed' the Turriff. He asserted that the Bor the Sons of England; C. it Heavy fighting continues, be the that Jan. 27 of mortgage since war,, fourteen miles to Petersburg. A London, .-Northwest den government was1 responsible G.n. Anderson, representing the thereby forfeits protection under lt ween the Germans and Russians eruuu, me teutons siormeu tue for the deaths of hundreds of large hole was stove in the for in the Tirul swamp and along the jscajiditiavian Society; 8. M. New the Moratorium Act. ward of her under the rr f ri p.ti.ii.. ninnv trani ill part hull, J Canadian soldiers by its action.! river Aa on the Riga front. The i t f...n ti i rw1 r .1 rrl tr. Th ft ton, Mrs. It. L. Mcintosh, Judge This interesting point was fore-hold and she was taking int Stirring Election. II Pjnnn Ilix. Hal lM-k. brought up by Mr.J. W. deB. Far-ris, . ...Ml. II.. I.. nl. I Germans claim that they have reiicii cuuuicr-aiiacscu auu i r Jan." Vnnnir ov ,ap.u7 Cu - .. - . a -.a... . .. . St. Ilenedirie. 27. The who asked for the Prince Itu-pert '"'captured more Russian positions UI'IUI rU III'B L UI IUB HIUU1IU lull and G. W. Morrow. ccr - J. II. is Thompson greatest political activity prevailing Building Co. relief under the and have laken,five hundred pris in the German assault. Pioneer, formerly a fire-boat in I . The executive was here over the by-election empow- oners. claim made Moratorium from a French Report. which is being held today. Hon. ered to elect a president and vice-presidrnt;-Ke!t New York harbor, is fitted with England AtUokatf. II. b. wMr. It. Symo for II, nay powerful ami js keep-1 Jan. 27 We Paris, repulsed very pump -Lucleir Cannon as-caserr nd Albert Sevtgnr for German vessels shelled the nwnd. tne holder of a mortgage lhe walef down. Tne prince with ltri four German severe mg are both confident of victory and committees. 13,500. made in March. 1915. coast of Suffolk last night, No attacks west of the Meuse last MbtrU of the o. T. P. company. at the polls. Mr. Cannon, who On the mofion of Mrs. Mcintosh "Although the mortgage is casualties are reported. night. The Germans penetrated gained a victory in the provincial and Canon Ilix. a very hearty vote dated March, 1015, it is really a ,,ag spoken and $9 now on our advance Frenches near hill 301 tendered to llev. her lo 8land by the 8,, election by a large majority, is of thinks was debt which was in existence be- VIVIAN lerday. very coftfldenl of being able to defeat V. E. Collison, honorary secretary, fore the outbreak of the war,",8ieamer. WCSTHDUK TOWIDIIT German Report. the Nationalist member of and C T. lleward, honorary argued Mr. Farris, who explained Merlin, Jan. 27. We took tren who had a treasurer, for their untiring services SCOTTISH SOLDIERS the Ilordcn cabinet, that the amount was due origin- Vivian Martin, one of the most ches on a silken hundred metre 200 in practi during the past year. 8. M. TOWCT FIW,TH of majority only ally on an agreement of sale. In beautiful actresses on the movie front wet of the Meuse yesler the constituency in Newton, who presided, made ref n.irtips' " " cally same Uirrh 101 S hnunvcr lh stage, is the big attraction at the day. The. French counter-attack., IIMI. erence to the excellent work done made adju$lmenls thereby the! Mr. Joseph V. Grigg, an Amer-by Westbolme tonight In 'The rd unsuccessfully. Hon. P. E. IllonJin has tele-. the secretary and treasurer. ..fpnHnnt lont H. frftm mp. . . , .r.jii.K Stronger Love," a flveiact Famous graphed lo Premier Borden making On the motion of Canon tlx sec- n nd and ,n lurn ave back Players' drama. This is a story SAYS SIR RICHARD an explanation of the statements onded by Judge Young. Mr. Colli- morlBaBe for lhe .3.500. Uoon "Mduaw ln Irance describ- of mountaineers and moonshiners', MUST BE DISMISSED made by Iilm at St. Hose son and .Mr. iiewara e rf- lhu milpliri,M ih Hflfndani '"B 8 w ira,n,n ca'"P ue wuii a i a man irpin. iiV tne cuy i taiuutt tn and denying that he uttered dls- jelecled. 'since been sued, and has raised bmd the front, says; The bayo- in love with a maiden of the Victoria, Jan. 23. Pmhlbltlon-Uts loyal sentiments. i The treasurer's-report showed the Moratorium Act as an an.'net drill of jt Scottish sergeant. wilds. It is splendidly staged and1 are demanding that tlr llich-ard The Liberal press throughout that, in January. 22 ranillles were Mr gvme look the .Und who Was fresh from the trenches Miss Martin is seen at her best., McllrlJe, agent-general In icbeo Is resurrecting Mr. Se-:received support from the fund ,ha. th(,, helna a new ....... There is also a Topical Budget of Ixm.lon, be dif missed from office, viguy's speeches of,19Il. in which and in December the number had!one and not a newal. did not ana B,V,ng a ,arse DfT . war and world's news. alleging irregularities In the taking he declared that ."the Hurler been j. tne num. e undef the Drotectlon of the 'nsiructiou, was as smiuii as u of the m k I S S 1 - vote on the prohibition cabinet is a caliluel or imperial. ier oi cnuuren represenieu moratorium. 1 swordsman This sergeant had Allen Robertson, formerly a )Uftioii among the soldiers ists, deposed to sacrifice the in- these families was G7. The aver-i .-j-j troubje js that the agree been through bayonet fighting. partner of George McCoIl and who oersen. The demand has not lerests u unau.i, aim m lauiivii aD "....j ..u.....vv -- ment or sale, so rar as tne lesai'-.j i k.i was severely wounded at the front . . . . . . . men f'en hinde the it.. ili, l.: .li-hll.. - iu iuui nines ii uu uccu - formally to government. us into wars which iio not cuiitcrii it iwi ma uwm some time ago, has been, dis- Mcllrlde has got to us. What has England ever done less than last year, The total!11?601.!:wnen concfrnfd'n,ortgage "PPitioned ftr valqr on the field of,charged from further active service. ko, aii a prominent prohibi-tionist for usT" admlnistratlon expenses for thelvalJ lh- phlf iustice in Kivine his Uslinn Ul IVII lift V una OTUCT na nlitpf m ni fi Allen has been six months; who visiting here from Senate Adjourns. !ear for the branch were 1112.02. .-rha mortuajra u a'tiger ana as strong. iome oi me in hospital but is now convales-, Vancouver. Ottawa, Jan. 27. The Senate The secretary submitted a report .sealed n8lrument into which the'fiercest bayonet ork of the war cent. He expects to return to has adjourned until Monday, Feb-.covering tho activities of the or- agreement was merged, and I do!hl,, be?n ,,onn the Scottish Canada shortly. DISASTROUS FIRE ruary fifth. ganliation for the year. nol 8ee how lt can come under!. by, AT FALLS outstanding troops, and there is the feeling NIAGARA With regard to the Moratorium Act.' C. R. Groathe, who was storekeeper SCHOOL BOARO TO collections, tho treasurer said in all regiments of the British for the Gosse-Millard Co., -SrtUI to TtM DHIy !.! ADD DOMESTIO COURSE that he believed that 1500 of the FINDING BILLETS FOR army that the Germans can be at Bella Bella before going overi could be collected. Niagara Falls, Jan. 57-Ffre amount bested with the bayonet. One of seas, has received the Distinguished, broke out last night at thw plnnt At the meeting of the school J. M. Clancyr referring to the THE SURPLUS OFFICERS the most interesting stories which Conduct Medal for bravery' in the clty.hall, recent address by F. Nation, said 'f the American Cyanide Company, board last evening field. I beard about Prussian pride was on the, the had Damage to the extent of fur lha nurnose of passing the,that provincial secretary several hundred thousand dollars estimates -for ttio year, it was do- shown that Haielton had done al-elded (Spccltl to TtM DtUy ruws.) related to me by a British colonel, Lulu le Vance and Kitty Mack' science to most as much work as Prince Rutin London, Jan. 27. General Turner, domestic was done to add j says Mr. Grigg. He said that a were fined $35 nnd $10 respec-I curriculum In the public 'pert. This was misleading as the commanding the Canadian ,Prussian officer bad been cap lively, at the police court this school course. It will take some j Haielton report included tho dis-! forces In England, has requested Mr. C, 0.NOTIOE Howe Is no longer time to organlxe this branch of trict from Smilhers to' Telkwa. Isir George Perley to confirm the tured, and, preparatory to his be houses.morning for keeping disorderly' Mcintosh did not think ing sent to a regular with . ronnectril with tho II. C. Undertakers. the work, as arrangements will Mrs. appointment of Brigadier.General camp Mr. I'rank Morris I now have to be made In the different that Prince Rupert had done so i'Mcllae in the capacity of Quar others, was Invited to share the Selling out at cost, phone 493; In charge. school ...for tho . providing,. .of)well as Jit might. In comparison I termaster-General, on account of mess quarters with several Brit Cavenatle & Hannan. tf. i i. rooms It is expecieu to nae mo with smaller places. the eftlcient services he had ren A. LA FOHTONK. ish officers, ire refused to sit work under way by mld-iummer. The treasurer pointed out that dered. It is expected that Major The bnnrd will advertise for a Mr. Nation said that the city had Oow, of Toronto, will be elected down with them at the table. NEW WELLINGTON GOAL. filirlitlan Hclonro Society service teacher for this branch. It was collected 13,500 in 1915; $8,500 deputy minister of militia to assist Later, he complained that he phone 116. We have Just ru-ceJved nro held every Sunday at It also decided to secure the services in 1010, or a total In the two Sir George Perley, Colonel should bave fitting quarters in a shipment of' 500 tons ' Pundny Hchiiol at 12 noon. of another teacher for extra work years of $12,000, with an amount Manley Sims is being appointed which ttt sleep. In tho meantime Lump Coal. We are prepared & Wednesday evening meeting nt 8 which l likely to arise during the to the credit of the fund In the Canadian representative on the one of the British ofllce'rs had put In your winter's coal for yna. "clock. Ilnys llulldlng, 215 2nd yenr. owing to the Increased number bank that had not been forwarded Imperial headquarters staff in --f pupils which are applying to Victoria. This was also mis. France. " voluntarily given up his bed to Avenue. and !0 f(.r ndmlssjon to the 'different leading, for, at the request of tho the man and Intended spending Springs mattresses, schools. N Governor -General, $2,000 bad or federal position. This motion tho night on some blankets on reductions al Tite's sale. tf. beei.i sent to Ottawa in 1014. A carried. be the floor. When this incident WESTHOLMR Mrs. tloilenrnth, who recently further sum of $2,500 had been Hal Peck's kind offerof the use delivered such an Interesting d-dEtms sent to Victoria yesterday, making of his offices for executive meetings came, known to the Prussian bU OPKRA HOUSE on Red Cross work at the ft total of $10,000 instead of $12,. was accepted. The committee complaining stopped,.his features LONDON CATC TONIGHT ONLY front, experts to return hero on!000 as stated, will meet on Tuesday at relaxed, and he burst into tears. AND GRILL VIVIAN MARTIN In tho Cholohsin on Sunday night. Before tho meeting adjoutned, p. m. Exchange. Third Avenue rAKOl'S IM.AYHIS rUATUBK Mr. Godeuralh will most likely Mr. Hill moved that the meeting Prompt Service of the Beat "THE STRONGER LOVE" nddress n meeting in the Presby. endorse the action of the Return- Tho Oddfellows will give a under the ed Soldiers' Assoolatiou 'drive 97.piece dinner set and all there Is to eat at H hpva. rivt trl. teriau Church, auspices In protest whist and dance In K. of P. TOPICAL BUDGET tof the I. O.D. Eh on Tuesday against the employment of any Hall, Tuesday, Feb, 0th. Tickets other china, 25 reduction at BOXES FDR LABIM afternoon in aid of the Blue Cross, alien subject in a civic, provincial 50 cents. 2.3 0.1 Tile's big sale. tf.