Halnrchy, January- LAND REGISTRY ACT ARE BATHS (section ) and u, J FROM FAR AND NEAR "The Daily News" lis Application wo. ii.tn. r, TAkK NOTICK-lbel spplkailoa b.i'C In time of need NECESSARY ? mxle to retlilef lohn Bertman. ef m Circuit Judge Hubert (i. Muff CLASSIFIED ADS. liuirl. . C, aa owner row, of Portland, recommends tlio Ttt Bile Peed from ibe wi9r', Every woman should know the comfort; nd expert return to whipping posts to deal Ciiy of Prince Rupert. Uirie. nee the relief of a reliable remedy that can be depended with automobile tliloves who arc Tbli looki like a rooliih quriiion In this 101b diy of September, e IB. cf are nearly A.tB rnlirbtrneil are. WANTED. which SIKJtUn Ihtl teruin to right conditions cause head barl r upon and very busy In Oregon nl present. million Amrrlfeni tw knew nothing of lind tnd preiqltei Illuiu, .," ache, dlMlness, languor, nausea constipation. At inirmil mihins a few yeire aeo and are WALTER "mall Ilftit rowboal, phone .nt Midi times, nothing is so safe, so.sure and speedy at now riter M leMlfy lhl Ihey are fully ai mark 101. more ptnicultrly" "Hiy known or u rrince Lot 7." l'rcmier Hughes, of Australia, ritentlal to brallb ai Ctlernal luthi. Tt, niocl rite (I) Section L.. Bettn is having trouble In making ar By a purely miurei proeeie or properly III. j FOR SALE ualnr wirrn wiier, uw a, l. urau--rrmorr rangements for representation at You are required to conuii ib, ALL Ine poieonous wane from the Imperial Conference because of the let purchaier wiibtn I the Lower InleillW. whlth phyilrlini IIOUSLIIOUt triECTS IOR HALE IIS thirir 'of internal trouble in his govrti. tree U the rauie or II per rent of all lib Avenue, K rorner of Younr II. day noiice from(which Ibe may dale be of the effected itrtlce J iZ ' tnont. He Is arranging with tho human ailment. tcrtd MtU or u Direeied. .ad JJ.'.T leader of the Opposition for the It Inttanlly rellrre ronmpallon. pro run BALI Carload mlnint machinery. In perly rerulalei ine ixxen ana prevenu tludint If machine drilti, column bare. -Lena Of UM formation of a.new government. nrtiiiry aci"" With Unrixlm.... i whlth nilllouineii driln-doen all Ibe etc Apply drilMteel, nnm Uiiinn, and 1A tha .rnllnwln an..., Duriflf the sixty minion of women have found Mica put years, and Uer Trouble! alwayi create. Dally.Wewi. U- not helpful In toning and strengthening the lyttem. and for refo E. V. Southall, M.Dh or Oeneeee, N, tod In deftuli of a catctt or cerua bUng the stomach, liver and bowels. These famous rills are entirely ' "Tho Only Way Out," a pamph-lel rllei: rate of lit pendent belnr Bled before vegetable and contain no harmful or hablt-formlng drugs. Use then published in Ilavaria, says that I rhallenred ine doeiora In this town MISCELLANEOUS rettiirtilon it owner of ibe pr ea witff entire confidence for they cause no onpUatant aitcr-eHects, and titled under lucb Ul tale, ill the only practical course to uvdrt Hit week In retard to what I ran do with prtou final ruin in Germany is tho de. your 'Cairade. I ran lay for a truth dASOUNt EOl.tEERbai.mall amount irrted with notice tnd thon iinmii, J or rath to Inreit with 'smteei, Wbal ibroutb or under them, and ill the reaion for ptnau will fail thai I know my sueren not you : thronemcnl of the House of lth many irrloui lllneuet wai due to bate youf Write Boa'ltl. Daily Newt. clatmiar tny Iniereit la the land by ttrte IJolieniolIeru. havlnr the tmweli wathed oat oaee and or any unretliiered Initrumrnl. tad in Worth a 4s mine a Bos eomeltmee llce a day. I only with I LOST prrtoot tlaimint toy latertit la ih Uhj dricmt whoie Ptir.ntio' T Vt TUmmt Bawbas,Si.H.l,UwUn,Eawkaal 1 As a result of tho Canada could mike Ibe people In reneral believe by un.kr ibe protuiocii title or u not r?rmrtd tbli S,jwaaCd mm U.S.Aiclta. UWm,1S. war, In the emrlrnry of a rood bowrl waihlsr. LOST Lady's dumnnd net, betwrea the Act, u Is producing two new minerals. for etrF eilopped tnd drbarred lr Slnrerely youre." Weithulme Tbratre and 411 Elf lb Atrnee. Ml II. orme. Ird Orera !. reeard. If lint up tny claim to or !t rit t f One Is magnesium and the other Cyril Prunut, rorner WeeL I'lKme is fcrro-molybdenium. The Ate. id 6th itrrel. rnnre Rupert bei Dlled , i land to told for Uiti, and the Rtrtitnr mag. ihall the a irrmendotii demand for "i. B. U Ca-fiJn" LOST oold ntrdal tame I. Judge In-eeribed. retnier pereon enutied tadtr nesium Is Used In making star urb tat ule ai owner of eil few will the laad In the years, and Under re lure to U.K. Piltu. ie shells. how and eiplain II to you on requeek A told for teiea. J.LH1CKEY In the Letter Box AHO WIILHF.AS KfHritloo rree and Inierettint tmnklet on Internal FOUND bai bxa Biihinr. "Why Man of TixUy li only IS made for a Certiorate of lodefeaiaie Tiu. The Vancouver lo the alMtrtnrntJonrd Province, landi, in Vm Per Cent Emrirat" ran alio be obtained a CONTRACTOR BUILDER roiINtt Sllter net Apply Pill puree. of iubn Bertmam through false reports from Vic the akinr. If KDITOH, DAILY NEWS, for yoa prefer, write lo Neva Offlre. If amo WHEREAS toria, has been publishing state nr. Chat. A. Tyrrell. IIS Collere itreel. on lotnUnuat n Dear Sir, The engineer, ll lU U appetre ibal prior to city the lia Store and OfHce Fixtures, Toronla, for aame. tu Futures for sale, phone 103, ments disturbance regarding an alleged f Mr. P. Lorenzen, seems to be a September, III I, (ibe dale oe un,, Door and Moldings. . i:nvinnllA .v llnnnsn. If. Ibe tahl landi Sash, thorn in tho flesh to the lleturned amongst the Liberals In were told fer ettrew Oak and Hard Woods of all tho capital over the appointment utet you were Ibe tiieitrd Soldiers They CAMBONVOID sale Association. ore ; for by Lip tnrreof. of Cl. Sheet MetaLWork II. Naden kinds. trying to make the citizens believe as deputy minister sett A. Cunningham, and Parkin. rtRTIIER TAEE ROTICE tbal it a, of lands.. At the meeting mentioned tame time I tbell effeet Wa Specialize in making that ho is a German. rr ruin a r Ward Klectrie Co. tf. punuinee of tucb tpplicailoa by the Province, the mat-ler tad Um i Mr." and fitting storm windows, Lorenzen was iorn in Deru not Now Is the time to have CerUOrate of lodeftailble Title k Dm was even discussed. size. mark and is now a Uritlsh sub. your beating plant put in landi In ibe name of lobe Bertmaa tab any Ject. He lias also been a faithful shape for the winter; roofs yoe take and proeecute the peopt p Plato and Sheet Qiaos and servant of this city for years. On his arrival in Vancouver, and skylights seen to. reediitit to eeubUib your claim, it FOR RENT lo the taid landi, or to preteat ik! Glazing. I cite the following from the Premier Ilrewster was interviewed In such cases consult puaed ifUoo oe my pert. py. naturalization f this regarding the release of Mr. ntTm tt the Land Corner Fraaer and 6th Sis. papers- o practical man If you want Retlita S 'country: Ilenwick, deputy minister of lands rnnre Reprrt. B, C, thlt ith ay results. Modem I rotea bovee, Esfliib inn. HONE GREEN 299 "This is therefore to certify. in the Dowser government. The Collate I roooit, life Ate4 tec. 7. lieermber, A, to. III. P. O. BOX 448. .to all whom it may concern, that. Premier said that the change had C. 0. Rowe Collate I reooe, beta. Button!I Ate. Apr. IT. Dlitrlet II. P. MACUOD,Retlitrar ef r mmlibed ColUte tIT SIB Ate. E. his hearty support as lie approved Te tlmoR Petertwi. Datuttne. CaMaraa Practical sheet metal man. Collate 4 ros. Tbpea and Its, of all ministers their ralizatlnn Act, (name) has he. appointing ColUte 4 room US Its Aft-, E. LAND fnnw n.'tlnmltr Ail n n Ttrltlth nt own deputies, this being the only Opposite Iloard of Trade ACT lii'jvii, aim-.. i i. -niiitui.. :i 1.1 uaiiauii,- i- rii. I,way in which Hie re could be, har fiooms 322 2nd Avenue BUaOROII APARTStSNTB.'s reiee. Prteae Reseet Oeeet UM piooti DtoUMt S. Omvm r tilled to all political and other mony in tho department. prions: see. balk m4 reef e. Riot ef tfeeee Bale TAtE .tOnCE tbal the racist Baa, rights, powers and privileges." Estimates Furntshsd Free. Kee bee eeSeeed to BS pee limned, of Vaaeoejter, S. C. erTtoa THE LNGINtyfcEflN DttNT 1 Let the Returned Soldiers Association "La Libre Delgique," the paper Neel ie Will alee.kaleewlae 0 te Jealtee teH IhiU eee-tke. palp for pmu tnd paper iIor to Brrt.pert beta Ulead tke feOteiM le iffi govern themselves accordingly. published secretly in Drussels SCST TRIMS IN TOWN FOR TKE Jeeertbed lli: Cocnmexiat al t eM and which has caused so much atoetr. pleated tl the toetVtit eoraer ef Let ttl IRS c. k. YTrtEBEna. trouble to the German Governor; DENTISTRY ea the well ihote ef Coeitat lakt, iwwt is still being published regularly. Wo wrtie Sre taiurtar. "I IS ebaint. tareee toeu II rteats I Of I. B 1-1 la. by 7 In, It-IB repre Ibrnre eeil lo ibore. tbrace aortaeilert HOB 19 Wl Tho German officers In Drussels CROMTR AND SRIOOS woeta teatiot oely itroor. liberal c-paalea. ikeic ibore to of poiat ifiwinet; oil. s s-4 m. hr a 1-1 hu, as Local News Notes are exasperated aud puzzled, a BPSOUUTT Ter beeiaeee le eeOeNed. eoataiaint It arree. more or kaa. Here Fewer. DR. J. S. BflOWN raanc mills uwaio. s oyL s m u. it i m as-as A Chinese student, named Ing-lia ocsmer H. O. HELOERSON, LTD Mart leMby, irret. Iron beds at cut-in-two prices teud Mty IIU. A. D. lilt. let. II Hosang, won the gold medal Oeteel eeaita Umi, TRlre Ste at Tile's sale. tf. at the recent oratorial contest In PRtNCC RVPSRT LARO MITRtCT OIS-TRICT For Further Informailon the University or British Columbia. OP OOatT, RAMI ML THE SO TICJT thai rtette Mine, L u SeltSR UIRO MSTRtCT OtSTRICT OP v Apply to Tie makers wanted at Lake IIU subject was LI Yuen COAST, RAAMM TMN ef Vaaeeerer, Sri IMS Celeatbit. aceateoca, Kathlyn, Phone 381. Hung, President of China." TAKE notice tbal I, rraartt Joerpe pulp tad paper aaaktra. Kwa4 to it W. E. WILLISCROFT e BeaJe. eeUnr at tfrel to the Eaepue foe prrtalatloR U perrfcax the fiOr The County Court' sittings will AKERBERG, THOMSON Pulp tad rapvr MUlt, LI4 of SRaaeoR drarnbed leada. CoewerMClat at pat Prince Rupert, B. C. open on Monday, Feb. 5th. Ilobcrt Millar, on active prohibitionist, Biy, B. C . oeeopeueei lorter, Ulead la t-laaled oa Ibe anrib be of C W, has been appointed license COMPANY ipplr foe pensliiioa M kee Ike fellow, about oae-outrur of a mile atefea fr the ibore of Pltl-Hat Seeadj Bmm inr drttrtbrd lenaii Sergeant-Major Matierls in the commissioner in Vancouver. Ateott for aorta turaty cbaiaa, tbeece eut tf Caminmctat at a poet plaaud ea tte city on a recruiting campaign. "FRISCO ISSPERIAU" "PALaitR." eouia ibore of the Uroa it um rod ef rbaiae, tbraee toeta to meet ba oen Major Dugmore, a Dritish officer VISMSRBUN." -fVtnV AND Ibe Eeil Arm of Metiel Inkt. abMt toe af ibore ta a weeierty s.m w Priace Rqiert Feed Ce. Mid-winter sale at Geo. Tlte'a. at present in the United "CLAY" OAS SJSSINES. io.l one half miWt a weaurly direeUoa rMnl of coreaweaeemeai and ceetiwii bet. PHONE BBS. fne ibe ,i.w. eoraer of T. L forty (It. acree. more or Complete home furnishings at 41141. til, States, has- got into trouble with M4MN tVRce touts 19 cbaiaa. tbroce Piled ieoe Ilia. mt. P cost. tf. the Dritish authorities for making rat 40 ebaint, Utenee north ts chelae raanc mills, umitct. nasty remarks about President MINERAL ACT bm or leea to ibore tine, tbmce foUew. By "Mart Bmaby. ire. HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS Chief Gammon returned yes Ina ibore line la ta eaitnly direeuta to Wilson. The wrote major a poem Certificate of Improtemants taviaaeLi wstsns PROTtcTioe acr, AND FERTILIZERS terday afternoon from a visit to lampooning the. President. pvlnl of cvnutMnreiarnl. n. s. a OAP. its. Ocean Falls, NOTIOB rnA.ias jostrn beale. AppuctaL PACIFIC MILLS. LIMITED, berrky rtn j Hirer Bow Mineral Claim, illuiu lo tfer October ilia, ins. j.ii nallce Ibal II Ua, aader Seeuoa t of Or WK HANDLE i H. F. Mcllao returned from a William Taft describes the Skrena MlnJaf Dltlaioa of Ctiitar Dutrtct laid Act, drpaalted with the MtnMWf ef Bulbs, and Take Orders for business trip to Swanson Day on Washington peace "leak" enquiry ot Where Lime Jrt kx-ledi alot At four the bred mllet of froco a braocK the Publie Work I tt Oiuea. aad ta the al tot Tie of the Retutrer Oeneral of Tlllri the Maquinna as a bad smell which will soon brach on Ibe main aide of Alice Arm. Nursery Stock. yesterday. PHONE 03 P. O. BOX 38 Wiru. Brtuib Coiembla. a deaenpuoa ef evaporate into thin' air. TAKE NOTICE Ihit I. Oeorte R. Ntden. Ibe tile tnd the plane of ceruia itmurra Chicken Feed A Specialty. Frank McKlnnon, who has been rree MiDrfi Ccrtiaute No. IIOttA. tcttot PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. to be erveted la froal of Lot Tbtny-eee ' i arret for Tboa. McRoitle. Free f . in the city for the past two days, NOTICE Mlnere III . Rente Three II), Coeil Duuirt. lrtinrile Na till IB, and limee L rtilrn. ef Cee Ull OrSeea Pram ally Au4M To. left for Hazelton this forenoon. The fled Cross Society requests tree Miner! Certlflreu No. STIIIB. lo Brtuih aleL Columbia, al the bred I ... that all public entertainments, rod. litty daya from the date brreor. lo Transfer ad Storage A.lO TAtE ROUCE tbal after the tf T. O. Bet SSX. Sfit Thlre Ate. On Sunday evening. Captain dances, or other- undertakings pply to the Mimnt Rreordcr for a Cerua Plratkm or one aooqlfe from the eiw tf Leksen will conduct the services given with tho object of rate of Improtemeou. for the purpuee uf BEST LUMP A NUT COAL Ibe Brit publication of tbli foUcr. Tt PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. appropriating obtaisiof a Crown Oram of the ebote T at the Salvation Army. A special the proceeds to the; Hed riaim. cine MUli, Umltrd. will, under Srcoea of the laid Act. apply to the Ootemor-b)' invitation is extended to all Scandinavians. Cross funds or the Prisoners of And further lake nvUre tbal action, NO LONO WAITS Cminni for approtal of Ibe tatd tile te War department, first obtain permission under tectioa SI, muil be conunenerd before, NO SHORT WEIGHTS Plan. ... a or ists Ccrusai of lm-protrmrnl. Dited it Vtncouter. Brltuh Columbia. from Ilia society. When You Order from nrarrileys Grocery , Prices, tnol Us. Uii llib dir of April. A, Ii. lilt. J. D, IIOEIIIO. Secretary Deled tbli 141b day of March, A.t. Ilf specials, but every day; H. C. t OEOPOR IL KipwiLL, uwiun a n.a. !' M FOBS! BW FOBS! : Cream,Flour, all 20 brand-,oz per 49 case,lbs $4.70;$2.40; 300 tons of Ladysmith lump solicitort for Psciat Mini, UmiU coal for the Prince Coal i i Finest Ilupert 2 i Dutter, lbs, for 05 cents; 1e EMtM. Fur Dlue Illbbon Tea, 3 lbs. for Si.IB. Co is being discharged from the Phone Illue 413. 25. Prince Albert. For the past few Exciwjge, Lti weeks, owing to shortage In the TO INVESTORS south, coal from another mine Harry A. Harvey Is open for business and offers had to be sold, but this is, the expert service to trappers, (Let London, St-. Ooeeeeeetolre Lndysmith article and first class traders and buyers of f well) furs. This Exchange is the rUriL OP LANSOOWNK OOTTSLL In every way. Oet your order In HOSE WHO, from time to time, have funds requiring largest in Canada. It carries out a plan of open, competitive Pupils Taken for early. a tf. INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE viou.icello vioixi. piano, sod selling. It is made up AT PAR of solid uslaess men and HARMONY. RCSPONWBILITY stands for RESULTS RELIABILITY Puplla aaeoelated Prepare EXAMINATIONS Beers, Veaceuter,fer Baemlnetloei Center Prince Rupert Dairy DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK Rofel ollef e ef elude, Lenten, See. Exchange sales are advertised UNDER KtW MAJtMCIKNT widely. They reach the TCn.YB PHONE BLUE 278 in sums oe f see on any multiple thereof. big buyers; The Exchange employs none but expert. PURE HOLSTIEN MILK Its warehouses are safe Vaneouter Lead Biatrial Olelrlel ef CREAM Principal repayable lit October, 1919. against Vermin, other Ooeet, fteefe S. fire. or damaging contact. The Exchange TAKE NOTICE I bat Archie Baroet Merlin, -BUTTERMILK Interoit payablo half-yearly, 1 it April and lit October by cheque (free of eichange at oHlcea are central in occupation mill minitir, or ibe city of sny chartered Dank In Canada) at the rale of five par cent per annum from tho date of Edmonton. Send your next Vancouvir, rrotlace of Brlilih Columbia, pmonk ts7 p. o. sox see purchase. ' shipment to Intend to epilr for pertnUtloo to pur Holders of this stock will have the of privilege surrendering at par and accrued Interetl, tnte Ibe follow Ids decrt-ed Itodji ail Ortere Preaiptlf Alienee Te. Cofttiutnclof si s poil pleated on toe as the equivalent of caah. In payment of any allotment made under any future war loan latue Fur Tke EibMtM muiii ibore of Couilos Inlet tbou Cr R. McKay, Proprietor. In Canada other than an Ittue of Treasury Dills or other like short (late security, rtitiue well of lite eoutbweit eoroer of Proceeds Of this stock are for war only, purposes LttL Ul II, luose I, Coeit DUlrlcti tbeoce Exclave, eouib to tbelni. thence well 49 ehelni. A commltilon of one-quarter of one per cer.t will be allowed to recognled bond and ABARM BUILDING tbrnre oorlh to ctuloi, tneoce wen II etock brokers on allotments made In reipoct of applications for this stock which bear their rbeit, thrnee DorlO I S.I cniloi more or E. C. UNDERTAKERS atamp. Telephone MM, Edmonton in la II. W, M. of Couilai lolel. thence For application forma apply to the Mlniatsr AloerUu lolly lnr ibe II. W. M. to this poll end Deputy of finance, Ottawa. euNMUL omsoroae AMD SeV (OQielolar one bondred ad wealjrBve BALMCRS SATISFACTION OUAR. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, OTTAWA, UW FURS! Mi FURS Milt icrs more or ln. ANTBSOOPSM DAV ANO NIOMT OCTOOCH 7th, Itli, RATED el Vancouver, B. C, tbli III day of KoTrniber, A, P. HIS. 1U two STRT rriONt et 4.SI, ARCHIE BARNES MARTIN. V