THE SDAILY NE WSS Royal Bank of Canada 1836 | The Bank 1 TOI S™ JAILED TORONTO ae JAIL | Georgetown Sawmill Co. Ltd. W. D. Earngey Goes to Peniten- | HEAD OFFICER: MONTREAL. ESTABLISHED 1869, | tiary for Three Years British North Ame Capital, $6,200,000 75 Years in Bevin Surplus, $7,200,000 Toronto, May 12. aglied ond Reserve " Total Assets, $92,500,000 Over gry . D. Earn-| Lumber | well-known Toronto bar-| has been sentenced to three} gey, a and | Clarmont Rooms | Mouldings | Located on Sixth Avenue Near Fulton Street Savings Bank Department, $1 will open an account. Branches throughout Canada and Banking Connections with all parts of the | United States. | raster, years in Kingston penitentiary for forging a check for $1,000 and A Complete Banking Servig Agents throughout the world. forging false mortgage. He . H. P. WILSON, Manager, Prince Rupert Branch. | Three to five minutes from cen- A large stock of dry finish- Collection made in any, | tre of business district. Nine- ing lumber on hand, Boat of Canada —eEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEOe = = teen newly furnished rooms. lun * Bbq envery counted, M : | Hot and cold water. Bath. Ty reasonable terms to finay = = Our prices are as low as any, business Local at drink during the past year or tw®, land that he had not realised the Call on us before ordering. Drafts bought and go) GET IN NOW AND GET IN RIGHT The following properties will be sold en block, or separately and on easy terms, | $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00 per week in con } transmitt d ! Mor seriousness of his action pe ee Telegraph ‘Trat | sequence, OFFICE: Credit issued x | pleaded guilty whea arraigred be |fore Judge Denton. Friends of the | prisoner pleaded for leniency, say jing that Earngey had given way to Local busing SECTION ONE SECTION ONE SECTION ONE | In passing sentence on him, leadi : : : A i eading cities of t Block Lots Block Lots 27 42-43 | Judge Denton said that drink was Cor Centre St. and First Ave 7 =, j i - — ; e your a } 10 6-7-9-10 19 3-4 BI on es \na excuse for what he had done nt 128-456 19 ee 9. 2 m aAnwsmit| In forging the name of the re gistrar F M DAVIS ar pavis’ | Primce Rupert Branch- . ~e a aan 18 22-93 lof titles to the mortgage he had e ~ : a — F.S. LONG, Manage | is am a [committed one of the most serious) General Machine Shop And Ship's | " 12 97 9-10 | kinds of forgery. banks-Morse and Knox Gasoline : U Pp I H E R I V E R ee Pa k s, Gasoline Engines and Ac- , —_______. For prices, terms and particulars, appiy to —___________ } | ceasories carried in stock, | W. S. BE AGENT | REMEMBER SATURDAY Launcher and Boats for Hire N.E. end of Wherf | : e e NSON, Atlantic Realty & Improvement Co., Ltd. That is where the peouvle are going. You can get NIGHT The Light that | the Second Avenue Phone 214 ex GOOD FRUIT LANDS FOR $14.00 PER ACRE in the famous Lakelse District. In a few years this will be selling in small plots for $50 per acre. We have sev- eral quarter sections for sale, Call or write... Thos. McClymont - P.O. Box 806 re The Christiansen-Brandt Co. | Real Estate and Insurance Meeting for All Interested in UNION $$. COMPANY OF B.C., Ltd. Empire Day Athletics Chis well-known rt The new steel Passenger Steamer A. T. PARKIN & i “Camosun” Young men in the city who ar jat all interested in athletics and the success of the Empire Day | celebration should not fail to attend | : . i 5 o 38 3S yee 3 ithe meeting on Saturday night FOR SALE fs : ' | We have some good buys in City Property. San lat “eight O'clock in the Court eo _ +43 |Heuse. Mr. William Godson has ; Seetior ’ Our Farm Lands proposition along the G. T. P. are worth R : arranged forthe use of the Court| Prince Rupert every Sunday | PAveRneenne: Peso Room and the Mayor will preside at 9 a.m. for Vancouver, : ONS . $% . arrivi auvaftar ) ; ar ‘ | See Etc All the local “‘red-bloods’’ who are! arriving Monday afternoon. |p G, Hulbert. Vancouver : Come and see us or write us before buying elsewhere. _| feffe' : aware of the purpose of the). 4 - ‘ | ste ett en attend | for Stewart City on arrival| »} 0) meeting have promised to attend 5 pee Soak’. one 48 & GR gies ag oe Mies - | Oo! Committees will be formed to ee ancouvel riday ELECTRICAI FIXTIR : $ Vp | ie The take charge of the different branch night, uw TL Me se 2 Wick Blue Fl. $) hleti t the | ire! wy y A ; NEW PERFECTION ees ve al cs of -atuetcs at the bmi Northbound, leaves Vancou- TDM 3 Oil Cook Stove $ Day display ver Wednesdays at 9 p.m. ELECTRIC WIR $ EASILY OPERATED ECONOMICAL EASILY CLEANED $ n erwoo | Already a number of young , ee $ 3 ie men have been training for the Steerage Fare - $5.00 page Z 4 nning events, and some “anoe wi 3 An Ideal Summer Stove 3 T : pruning: atts, ic 'pOtme CANIOR sta the nlp nian ts 3 _ —__—_—_ 3) ypewriter | Practice has been in peter Phe on the run having water-tight bulk- A first cla , $ ahi cea ne 3 tek lidea is to have water and land heads and double bottom, thus en . : 2 Zi bata 7 ae Hive and livel ihe suring safety of passengers in case | 3 The Thompson Hardware Company 32 ports in as live and lively forms) Sf cofision or wreck. ae ‘ 4 Second Avenue Telephene 101 ¢) as » yo 2 1e yo gest and write ge Sethe us S g C. H. HANDASYDE, Jr, Dealer | |\ive** sity in the whole Dominion J, 14, Rogers, Ticket Agent. . “ d sv ‘lo ; } FME hl RE eaRE ENR oe ee — : . *| P.O. Box 436 PRINCE RUPERT Neen a ! Advertise in The Dail News Also dealer for the Standard Folding Typewriter Di’ acd Airs. Eeeaet ate agaio|TRY. THE-.“NEWSY WANT H. W. Blakely i Elect : y ROTO} in town after a visit to the south AD. WAY OF FINDING Third Ave. a | peACIOIISIRIRROONEARO 2 REERDHERERDR : ! SY y : e. i it | § ' $ 3 rs] For reservations of Lots For reservations of “3 in Ellison, write or wire in Ellison, write or G3 Land Commissioner, G. T. Land Commissioner, G ge P. Railway Company, Win- P. Railway Company, W Pd nipeg; A. W. Bridgeman, nipeg; A. W. Bridger Aes Victoria, B. C., or Jeremiah Victoria, B.C., or Jeremial gow H. Kugler, Prince Rupert. H. Kugler, Prince Ruper aes 8 ssees Townsite The only Main Line Townsite in British ; Columbia in which : the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Co., has announced its joint ownership. -: Lots in Ellison | Towisite and | | Addi- tion For Sale. Rogers re eases SEE THE OFFICIAL MAP The first glance will show you that ELLISON is lo- cated at the junction of the Skeena River and the Bulk- ley Valley. he Grand Trunk Pacific has announced that they are joint owners in the townsite of Ellison, Now, my dear reader, you must remember that up to date the | Grand Trunk Pacific has not announced that it has any | interest in any other main line townsite in British Colum- bia. Does that start you thinking? STUDY THE MAP and you will find that Ellison is where the railway tracks leave navigation, That fact 1s a very important one for conservative investors to think over. What is known as the Hazelton district covers a territory many miles in extent in every direction radiat- ing from the townsite of Ellison. Mining machinery, ore shipments, smelters, reduction plants and all sorts of | mining operations starting up in this rich mineral region, | must necessarily have a metropolis, a HUB, a headquart- ers, If any sane, conservative man can figure out any other spot except Ellison for the hub of the great com- merce of this district, his plan should be very interesting to the Grand Trunk Pacific officials. It does seem as though these officials, after several years of investiga- eessessesses ese eee j 4 ood ry | doing when they put their official stamp on Ellison. STUDY THAT MAP-—I desire to say to all parties who are talking townsites in the vicinity of Skeena River and Bulkley Valley that there will no doubt be several small towns, just the same as one always finds in a min- ing district, There will be towns in the vicinity of El- lison along branch railways, probably towns at the ends of branch lines made to serve the mines and the collieries, but it will be history repeating itself in regard to the building up of every metropolis. Ellison has every nat- ural advantage, has every earmark of being the future mercantile and financial centre of the Skeena River min- ing district and the entrance to the Bulkley Valley. STUDY THAT MAP and you will find that all of the mining towns and railroad towns around there just beginning to be talked about will only be feeders to city and port of ELLISON, The Grand Trunk Pacific has put its official stamp on Ellison. Do you believe the company will do as much for townsites owned by individuals as it will for one in which its stockholders are joint owners? If you do, don’t buy any lots in Ellison. If you desire to make a permanent investment, or merely to make a little quick money, you must decide for yourself right now. ers or the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company. | | tion and engineering, would know just what they were | Do you propose to follow the individual townsite promoi- | | | STUDY THAT MAP—If you desire to put your money into a real estate promoter’s townsite you will have many, many opportunities this summer, The ayv- erage promoter is full of hurrah and red fire. He must enthuse investors of the mail-order class with his wares. ELLISON is in the Missouri class. Therefore, | am not telling any fairy tales about it. I am making statements that can be readily verified. STUDY THAT MAP.—If you want to join that great army of investors-at-long-range, then you should put your money into promoters’ townsites. If you want a perfectly cote and sound inuestment, certain to bring you large profits, then put your money where the Grand runk Pacific, after years of careful investigation, have put their money. STUDY THAT MAP,-—-It is not likely the Grand Trunk Pacifie will have any other townsite in British Co- lumbia for sale this year. The officiala of the compan; state that the company is not interested in any townsite in the Hazelton district except ELLISON. ELLISON is on the bank of the Skeena at its con- fluence with the Bulkley. You may change railway sur- veys, you may change the location of towns, but you ca! not change the geography of the country through whic! the railway passes, The head of navigation necessari means an important townsite. Ellison will not only be at the head of navigation, but the centre of a mining district wonderful in its resources that ia now being opened up and for which Etiison will be the shipping point both by rail and water. The fact that trains may change e! gines up or down the line or in the suburbs of the town of Ellison$does not amount to shucks in building up 4 town when such places are compared with a town located where rails and navigation meet. STUDY THAT MAP,—You will find on the official plan of Ellison that a large part of the townsite has beer reserved for future sales, the same as the company has done with certain sections of Prince Rupert townsit« There are, therefore, at this time, comparatively few lots on the market. You must hurry if you want one. . STUDY THAT MAP.--ROGERS’ ADDITION to Ellison, only a small parcel of lanu, lies within eight blocks of the site of the railway station, Lots in this are being offered, I am advising my clients to buy Rog ers Addition lots at $150 for inside lots and $250 for corners, Terms-—10 per cent, discount for cash, or 10 per cent, down and the balance on easy terms, no interest eee SESS veces oe Land Commissioner, G.T.P. Railway, Winnipeg, Man. For Reservation of lots in Ellison, write or wire A. W. Bridgman, 1007 Gevernment street, Victoria, B.C. Jeremiah H. Kugler, Second Ave., Prince Rupert z Oe ee: a ae SDG€S2ERHEDEEDRESEEDSESEEDSESGESHEREESGESEEREE RE HESHESRESEESEE ESSE ERED ESHER EES SEGRE SE BER EEE EES SEEDERS SERS HESHES ESHER ED HE SEEDEREEDEE CCS EDEDUEHESEDEDESHEDEEEDREE DRE aa es acer aeeaseaceasraneasraneatraceazctiz