TIIH DAILY NEWS Thnrmlny. Fe-imia.y i ,0 The Daily News NO ALUM , THE MAILS , Safety Firjt i IHK M AIIN; NEWSPAPER IN NOTHRN BKITrSlI COUM4IA nzhfrz? mr'u ' u-r- k Daily mad Weekly For tha SaaW Guaranteed Larseet Circulation' Tuesdays, 2 a. r. "onip to Shulrt Wednesdays, 0!3p ajn, miu OFFIUL i Hoturdays, 0:30 a, niT Daily wajuillin(r, 3rd Ave, I'rim-e Huptrt, Il.c2.j"Telephone, . From ths last 1 KAM!li I ftHIlA ADVKKTIMN(-60 eetit pr inch omtmH Tuesdays, BOO p. in. rwt nn Applioatinn. mmim Thursdays, 5:30 p. in. A. B. SHUBERT, Inc. VSSSS Sundays, 3:10 p.,m. DAILY EDITION .Thursday, Feb. I, 1917. For Vsnccuvar. Tuesdays, t p. m. era evidence himself when given the opportunity Thursdays, 10 p. in. Hob Hogers' chickens are of a life time. 1'robably Sundays, I p. m. coming1 home to roust, as the plan was to get the war From Vancouver. WINTER SCHEDULER chickens will, end it is particularly finished and then to let Robert unforlunato for Sir Itobert bo given a freo hand Villi the Wednesdays, 10:30 n. m.. S. 8. PRINCE OEORQE Itordcn.tlial lie allowed himself finances of the Dominion, Just;- . - . . . - j Fridays, 3 p. rn. THURSDAY 12 Mldnloht Mr Vancouver to be forced to admit the "election Sundays, 7 p. m. Victoria and Seattle. !o.nneh!Mrfnr,COUl,J d,0!Pl'cable to common ordinary ,nor-XJlCn wizard" of Manitoba to his 5.l!e'L,!,,.nlo'pe;1 taU who have to work for a Alternate Mondays from January WEONE8DAY MIDNIQHT FOR ANYOX cabinet. us. inu iiuus which no iur- living? 1st. S. 8. PRINCE ALBERT The report of Mr. Justice tnulaled, against the opinion ' fee Ketahliait, Wraiell. 4aaa aad Siifr iaaaaff atut, For Anyoi. rkeari Gall regarding the kind of evi of the Liberal minority on the Hon. Vm. Pugsley wants Borden 7t ant Slat, March Tlh aad tlal. dence given by Mr. Rogers be. rebuilding committee, were eloquent to explain why he fired Sam Wednesdays, to pt rn; fOR QUIIN CHARLOTT ISLANDS Jaaeaey 17th end Slat, rekeoart l.k fore the commission of enquiry of expense. Millions Fridays, 8 p. m. and tsth. Hughes. Mr. Pugsley ought to into the construction of tho were to be thrown about fn 8 PASSENQER TRAIN SERVICE know thttt Sir Robert is far too! Sundays, p. m. Manitoba' Agricultural College battalions in end at 11(SO far Sm ft massed formation, Mredaeeder Saturday a. m. her a. Prleaa eaee, ta. busy these days to be troubled I From Anyoi. requires little comment. It and "Bob" was going to max tan. Satiataae and Mrtaalee. analbif aeaeaallena there far all aalau speaks for itself. The worthy have the time of his life. What answering awkward questions Thursdays, Sundays and Tuet. eetl and aaelh. .Sliaad traUi every Teeedet at 4 a. m. What between "Bob" Rogers and "Bob" has got himself into 'he did in Manitoba was prob lays. Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. the the Premier's life is 0 several political "scrapes" but ably simply by way oT prelim. one war,"d d thing after another.Just Tha Islanaa. For Information and reservation apply to h'e is now in a very awkward inary practice, in order to bo Mall closes. City Ticket Office, S28 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 predicament. Here is a judge, ready for anything' that might j When the flash came through Jan. I? and 31st at 8 p. rn. appointed at the instigation of crop up. The Ottawa fire yesterday that an attempt, had Fek 14th and 2th at 8 m. Hon, Robert Ttogers, forced to cropped up and Robert did his p. been made the life of Lloyd admit that be cannot accept best to grasp the opportunity. pn all Arrive. the evidence1 of that minister but, unfortunately for "Bob, ucorge one pictured Germans January 21 at. February 17th with bombs, and now it transpires CANADIAN PACIFIC being anywhere the and RAILWAY as near fortunately for Canada, the that it was only a scheme in the and March 3rd. truth. What will "Bob" do war was costing loo much and frazzled brain of suffra about it? He cannot have an-other ho had to postpone hs great some ia m. num. a.. Lowest Rates to all Eastern Polntt gette. How anxious commission appointed, nuuuing "spree some peopple w, r, wfflww, 1 1 vie Steamer to Vancouver end the to show that not fit as was done in regard to Dr. .Now that Mr. Justice Gait are they are WILLIAM ft WslWII CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY to be trusted with n vote, or with Bruce's report on the Canadian has given his legal opinion of out keeper. Barrister. SoHcHor, tie. Meale ami Berth Irwludtl! nn 3trerre Hospitals in England, when the the kind of evidence submitted a TO LOAN report of the famous surgeon! by the Bwa ttsi minister of public works Princess Maqulnna for Qranby Bay Friday 11 m. p, 3UN AND TIDE was found to state the naked' surely the Premier will do what nltrtnm BtocB Tnmr Barl a r truth. lie should have done when that Princess Sophia Southbound Saturday 6 p. m. The well from which the evidence was first given call Friday, February 2nd. Princess Maqulnna Southbound Sunday S p. m. Honorable Robert drew his on Hon. Robert to depart from tun rises 8:51 a. m. election wizardry has been uncovered, the ranks of the Government, Sun sets .....4:29 p. ro J I. PETERS, General Apent and to put the matter which he should have never Low water ...3:40a.m. lit. 1 1.0 Stuart J. Co-nrr Feortri Street er! Third Aeentie. Trlnew Rupert. B.C mildly, it gives off an odor adorned. High water ....10 a.m. lit. 18.1 with which.no cabinet minister, Low water ....5:5 p.m. III. 8.0 AMAVLM and no honest, self-respecting NOTES AND COMMENTS High water . .11:20 p.m. lit. 1S.I man, should be connected. Captain MctSee. M. M. . A. HAZELT8N m. C What is Sir Robert Borden The C. P. Rj seems to have going to do about it? Get "Bob grabbed tight hold of the traffic to write him an impertinent to Yladivostock. It seems hopeless Call the Pony Express for wood Tha oltfMt sUllshl Aaaay letter which will occasion a request to expect any of this trade cut In stove lengths or 4 feet. OfRea In the North. for his resignation? to go through Prince Runert over Best household coal and general It Is perhaps fortunate that.the G T. P.. which is the natural transfer. Piano moving oar the Federal Government decid-jroule for it. Prince Rupert being specially. Prices moderate. Phone ed tq postpone the construc-jtwo days jiearer Yladivostock lion of the Parliament Build- than Vancouver, 301, R W. Rogers. i tf. ings, on account of the war ex- STEEN& LONG WILL pense requiring all the avail- Sir Thomas White told Sam able capital. With the Manitoba Hughes that the strain 6f the past "A Dollar Saved is SANITARY AND HEATING gentleman as Minister of Pub- two years must have affected "a Dollar Earned" ENGINEERS lie Works, it is not unlikely once strong mind." When did Sir a that the cost of construction Thomas discover that Sam's mind would have required Just asVas weakening? to your credit Agsnt for much capital as the war. Per-J . A' in the bank, is yours. McCLARY FURNACES haps the building was post-' 3Ir. Justice Gait says In very You don't have to poned so that "Bob" might polite terms that Hon. Robert work for it a over FLUMSUNQ Th Royal Standard Test have full scope for his powers. 'Rogers is not particularly well again as you do for the doUars ansl It would have been a shame If acquainted with the truth. Do the that have been spent. SHEET NHETAU WORKS such a magnificent How dollars have Hctet wKete we test the spender perjury laws apply to rahinet many yeu I'honc 83 1 Second Avenue. and builder had had to restrain ministers, or are they only ap- that you can call your own ? 5, cKoaceat SArapIrs of CanaJa'a Why not start an account in Night phones 576 tit bKoq acre wkeat crop. our Savings Department and and Blue 270 We cmd uSrainloCoor in the BKHT save a part of the money you Tho right work, at tho right tittle nil the left ace oa e earn ? A few dollars saved time, and at the right prico. you Tickets eachwcek,arnouat tohundrcds tKe picture. The comet die in the course of a few years. supreme teat bread-lalinf. If LAND ACT tKe bread tt perfect in every if. i THE BANK OF era, rlalaiteV Italy (M Reela. way we pronounce the wheat aj linos fro new yom BrMfeb Ntft1h Aserfca VASJCOUVia LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT A I and tKe iW-ROYAL "Stockholm" .... February I Oth OF COAST, RABJOI a. STANDARD. krwunurjord- . February nth. 71 YCAUS Ifi IIUIMW. TAKE .10TICX Ual I. Leo Staoiej Bar Tnlted States" February f ttn. CArrTAL AND ftUBriXS, S7fiijM. don. of Ocean rallf. B, C. eecupaUoe mUl AT YOUR GROCER'S "Oacar II" Mirch 7th. eeretary, Intend to apply for pertnlatloa MMS?2MMMflj "''MMll Mat w Reeerfatioae mm KaHt. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH to purriwt the foUowiof dacrtbd lands VnnrnuvprMillintf Afmin fa! fT tor Ratee. Illuitratrd Folder and Commencinv al a peal planted about ate iiuiitvuivi aiaiiCjt wtufte vaiiu,y BMurrffi-' - "TBS WCXHbMMMi Oeorral lercnneUoo Apply to W.J.SMlTHUaS.Manager cbaini dtast and In a wtaurty direction vaneawer.WewWra)aktnre Saa.aiaw.WMtU., BjJEJLSjf' tiBBBBNBBn OVBHAVM A HANSON frun tba toutbwtit corner of Lot SI, Rant S. Coait PUtrtct. tnence too in t uaace ana Staamahla AfaMf, MAVMAaLC WATKM PROTECTION ACT. rbalaii tbeoee eail tt chainaj Uieoea norlb relate Ruaert, U. 0. tt cnalnas tneaca will tt CbabM, te IbU 0 j' a. a. a Cftapt us. poal. coaujnins la ail about It acre a. Ultether Hume B, Babiortoa end Norman H. .iovcMBcrt s, it u. r. Brodburat of tba Clir of Prince Rupert For YoMrself ut tne I'rorlnee or Brltlen Columbia, bere MINERAL ACT Let U Save YoU by tin nuiira ta or sea Money on your tnat iney nnder e-i Notloe to Delinquent Partners. ton 7 of Uaa said act dcootiud wtttt IM GUI to your Friend Gasoline or Distillate ltiliir of Public Work at OlUwa and To Oram Mahood and rttrtck Oalr. la the otnca of tna DUtrlct ntmtrar of TAKK NOTICE I tut herea a bae Tltlea at Ute Land nerutry Omc al tba done and cauaad to be dona aaaeaameni City of rrtnee Unpen aforetaid a tWtcrlp- work by aurreya oe tne. Daly, SalilTan, B9XlaTVKBsf We guarantee to save you 25 per cent, on gate line or distillate and lloo of iba tlta and ihe pUn of a brf Edltn and l4la Mineral Oalina, altuatad In PERRIN'S upkeep and free any motor from CARBON troubles. A seven ounce propoMd ta be built In lltruluor Piy. tne Salmon Bear River DUtrlct, Portland box of Csrbonvoid i equivalent to W gallons of gaaoline. Every box Laorara IMscd. In front of Lou tit sod Canal Mlnlnr Division, for tba year I tit, of Csrbonvoid will ave you ttl, Qutra. CbarMte Hland Land DUtrlct. and bate paid for td work and record-inr IIS 400 In to gasoline MO ad- CarDOnVOKl pUtS the ditionsj! miles.from I'rorlnce of BrIIUO Columbia. Mate tba um of stte.ee. unlets you GLOVES Carbonvotd ia At TAKE NOTICE Uul after tna pay to ua tne turn of tttt.00 for your a ttrr 1: dry powder jou plratioa of one montb from tna date of hare of toratber Juatdropln the I J HI VjaSOlUie : tank. Will remove aatd. auetiment work, BBsseBsk& SstBBBBBM all carbon 1 ' the Drit publication of tbl notice tnc with Ibe coal of UUa deartlaement, we from Tba cylinder. well known Ferrin trademark si The largest companies In the world use it. THE ALLIES ORDERED aid Hume B. Babtnrion and Norman H. hall al the ttplrttion ef ninety (10) days IN JUNE 28,000 CARTONS. Previous order 260,000 carton. Fully Brwlburtl will under teciloa 7 of to from the date hereof, at ply to tna Mlntnc abowa in cuts should be on every glove Mid act ap(ly to tba Minuter or public Iteevrder at Stewart. B. C to bare your guaranteed or refunded. M ailed of1.60 thUaseurca of your money anywhere on receipt yoti get, aa you perfection Worki al bit omce In tUa City of Ottawa. Interval! In tne aald Paly, Sullivan, Kdllb Province of Ontario, for approral of tna and Lola mineral claim veiled in tt. In For Sale Only by aid lte and plana and for leave to ceo pursuance of tne provltlona ef'lha Mloeral Style. Fit and Finish. truet tna laid wharf. ACL Geo. L. Clayton, - princ b.c IiATEO at Prlnc Rupert. B, C, tola Dated al Victoria. B. C. thla llifi day ' t morld iNr re(i (Ae t7th day of December. A. D, it II, of November. A. O. It It. fmmU PI HUMS GLOVES. WILUAMS k MA.HO.t, jamis Mcdonald. Solicitors for tna Applicant. tt. f REDEBICK C WINKUR. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTCR r n, bawson PRIN0E RUPERT, -