Thursday, Kebrunry I, 1917. THK DAILY NEWS TWO LONG YEARS 2,000,0001 HE SUFFERED MjsssssssW .1 f" fry Belgians Depend on us 'f ruit-i-tfws" Mate Win Fm (BC sssilssMltsssssssssss . i- it As ff WatklRf On Mr tor oread! Orr., Not. 28lh. 1914. Obiixia, Since short! after the Germaa ike Bel Tor over two years, I was troubled wrasse, with Cenilfalion, Drowtintu, Ijttk ej have depended (or food ealacrjf em ike "Coaasgiuiofl jfptliUandifeedstkti. On day I a r foe Relief ia BeJpmi". Their own atere of food, yaur sla which read "fruit-all tea even if not destroyed or pilaged, wouM last oely make you reel Ilk walklor on air, Till appealed to tne, to I decided to I three weeks they have had bo chance to rats i try a U In a very tbort time, I I aad the ruthless Gcrassai refuse 1o supplj thesal I: ca to feel better,and nw I fttlfin. I have a rood appetite,relish every thing ! Backed by the I rat, and tho Headaches are gono , tz rclf. I recommend IhU f-Uaianl j ri7 ffJuint to all my DAN friends McLEAtf.", ( Belgian Rtlicf Fund 60e a box, 0 for $2.SO, trial site, 25c. At all dealers or tent postpaid by Fruit Wm fr - -Aj:.t-aiCTssssssB i-BSjBBBBBBBBejM .PgM so renero-ary tossji-iulsJ is. the BrS-sk Fawiri mi iss UsAej t-Ures limited, Ottawa. Tr!Tiajsssmssssssssssiir .r -MaHaHHMMfiMr22v States, the Bntrsl Brlaisa Refief Cwsssasissi eooufh wheat. Boor aad aW foods'to feed ta WoSSS i i dmssb "OH, OIRL8, WOULD YOU LET A SOLDIER DO YOUR HAIR? The hair-dressing competition so far. Th nest nsajorilT of la 7.000.000 1 IssMaslsMia at the entertainment given to wounded soldiers by the girls of a m unltion plant at Sheffield, Kng. tae country hT beea abk t par for lbir dssV ANYONE bfd bt; a iSsaojIy ewiag Dtaatbcr have aa asasa Ut. CAM HARRY LAUDER'S SON tSViaSBLI WATEftS PftOTECTIOSI ACT, Ualess wc are irsfsg ta let these buattieds el VsJssads el it. s. c cap. us. , chldrea sod old soea slarre, they arast be fas) at tb KILLED IN ACTION of the BeW ReSef Fiasd. TaasskesUsi PACIFIC MILLS. LIMITED. hfrT. aasty $3,008,000 a i n-itir out it hit, obder SftUon 7 or Um 'TOW CLOTKU Captain John Lauder, Argyll' Mkt Art. tVpoiid wttb Um Minuter ot WITH and Sutherland Highlanders, son I'ubite Wort i tl OtUwt. and hi tbe noiit N people aader W ASsd Flsp ss a il able la of Mr. Harry Lauder, the well-, f the hrmtrr Omni or Titles at VI. gr nr.i wsly s w Csaadiaasl Na caasa has known comedian, has been killed Iuhi. firliKh Cotumtu. a detenptloa nt oWvcefbelpI latbeaaassaf laaseeaad i(m Ml aad it plant or certain structure DYOLA in action, lie had been wounded t V t rcttl la rroot ot Lot Tblrty-one at sake of ear ewa sel twice previously. He became engaged 'SI . Kinrt Three (S), Coul OUlrlct. beJs) ass sasjtfsssl AKsal to be married before he' BrtlUS Colr.mblt. it Qte hrtd of Dmilm Tb Dr that colors AMY KIMOi SSstsBsW'' nlL went back to the trenches. He was St Ooh rerS-ctlT,WSBS tttt AMO TAKE 50TICE tnal iftrr tlie ! AMI 0YbT. I educated in the City of London pi ration r oar raonth from the dat or CAfratl BBsWMri-Nr9 CteMf)itaV9a 89 Mt tbV 8Ca SMbNbI CatgB1 ,1 ' tkhool, and was at Cambridge ihr Srtt pnbUcatlon el UM lotlc. Pa when war broke ouL He had taken tin Mint. Umlled. win nndrr SrUno J $2.50 Feeute A Beltftaa Faa&My A Meatk. .f ittr id Act. applr to tbe Gorrroor-ln-ConarH ln H, A. and lulended entering tor approval of tbe tid (lie and the legal profession. The blow plan. comes to Mr. Lauder at a time Datrd at Vancoartr. 3rtub Colomlila, when he had crow tied all his In 'Ieg O' The fling" at the West- mu ttia oai or AprtL A. a ttlt. BOO WELL. LAWS05 A LA.1E. achievements in vaudeville by his holme Theatre tonight. Soltritort for ratine Mrm. l-niitd. successful appearance at the CANADIAN WOMEN Shaftesbury Theatre, London, as KNOW THIS boat, and made the crossing home. Sheets, pillow cases, blankets, SMOULB an actor In the new revue, 'Three "CANADA FUtST w Wk Is ta BEST Mffic The world heaid also of the bed-spreads receive our 20 reduction Cheers." AtJ by Yo.r Croctr. Tfc Corrn-Bent Ballet la Many stories are told of the thousand pound motor car which Geo. I) Tile. tf. Nj.30S tdls the story IT COSTS THE SAME. Mr. Lauder bought for his son comedian's devotion to his son asctoctaroaTrscMtu ania The Whisky out of the earnings of bis American auua raewct-iaSlST says a Manchester Guardian tour in 1007, and of the com-ing-of-age alatlon Arm. If r wmwt-TlJcrn.cbinT'iil,rWEiinm correspondent). Some years ago, oQuahty banquet at Dunoon. TatATUKRCONMNMSIHUalM. when he was acting In the Man-chenlcr attended by public men and Harry I 11 1 hi M ISsaalnBTSl. tlla4l9kh I tVUTV A(dUWJ pantomime, he made a Lauder admirers from all over 8 Years lightning week-end journey to the country. Dunoon to "Jack," who was befeeeWUiaf see it was the dream of bis life CUARANTTXD BY THE lying ill. Harry Lauder arrived that his son. should settle down CO VUNMCMT W CANADA at fiourock early on the Sunday with him on the estate which he morning, and as there was no .Scotland. 'iWhen my boat available In lake tifm over sou collies home from the wars," the Clyde he hired a fisherman's he wrote once. Tin in hopes he'll take kindly lae the thochls o sheep farming and gie the thochts o' sheepskins and legal processes the go-by.' "I hope to. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE fit icp iiiiii rsiuuiisuru iu inouriu B BBI r0S t l I' C-TWrll 1 IHSlIM n iliMTBaii IB mTfflnr H'Tl nBMiyBWnrmBMBWBB B as a decent Scots laird growing E the nation's meat, and as the' I 710 SECOND AVI years go by, growing the nation's I men." Harry Lauder visited his Csrpsntsra' Tool Builder' Hardware Ship Utantllery son at the front, and delighted the, Wire Cable fttMl Blocks Flshlna Taekl Scots soldiers with his songs. Iron Pips Pip Fitting RINee and Shotgun Nothing touched him more than Rep VaUss Ammunition to find that someone had christ-" ened his son's billet "Lauder Pumps Nos Paint Vale." It made him think of leves and Rana Rubbarold Roofing CorrugsUd Irot. "hame" the word that meant I - WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST "our cause" to him. J Just before Christmas, Mr. Harry Lauder, in a message to ai London paper, said in his direct FRED STORK'S HARDWARE and touching way that he would give anything to know that his boy would come through safe and sound. tuHuiw LmS DUUIct OKtrlct f Babys Own Soap OMtt, Rant TAKE NOTICE that Arthle Barnes MarUn. Vaocoarer,acctipatloa mill Pronnre inanater.or BrtlUh or ts Columbia,city or THE ROAD TO THE RIGHT. Intend to apply ror pertc'iilon to pur cbaM tne, rollowlnf described landti Ccmmenrtnr at a poit plaated on tne met at least one of those few good oM aaatb bar or Coutins Inlet about Ore YOU'VE are constantly iettiai the worst of it rbaina wrsi or tbe souUwest corner or Lot II, nanrs J, ,Cott Olitrlct: tbence when shoppiajf, who don t believe ia advertisiasL aoHtb to ctulns, tbenc et It ebatni, A hundred disappomticui aad instructive experiences inenra north to cbttni, tbenc veil il have failed to teach him their plain lesson. ibtina, tbeoca nor lb it.t cbalna mor or IrM to II. W. M, or Coutins Inlet, tbence When he bought his first watch he was beguiled into loUovlns tb II. V. M. to IbU poll and buying one without a known name or a trustworthy . roouiniut on bundred and twenty-nr That watch a poor timekeeper coat Its acrea more or leu. guarantee. by reason of missed appointments aad DATED at tbli tat Vancouver, fi. O. eaissed and for lay of Aoember. A. D. tilt. trains, frequent repairs. paid I. tl. ARCHIE UAR..HE3 MARTIN. the price of a good watch. It is the same story with regard to his underwear, MINEftAL ACT his shoes, and his fountain pen. $ost is:' iMKiapa This good old soul's case is not unique. Many of us, tl ' V- NASTURTIUM. IRIS FRACTION. BELUS the truth be confessed, resemble him; we aUow ourselves rNACTIOH,COSMOS GENTIAN,IHACTIO.t.BLUE BALL THISTLE nAC-TIO.N to be sold merchandise with an unknown brand IRACTION, MAIUflOLn I R ACTION. ULAC or trade mark instead of buying merchandise which is rHACTIOM, TERH r'HACTIOM, PINE APPLE well known to us through the medium of advertising. I'HACTIO. COXCOMB, Br OO.I A rRAC-4 In slang language, we get "stung" pretty often. HON, NI.NEHAL CLAIMS lllutla I tbe .iff. 'WW TT Queen Charlotte District, located ai or near In most of these cases we have ourselves to blame, for. ham litda Bay, Queen Charlotte 1(1404, province "the road to the right'' thing to buy baa beea made r BrlUab Columbia, and la fully bld by plain by advertising. AN Ikedt Mlset Limited. TAKE NOTICE that I, John A. Maclnols. There is no good reason for passing by the known Mlicltor ror Urda Mine Limited, rree If thing, soundly guaranteed, to buy a dubious article, mlHer' rerlinrat No. T0II4 B. Intend which, for be quality quality, cannot cheaper than the after the opiratloa of titty day from After the bath with BABY'S OWN SOAP the lite data hereof to apply on behalf ot tne known, branded article. said Company to tbe Miulnr Recorder foi akin ia smooth, comfortable, and exhale the a rcrtiarau or Improvements tor lb pur W TMt ar laia Ucal over vor mm or ohtalntnt a Crown Oraut to the "It is better has aroma of freshly cut flowers. abnte claim. alut lb Advrtilf t l tfeia I'rcedom from skin troubles, explains in some measure AM) FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that actio If you ar doing preictal aaaVaal kutla It wal4 b the which "Baby's Own Soap" babies under Section SI or lb Mineral Act must to be sure Car yoi to have lb ol aad aaita ot a ftoost refreshing sleep A list ut tbe will b tfajs.vitht atoawiaa. lie rimmrDce4 before lb latuanr of uch eujoy, lUpeclally for uurw-ry use insist oo"Baby's Own". reelinrsu ot improvement. than sorry." y the Seeretary al Cd4 ISaas AssoUtio, Ra BB, . . . . .. . .... S a i m ft e &t listed iblt list or A, D. UaUdtai, Taeaata. AUtUU 9UAT3 USJUISOt WMMUflluwi, MVnuvwua i-r day Mty, III. JOHN A. MAC1NNES, .(Hi Solicitor ror Uda Mlnet Limited. 4