Thursdar, I'rhruary I, ion T1IK DAILY NEWS I m REDRUITINB MEETING IN EMPREM THEATRE FROM FAN AND NEAR v. J.LHICKEY Loca iVeiitt Afoea , Uentlnued From Page One.) MAKE YOUR DOLLARS reported that Hon. J. D. 09NfMBTM A BUILDER the imttles of Canada vwre ieltiK! Iron Jeds at cutyln-twr prices It is Hon. Ilohert Ilogers rVueht out in kiropio juo as1 nt Tito's sale. If. Union and Store and Offlco Fixtures, surely as If they were fighting on i will accompany tho lremler to FIGHT RnHh, Doer and Moldings. the 1'neino coast. iQliuiada Is Tlo makers wanted at Lake London. Oak and Hard Woods of all worth living In, Canada Is worth Knthlyn, phone 381, tf, jflRlttlnK for," urged the speaker. . The Ktnplre Hesourcc Committee, AT THE FRONT. kinds, , Ho also criticised our imtnlgra! Our cony felt spats and gaiters consisting of many of tho Wb Specialise in making lion policy, pointing dut that too will keep you warm Wallace's, men In FnglanTl, BUY and IHIrlhfl storm windows, many men who had,none but a! ' .a most prominent any 4m. purely selfish interest In Canada.! Captain J,; llomans, ef the Big. has a scheme to purohaso 200,. POLMIHIOH OF CflltADA Plata and ,9hml Olaaa and had been brought here. He favor. I net. registered at tha Hotel Ilu. 000,000 acres or uanauian larni 'ed tho Idea of Canada for thelPerl " . for settlement after the warTho lactafl. Canadians and thought that a i the cultivation of Ik- la Oinhtn M.fK. idea is that by THREE-YEAA Corner Fra f'and Sth -Sta !JLU'fu Ca.8L",n: ?.1: a. mining Interest, on the I.Jlhl. land the war debts may soon PHONE GftEEN M lllllllipw iaio cavsuiu 1JIUUU IU lauds. Is in the oily. be liquidated. future. Lieut. Gordon said he War Savings Certificates P. O. BOX 44. believed In freedom for nil men, f.fAiif. who in recruit- but he did not believe that it was, jng for Ul0 Canadian Engineers, The- Herman merchanlsubma-rine iair mai, bv im Mnie, Ausinans arrj.J in the city yesterday alteram! Dcutschland, which left lire-men $ 25.00 rOM $21.00 Hermans should be, employed no,n for New London,, Conn, on 50.00 44 43.00 in hundreds along this coast at 44 ' January 2nd, Is now long overdue. 100.00 BO.OO THE BN6fNykEFMMFJtl t ana e per iay wuue our dos .Mlcnael Kiieauy, me wen Known ir. . , arriving In JS'ew York INDIVIDUAL rougtit in we. trenches. He railroad contractor, returned from' .a'lc lnat the Deutschland has PURCHASES LIMITTD TO IttOI. thought that a heavy tax should Seattle yesterday. He Is at the u ca,)lured by a lirltlsh cruls- be put upon their earnings and Hotel Rupert, j FOR FULL PARTICULARS AMPLY AT ANY UANK the proceeds devoted to the wel- i t Crl 1-f in. y f la- it-it OR ANY MONEY ORDER POST OFFICE fare of our soldiers''dependents.! Sergt-Major Mailer delivered - . . . . After making a strong appeal for an address to the pupils of the r m iiugne. wya i KlNANOK D RrAMTM RN1 4 Otl S-4 In. aytft he Minister of Mil la again ho JAN. S, ISI? Ottawa - School the availabfe High yesterday on Her Pwr. every man to join the enforce lh Mi Ilia Act and Oft. 1-2 In. hf S la, 2S-SS colors, he paid n complimanl to origin of Egyptian helroglyphics. ould Hon Pwe. Ihe ladies of Prince Ilupert for! ' ' ... UP cvor', callable man for v uanna ami j. u. Aioouy, mm. overseas service, the way in which they had as. ber dealers of Vancouver, arrived sisted the For Further Information returned soldiers in Apply to furnishiag their quarters. In the city yesterday on their way He fore undertaking a raid on Sergt.-.MaJor Matier a to the Queen Charlotte Island, the German trenches, the Cana. W. cVwjLUGCJiOFT short addrrss in which he.gave told of 'dian boys blacken their face with Safe Deposit Boxes For Eent who has been Mayor MeCaETery, burnt cork. The ralds'are made Prince ftopert, B. C. i some of his experiences in-India. in Victoria for two weeks on Im- ' with clock-like precision, Ihe AatoLUTiLT ristpwoor Kgypt, Turkey, Greece, France INBURANCI IN ALL ITS BNMCMCS) nt business for the city, porta re- bombing parties and following, - . and Ilrjtain. He had been sent turned home yesterday afternoon, their to Vancouver by the Indian gov companies following, out lledqurtr for Oeor rtoa SavtnUI to. Lld and th ftarth Coaal Towtaf .....4. i plans to the second.' 4 Coeapanyt Ltd. ernment in connection with the- IK. II ft I n a a D,i- 9 tin Prince Kipirt Feed C. KnmatraLa 31am lrniihle., and., m.kIlc n.u..nuic .UUU ii...J In 1 IK. ... , i, i, PECK, MOORE & COMPANY later. In Marseilles, he found . T p. fChedule, will leave for ' Jof "J1" 'a.Vd S17 Ba4 Ata INtJUL NftotlCltS rs iss h lumbia from some of the Hindu. from'Vancou. Uie Viands at 8 o'clock this even- U'dIU8i( r HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS vrr makimr IheJr war. ln'Oermanv.- i ..m . c. .... off his feet and return to London, UIL0INO rORMENLV OCCVPIIO NT THX CONTINENTAL TWO ST CO HP AMI Hi., i a I 1 1 1 u L'naiicun ' I . 1. ...ill A.inla.l lie, Xirmiy believed mat the whole . AND FERTILIZERS scheme was of German origin. Lieut. Evans will show Dims of St. I'ancras division. The High School Glee Club ren- the work of the Canadian Engl-dered pee kmMOSWLE patriotic. songs during the neers in the Velholme Theatre Washington Is looking for the Bulk, ana) Take Orders for evening, the Marseillaise being thin evening. This wilt be in ad- Kaiser to make the next step lo- Recruits Wanted ronlpr,1 In Kwnch Tim rriim. AVin In lh retrnla. nirtnr nrn.iwards peace. It Is believed that Nursery Stock. paniments were played by Miss gram. a definite move towards peace will Chicken Feed A Specialty. Marguerite KHpatrick, j ... be made by llerlin. 1 At the close, Lieut. Gordon A Heland. of Montreal, has "i 11th Regiment, Irish Fusiliers, Vancouver tak" position in Peck's Shoe An old country newspaper. In auil Oeeeei Frvmptii Allen , T. showed some pictures from the OVERSEAS FOR ronl,Tut was unable to give thetore. Mr. Heland's father ws u telling of the early days of Sir 250 MEN WANTED IMMEDIATELY . o. so i ess. sos Tuire Ai. whole series as the movie machine member of the House of Commons Max Aitkcn, now Lord Hrunswlck, EF.VICE PRINCE RUPERT. B. C was, out of order. A collection while the Laurier Government was ay the new peer is the son of For Information apply to was taken on behalf of the sol- power. a Presbyterian minister and was Lieut. Gordon, . born "at New Hrunswick, Nova -- -- - - ---- -- -- m.m i $i ,diers' fund in Vancouver. The Ileturned -Soldiers Asso- hScotia." Hotel Prince Rupert, op Recruiting Cfflee, Third Avenue. elatioh begs to thank the Imperial Ctffgliig sailers Springs and mattresses, 20 J , Order of the Daughters of the LAND REGISTRY ACT it eductions at Tile s sale. tf.J ifo for appointing a.regimen-y ISettlon It and tit.) Sfef 97-piece dinner set and allital committee consisting of Mrs. for sale Lip 1J n ApMlcaUoo Mo. t I.I II. rilmr l,tl CAR80NV0ID Coaghlnr Inert we tbt other china, 23 reduction aljCollison and Mr?. Eggert for the TAAE 50TICE that applKatloa M been inf I'irUa. Cunnlncham, Irriuiioa'tlf the miready iav-Aaaied Tile's big sale. tf. furnishing of the club rooms and nude torertur iohn Berrmaa. of Print elt cocaibraaca "Ik News" ad ia monwti nioraoua apt to for the donation of "money. ruiDeri. I. L ii owner In tt tinder a Daily j Ward WecUie 'J. cany, . Tai Sale Deed from tb Collector or um dlfai toother. Uatbiea'a Sjrrop of Tar aad Mrs. It. O. Miller recently received City of Prtnc Rupert, beartnc or Au th j CLASSIFIED ADS. Cod Urer Oil protnpUy tot Don't Negtect ISth day of September. Ill, oouKbiag, ana Boon, tbank a Ietter from her brother. snOL'LAR that certain parcel or tract of to it tonic eropertka,effect )who is at the front and is all land and pretnlaea ll tulle, lylnr. and be g) a peraavaeat cur. your stomach. Keep it strong i alive and kicking, in which he told lor In tb Municipality of Prince Rupert, WANTED. Prince Rupert Dairj' more particularly known ai Lot Ten (IS) Tbe woodczful poaailarity and weft. When food disa-eeswkhk,8traistbenitwith nl seeking shelter from shells in Block n III. Section sTn (7), Mia cc MtUiKn'i Byrap oi Tar UNOCN NOV WAITtD SmaU tlfht roaboat. phun aatd od Lrver Oct i apecUlly a dug-out in which b.e found hi ft.- daw to he great Tain a a cousin disposing of bis Christmas You ara required to contett tb claim BUrk ISt. MOLSTIEN MILK permanent Toag aad bronchial of Um Ui purchaier within thirry-BT PURE fare from home. They had a healer. BEECHAM'S day from tb date of tb lerrlca r' tbli FOR SALE ORE AM Sold rrcryvher.yge larga l hearty Christmas dinner together. nouc (which nay b eOected by P fil tered Mail or ai Directed, and your at BUTTERMILK PILLS ZOO tons of Ladysmilh lump tentlon la railed to ectioa IS of tn riiH SALE Tboreufbbrrd Brolch Colli XL MAI , Apply bally .lew. tf, B)QK ese rLaod Reilitry Act" wlia amend menu. pup. pwqn tsjy p. a jcal for the Prince Rupert Coal nd to tb followlnf eilrict Uxtttmta) Co., is being discharged from the . .-and in default of taeal or certlfl IIOLSCIIOLO CrrECTS ICR StLC 1 All OeSe rraaiotif AltM4 T. cat of ll pendeo ttlog Oled before tb tin Atena. fcV. comer of Youar SL Prince Albert. For the past few- rectitratlon a owner of lb peraoo en. R, MoKav, Proprietor. weeks, owing to shortage in the tilled under uch Ut tai, all pertotu m roil StlC lleaiehold Furniture Apply aerred with nolle .and 'tho cJalmlnc ISSS Third Atrno. WeL tf. south, coal from another mine tbrourh or under tbetn. and all peraona Intereit In tb land by lrtu had tit be sold, but this is the dalminr any and all ron S ALL Carlo it miniet Bttchinery, In B. C iTAKERS J. E. Ddoey Ladysmith article and first class ot peraoo any unretiiured clalminr any Inlereit tb land cludlur'drlll-lleel.IT machin(leaniBluntl,drtlli, column tic Applj bara. by deieent wnoa till Ii not re tillered In Get Order In Pally fleat. U. SUMtatAL O4BSCT0SM ASM BaV- every' way. your under tb proTtaion of mil Act. tnau m Sheet Metal Work aaxatciii MTiaraenon twan-jrrsco Teacher of Singing and early. tf. fur Ter et lopped and debarred from l- nwmt lint up any claim la or la reipect of tb MISCELLANEOUS ofcsj oar amo Vole? Production. land to aold for latti. and tb Rertitrar 11 MO STRUT PMOMK 41 Mid.winter sale at Geo. Tile's. ball reiiiier tb perton roll lied under OASOU.tC tJlOIMttfl baa amall amouai Now Is the time to bavr Complete home furnishings at aucb las l ai owner of tb land K cf caah la taill with lerrkre. What jrour heating' plant put In PHONE BLACK 217. cost. tf. old tor tai." bara your Writ hoi IIS. tiaily ttt. shape for' tho winter; roofs A.tD WlieiniAS appUcation haa been oiid skylights seen to. mad for a Certlfl can of ladafeaaibl TIlU 9TY OF PRINCE RUPERT lo lb aboTrmentloned landi, in th nam LOST In such cases consult a m furs! mm. of John Beritnaat practical man If you want that Court of .lotlre I brreby tlTtn a whereas iBTeiifYittor th LOST Oold medal, Ham t, iudr In-acrtbed. on RrTlikin for lb purpnM or reTlsinr and riMier return in u.k'. Batna. pas u Its. till It appear thai prior to tb ih day Itnll tot tbe correelinr Ibe AMeitment Fiir ALARM SYSTEM or September, 1114, (th dM on which Oiy tt Prlnre Rupert, relumed by lb C. 0. Rowe Tke EihMtM Fur underalvned Aeior on tb Tenth day of ibe aald land! wer told for 0Trdu FOURS Jinuarr. A. D. I SIT. will be beld on Mon tairi) you wer tb uacaaed owner Practical sheet metal man. iiacurr mo. i. day, tbe nrib day of Marcb. A. D. HIT, thereof. roU5I Sitter nel pure. Apply DaH) Exckaige Ltd. FL'HTIItn TAKE OTICE thai at tb OOlce. U Opposite Hoard of Trade ai t sib m. tad Ird s?a. at IS oVIork In lbs forenoon. In tnr I snail effect rerUtrtllon In time Oturwll Chamber. Clly Hall. City of prince tarn (looms 322 rnd Avenue n. is -4U et and Brd at. fs open for business and offers Rupert. pu nuance of inch appllcaUon and liiu Fixtures for sale, tihotie 403, expert service to trappers, Oti b SL od Srd At. Ceriincate or Indefeailbl Till to lb aald PMORK B40- loo AU rorapUinta or objertlon to laid Ouvenaile X llannon. tf. a Juki loo of lit. and "traders and buyers of land In I tie nam of John Bertman unli J At. Aiteoinent Roll muit b nude, in wriilnr, Eetlmatee' Furnished free. is the tk and proiecui lb proper pro .Exchange furs. This you m 1 fl Ar blwto Stfe and nd dellTertd to Ibe Aieir l lead ten ceedinr to eitabliih your claim. If any, largest in Canada. It carries t IliiOi HoleL) HO) day before lha dale or tb aril lo in iiid landi, or ,to prcTeni luch pro-poaed, of competitive out a plan open, ko i7- ii at, aod 1th at. (Caa- illttar of Die ald Court, vit., Ibe Fifth action on parL my selling. It is made up day of March. A. D. f 97. 'r', f?1lt PATCO at tb Land nrltry Offlce, business and of solid men Paled- at tbe Oiy or rrtnr Rupert stands for Prloc Rupert. B. a, toll tb day of FOR RENT" CIRCUIT MO. f. I'roTlnre of BrllUb Coluiobla. Iblt twenty' December, A. D, III. DENTISTRY RESPONSIBILITY RESULTS RELIABILITY wt tt trd - aad Ird St. aeeotid day or r.January,Lonciize.i,A. V, 1917. II. T. MACLEOD, Diilrld Ktrutrar of Title. II. Exchange sales are advertised ft IM Q1 McBflda SL Alienor of tbe laid Cily or Frtnca Ru-erl. Apr.To Simon rclerioo, DarliTlll, California. Molrrn S room buuie, Enillih IIIIL ONOMTN ANN NSMNM WOPS widely. They reach the not ? ii a.-jad MeBrtat ft. Cellar rvKiUil, lib At . T. a ercoiALTT big buyers. Tbe Exchange red rcTcns. Collate I room, bath. Summit Ay, f. tan nd tod tt employs none but experts. City Clerk of tb aid Muoieipauty. LAND ACT rurniibed Collar 117 lib Air. V DR. l. 8. BROWN & M IikJ ) aod SIS at Its warehouses are safe IT'It-lT'tS MCtNA LANS DISTNIOT OISTNICT 09 Coital I ruota. Tbooipion and ftn. OCNTIST against fire. Vermin, or other COAST, MUM THNH Co I la i 4 ruuna (IS lib A.. IL. OSlttl SMlia Nleek, ThUw A" damaging contact. The Exchange eMouir no. a. TAKE aollra inal I. frmcii ioiepn CM offices are central in B.i 1 fr-ta At, tad fulloa Sk, PHONE 93 P, O. BOX 3d Ueale, iniac a attnl for tb Emplr McStOROll APANTSVMTS, paaat. " Edmonton. Bend your next Ba J durdeu aod Tiytor su. Pulp nd Paper Mill. Ltd., of Sw anion bath an raa. Ntfll f lb Mat shipment to. 7ia a. tad rutoe SL PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD, Day, B, C, occupation loner. Inland to haa ba raeuiea t M ear moeU. a, sa-t tn at, aud (moot at. ' apply for peqnlulon to th follow, Nl and la. od JKe The EdotitM Fur ai 97 ia Ara tad lod ft. tny daicrtbed laodli tl. Will aalMmlM U ault taat. a, ts - 4lb A. ud TlMntoa . Conuneuclnv at a poal planted on th BIST TMINO IN TOWN PON TNd Transfer Storage ruth i nor of tn litobo l in nd of NONSV. AKERBERC, THOMSON Excbifft, Ltd OtSJOWlT NO. 4. IU ea Arm of MuimI Inlal. boul on a i i it at, aad juairaa BEST LUMP A NUT COAL ind on half mil in a waitarly direction COMPANY ABAtWC BbtCH aUaaMFal HI. from in r.W. coror of T. L. lilt. 101, W writ nr Iniurince, rtpr. Telephone BBSS, EdswnUn ei -tta at, aod Mcarid st Miiwl'.. Ilwtic aoutn 10 cbatna, Ibenc tentlnt only ilrony, liberal com. r- Ai for Alfcarta 4 I to at, aad Orn tt NO LONO WAITS ! 10 cbalul, ibenc north to cbalni anli. xriurn laaaaaiAL." 'PAtBUN," or tea to ibor Una, tnene follow-lu( Vur buln I lllld. inor AND "i at and BmU SL NO SHORT WEIGHTS -rilMlhalAN.- PaNNO" ahore Una In an eaalerly direction l mw furs! mm. a s Tim At, aad IWU. "CLNT NAB awaiaaw. M. Q. HELQERSON, LTD When You Order from Ue. pttlnl of eouuutncement. uwl T-HlOf Mat M1 Tta AT, iu PMMIE SM. rRA.ICIfl JOSEIil r MALE, Applicant. Sri- October 1 1 lb. III. I.lf (