SEVEN YEARS WHAT WILL eniNQ BORDEN rnow London? OWNfeSOAP BABYS i 2,000,0001 j 'Umtiiiuptl Ic.iri I'ajeUnr TORTURE Belgians utilhe, which at till moment i ti hamr on tu iiiR job i,y the Depend on us NctiiUg IWtpad Him Unlit 1U Took (kin of h lr.fcli. Australia Ik -FRUIT.A.TIVES" very, very llrltlsli-perlian more for Bread! Hrltiali than Canadn but nol Hrllili cnouijli to ilo vshut We inler Wild llusilie.tilralla wanted ami South to do Africa In II. Since ihortiy after the German inraHon, tfce Belgian represented At Hip conference hy have depended for food entirely oa the "CoeaffiissioD depulie. Canada and New Zea. for Relief ia Belgium". Then own atore of food, Iiind will be th only overaeai 'Mil1 even if nol destroyed or pillaged, would Utt onl trite l nd plenipotentiaries. Baky't Own Sp Uvt bud it three weeki they have had bo chance lo rae more The ehaiiecB are that 1'remlcr a onlrfka! fa- r'(e. f 1 te la liorden will be morn plenipotentiary Edmund Bree In "The Walla tcaefi:il ton'- !fi8 aad the ruthlea Germaat tefuae to aupply tlieaal than hi rrimrnde nf New of Jericho," at the Westhcdme AHxrl SoaptLioutcd,MoatraaL Backed by tU .enland, which Ik a democratic Theatre tonight. country nnd er Insistent tnal It cif, Parliament doe not reckon Premier ahoiild consult the people flrai nnd make hi anwer after, on hi acting aa a brake on Pre. Belgian Rdliefrund ward. mler liorden' impulaivenei. We may lake it for granted that live Premier linrdeii, oti the other HAtiAtn THArrrxs to seaeroualy cooiributerj m the British Empire and the United grenl mind Moyd Oeorge. Mil-ner. ALBERT VARNCR hand, Iisim developed a habit since States, the Deutxal Belgian Relief Cbmmsstioa has inported the wnr began or doing thing will Curon, Carxou and Hal four HA IJAaft rTUT CATAXXXa THAfrfW enough wheat. Sour and ether foods to feed the whole catioo For seren years, I sur.cred terriMy ilrl and explaining or neglecting concentrate their Argu Lami haw m4 so far. The rest majority of the 7.000.000 Belciaai left ia fremK ere UraJstAri tnj Indigniion. to explain tlieoi afterward. Pre. ment on one lone premier from rvm ooorApoM the country hare been able to pay for their daily aJowmoce of I .sa oelcldng-cm from the stonurli, tnler liorden doe a lot of kv-ernlng ovemea. What chance ha the ISO A4 bread but a steadily growing number bave no awty left. U ler (tuff would come up Into my poor fellow agninftt thi brilliant m-ulhtftrretttar.whiltattlmml had by order.In.council, which, ollnekf They will aurround and UoJeat we are wiHwg to let these hundredt of 4uads of Bt. 1 tooiltlcf, and Lad cbcio of rourse, is the good old Tory enelne and xcorch hi back hair women, childrea and old men starve, they must be fed at the (.jnsi .ion. I went to several doctors way of doing it. Hy order.ln. like a curtain of fire. Natirally mvioblc waruia protection aot. expense of the Belzian Rebef Fund. To make I sac t 'prcUlist In Ikxilon but cotincil we hate lit National lliey will ak him for all that r. a. o. cap. its. someone must contribute aearly $3,000,000 a I , wncfit I tried many rrmrdies IteiiUtration movement, which Kngland would like to have from I A III' MILLS, UMITEO. bcrtbf tlve sooth al aSas water! dtd me good. MntHy, aim to mark lime until the kov. frrfM - tbtt II bit, aoOtt Oct loo 1 at lb i.inr Canada, and glad t e we would be to V:.viMFrMlt-Uf, I look eminent can nee whit happen, f-el that miiI Art drfMMiied itn iiw Mioiiur of No people oader the ASed Flags an m wel Ue te eaa Premier iiordeu will fuhlK- Work! at Ottawa. an1 In tt office ceoerooalr Canadian! No has ever boast liy order-ln-eounrd, al liavn aa we cause we vi medicine and C ; a; and fruit It made annwer by olfering all that Can r ih Rnriirir OVoeral or Title at Vie- of sad fnc of la the Joatoce Hiaaaasty cWserrag belpl " Kir najoe lieorge Overseas Minuter t rlt. I tin grateful to I'rutt-a-x Perley. ada ean afford to give. Hut thin iwria. Brook CulumMa. a deccripUoa of the sake of self-respect lot al So x and to everyone who his mte-rat.. of Militia, the first Canadian ii nol Parliament' expience of the lt uvl ib plao or reruin tlnietam oar own gree we cast ueal;hwdht'onstiplioiaad Indi-jr. eahlnet tnlnUter ve have Veen fit Premier to U trttled la front or Lot Tblrtr-one help our martyred ASesI liorden. When he get . ill HtBtt Ttuec (1). Ccaat DMtrttt, .a aed IUd Ktomaeh, 1 ar tike to keep in London since Confed. of thoo Saad rt lauipti a wmtif.saaasUf h Boo aaai Sa Laasl at one promising innod on limuri Columbia, al Vtt btvi ot Cooiina F-'ii..-a Lte ". and you will ft wrll". erntom fifty ear ago. Sir Oeorge he wonbl part with hi tuxpender Pi an rial CMatilteaa,m S lt g ALDKRT VAKN'KIL Perley. a Overaea Minister of ir anybody else', A4D TAKE XOTICE thai after the ei Central Extcutivt CmmittM, SI K Patar St, uhial Sfc bos, 6 for tJ 'O, trial lie, ?5e. Militia. mark a elmnge in our pliailua of oat roonilj f,ta Ute date of Canada will have her own Hie Pnl ptibtltukm or tbla Notice. Pa- $2.50 Feeds A Belgfaa FamMy A Meath. rii?nioraiit post paid on receipt of 'institution which may he epochal. At trouble alter the war trouble rfSc .Villa Limited, will nnd-r Sectloo 7 price vy Fruit atltc Limited, Ottawa. he ha been lad to a mi me for of the ald Act. apply to I be Got rroor-lQ- Kir Oeorg? I'erScy' office in love of the mother country. Jfol ChmotU lor approval nt I he il alia tod plan. Nu toria trel in only three or to mention the treasure of blood Iiated at Vaneoatrr, arltliti Columbia. f ur Idork away from Downing (Canada ha apent. there will be a IM tctn da or April, A. P. III. Hreel. tie i. therefore, in clo national debt of taggerintr pro. DO U WELL, LAWK0.1 LAE. touch with 1he (oern-;.jr SoUrttora for rarlfle Mllla. Limited. Canadian Women li Imperial portion, taxe urh a run hot ' pliyieally, and. if reports in the memory of man. and inter- SHOULD KNOW THIS are true, in even rloner touch el charge and a pension IWl Hheel. pillow caew. blanket. CANADA FIRST"Miflc Is the BEST Mitt t irtnally. Kir (ieorge baa be- that will aggregate one bundrei led.pread( receive our 20'i redaction s-tjbf Your Crtxcr. The Covtrnmtnt Bulletin N 305 1 tils the story IT COSTS TH E SAME. j. came iiaturated with the London million dollar a year. All told, eo. I Tile. tf. ? awei fo Tais eaaaaia om The Whisky aKft'Wphere. ami i now very, very it will take about three hundred " o.iat.aaasiraoaacr-IBSIST I nslmh. which i the mot natural and fifty million dollar a year to UrMMatik"npmleretB.cBinMCMMJP:ia(,Enpanie4 , Salvation Army. --tkca kip aa wtia I rah ucam. oQuality iiirlaini-rphonU in the world for ee u through. Some have alluded TNBATUKERCONDENSKDBtLKCeMta. a gentleman who wa born in tho to this a a man burden aitiHi,Omt CanaatA Public meeting. Tnday A(dUWl I nite tate. iir fleorpe i ono on a boy' neck, but Canada 8 Yean f i rmrtav and atuntay at 8 p. m launch deiriocrnta. ip'- quito cheerfully hear it a the price 'UlaeaWaUUaf vrrvaleni in the United Blaten, of her duty to the UritUh Umpire. -ml- at 7:30 p.m. CUAKAKTtTD IT THE wh., darly love a country that Canada ha iLme, and continues CO VERKMENT W CANADA an make them knight And baro ilo do, her bit, light for the moth. net iir Oeorge m naid to bo erland and pay her way. When e II t kng for a peerage. the war i ovtr he will have a Knowinir lr'timrt'p lenden- tiljr bltl to root. The question! I everybody i aoking now i 0 hrlher Premier liorden intend doing anything while in Hngland to make il bigger. 11. F. (iadnby. j a FRED STORK'S HARDWARE VaMf Im4 DltUItt OIltHct f cMt, lunf a. 710 SECOND AVI TAKE NOTICE Uut Artbia Barnes MarUu. eeupation mill aunarer, or lb cur or CarpanUrt' Toola Oulldara Hardwar Ship Chanallaey raarouvrr, rroUic or Briuaa CotabU, , Wirt Cabla Rtaal Blocka riahlng Tackla la tend to apply for permlsaion to pur-cIum Uw rollovlnt deatrtbed lands: - Iran Pip Fitting and ShotaunV Plpa ftlflaf tba CommenriBr at a post planted on Kept Valta Ammunition aoatb bore or Cousin Inlet about at ctulns west of the aoutbwetl corner or Puftipa Hoaa Paint lot II. luora S, Coast blslrlct; thence loiaa and Rang flubbaeold Hoofing OoerusaUd lror louUl 10 cbaina. throe weal 4 cbatns, tbeoe nortb ts cbatns. tbrnra weal It "Wt tCLL NOTHINQ BUT THE BEST" thato. Uienc north I S.S ebatna mor or lea a lo II. V. M. or Couauu lalat. Ibence lolkiwme lb li. V. M. to ttua post sad (onuiolnc om bundrvd and tweaty-Bra IIS, acrra more .or leaa. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE DATED al Vaneoutrr. B. C tnla III dajr or AoTember, A. D. ISIS. J. ft ARCHIE BAR-tU If ARTLX. MINERAL ACT Bafcys Own Soap .tASTl'nriUM, IRIS rRACTIO.I. BEUJ9 fB ACTION,COSMOS OEMTIA.1.FRACTIO.t,BLUE BELL THISTLE TRAC-TIOM fRACTIOM, MARIOOLD mACTIO.1, UUC a rnicTiox rtrot i'iuctiox. ri-is Arru a THE ROAD TO THE RIGHT. rHA TIO.N, COXCOMB. BFQO.MA FR-C-TIOM. MINERAL CLAIMS SlluaU la Um Queen CnarlolM btatrlct. located si or near Ikeda Bay, Vueen Charloiu laland. lrolnr 3 a met at least one of those few good old or Drtiiah Columbia, and law roily held by YOU'VE are constantly getting the worst of it Iked Mines Limited. when shopping, who don't believe in advertising. TAKE MTICE tbat I. John A. Maclonl. A hundred disappointing and instructive experiences Kliritor lor Ikeda Mines Limited. tfr V, atlnera' certificate .o. T0114 B, lotead have failed to teach him their plain' lesson. trier Um eiplratloo or sixty dajrs frooi When he bought his first watch he was beguiled into in dale hrreot to apply on bebair ot tlx Mid Compauy lo the Mininr Recorder tor buying one without a known name or a trustworthy reriUlcale or Improvements' fur the pur Ituarantce. That watch a poor timekeeper -cost or ol oblalqint a Crown Grant W lb him dearly by reason of missed appointments and b. cialnia. missed trains, and for frequent repairs Yet he paid A.Mt rUHTHER TAkE NOTICE lhal action the price of a good watch. iin.lrr Sec I ion at of the Mineral Art must be rvmuiruced before the itauanco ol ueb It is the same story with regard to his underwear, reronrat or Improvetueola, his shoes, and. his fountain pen. $'est rutrd Ihla Slat day of Mar, A. D. I SIS. JOHN A, M ICINNKS, This good old soul's case is not unique. Many of us, il a'" alienor for Ikeda Mines Lbulted. the truth be confessed, resemble him; we allow ourselves 1,v. ' f am ; to be sold merchandise with an unknown brand ml or trade mark instead of buying merchandise which is well known to ur through the medium of advertising. Ml ANYONE In slang language, we get "stung" pretty often. I'E CAN Ia most of these cases we have ourselves to blame; for "the road to the right" thing to buy has bcea made plain by advertising. Tli ere is no good reason for passing by the knowa ' THEIR CLOTHES 3 thing, soundly guaranteed, to huy a dubioua article, WITH which, quality for quality, cannot be cheaper than the After the bath with BABY'S OWN SOAP the I known, branded article. kin is smooth, comfortable, and exhales the DYOLA If you aiw doiaf a lacad bwaiwaaa talk over yowl adfortialag peek aroma,of freshly cut flowers. "It is better ,101 with the Aiirsrtiilaf Dapvtlaaeot ot ihla nawapepar. Freedom from akju trouble, explains, in some measure .The Dyo that rotora AMY KIND I to be 'If yam r doing a proiacJal or atioa baainoaa il wld h watt sure fur lo bavt lbs souaaal aad aaaiala ol good advafaJaiag you a the refreshing sleep which "Baby'a Own Soap" Labica S i ciotii rcrsoctiy.wuu iba 4 geacy. A list of tbeat wilt bo furai.hed.witkowl coal or oblifalioa, enjoy. lUjwcially' for nurxry ue insist ou"Baby'aOwh". I Km raw 8AMK MimM.OYKV 1 thm) sorry," by ih Secretary ol Caaadlaa Praa AaaoaUlioo, Eooaa Mi, LaaMdeo Toronto. ALBERT SOAPS Llmitod, Manufacturars. MONTRIAL. u-tj UuildtaJ, aea ee