THE DAILY NEWS 6 —_—_———— —— Coming Events Cast Their ORDINATION SERVicx | efe ® THE... | Classified : dvertisements «“ ” = Shadows Before The m New Pastor Going to What Shall It Be” — } UUI ! There buyer and seller. em loy er and worker, landlord and tenant, and a host of others meet on com- } mon ground. To put this modern convenience in reach of everyone the News will reduce its [ rate . a nominal price of a cent a word per insertion. Minimum charge of 25 cents. - In the Presbyteria . Question press theatre, ton » febicd | Ch ere is our Classified Advertising Column for today. Watch it grow. ; ’ This store is prepared to answer it Inaware Pearce mcrmarmarmer mei | dprmereermsr se mermeer me rmsimea ne tr tt morning service Mi. [) , a . PLAS . : | rmereiilimdntie Lost and Found Laundry (’ () bean of Toronto will be ordain, AZelton One of the best services the modern newspaper gives the public in in the classified advertisement columns. With His Bride VICTORIA CAFE Rev, J. S. Hende: The occasion may be what } e a men UNDER GRAND HOTRL F. M. Kerr will . it will; it is our duty to be Lunch and Meals at all hours; Luneh 160, ot FP os pk Ht Yd PY Cet oe Er HG PP FOUND—On wharf, Saturday, May 6th, roll of Wanted—some one to take home small washings money. Owner can have same by applying t Mrs. N. F. Helmers, corner Sixth Ave. and Me- The most intere sting per formance ever vic e Af fer hi ready ‘to supply you, and we Meals 25¢ up--Come and See Daily News Office and giving satisfactory par Bride Street; Phone 257, 107-109 held in British ¢ ‘olumbia, To can do it too. ticulars, 103- MeLean goes up ri 1 YOU CAN GPT A SQUARE MEAL ANY TIME ee FOUND—A small sum of money on 2nd Avenue. ah os Ot ot Ps He be held in the Apply McRae, shoemaker, Fulton St 98-10 With pleasure to you be- pores gon cause of the size of display; For Sale Empress Theatre, Empire Day |... {). with profit to you because of is one to which we pay special at- our ability to sell clese. : : "ay! 4 / ee ee i tention and it is consstantly being W A N . I ’ E D For Rent A first-rate proposition which will give a steady Municipal Notice When the gift question pre- replenished with new stock. 8 ss Oe rs eg Ps Ps rs monthly income, $800 cash handles it. H. F, t sents itself let us show you Gmmtvemertnermaren fil nsrmnsbiniveiotns Mehes & Us, Secu ae mares Tenders will be receive Pe a uality, shape, decoration - House furnished for housekeeping, 2 rooms, $17] Household Goods. R to be let. Apply Mr , . , i2 signed, up to 8 p.m., Mond —" er eee Sse of satus mean avery bon month; back of rink. Apply os a Hwen. Tth Ave and Taylor Mt, near Summit 96 Don’t miss this. Contest at ¢ p.m, painting of the fers P e ’ ‘bad : @ mpany. 05-108 ird Ave and 4th 8 ( ‘ . " : cal representative is wanted , . : thing in china and in crockery- _ A locs ; es BREE pe, det If you would like a new house close in, phone 206 ee CUPS AND MEDALS ( ity eer hs. mi rere , ; ; for a territory tributary to Prince H. F, McRae & Co. 108-tf ees i g G & Son’s Jewely | % fram the unde and these are matters which we ag on view at J. S. Gray ' study when buying Rupert to sell the hardy non-irri- Furnished Bowes to Rent in section 6 for nm j Office Wanted Store, Sixth St. Phone No. 78 black 107-109 ’ e " sary . mont rom May lith—$30, Apply Prince Ru- . Heintzman Pianos gated nursery stock grown by the pert Agencies, 2nd Ave. 101-107 ote ere eerie TICKETS - 5Gc AND 75c EASY TERMS On our shelves will be found Oregon ag oe cs — suneteee rooms for rent. | Apply Drexel i ft A le at theatre and at Gray's store|* + » ASK ME.. 7 iti i co, Oregon. Liberal terms, Party ooming House, 2nd Ave., near McBride. Wanted to hire, small space in office. pply to} on sale a 1e8 bs 3 . many varities of china brought °8 y May 3-imo . P.O. Box 767. 99-108 if you want to must come well recommended. here from some of the most fam- Two nicely furnished roomg, one front room, hot ous potteries in the world. baths. The Roland, Thirtl avenue. L088. | epee mer eee sere er ree O Cl b REA! : a C. B. WARK | IS etree ADDRES rere aumeal? ‘Overseas - Clu AL ESTATE e e Our English Dinnerware is §f! : Money to Loan shipped to us direct by all water Help Wanted so EMPIRE DAY La Eaeee INSURANCE route from the potteries in Eng- 4 $ Oregon Nursery Company We ah ee CONCERT SECIDENT land to Prince Rupert; we import 9) Orenco Oregon ey with which to put your plan into effect _ Jeweller i i A girl to do plain sewing. Mrs. N. F. Helmers, |The best performance ever given in it at the lowest prices and we sell cor. 6th Ave. and McBride St., phone 257. ithe city. Held in Empress Theatre. Low Premiums, Pron it as cheaply as it can be bought 107-109 : ; Moving Pictures at 7.30 p.m, anywhere in Canada T: o—0—0—o—-0 — @-—-e 0-0-0 I Boy to assist in office at Piercy Morris & Co., foving ” : 2 r -106 : : | Yoncert at $00 p.m, Sharp I or Rent ena ce 1106 | Salvation Army Entertainment en a » ; JOHN Ear RAYN We have on hand everything in FRED. S I ORK | A woman to do house work; also girls for laundry % i W P.O. Box 7i7 Office china or crockery needed for your Wei oe A splendid entertainment, cen- Feature ; Tug of ar dis An Experienced Sten her at once. Apply to} aia¢j ¢ ille , > Partly furnished H parley tere Suen. OF ibook 9 Mack Realty and Insurance Company. — 103-106 eae of 3 or 4 drills by the between police, Fire Department and a : sige ouse M4 and,, whether you buy or not, we A Mother's Help. One who can do cooking. children, also a number of mus-/| re ar! Grey’ s Rifles. REAI ES l ATE ve. rooms Wl ‘ , ¢ h ‘i ‘ »ply . Pak at's : ° ° “1.3 shall be glad to show it to you Builders’ Hardware Sth ve el Ee Gove eh oho. told | ical selections, recitations, vocal| Also Amateur Competition for Child- ' bath. Electric lighted. whenever ; ree you like, for chinaware Vv ‘ : ‘ . ren under 14 years of age- ; : alves & Pipes Oxford Stoves Waiter wanted at Central Hotel. 100-tf 2 ome » bes is a hobby with us and we like to Counts P tinea See ae tt 7 selections by some of the best Silver Cup and Prizes on view at J. 8. AND FARM LAND yraniteware inware oe shots tidnd Si Kalk GRC 3. Boy Wanted. Apply at Optimist Office. tf! talent in the city, a comical dia- Gray’s Jewelry Store, where tickets Wanted immediately, girl for light house work. i ilk be had for Concert at 50¢, 75c, $1., , , C 2 , ermilk | can be ha , $1. Apply to Mrs. M. B. Cohen, Fraser street or l yue entitled Mrs. Butter can 0? oe hats of Cb, Goats —General eereware — oo 4 CO ile cco Nes | We offer two of the | G. C. Emmerson "Phone 82. 103-t.f. ; = > Jagve " ‘ jners in the city Ca ‘ NADEN BLOCK SECOND AVE. SECOND - AVENUE See eere te. NT by Mrs. Johnstone, Mr. Dagget | phone 78 black. leatied on good tern ; i and Geo. Shaw, Jr., as well as a _— ames iheestment { oe eer ee — @-e-4-9— @ 2 0 ew! -—- o-oo) — —-0-O _0-0--O— . SO0.EBS Houses Wanted number of different parts by the D A NCE ng geo inside 1 proper ° . ° . . ‘Le 2 . SOO buys ta 4 . a ere, ces ie B.O.L. Children, will be held in . section 5, This is th 5 site 2x ‘ride What better way to close the day than|Ayenue and T: : HOUSES WANTED—Furnished turnisy.| the §. A. Citadel next Friday ¥ to close ¢ } nlf i aane Prince Rupert Lodge, gto. oD oe in| OA Bhi ate Pyraiehed ans Prite oud sas and will fini hu the by going to the Dance given by ds & handled on good rm ngland, meets the first and third Tuesdays in evening, an 5 p Gray at McIntyre Hall after Concert. | 325 Cash and $4 each month in the Carpenters Hall, at 8 p.m. me I will rent them myself and pay rent in ad- i eee po vaiting, no listing. Phone me tndey-/ B.O.L. until the commencement 10.30 to 2 a.m. | handle lot 9, block } F. V. CLARK, Sec., i lack 59—U ,, f ‘ P. O. Box 812, Prince Rupert | Pe cee Hon. Mavor Tickets, Gents $1.00, Ladies Free| Avenue. Total | . Meé | oa : , $600 cash buys lots 1s a WARS ay wee ie cet /| Manson will be chairman, and a | section 7, a double cor Saturday, May 13th ad ae j Board Wanted j | splendid time is assured to all. G d | G Ch his eee ‘ re lay pw at 8.30 p.m. uy oo urniture eap | of $4 un be ma renee renety on er nenenen eerie 1 Tt late for sale now by any of $400 buys a good t Music BY THE KAUFFMAN ORCHESTRA | GET A GOOD I HING iL OO ae | the local members. ig New Stock to be Cleared a7 eons 1B pe fine level lot in Sec Sanitation [ance H. S. Wallace Co’y. Ltd. Dry Goods, Chinaware, Etc. | | | | Fulton Street and Third Avenue The Scandinavian ladies of Prince Kupert wili giveadancein the K.of P. Hall on | icine pesedishehn sina acviesereityt OF SCHOOLIN the Tall. Fee eer ere rarer | WHEN BUYING SHOES | Farm Lands FOR RENT =o eae | ne reel | aacre | eer eres er ermsrs +! Valley. $50 per month will rent fine, OUR SPECIALTY—Fire Insurance. We repre- | BUSINESS MEN LOOK ROUND Come and See 2 000 pie, leg Ps newly built apartment house, 0 9 rou ompany | gee coven strong Five Js rence Companies Sahin District on easy tert i The Mack ’ vial three stories high, containing Let us quote you rates. Realty and » make a specia rooms on upper floors. Recep- | Insurance Company, corSrd Ave. and Fulton st.|C. D, Rand of Vancouver Here F. M DONALD le Rae ee dh aoe Be é ie tion, bath and living rooms on CARRY THE BES BEST THE BEST Is. THE CHEAPEST | THE British Union and National Fire Insurance with Party Interested J. AC ir ngs in both imfiroved 4 grand floor. Must be seen to —_—_ meee peepee Company of London, England, with capital “% M le St property. : ; »f $2,500,000.00. § fo tes The Mack Second Ave., near McBride § | pro j e fully appreciated. Special 1 Realty und loataecas Genoa. T-tf | ‘ . ; All our land offering 4 ing house, ee e | i Among the passengers by the immediate deliver \ oe, G t W We ei er Prince George today were Mr reports oe all nes 8 Co-Operative Real Estate Co. e 1se Situations Wanted C. D. Rand of Vancouver, and half | -Church Services - Wwe have ooaeee a uae ay ais ae f . Investments We offer shares “‘aSK UNCLE JERRY”’ peer wirsemsemmermsrmare reser | i dozen prominent men of business Strong & Garfield’s Waterproof Boots are the thing. A classified advertisement is a tireless work- who are here on a visit of Inspec FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - 4 i . ate hunter—and seldom fails tion and study of conditions with aed aa rence’ ; a | Man and wife wants si > or hotel, mY Se iss SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN MAIL ORDERS Strictly first class cooks, Apply Box TB; | the possible location of branch land nday || pert Building and Inv« eae ne businesses here in the future. stone, of Bal Limited, at $10 per sha | By experienced man and wife as cook and he! per ) oe \ : ’ pany offers a conv P. 0. Box 342 RUPERT’S SHOE HOUSE 3rd Avenue | - posing osny or country hotel, Ap; ys H. L The party er luded Mr J | REV. F. W. KERR, M.A Pastor sovestnen ts improve : ods sO 9 city iis Compar | | Position by Japanese cook in family or boarding | Roaf of Woods, Lavson & Leggett, THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ata i Cain hhe hm ere | #9 He) | house. P.O. Box 894, 10 hardware merchatts of Vancouver, 1: SPA : geen ‘ terms. If you are loo} e e posed WwW. | Drake of the McClarey aie. oe Dp. Rutdes ern home it will pay y / : : School 2 3 Harken office for a prospect { { ; wing Co Charles Pa ible As p a ant Boarders Wanted {| Manufacturing o., Charles Par apy aie ii BR a with the company }sons of Johnston, Bros., Ltd \ FIRE AND LIFE | Geen connsytecommertntétnirteemarsonasemneity her e » THE FIRST METHOD! id. CHURCH he ss ip H. Walbridge of the National BETWEEN CENTRE 8 tnd AVE * on | ome cooked meals and nicely furnished rooms . ; . Services every Sunday at 1 M C ff for three persons. Apply Mrs. James, Scott|Cash Register Co., JamesScott a ms.: one ; os s 2 i Cc a eey. I \ | Bidg., 3rd Ave., between 8th and Sth Sts. &85-tf ' P ’ ~— RUPE \ c ls tot re asg ‘ ss School at 2 pe PRINCE Private Board by the week or month Home of N urn, Ltd , 11 negZOW', und Mr REV. C. R. SING, B.D PasTor SNAPS ¥ ! { ! / (| 1 (| ‘ | th. Ho D : FOR ’11 || FRESH RIPE STRAWBERRIES =| 52566 ere i oe ea | earn amaze | 1 | i | a || | | | nH to be looking up some in OF SIXTH STREET For your Sunday afternoon tea-party Strawberries and Cream eee ne tee * vestements in Prince Rupert prop- will make it a success. j Rea! Estate i ; : | Sectior Pure Ice Cream with all the “Fixins’’ savns n ~ Sunday Services 11 < sp Zz n erty. Lot on Summit $400.00 Sectior 2 Lots on 9t! $250 eact m Pub ite Services Monday, Wednesday Thursday, Saturday at +e & p.m. Everybody wel mee come ™ FRESH SPRING VEGETABLES $7 A classified advertisement is a real estate sales- Salvation Army What is nicer than Crisp Lettuce, Home Grown Tomatoes, with other man, and does not often count enough “'to pian yar mages : , ? ’ vegetables, with your lunch these days? count” in the net result. Services tonight at 8 o’clock | For Sale-——Lot 9, block 31, section 6; $760, cash and tomorrow at ll a.m., 38 p.m, ENSIGN JOHNSTONE, C'm'p'o orricer C. H. ORME The Pioneer Druggist PHONE : ; ; 82 a a : . ——_—____—_—_- a 7 . $250, balance 6.and 12 months, Lot 20, bloek 31, £ All kinds of new Groceries for particular people at popular prices. section 6; $600, cash $260, balance 6 and 12/anq8p.m. All are cordially in- 2 z wa months, Apply to Owner, P.O. Box 46 ; . ; ; q | 105-111 |vited, and a special invitation ge -~'@ THIRD AVENUE | We have a good building lot within a block of Mc- ide Street for $50 cas oRae & Co, | eXtended to all strangers in the NOTICES IN THE .] NAPS Ideal Provision House, ‘nie seer) BS35re Se Winiitere es: extended to all strangers in the) NOTIGRS IN aon 9 PHONE 190 city. NEWS +44 ee savne INSERT YOUR LAND PURCHASE John Dybhavn, ts eS nt eRe Re ARR AN LLL IAARAAKAAAAAAAALLAALLSERAAAAAV AAAS A EREREKKS x* +n ge te SMOOO OOO OOO OO DOOOOOOOCO OOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOO0OOCOCOOO0O( OOO Only Two Whole Months More OUR LEASE EXPIRES. WE MUST MOVE OUR STOCK TO SAVE MOVING WE WILL SELL IT AT A BIG SACRIFICE. HEADQUARTERS FOR THOSE THINGS YOU NEED FOR YOUR HOME S e e Grass Chairs, Settees, Wicker Goods, and all sorts of Summer Furniture. We have a big stock of Couches, fArm pecials | his y \ eek . Chairs and Upholstered Goods; also Stoves, Crockery, Glassware, Silverware, Cutlery, Linoleum, Etc. at Reduced Prices CALL AND SEE THEM YOU KNOW THE STORY ABOUT THE EARLY BIRD F. W. HART - The BIG FURNITURE STORE . CORNER SIXTH STREET AND SECOND AVENUE ¥ OOQOQOOOONOONOOOOOOOOOOOO OOO OOOO NODODODDONOODNDOOOOQOQODOODQDOQOOQOOQOQOOOOOQOOODOOOQONDO ‘ C) FAR FOR IR IAI IK AIO SAI III I IORI II IIH AAI AINSI IIIA III IAI III IIIS HH IO 4 * SE Pe pa Ee ie EAE OOO tai hE et aE *MOOQOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOCOOE" 40 *O #O *O +O *O