Daily NEWS: ' vnfTwll '0. 33. ' 1'IUNCH IIUPKHT, II. 0, TIltfitHDAY, FKBP.UAHY 8, 1917. PRICK FIVE.CENTS APffllRALTf WILL i COP EWIT SMARINES WASHINGTON STILL WAITING - LINER CALIFORNIA SUBMARINED OFF IRELAND REPUBLICANS ADMIRALTY IS HBBaBaBflBBflrl sbirvhhC wQi ifMSOB&tEtf wKrwi- ..if,.Ca?aa', v-lMs-iIV: OTTAWA PAPER DETERMINATION EfeVBTB9v0KSxrJr - v 3SJT "kWFtt STANDlMLY READY TO COPE i TL;SasaLFBalBaBaSBBsBaB nVPlBaVBVJuSiK 1 " 'vBaflrflie IS ATTACKED BY STEELED BY THE BEHIND WILSON WITH HUN SUBS.1 ft ?HDLTbbW 'BBHSSarfciS ROBERT ROGERS HUN OUTRAGES - i effective Measures Adopted to fmiv 1AVB .;a3"'WvC!fJk7VtBs BBBBBBBaWvsBaBBBBBaVrl 4SsWMBaTjat. BbW-. laAABsaCBBBawVBff:' ShBBBBaV w,IUon Leader In the Senate Frustrate Attacks British Bawsaiif.p'N Resents Criticism of His Work (King Oeoroe Addreeeed ParHa- Vfp Cagsrly lupporU Resolution i Have Made Important Oain ln Manitoba Confederation ment Yesterday Aaqultti Dnmar win "lairr- on the Aicre, to Celebrate Its Fiftieth Germany Has Beelared war Uln WeutraJltr. j HSHjBRjyCffl' 0 flf sBBBBTBal Anniversary. On NeutraJHy. W Tb Dslly IiSpreUl Feb. .DLsBDHBBBBBfDBtWr.BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaK JMf' (Spetitl w The Duty Xeu (8pcltl to Tb Daily .1s.i 8. The British BBBBBfaBBaSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaVLaVrB Washington, ten. . i-eeiing Admiralty ha announced the Ottawa, Feb. 8 Before ad. London, Feb. 8j His Majesty aBaBBaBatlBaBaBalaBaBaHBBaBaVBaBatBasB It still t 'e",(,n a"1-,adoption of"effective measures to joiirning Parliament yesterday ueorge, in nis speecn ai me of Parliament ytday, "P'r fro,n fiefiany t.fnilrm the threatened German until April 19th, to allow Premier.oP or speaking of the unrestricted Oer- hfitJfnl Wilson's action. The submarine menx.ee. Borden to attend the Imperial; 8ubmarine warfare, said, usi yards ami arsenals are work-' Western Front. conference In London. JMr Robert ..lf)e threal9 of fuflher oulrages n"nuou. by the aP,ointed a committee to con- pressure it h.Rh pressure and lhe lh common rjght, of human. u 'British force on both hanks of siderasuifablepanforthecele-.j Sf , lQ our de. Minne- UUleshlps Missouri and lh(i Ancr- ruI,rd , Ul lfltfl3EBgPBMBBl hration of the fiftieth anniversary termInaUon-of been Pt commission aB7 K's LsL." BaBaBaPBaBaBaBaBaBaBBaBaBaBaBaasaaBaBaK 4 Another Ms am nr((Pi, capturing Grandecourl. confederation. com- n u Mqullhf addressing the tod are now on duty, as also thlrh strong German position BaBaBaaBaVdW 9B aaHBalBaBaBaBaBaHBaBaVBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaw nsBBaV mltte was appointed to makV,, e f common, ,ast nIghtf lb cruiser Wisconsin. .lm)d llUl agaim.t lhe British plans for the taking care of re-' a,d lhat lne Qtrmln 8ubmarIne. Tk Senate, lale yesterday af- attack for many weeks. Follow.) turned soldiers. threats are a declaration of war Urnoon, by a voto of 78 to &, infS u,,, meat; the British are BBaTBaTBaTBafJaHsBafBaTBaTBaTBaTBf' :aW The appropriatioi, bill was neutrality and that he was resolution cndoriug'n(m. BaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaVLBllBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBBBaBaBaBW - -BaB Bal Kiven ts third reading, and Pre-, pitted a eriously threatening the ,ad lhal lhe cnallenge had been Wtskdrsl Wilson's action ill re- ,ir0nir Mrmr nositlon at a mier Ilorden thanked the Opposu uken by lne greale8l of lhe lira U the uerman suumanne Transloy and have entered the lion for facilitating urgent busl- nallons ..,t l8 riofltting mice bailor Lodge, the lead. Oerman lines southwest of La neo?"...,. that we should seek Id advise or usttte Republican parly In the aMe, here they killed a aim hirW ilfrldLaurier. replying to. gu?gesit o & governmenl whlch tail. u one of the most eager, ,r f Hermans and capturel ,.rumi. m1,.u..il ...r h snown Use)f lo be perfectly wsujtatiB the resolution. prisoners. The enemy dug-out members of the Opposition were Will Street. tre dalroved. hbb.bb undeserving of any thanks as u shouId do or what lt .r Tori, Feb. MBig Wall ' they had merely Performed their snou,d not do j 8Uch a ,fr'S" JKiiTSS; Germany bemn war . duty as citUens Roger of 8ore.the Dominion.t mH lh(f Tn ex,prener. ONE YEAR TOO The closing feature of the, T.n .hi.... v i.o,.... MJJMSSSi'Sj SOON; iiMK,0.n 7 " yesterday. Thr totol tofii (be Hosociag ai ar, sbouhi-thei . - - m Tfit Mean or ne ouomartne, mrnere ine sniirs Ship la Tlogers on the 'Ottawa' breU lead to hostilities. 'i mmm n following M a irucr.a - wnurn is i a io ' ConLrollsd nh IIkh mass nf wheels., levern and nusb buttons, 'rilirn n.in.r miniH W Rniilh- . ' " v r IK nfin Tho lifldiP' under ... . ... .... . . '... was Oseard Arrives. the ork Tribune by Ilenrl lhe nn rr .( riiarff "I a luuumriue lau men, Biaii. 9kij, laurv amlirothers. Mr.Roger, claimed -Callfornl. was amongst the 'vic-thal Washfnfton, Feb MT h a fBafln, of Paris, last anvemoer. her to rise l the surface or submerge at will. This ts the most unwarranted criticism of - .,,, ,.,,,... . , ,ha Amssssidor (ierard'has arrived shows very clearly just what the remarkable picture of the interior of a submarine ever published. him had been published in con.jfate-of her Cfew and. pa88enger(l ftfclril soil Is evident from'Oertnan Uea was at the outbreak neclion with the finding of ie;have ol come lo hand There fwt Ibst the gtato Depart- 'ot the war: RETURNED SOLDIERS AS (POLICE MAXE RAID commission of enquiry into lhe weM 8lx smaller gleamerSt three Dtit kit ben notified by Ambas. Sir.--The mos: highly afgnin-Jof being British; one Italian, another U lard, in Hpaln, that he evidence of the Oerman mind DEPIHT GAME WARDENS ON CHINESE JOINT,tural College. He asserted that. French and the sixth Peru- the token, never In-Otrvi 'the attack entirely due to the ku rented a despatch from and. by same was vinn INa'Sk araam f pau'la t ttapa outside Oer-Cusans tr i IIimI ha. haif rafntail ri t" from Berne, KwlUerland. tended for publicity ,mti t . a Ik c-ar,m,u,n.at. su,,,,...I II ,( ur Chinamen and one colored, K also sunk and two fishing- boats. .many. Is to Ie7ound in a recent chasc a four hundred thouiandt Willing. tt . m ... . j i-I- it. .Ilvlln f tl a 1 In- iltutlv irnmn tar,len in llil dia. Milan were arrested last night in .i.ii i m ii. t , i 1 1 Later. niioa, uuoa, rro". rne nnw m w . ... . .. . Washington. Feb. o. 4 uer- of Iflrl nrrivml from thn south ves- ll.a m-.ml.!.. r.t Klnr oa..ii. k- ..u arrtl Maeen the Unltel States ileger" over the signature ' . , , . i man submarine off lhe Irish coast and nrrminr is th nn. .h.nrb- Waller llathenau. the individual 23 Jo oT e; monS"TS Ta Fu,l.n M?eU lr. 8m SjSST deParlment without warning the British tof U.pie In Cuba. Cubans areil'. for a number of years be-frwly Wrenches l"f police have had sus- liner California. One hundred bomber. Last tfep-l"n" as a offering their services to fore lhe war. had complete charge byiP"1011 that, there was gambling 1 ana sixty survivors nave oeen lember. his brother was.kllled among ,CI,rrf;CTTn ninWAV of odlcial organiiation his Me. and. two wefks later, and other illegal work going on jUuuIolEil KALLWAI handed from a crew- of a hundred ir. need inuustnai rsiauuu-inents war and Private Wearmouth received a at this house and, on receiving and eighty-four. There were linpire, FOt GRAHAM ISLAM) Denmark In the Oerman Neutral. !severe wound which necessitated detailed information recently, thirty-one passengers on board, KTenhigen. Feb. 8-11 Is who has been deputued to con the i.i. hina invalfiiml home. He is ".htef Vickcrs drew up. the neces including four American citixens. Ulfd that the Danish this particular work in who believed to have been govern-jtinue 'a brother of Captain Wearmouth. sary papers and gave .instructions! Queen Charlotte Islands, are the Teutonic na- "ett has effort inllmaiA.1 ihni 11 suoreme Mn. formerly of Prjnce Rupert and for a raid late last night, rne January 20, 1017. saved. M Mlow aboul lo put forth. lhe eiample of lhe Hon Is wtll known all along the coast, work was carried out by Con-Ilefnre To the Flitor, TaiU article, which Is before be hauled to the shipping point. Stales In breaking off re-1 This iroinir to the front, the new stables 1 la(ley, Adams and Mc- Dear Sir: In the consideration latum with Germany ny eyes ts I vile, a in full. various for the bene- Another advantage' over building deputy same warden was a pre- - linchy about ten-thirty. The at- of the plans ,. - ;copied verbaturo: m a hurry by contract is that the rinntor on Graham Island. J. n. la.k was made quietly and the fit of the returned soldiers, it lhe war a year loo " .. would remain the island, tD CROM SALK "NVc ln-gan .a .a a a 1 money on Darker and u. It. Fiher. both re- police were on lue premises De- wouui appear mai me aavaniages have secured a uhn. un and with the settlers, and, ssssw I a v x - iiave Orientals" of of Graham Island have been over- turned soldiers, been ap- fire the were aware, To lied Cross sale on Friday-Oerman peace we must begjn at . , I ... . ..... V.n t m-AAnj. TK... WO a A Vtl.H ' T'llAFA U'A h A V A I h A IflFCfAftl by the time it was finished, the 'U be in charge of Mrs. Allison once a reorganliation upon, a ,uinie.i uepu j sisk "" , . I T. .". . -ITf"I t arms would be oroduelnf. Also in other parts of the province. anu acramoiep uoors were statu- compact area o Bgncunurai.inim - - : 1 Mn. J. 11, Kelly. .Mra. Kelly broader and firmer basis than ever med and the pqlice had to batter'in British Colombia. The climate the local government might build l display the before. Kstabllsbments that pro-tionof a waggon road on the same lines, splendid colco- given time. Kach establishment their way in to the room wnere is cool in summer ami warm in war curios which she has dues raw materials essential to also should be required lo furnish the play was taking place. winter, as compared with other spending a certain amount each wird from musl pot only continue .. . ..... .......... not to keep the settlers at Kurope. They are Uje army I.i.lt. I 11.1 -. 1... .r. I Inil i. n. Int. .trwln.1. .!. Th. a I Ihnf AL'DPV VAflP year, orlh seeing, IhjIIi as curios their work, bt enter Into It upon dispensed with', these alone to the bank was smashed and the it has wdn the cup for the best w f the time, to cnaoie nJ works of art. Ladies are re- lines of Increased etiergy, rorni-mindrd participants' to earn enougn 10 atip live economic be mobilized in the military sense.'money seized and the agricultural produce, proves thatjt&e'n that a large supply of Ing thus the kernel of ' "We must finally establish arrested. It was also discovered it Is superior to all other districts get the land under cultivation. om eo,,k(ng can be disposed of Germany In preparing in the ceo. some definite commercial under- thai the place was used as an'competing in northern British Co-standiuff Apples, cherries, plums, these .ales and lhal the de- nomlc sense for the next war, we strawberries and raspberries do with nations outsido of opium den, four hundred dollars luinbla. Of course the winter is tond rr supplies for Ited Cross Wnust carefully calculate) In ad-rk but it is not very well and from all parts the 'KuropV that will offer them ad. 'worth of the drug being taken by the rainy season, is insistent. ivance. In view of lhe lessons vantages tn be duty specified In the police. Accused were brought a disagreeable season nor are all settlers have shown some very whl 1 learned In this war. our 'detail whereby these nations, as 'up before Magistrate Carss this the winters very wet. We all good exhibits. Sflhng out at cos(, phono 493. country lacks In raw material and or'neutrals, will find it to their direct morning but the case was ad-'know the hardships and the time A BETTLFin. venalle & Hannan. tf.'essentials of raw material, disadvantage commercially to journed until Saturday morning.'it takes to clear land but it is not la NEW MAL, ro- WCLLHMTM, . .secure immense reserves . 'a if the trade or sell munitions during hard proposition govern- w'omTiosi or raW until n Jay In the phone ttO. We have just re-eeived thi car or main nuse. war to either ourselves or our SOME Fltel ment wouldTJssist with the neces- aueaar I future. We mut organiro mobillia.;as eneniies. We can afford to ilITer; UIII' Bhrub'sall did big busl- sary machinery (a donkey engine) a shipment of 500 tons T- ii7 dIst!. genuine an industrial. mobll . such conditions ourselves. And, ness for the lied Cross Society'and we do say 1500 worth of work Lump Coal. Wo are prepared to .. U srstVr p.,ab... lion as e had a military or semi-WtH fluahy, when the next war comes, yesterday .in George FrizxelPs on each place, taking a mortgage put In your winter's coal for you. MblYTk1? 10 ,h Chlf f-oiifsljntlon. Tvery technician in the it must net bo a year too soon." , atore, selling tickets for the for that amount and charging the ,tor' not ui. ,MU -""i technician, enrolled or Here in a nutshell, or "kernel,' raftlt of the huge black cod which least possible interest and hiring Tie niakers wanted at Lake 'lo quote Mr. Italhenau, Is w lint,was captured recently and which the settlers to do the work. The Katulyn, phone 384. tf. fM . . . . direction Allied l.urupe has long under- "JUir smoked to perfection. This Dominion government plight also iiboU, nd r,,,, n,,,, ro k cha,0 'stood, nnd what has liol been nh building from the ladies' fa citt me is one of the finest specimens help by a railway J. W. Kerrigan, coutCTon. ,..',, iatabllshment upon f dec truly understood In the United Gf the finny tribe ever landed on Bkldegale Inlet to Queenstown, vorite, at the Westholme tonight second day f.Uowlng new estau-li-tmicnt 'Stales save by a relative few. 'the coast. As it would prove & about to miles, thus connecting only. FOR laration of war. Hvery for cn I It Is lhe reuse n why the war burden to tho winner, Mr. Shrub- both euds of the island by a rall- SALE manuracIurlnB be mob -,m iwould be continued for ten year unll has promised to supply an way which would run through the , merolal purposes must onir al-,ly it necessary liy Frame. England equal amount of. fish in small best part. If the railway was LONDON GAR tnUX.,L.,,,V ""WW also and mulersland and their allies. It l the reason1 quantities as desired by the win- built by the settlers it would af J long. 12 fCet beam. that upon lhe l M'1! why nothing short of the "knock, er. and will send the big fishiford work at all times and enable fsMPH4LLi ,r,C b,'lrlnt, photos 7eer.r.(k.n f r 'out" will serve. It. is the reason to Ottawa. them to earn money as they re Thlrsj Avenue ami Inventory, apply at the labllllles are lo be nl why any talk or effort for peace; , . , Iqulre it. This work need not be Prompt Seevloe of tfta Beet onice of serving lhe army upon determined In would be HUrepeived, even if, Arrived on Yesterday's boat, J. hurried as when a few miles was there Is to eat at aH "cCiffery, Qibbon. A Doyle, ladvnnce also be backed b the best of motives and Kerrigan, the ladies Idol, who built it could find trafilc, as it Umlted. Just M.'rh ZllZ 'onieial sanction ftom the greatest Wnj tnr nt iht, Vsthftlme tonight would pass through fairly good B0XKI F4MI LAMM io.ti sorl menls of ran essentiab Mrnlh the army In a ' (Continued on Page four.) only in "Tho Beckoning Trail," timber and pulp wood which could