Thursday, February W, THE DAILT NEWS SEVEN YEARS FROM FAR AND NUN MINERAL ACT 2,000,000' .lASTUNTIVM, IRIS mACTIo.f, ftCUtt rmctivx, orjiTiA.i. blui bkll irac It in reported that Jlrllaln I timi coswos rnACTiox tihstli Kinking two (it-rifwh Nuhmnrlncn fSACTIOI, HAMOOU) fRACTION, ULAC Belgians building is action, rtn.i rsACTio.r. n.vt Aprtx a ilar and Hint she Is IBACTI05. COICOMS, BrOO.niA TK C- 1 jM r. asmr MMMMMMMMMBW new ship al lhs rate of two lona TIO.'O, Ml.ieniL CtAIMS SIlatM In lbs Depend on us IAhPv Bamrammmmmmm I for every ton a unit. Qimmo ChtrlolU DlttMct, loeatsd it or u -FRUIT.A.TIVE5- . lkett Btr, gsctw CbsrUlu IiUmI. rriore for Bread! of hriti.B Columbia, and lawrslly beta by The Hooth Fisheries lias bought lkU MIms LUnlUd. basmn'. Wm I (tlni twelve lrai and gear of the TAKE JIOTICE Uul I. Jobfl A. Maclanti, Bl tZcPmBT I illllaide Packing Company, fort Kltntor ftr nivds Mines Limit', frrr Since short alter the G die Be!eas mliiii' rrrllflcals 0. fSlll B, Introd Townsend. The trap are .located sfter tbt (tptrsuoa of stity Out from have depeaded for faod eaNiely oq me ''Cosawiiiiiion IBIIIIIIIIIIiaiJaakmmmmmmmmmmY Ion I'uget Hound. ttxi am krrol to apply m tHiaif of tta for Relief m BeljHan". That owa sfere of food, MM Cunptay to IM Miolor fteeoroVr for Construction tie. begun on the s errtfEesw of rnipruriiwiitt for ih pur even if not destroyed ot, sJtiged. woukt last eaJy pox of otutolof s Crown OrM U lh mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmV I'uget Hound United Htate navy ako claims. three weeks -they have had bo daaace tonastBbee yard. A tie plan of constructing AND rt'KTHER TAKE flOTICK Ibal ittKJO sad the ruthies Geriasn retM to supply bBesal sasafmmmmml mmmmmsMmmmmmmmm the way has bcfii adopted, lessening voder Boeiioa tl t tbe Mlnrral Aft mot h rommeocrHl bffore Um luuaaee of vth Bicied by tb the cost of launching big rti(1ri of Improvements. vessels. Dtd tun tut Jy of May. A. D. III. Tacoma has gained the day In Solicitor iORif for a.Iked MAax.tts,Mines LI m!14. Belgian Bdicf Fund regard to the changing of the WMABLI MATEItS rttOTSOTMN ACT, name of Mount llalnier. The St. a. a OA, its. coolnboted the BotiA Fnwiiri aad sWs UaaSed rACtne MILLS. LIMITED, hereby rl' so teneroWr aa choice of will be left AlOCRT VAHNCR a new name ooflre thit It bat, noaef Beeltoa 7 of tb Sutes, the neutral BeJgisa Reef Cuiiiiwsaaiiia had araportccj Backinfham, Que., Mar 5rd, 1915. Canadian Nurse Honored to Tacoma and nn Indian name stid Act, 6nottM stub aw Minuter enouh wheat, torn and othet fooria to feed the whaas da boa For seven r" 1 offered terribly by King. will be selected. PuWK Works t onawa, and to Um office ' .Mis Is. Al, lluhley, of so far. The peat majority of the 7.000.000 Rrlaisas left m fvtnltndatil Mlgntion. llalifai, of tbt ft(itrar 0Brl or Titles at Vlo-I from the hare bees able to for tikes? dJy slowsare of cotmtry pay Is j slated to receive the Iloyal Red una, BrtfliB Coinmtta. the a deicrtpUon off I had UlfhiDg jaj from stomach, "Are Women I'eoplet'' wan one bread bat Dorober haws Ust. steadily (rowing CroK f the first class, Ik lit and tb Bln of ertln itrnrtor, a rw Baaassy bitter staff would corns up lata my an honor of the ftubject of debate at the U tm erected la front of Lot Tblrtj-ooe J swath After rating,white at time I lad ' conferred no far upon only four Sunrise Club in Seattle recently. til , flaatw Tbr (I), Ccit Dlitrtrt. Ualeas wre are wXo to let ttese ntaadreds el sTunaJi of noses tad vomiting, and had rhrcnic iiur-e. Mis lluhley went overmen BrtUth Coiaaabta. at lb bead of Coaakaa , cbaVJrao ssad old men stafre. they most b fed at the Coaitipatioo, I went to several doctors about n year ago and has While no epecial recruiting orders aiL ! of the BeJsssa ReEef Fsaad. To si to tpcculUt la Itoeton hut performed distinguished AMD TAKE XOTICE tbal after tbe M- aai wrota a j services have been received from 93.OOD.000 a i ptraUon of one montb from tbe date of benefit, I IrieJ many rcmoLrs in the Uritish hospitals' In France. tittool Washington, there is great recruiting tbe lint pabUestton of tbti 5oUce. P- bat nothtar did me food !. activity In the United fltte MDh, Umlted. srul- nader Sectlm 7 " No people sawder the AJSed Fkp a a wwl a4aw wi oasd Vv dJviud Frult-a-tlres". I tok of tbe said Act. applj to tba Oornr-la- "A Dollar in the Bank if Hlates for both the army and has bessi terwowly Cssatfiaasl Nat cataaa erst tUi(nod fruit r&cslicib and it made Covnell for approval rj tbe itid tlte aad as rc weJl- I am grabral to "Frail-, Wortk Two in Promies" navy. plan. deaexTmccf oeapl la tbe aatase el JssSio aaal HaAraaawt, Bt tad to who haa wlev Dated al VaoeouTer, SrtUtb Columbia. tb mkn el Mr own rts area al are esa a tlm everyone Cherokee Indians have offered tki lth da? or April. A. D. ISIS. rsble health ilh ConsUrvatluu and Indi 'HEN you havc a SOSWELL. A LA5E. themselves in to the United a body pstioa and Pad Stomach, I aay like w substantial Savings iw'dietlors for Pattfle MHU. Limited. Sewa' Mates government in the event of "FrsJt a lit es ',and yo will get we " Account, you do not war being declared. The Cherokee VaoeowfSP Loud Dtotelct Dlttetct of ALTtEKT VAILSTIL have to ask favours S. Csffrfrll aEXatsrihPst CMsMaVHajsM aaW bTsb4sV Cot, PUef Indians are supposed to be re. box, fl for 2J0, trial ale $3e. or court refusals when you the highest of A Beliv. A AUatK. type native oh the $2.50 Fectis Fmf llieslen or sent poet rU on receipt of require ready cash. A Savings American continent. TAKE 7I0T1CE that Art hie Barnes Maruo, arkeby Fruit- Uvea Limited, Ottawa. Account in The Hank of oteopatoa min maaatar, of tbe dry of British North America makes Vanroater, Provloe of BrIUMi ColtJDU you independent of promises. The American fled Cross has tatend to apply for permutloa to purchase The is been organised on a war fooling tbe followrtnt detcrtbed laodi; money yours ready Commeorinr at a pott planted oo tbe when need it and the 205 chapters throughout you protected aootb I bore of Oonatn Islet about Ore against loss safe from fire and line country have started first aid tbalna wen or tbe aoaUiweft eorner of theft and earning interest at classes. Hospital equipment is Lot tl, fUnre J, Coaat DUtrlct; thenro highest current rates. being assembled and doctors and aootb IS cbaini, tbrnce we it 40 cbaint, Ibenee nortb ts cbatna. tbenee west IS CANADIAN WOMEN Deposits of SI. swd upwards are nur?N are offering their servfce rbatn. then re nortb IS.S ebaioa mora or recwlvsd om Sriaf i aecowwlt. K to H. W. M. of Covitna Inlet, tbeooe SHOULD,KNOW THIaV THE In the punitive expedition to tsUowlnc tb IL W. M. to lata post and CAVADAn?ST"l4isilaHaBEST Miik BANK OF The Whisky & Mexico two officers were killed toouiotnf ooo hundred and twenty-!! sM hy Yoar Crocr. The Covcrnsseet BoDetla llfl acres more or leas. Nj.303 tUs the story IT COSTS THE SAME, British North Anerte and one died, while forty men lost ' oQuality DATED at Vancouver. B. C, this tst ass e octi roatoiacawsM owaio' their live, twenty by disease and day of itoTember. A. D. ISIS. csSM wt rooawef-Misast 7 YEAH IN Bi"isrv twenty killed I. tl. ARCHIE BAR3ES MARTt.1. If rom wtjih;iicri.ckmCwir"l CAItTAL AKO fcLBriX, S7JSS4. -IMMlflKnUlmSlwa. 8 Years T.BAYLJtCSi CONBCNttB ISrHJtl PRIA'CE RUPERT BRANCH A carefully compiled estimate ADVERTISE IN of the man.power of the United CL'iuumro it t W.J.SMITH ERS, Manager States shows that there are covtrooxr j cxiao a The Daily News eighteen million eligible fighting I lie lMIv dr. rvl men in the country. , I carrier, 50 cents per month- W. 11. Tafl, In a recent speech in New Yore, advocated conscription as the only fair method of raising an army in the United 4 FRED STORK'S HARDWARE declared.stales in the event of war being I An examination of the Prince 710 SECOND a VI John ehowa that the had fifteen ateet plates damaged, while the I CtepsnUet' To4a ulldsrs Hardware Ship Ct ins lacy engines and interior structure j Wi Cable SUI Hooka Flshlnfl Tackle also suffered considerably. I lees PHpo Pipe Fltllnos Rlflss and Shotguns a Hops Valve AmmunlUon Two Austrian have been ar Paint rested at Hritannla Mines for Suisa and PUnas Rybtaareld Roofing CorrugaUd Iroi. having represented themselves as being Serbians. They were taken x -W SILL NOTHING BUT THst CSTN o Vancouver where they will be prosecuted by the provincial uthorities. FRED HARDWARE ST.ORK'S Teddy" Itoosevelt has pledged the services of himself and his four sons to the United States in B. SMITH has a dry goods store in m cer i the event of hostilities. tain Canadian city. He does' a food business, bat wM Bahys kO J T !? Jk I Own Soap Halvatton. Army. io oo Hiorc. ne dcucvcs inai uvcnising in nis locau iisjissysskiaji as aaaas way to ttet more business. So he advertises every bow aad thea. Public meetings, Tueaday This is where our friend Smith is wrong in advertisinj every now aat Thursday and Saturday at 8 O. m then, tie should advertise regularly ai Ltcquently as bas locau i tindsT at' 7:3n, p. m. is published. Smith says he waats to advertise rcz"ulrly. but he can't always find the I .a. to prepare aivertisements,.which is true, for he is his own buyer, safes a manager, director of store service, credit maa and half-a-dozen other things. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM What Smith should do is this: If he is located in one of the smaller eities.aa which there are bo advertising agencies giving a local copy service, aad he ;mcuit wo. has no one aatosuj his owa staff qualified by instinct or experience to M write the daily announcements; he should go to the publisher of the aews-pafrer awi it i awl Ird At 1 sta st aod IM a in which he means to advertise, requesting his help. Ia nine cases ai ta- ft St. and ird aa. out of tea, the publisher, through his advertising manager will be only tee -Innetma ' 1V. tu4 aal glad to give Smith the assistance desired. 9 . snt ( ta t,i a.. lMit-a lib ao4 If Smith is located ia oae of the larger cities he should secure the services in IktMl Hotel..' of a recogaized advertising agency which will take over the work of pre-pariag f tv tst . ttwt its hi toe his advertisements. rat Ho tel.( Ia this way Smith can be sure of having his advertisements prepared regularly Msabwra sa s. and intelligently, with no more trouble to him thaa the supplying ef ea U- ted r sod Ird SI; tbe iaformation required by the writer of the advertisements,. So Smith can do more business, and more business mesas a larger m coses ( a tt Irrt lt . and awl Mr McBrt.1 S Mile 0U St; for himself,, to say nothing of other galas that go head ta head with the wj ta -tad v abd Sad St detag of bigger business. r ie--tod aw and am si y -a. r. e. This man Smith do you know him? oaaowir se a Are YOU Smith? S lib avw. and ruikoa St. a4-wtaa aal Taylor Su. ws It Tib st. snt rulloa St SO- -lib a vs. and Comox Avaw sa T -Sth A. and Dade rL After the y. as ib Ava, and Tttotnneoa SU the Uth with BABY'S OWN SOAP tf row aro dolwj a I at twswhswa taJk svawr ywwr adysrHasag wash tka AaW k'n is smooth, comfortablss, aad exhales tho a . lib oirouit At, aav and a.Kmmsraaa 11 stag Ppartaaoaiiof this wawsaiayai. arotna of freshly cut flowers. W. V sk arw Joint a proalnjasl we wati J Wyl aa k wasald ba) wwA far yasa U haws 1 rceilom froia kln troubled, in some measure a. aawiui Ava. and MeSrtd fL Um awwaisl susd asalstawco wf gwod Jvetisia aa oacy. A Rat sat tbasa wM b fwr-Ishad, explains " babies si aa us Ava, aad Oeaaa Si without coat or obltatts, by ta Saaratary f CaasaMaal frwae AiaariaXaas, refrtshlnu aleep which "Baby's Own Soap" ss 44 SIB As tad Basil SL Awaaw Sa3, Lwaasdaai BillaVa. Torwoto. nJoy. lisiwlallyforuiirtivelniston,4Baby'sOwn . a 7U at, and BbarU. AUFJ'r his taiTU Avo. aad Twwg St, SOAfS LiwUiad, Majsyiacturor, MONTREAL, ii ID a e a w e tiHrwdf