Fr,uay, l!fnry 9, 1017 THE DAILT NEWS SEVEN YEARS PROM FAR AND- NEAR MINERAL AST 2,000,000' e KASTtRTIUM, IBIS riUCTIOiV, BtLLffl riiCT10.V -3E.1T.A.V BLUE BELL tunc- There l stilt no word of the. TIO.V I.09MOS fHACTIO.f, THISTLE TORTURE arrival of ldt IiitMlilai.d and II rilACriOJ, MAftKKlLD rgACTIOK, LILAC Belgians n act io.i, rcn-f rRAcnoji. raj apple I unlikely thai she will make an ni actio, coxcomb. Broo.itA riuc- American port now, The, cargo TIO.V. JMI5CRAL CLAIMS StlOSt Ifl UM Depend on us N ' Queen Chsrtott Dm net, locafd si or ncr -FRUIT.A.T1VE3- which wan stored jip,(fr ber at fkdt Biy, Osem Chariot u Jaland, Froviatr for Bread! .lew London, Conn., was burned or urui.b Columbia, sad lawrmtr beld by-tike Ikeda Mil LUnitad. VJHEIbbyT' '? anMBnMBnMBnMani the other day, noon after word JiOTICE tost 1, John A. Maclnoit, was received of the breaking- of Klintor for Ikeds Mtses Limited, free f Siacg slwrtry after ttte Genaaa utvaaawB, tW BrIm miner' ccrtiflcti Jio. 701ft B, Intra) relations between the Btaleo and .tut to riptra of sitty dr from have depeeded (or food ensWly oa the ''CnaiiiisiiaB i dtt brof to asvif oa tbsif r um Geriiiany. for ReLef --anaWaMraSfifr BsbHbbI b BeJpua". Tl owa lieee i food, laid. CoiDtiany to toe Minlnr nceorder for a.reruiUaia of improTemeDts for Lbe ptr even if not destroyed or partaged. would last otAf ' Thro in a aevere epidemic of po or ottiiQicf s Crown Oram to Uw HHr 'tShmmmBi tB eiaims. three weekj tfeey hsve had bo rAaace to I measles raging cl Hitka, Alaska. ASK FURTHER TAKt NOTICE tbal Mtvxt aad the teiasa bmbmbmbmbmb B It is affecting both the whiles and ruthless Geiiias to sttpplf tbaail andtr 8ttloo II af to Mineral Act moil the natives. be, cMnawnrcd orfore the ISMaaea cr lurjr Backed by (a rerutteaie of improvement. George Carpcnlier, the French Dtird tola tin day of May. A. D. ISIS. boxing champion, refuse to leave Solicitor foit.t for a.Ikeda MAa.f.iEa,Mioca Limited. Bdian YMTmd .sbyIsbbbbbbbbbpbV the army to curry out a boslngi - 1 MVIOABLC WATERS mOTCOTION ACT,I engagement in New York. LT.-COL. M. A, GENET, D.8.O. a a, a oar. us. I ALBERT VARNCR Who wan def rated by the King rAanc mills, united, hereby ti sa raeasiajy caaasliulwl at tiBcitaah Eanswo aad sW UaAed May 3rd, 1015. II. (1. Wells, the fatuous novelist, nr.tire tint it bti, aoder Section 7 of to . Satea. the antral BeJasna Refef Ci niminlrs kas iaaporteal Barktnthsm, Que , lie .. . recently r .men of n Canadian Ijt .at. aUluN..! .K. Ik. Ulal...a ' I suffered Urril lf says that victory depends enougJs wtteat. Sow sm asfacr foods to feed lb) wlisls aatioa For seven UttJacAft yeais, d Indention, family well known in eastern upon aeroplanes, "tanks" and big liblle Worti tt otuvt. and la toe omce so far. The sxeat maioriry of the 7.000.900 'r last as (ran I UJ txleLlng gas from the ston-wli, Cannda. guns. He believes that the "tank" or iru,tbc Brttisb ftrrtiirar Columiita,Oorral of a descrtptloo Titles st Vic of tbc country bars beea able to pay far tfceat oiatry alsissBti of ynr staff would come up into ray which at present weighs twenty tte sit aad the pUm of remio ttrvclore breao! but s satadaly mowing Dumb novo at ananas left tuna, will develop steadily into a t t erected la front of Lot Tblrtyuoe after eatlnr,while at times I had BMth (St . more Tnree (J), Ccait District, UnJeas ww are wCoc to let tbese aVofi all el and had rhn-nie "A Dollar in the Bank U tremendous instrument of war. vomltlnr, MojrD'l BrttliS ColaalXt, tl Um brad of Cosflit , cJiUrea aad aid men starve, tbey Bsstat befedatnhe Con-UpnUon, I went to several doctors Worth Two in Promisei" Islet. of tbe Belfast! Reief Fnmd. To aval tod rot to a specialist in I lot ton tut Seward district has bad the A.1D TAKE 50TICE tbtt After UM I-pjratioo tt.wWrOM vitBoutbrnrfit. I tried nuuijr remedies most iMftere ilidn experienced of oo rooattt frwn toe due or rl but Bolhinr did me rood. Fbwtlx. a you have a for fifty years. In one big slide toe erst pcbllcitloo of ibis .iotla, ra-CISC WHKN Mlflf. limited. wtO. under Sertlon 1 nW"FnUUlireM. I took Savings tree fifty years old were snapped of St Mill Act. apply lo tk OoreroT-la. No analer e AM Hap as aa vralaiaW tooaasl thii friaJ fruit medicine aad it mvio you do not olf like twigs. duamfl for approval of tlw said alio and generously as we Canarrtanal H cnane haa eer keaa B4dl. I am grateful to Trait, have to ak favours pfan. (Wring of Leipl htbesntaseof or court refusals when Dated (t Vancouver. Brltlib Columtit the sake of who Laj you ante tim and to everyone mUo nuicn require ready cash. A Savings warsnlp picked up a tku utn day of April, A. D. ii. nbie health tb Cottatipat ioa ami la.ll. German submarine in Dutch bean ana- anartyoad Aliosl Account In The Hank of BOD WELL, LAWS05 k LAIC pstioii and lUd Stomach, I say take Hritish North America makes waters the oilier dcy and brought Sotlcttora tar Psctfle MUU. Llalted. SoW foanMisliii wotaty. awaanly otboaol "FruiU Ures a4 f ou will rt irrtl . it to Hushing, at the mouth of you independent of promises. Vaoosvte Land Dlctrict DIUI f ALI.KItT VAllXltt. The money is yours ready the frklicldt, where II has been Cot, Rug a. CannnnsaWnnnl nnalanwnnTannw EBnnnnnnnn4tVan.anannnsavB'vvBV Gnnnnnnnsai44nnnnnnt 1 It Pvtar ft. box,6 tor 2 iO, trial siie, Tx. Interned. fe-a when you need it protected A MaMtk. Feeda A $2.56 lVigij. FaaaMy likikn orseat rtpll on rceel; of against loss safe from fire and TAKE NOTICE Uut Arcnl Barnes MtrUn. friMtyrroita Urcs Lunl ted, Ottawa, theft and earning interest at The Standard Oil Company is ottuptttoo mill manartr. of tbc dty of highest current rates. difttnisfting all Hermans from its Vanconvee, frovmcc of BrltUb ColbsitiU. tatend to anptjr far permtitira to pur-coat employment in the United Stales Depotltt of tl. ! kpwirdl W tbe followine detcrtbed lurta reW4 oa Sviaf aecovau. and an armed guard bas been put OmsMKluc at a poai ptoated on tbe THE BANK OF upon its plants. uin tboic of Cooalni Inlet about Sv cbatna wttt of tbe toattrvett corner of UA SI, Rsnr S. Coatt DHlrict; tnene British North Anerke (erman claim that newspapers sootll JO cbatna. tbeoc t 4S cbalna, General Carranza bas sent his tkenc north ss chain, tneore west St CANADIAN WOMEN 7 TEAHS IS BfilNLSV bet wishes to the Kaiser. If Villa rbalaa, Uteac norta. II.S chains marc or KROWTHI9 mmm mm m 1 4 CAPITAL AND MMrLUS. STJSSLOOa. ! M H. W. M. or Cousins Intel tnence SHOULD were to follow suit it would be tlk1nr Use H. VT, M. to this poll and CANADA nRSTMfrBx is the BEST Mb The Whisky PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH very appropriate. roautator on bandred and twenty-five soli b Your Croctr. To Ci latirvt BaSleHa. 1 S teres mr or lata. N-.305 tlla the story IT COSTS TlsKSAffaE. oQuabty W.J.S.M mi ERS, Manager The Kaiser has conferred the DATED at Vancouver, B. C, uuj lit vaatotatreoviifMiaa a aa day of A. D. ISIS. Rovember. uiumi ui raMo-taaisr Iron Cross, with a white ribbon, J. St. ARCHIE BAR.1E3 MtRTH. llrwanthirtrttB.cMITiidTiar' upon Count Von Ilernslorff. Bill tkca kip tt wua fmk una. 8 Years had better conserve his supplies Ton AYLMKR CONOCNSCB 1BHLJC MwWttU( of iron. ADVERTISE IN X&p avunawOirrCASWOO CfAIAJTim IT THE CO1X.UD!:W CJL1AOA The Daily News President Wilson has appoint- rd Teddy" Iloosevelt Junior ma. jot o (nfsntry la a rejerve cprju Mineri ou I'nie Crvek. AJaaka. fought and won a battle with flame last Saturday. Tbe lire FRED STORK'S HARDWARE threatened in wipe out the new lown of UIdps,as the thermoroeter was at 40 tMlow and lbe only water obtainable was sol from 710 SECOND AVE melting euowv So hard did lbe miners work In shovelling snow Casantsra Tool ulldam' Hardware Ship Ctianslary that they quelled Uie outbreak. Cabta aual BiocU rishlng Taokls They thought they were in the Ifcq "Ips Plpt Fitting Rifles and Shotguns tropics by Uie liove tliey got Rops Valves Ammunition through. ump Hose Paint ii i ' aaaaaaaata mwi iirri- sts Haras and lUoflao Rub&orold Roofing Corrugatod I rot. The new city of Anchorage, 1 Alaska, Is planning a dog-team It I "WI SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST race from Ancnorage lo Seward. an ABSniaJixReluikWr A party of reindeer men are In Anchorage, making plans for jFRED STORK'S HARDWARE starting a reindeer ranch. They claim that there Is plenty of the necessary reindeer moss to be B. SMITH has a dry goods store in a cer fnund in that vicinity. tain Canadian city. He docs a good busisesa, bat waats Bahys Own Soap Salvation Army. k to do more. He believes that Advertising in his local newspaper k-taa way to get more business. So he advertises every now aad thea. Public meetings, Tuesday, This is where oaxr friend Smith ii.wrong tn advcrtiswtf every bow aad Chursday and Saturday at 8 o-m then. He should advertise regularly as frequently as baa fecal nawsaaaaif undav at 7:30 p.m. is published. Smith says be wants to advertise,regularly, but he can't always aad the tisaa ,.tMMMm to prepare ad vert is em cats, which ts true, for be is his own buyer, sales-manager, director of store service, credit sua and half-a-dozen other things. FINE ALARM SYSTEM What Smith should do is this;: If he is located in one of tbe smaller ekses, ia which there are no advertising agencies giving a local copy service, aad be 1INCUIT NO. haa'bo one among hie owa staff qualified by instinct or experience to x i IS Sth M iimI I'M t write the daily announcements, he should go to the pubb'sher of tbe eewt n. 1 ata st and Ird At pajSer in which he means to advertise, requesting his help. Ia nine cat at Sat IS ID SL and Ird Ava. out of ten, the publisher, through bis advertising manager, wili be only too 1S- Janritna t 11. 14 4 glsd to give Smith the assistance desired. fr.1 A. Ml IS 11 wl,MU ilk snd If Smith is located in one of the larger cities he should secure the services lit 4t. (Kihti H0tLI of a recognized advertising agency which will take over tbe work of preparing If III av and lib S, (Cao bis advertisements. Hril In this way Smith can be sure of having his advertisements prepared rag- , owatiurv wo, s ulsrjy and intelligently, with no more trouble to him than the auselytag at svt f- sm tul ird pi S the inibrmatioa required by the writer of tbe advertisements. lloi iieea So Smith can do more business, and more business means a larger income Sat S rrt wl rW Oat M - 1M ttt irBrtde J I for himself, to say nothing of other galas that go hand ia bead with tbe r vtHl v awl rl "l doing of bigger business. a, S vnd a4 u f s? a. t. r. This man Smith do you know him? OiaWOnM f anraW Mat Are YOU Smith? a si kin Ava. sad rtUfcrn St. at Maaeaw and-Taylor Sta. i a Tin a. tod ruiton SL Sat SS- tb at, sod Comos Av Sat Ml am ava. and Dads fL Afer the the ? Am At, tad TSonssoa SI bath with BABY'S OWN SOAP tf sou r aVoW a Ucal Utiawaa UB. wear yawr IvarVitang nrabl wtak She AaW. ,kln amoolit, comfortable, and exhales tho SiwCUIT Siaiog Paoaatntoofral tbi oowapopac. Oat At- tl Aty and Emmaraoa 4 .oma or fre,hy cut flowert n II yaw or Joint a iaUalal ar avainawal Wwalawaa a waavl! bw waH fee ywa te hone CCUC from, skin troubles, explains lu some measure m, s- Itk Ava, tod McBrtda SL Ua caaaal nn4 aaaUtico of g4 nalvortiaUa- tVaf, A fit! f Uiaaa will he tka the i rtfreshlng alec-jv which Own Soap" b!, 4i as lib Ava. and Ora SL aiakad, without coil or oBaUo. by La Scr4afy of Caaodiaa Proaa Aiaaolttlao, "Baby's ai aa - sin a tod Bull sl atawan 593, l.tii.Jaa. B.iiUiaa, TarmUo. HJoy. l!pecUUyfoxuunrviwelniIjtou''Baby's Own . aa as Tin Ata. and BOarla. ai 141 -lib Ava..aad luni B4. lBCRT SOAPS LWil, fciWaotisrora, . MONTREAL. kh i aoanoaaeaaaaaaaansvT t