THE WEATHER NEXT MAIL ann re hours ending 5 a. m., For Soutn ay 1h. ‘ ‘ ; pope fe ni MIN. TRMP. BAR IN, RAIN State of California, Tuesday, 59.0 40,0 29.781 rs For Nortu bed attie..... Wednesday, Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist . II, NO, 108 Prince RuPeR‘, B.C., Monpay, May 15, 1911. : : \ : te RICE FIVE CENTS L. CORONATION FESTIVITIES HOLD SWAY IN LONDON PRESIDENT TAFT HASTENS Fess], ABOUT EMPIRE DAY ? Frank Hofstot the Banker is 10 HS WIFES BESDE ee EVERYBODY GET BUSY (Canadian Press Despatch) Portland 8, V (Canadian Press nna Daneel ; : ; g ; Pittsburg, May 15.—The trial} * OFGand & Vancouver 1. | Winnipeg. May 15.—A_ heavy ized With os Illness, from Which in Was First of Frank Hofstot, the millionaire are ae aly! | thunder and lightning storm struck Committees Consid_ring Making it a Day for Children Feared e Would Not Recover—Danger banker, started this morning. Last] POKane 8, Victoria 2. | the city on Saturday night. The —Want the Public to Attend on Wednesday Point is Now Passed week on a charge of conspiracy ee sons |warehouse of the MacDonald and Help Make the Day a Success ‘ 2 arising out of the same allegations M S ER IS | Tent Company on Logan avenue Canadian Press Despatch i astene le y ; ’ y I y | pan) G ge ee sign am Bie ; : P inac ss Despatch) him and hastened to New York. he was liberated as the jury | was struck by a bolt, and set-on What with Empire Day, Dom-) pointed out the situation and it New York, May 15.—Brought|Mrs. Taft was then in a critical disagreed. DEEPENED ce. The damage exceeds $8,000, |inion Day, Coronation Day, andj Was practically decided by the femme the bedside of his wife by news| condition. Her malady is a re- fies eens ne hy kd eae ret the King’s Birthday all following meeting that Empire Day had at she had been suddenly taken | currence of a nervous trouble, from} MULAI HAS ABDICATED | MRS. BESANT'S MESSAGE close on one.-another's heela this better be devoted to the young- and might not recover, Presi-| which she had a narrow escape Body of Dorothy Arnold ia! ae tat be % Pe sters, and that a later date, say nt Taft spent all last night in| of death in the fall of 1890. Is Now a Prisoner of the Pre-| Found Floating in River | Sexe RéisicatHation of Christ bode ‘foe "Prints, eae” e Dominion Day should be made the iety, until this morning the! Urgent business of state in tender, Ismail Hafid aes and World-Peace is Near decide which day to noe fae eccasion of the adult athletic ysicians were able to announce Washington, called the ery 35 a aC HEIRESS | ees the athletic programme which Y Ncieaiilae Will Report at the critical stage had aig away, as soon as his wife (Canadian Press Despatch Rie Ab eR rN aoe ee ; ag as his was out! anadian Press Despatch) (Canadian Press Despatch) proved such a successful holiday issed | of danger, but he will return here} Madrid, May 15.—Despatches She Has Been Sought for All| London, May 15.—Mrs. Annie] attraction last year. ‘ But on Wednesday 17th inst., in the Court House, another meet- A MRIS ERNE Be PANE | President Taft was at Harris-|immediately the most important] received here this morning from Over America for Several Besant, head of the Universal! Presiding at a meeting to con- when the message reached | business is attended to. Morocco, state that Mulai Hafid, Months—Brothers Identify ; ° . i} the ruler of Morgcco has abdicated Body as That of Their Sister. | * Theosophical Society arrived sae toe this on oe the re CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 j today from India, where she has | |his throne, and is now a prisoner | spent several years in contempla- A S SEEN MANY CITIES lof the pretender Ismail Hafid and (Canadian Pees Despatch) | tion: 3 | his body of rebels. New York, May 15.—After a ee ed co pa vs ‘ 4 ‘ , She says she brings news to the ‘ . No information is given as to|search all over the continent for|__ x aie oe Fas a ae world that the reincarnation of fs the safety of the foreigners during orothy Arnold, the New York Chiist. ta attend and: tat . 8 Late uprising heriess who disappeared myster- ; a : ne 5 nett : ~ ,{|general peace throughout the : : jiously eight months ago, her dead world is coming 24 Woe aS a vals sh From the Beauties - “The 1 Paris of America,’ | STRIKE AT OTTAWA body was found in the East te Ty MN RE tee oe ‘Mr. D. R. McLean Will Take Charge of the Presbyterian Mr. Stoddard Johnston, a Traveller of Experi- | River yesterday. It has been) ROYALTY IS COMING Work at Hazelton—Rev. J. S. Henderson Con- : | Builders’ Laborers Go Out—| partially identified by her two ence Prefers Canada and Will Make Building is Tied Up —_ ducted Impressive Ceremony Before brothers. “ . His Home in Rupert The finding of the body has only (Canadian Press Despatch) Large ree i : . F ([Patiatte rans 4 ‘ pial . pa teaiey Sia T. iy ee o . pe With the intention of becoming | (Canadian Press Despatch) deepened the mystery of her dis Vancouver, May 13.—Prince Ht wae diveey Ging ttiaies 40.) ILL BUILD a permanent resident in Prince | Ottawa, May 15.—Four hun-| appearance. It had been thought Leopold of Battenburg, a cousin of | powerful wi Ok aie om age GEORGE WILL Rupert, Mr. Stoddard Johnston | dred builders’ laborers walked out by many that a love affair was at} King George, is a@ passenger On| ioe the church and. state A NEW HALL who owns a good deal of property this morning to enforce their de-| the bottom of her departure, and the steamer Empress of India preachéd yesterday moring’‘in evel BE DAY LATE jin the city and is a personal friend |™and for 28 cents an hour, which| that she would turn up all right| which left Yokahama on Tuesday. Preshytedian) Chnirchi “bythe Byes lof Mr. David H. Hi uys, has ars fhe is been refused. Their stoppage | later on. The finding of the dead! He will arrive here on May 2\st. moderator ‘of/thé Province; Rev. here. Mr. Johnston has| has brought building Operations}body has revived the suggestion|He is a brother of Queen Victoria J. Si Heaerién that Mr. D. R. Has Big ds Contract to Fulfil gshoremen of Prince Ru- ° rived pert Have Secured Site travelled widely, and has a very| to a standstill. jof foul play. of Spain. McLean, as fine a specimen of high opinion of Canada and the/ eo Sree ~ |manhood as one would see in ar PLAN BEST IN CITY Canadians as compared with other | lday’ s march should be guiateeds RUPERT WILL MAKE RUN . ; lands and their peoples. He was for the ministry to take up work BL i ge First Avenue and Eighth 5 prince Rupert a year ago, and| G R lin Bi aaiitons (Abe Mich een: aie | Report That Rupert Might Miss Street. Substantial Two-sto- ; Bice Her Trip This Week is In- +h | has also lived in Winnipeg. Ja reverend, stands about three | Hall Wi i : i i 7 ul ‘be Erected With Knows Mexico Well inches over six feet and is built in| correct. George Will Arrive Business and_ Recreation Sunday Morning Instead of D Probably there is no man today proportion to his height. : . ——s ooms. , ; , ? : | Saturday. in Prince Rupert who knows more} At the conclusion of the seromn f ' iY Mr. fr. McLean was ordained in the 0 ee hatew months the ongshnore rT Z 7 ¢ ~ ar ‘ ” Johnston has been all over that | | presence of the congregation by n account of a contract made a few months ago, the Prince country during the past few years, Tg Met at Victoria Station by King GnoraeeSoacihes They Travell? the smodetaiae sesiated. hy. MEST eee oe and has some very fine photogr: vate! McLeod, an elder of the church, aS Datta slot -Mexioeh) lila, ~The prema | in State to Buckingham Palace---Coronation Festivities Ave| ii. "Goce oe ae Oe ene erve, so they are taking steps/“! * re Pg eet ees oe F r Helpful ad-}@ !@tge excursion party which is have a new and commodious|“ispute there he describes as a| Now in Full Swing--Kaiser Will Be Present at the Unveiling ** * “Som Melptul a ri making the trip from Seattle to olt for better conditions by a Vancouver. The effect of this arrangement is to bring the Prince George here on Sunday morning instead of Saturday. She will bring mail as usual. On her trip down below this morning the George carried about conditions in Mexico nm of Prince Rupert will probably fe to remove from their present dquarters on the G. T. P. dresses were given by each of the of Memoria! to Quee:: Victoria--Aeroplanes Interested Him | cealeamen: to Me: Mtsjaal SA | the congregation, (Canadian Press Despatch) Sheerness overnight and proceeded | Met by the King | Yesterday was unquestionably ] eres ted Already a site has been secured | P@rty of determined and progres-| an excellent: position opposite Windsor Hotel on Eighth tet and First avenue Here the of numbers with them. They want the six year presidential ! sive men who have the sympathy | | | London, May 15.—The Coro-| to the city this morning. They | The Emperor was met by King| the greatest of banner days in . ue ; ; tees Sa Retoria Stati and|the history of the local church term instead of the perennial) tion festivities are now in prog-| were welcomed with an enthusiasm |George at Victoria Station, ard} the hist ") ; al ; : self-re-election plan adopted by was driven in state to Buckingham | by the fact that it was the first palace. While at Sheerness, the lordination service ever held in i Kaiser and Kaiserin were much | Prince Rupert and also that this vailebia eee baduateg ve} Emperor in London. interested in a flihgt of aeroplanes | city was honored by the first available to eb c r 5 ; } . é sses M H ders , : . ; > es-| . : ; ~ ; ; c > the aeronautic brane ,|addresses from Mr. enderson wn that the. premises .. will Grant system by which huge es siasm is prevalent. From now To Unveil'a Mé mortal by the aeronautic anch of the since his ; intment as lers tates are given to favored persons, until the ceremonies are over there British Navy. since his appointment as modera- ; Paoy Wie to the effect that the Rupert was The revolt centres round the per-| continuous round of During the week of their visit A Dirigible Overhead tor. ee ne Si ae his Mr. Henderson gave a splendid|"°t t make her usual trip this sermon in the evening. He left week, the Grand Trunk steamer this morning on the S$. S. Prince officials state that the Rupert is George for his home, but before expected ori ee ¥ octnaeea x going he expressed himself as She will leave on Friday morning ngshoremen plan to erect a hall : | ress, and distinguished guests from | which fully demonstrated the per- | Diaz They want governors for) parts of the world are arriving the states chosen by the people, j hourly. The streets are thronged and the abolition of the Lanc with people, and a spirit of enthu- Bch will be the largest and most 62 first class passengers, and a number of second class and deck passengers, In contradiction of a rumor ulortable meeting place in Prince sonal popularity of the German} mpert. Although plans are not mesist of a two storey building will be a sonalities of Madero the wealthy festivity and rejoicing in the capital} to King George and Queen Mary,| Especially was the Kaiser in-| patriot of old family, and YOURS : : ‘ the Royal guests will be present} terested in the dirgiible, which in Garibaldi who is a grandson of Emperor Wilhelm Arrives at the unveiling of the memorial|company with a number of the the Great Garibaldi. Mr, donne Principal in rank among this} to the late Queen Victoria, The | aeroplanes flew over the Royal | Ke hall for meetings and enter- | 5? balieves that the insUrranyne morning's visitors were the Kaiser} Emperor of Germany is a grandson | yacht, while it was at anchor off | lwill carry their cause : > delighted with the prospects of for the south and will carry the ments. | will carry their cause. and Kaiserin. They arrived atjof the late Queen. | the naval depot at Sheerness. {Prince Rupert. He is more than| frst direct mail to Vancouver Wonderful Nation —_—__-—__. + ; \ are 2 rated. 5 7 — — ince the George le ay. inds are being raised among ange : | pleased that he came here because since the George left today ‘members of the Longshore-| A series of fine PP Loennns tues at intervals. The style o ‘HAD TO SING | “IT will not lend yeu the money, | he now is cognizant of the great = ; ee n's Association, Already a con-ja great procession held last fa | but I will let you earn it,” replied JAP, NAP, TAP, SCRAP . - siniv. Frenc he church has to do here : : p A per baa , Hid-| the city is mainly French. work t é erable sum is in hand, a celebrate the centenary of et ure among the most sant FOR HER BAIL the man. “If you will sing me aland the wonderful opportunities se ad 1 » Pp y yomen are é . . ” | a Ure ” . ° ° ‘ . . lalgo the Priest whose personality] w | | song, you shall have the money.” |ahead of it in this, “the greatest]Oriental Dispute at Port Es- AARGES AGAINST OLIVER |is at the very soul of the revolt.| tiful women of all nations, and | — | In vain, Madame protested that! feld in the province’’ to use his sington. Jap Arrested lIn this great procession all the) he wealthy among them dress} Strange Plight of Madame | she could do no such thing, but! words. ret Gite Vvestigating Committee Meets, stages of the marvellous Mexican only in the latest from Paris, | Schumann-Heinck the friend was obdurate. Mr. McLean leaves for Hazelton Wednesday—-May Adjourn |¢ ivilisation which dates back to) phere are 3,500 automobiles in the | - It was only when she was being} with his bride tomorrow. ; 5 | the year 600 A.D, were shown in city nearly all of which are of | GOT HER LIBERTY led away to the cells that the diva oe eae ee nat Balmoral Cannery fell foul of a (Canadian Press Despatch) character, Two thousand five-| French manufacture imported at lifted up her voice, and for a few CONFIRMATION SERVICE fellow-countryman yesterday. The Mttawa, May 15.—The Investi-| hundred persons took part, and’ great cost, | Arrested hes Speeding at Yonk-| minutes the patrimen, the prison- ri Rs aggrieved Oriental was named Ha- Ring’ Committee appointed to there were 30 open carriages an : ers, After a Protest She Rais-| ers in the cells, and the reporters Eight Candidates Confirmed in| magishi and his assailant rejoiced ir the charges against Hon, |@¥t08 containing the repcanen ea ROUND TOWN TODAY | ed Fifty Dollars Bail by Sing-| who were at the station, rev elled | St. Andrew's Church Sunday |in the honorable name of Kimura. ank Oliver will meet on Wed-| tives of foreign powers. Accom- Sie cs) ing to a Friend. jin the beauty of Madame'’s golden | " Hamagishi, as you may ovserve day. Itis uncertain yet wheth-|Panying the procession were &) — Wharf —— notes. The Apostolic Rite of Confirma- A : evidence will be taken, or an| thousand Mexican Ruralees Who City Items from Street, arts (Canadian Press Despatch) When the song ended, the friend} tion was administered by Bishop journment ordered until after|o'espond to our Canadian N. W. and Hotel Yonkers, New York, May 15.—| paid the fifty dollars, and led|DuVernet yesterday morming in le reopening of Parliament in|™M- P: ame } A strange plight was Madame| Madame away to her car. St. Andrew’s Church to eight ily. The Paris of America The city council meets tonight. Schumann-Heinck in yesterday, i If witnesses are heard, it is| Mexico City, ‘The Paris anged that Dan MacGillicuddy, | America,”’ is one of the w ealthiest > man who charged that Hon.|and most beautiful cities in the) . R. for his services in having| streets and roadways ir lands changed, will be the|spacious “gloriettas’ or t witness called, spaces adorned with beautifu