THE DAILY NEWS The Daily News FARM LANDS|ALDERMEN__ Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist Bulkley Valley : BE CAREF UL Published by the Prince Rupert Publishing Company, Limited LAND PURCHASE NOTICE NOTICE LAND PURCHASE Divtriet of Coast Range & gut one mile west of | thence west #0 chains, thence north a cpa’ 7 Wn see heen eee CaNADA— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, Skeena River —— Laake Lakelse, south side of Skeens river ee containing 640 acres, ncenen ; y » is of Coast Range 5 . sy | Date Feb, 3, 1911, OHN 4 i y in advance 168, BONE. ss ik Ce $1,915] RUBBISH MUST BE CLEARED Dated April 26, 1911. BELL HALL KENNEY Sait Morel ine ydoun Pub, May 12. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cente per inch. Contract rates | 861-2 acres, 161-2 acres improved, 7,000 on application. BS a a Saree District of Cassiar } Skeena Land District — is: ‘ ‘ Skeena Land District > T otioe ndrew ( 5 MEAD OFFICE Porcher Island Not Only the Foreign Immigr- = weal pa tane notice that 1. James Dunlop eats couver, Hi, veeupaticn c F Buys 160 acres o rui upert, B. 1 oO - surehase the following | for permission to purchase the / Daily News Building, i ; 286 acres, Crown Granted........ $3,750| ants, but Business men and $ ., | apply. for permission to F ed lands: y g, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. Aldermen who Should Know 3200 and Vegetable land at Kit- | described lands ntad about two miles | Commencing at a post planted i i i Commencing at a post pla selas. Half mile from Railway. Fine) yer the forks of the White and Flat rivers, | balf miles in an easterly direct BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES ‘ ‘ence west 80 chains, | ot Naas River where the Lava | New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 28rd St., New York City. ¢. R. N ADEN COMP ANY ie es Have Been Letting cabin included. thence north aac isanee saat BO chang | Rear the tral th ence went hi SEATTLE-—Puget Sound News Co. ‘ eeSererete. Buys 75 1-8 acres of Fruit Pubs May i." ae Francia 8. Preston, Agent | chains to polnt of commencem: Lonpon, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Limited. $187 land at Kitselas, Half ui uh Cacek Mike dD Date Feb. 3, 1911. ANDREW eu eres Prince Rast, BA Unless tne citizens of Prince mile from the Railway. Sheena Land District ine Muselien. of Prince Pub. Mar. 10. Josey occupation married woman, intends = —— weil siping nian Rupert, the householders, the busi- Rupert, B. C., to purehase the following | Skeena Land District —District ee Buys Rooming House on 3rd | to apply for permission Take notice that Edith ii at Raney D. E " weg yiC ‘ ness men, and ee ye tl 2 é I 1 r- ° oe MONDAY, Sas: ] / IE I R OQU OIS men get et aa” és $700 deseribed lands i i . » t yet planted at a post at the | Ikleg, Yorkshire, England, cx Ave. Nine furnished rooms, | Commencng a 2 ose ee ce Pe cee tiene, oo Seok’ tap ni Harvey's Survey, Coast District, | following deacribed land» th t corne all rented. A snap. | ee iiie section 6. Easy terms | Prince Rupert, B. C., oceupacion farmer, intend fram the south Gast carne’ of . The resuit was that the men who improved the district had to to apply for permission to purchase the following SSE ee ee ah idea ; j sg ona a | th th 40) ¢ " nest. : THE SINGLE T POOL clean up their back and front » thence cnet £0 Sina, themes ecuth £0 | gorner of surveyed lec 50D eae + : : . “cc - ’ » east 20 ch an uth 20) trict, thence north alon ae E TAX AND THE ASSESSMENT BRAS: yards, there is going to be trouble) “ASK UNCLE JERRY chains, thence, Saat 20, chaing, thenge fmt 3s rs rae or : i ie n imit of Lot 3985, Range 6 t distrie ee English and America ards for them, 250 Buys store and House on the | eres mom or ioit. ANNIE MUSSALLEM | east along the southerly Timit of the last tenn A workingman reader of the News has written to inquire what| TWelve Tables SECOND AVE.) Sanitary Inspector McFarlane| $ main street at Kitselas. | Pub. May 18 i. dame OC. oe’ 8 ws : : $ $ ° ° Ms . : : . terly limit of lot 8991, thence . is the meaning of the term single tax. The occasion is a timely one| = ——— declares that the city is not} 500 Buys Furniture and Lease | a fitoens Land Distriet--Distriet $f Comey alerty Airestion 60 chains’ moc’™,.” °° to give more than a paragraphic explanation. At the present moment| #* nearly as tidily kept as it ought $ for two years of Ten Room | prince Rupert, 8. C cecupation clerk. intend te eee ae ee ent cottaining 210 ong : : : : : | ' j apply for permission % eee SDI" the question of whether the city revenues are to be raised by a single ° to be by the residents themselves, | House. Toilet and bath. | deseribed lands: | lanted about two mile | Dated March §, Ti ALICE CRowrun 2 : . . | . us “ at omme c : > } 26 tax or not is of unusual importance. in sor ote and unless some sign of improv $ BQ Cash—First payment on $4,-| jo?" the fora ol the "White and Flat rivers, Pub. March : . ‘ ‘i e | 9 ; » 25 )}0, | thence north 50 chaina, Y . : A city requires revenue to pay public officers, and carry out public ment is shown from today onwards, | = aaemer ee ao | thence south sina, thane wat 80 hal 1.) | Skona Land Ditriot— Distt of an * : ¢ s . : tory and asement, ne | Dated April 18, 1911. : oF ores ake notice that I, Perry enan of Px works. It raises these revenues almost entirely by taxation. Even|{ FIRST AVENUE AT EIGHTH STREET ff} the Sanitary Inspector wil! take| Sts seit *| Pub. May 13 Francis 5. Preston, Avent | paper, i. te pation prospector, uci . es . . 4 ° : P aN uy : apply for permission to purehas followin license fees for the privilege of running liquor bars, theatres, circus - the matter into his hands a Buys Furniture and $1-2year| .,,Skeens Land District“ District of Camiar deserved tafe 5 ; . . . : * ete ™ ‘ake notice that 1, + . yommencing at @® post plant: ale and moving picture shows are an indirect way of taxing the citizens. Netty Siuiished and employ men to clean up_ the $72 lease of Rooming House in| art B C., cocupation prospecter, intend to apply of Goose Hay, about three-cigh's — $ . ss . . : ° ilor per on C a . € nouth of onar ( “ The question of the best and fairest way of raising revenue by taxation Steam Heated Roome Fae ae rmanitary Places at/section 1. Rent $45 per month, | Samancng at « pot planted about ic ate | Sead" Na Sess tha x . os Commencing at a pos 35281 of No. 35280, thence « c ; . : $40 ———— the ex ali ents. ” 4 one mile west of the forks of the White 7 said Timt Ne saan is one of the most important considerations for a members of a city or pense of the delinquents “ASK UNCLE JERRY | south end one wile ee ccath 56 chalnn, thence | neeeahy list of eald Tim : town council to decide. A FIRST CLASS BAR AND DINING It may be necessary to have Cash b a stare Town | cast chains, thence north 80 chains, thence west | (.oee Bay, a distance of 40 chains * sos : as uys 80 -| 80 ins. tae ans vu | the rtheriy , he shore of e two chief means of raising revenue have been the taxation CONNECTIO some of them summoned to appea , , 7| Dated Aprii 20,1911. Ci 56 DELGROVE | 46 ghaine mor or loos thence were arse The two chief f g have b h ROOM IN TION ne of t { to appear fie Sane 4 Sarena 47 | Rated Apr CHARLES, DELGROVE ; ba . . . : : . "ub. May 15. 8 ‘ or to point o' uMeneerment, contains of privately owned lands and privately owned improvements on the ee before the Magitsreate over the), 79, Accommodates 30 people. 2 Skeena Land District—Distriet of Cassiar Hod sere move “pit, = i “i . : : se . Skeena Lanc - ) arch 7, ; "ERRY QUEBNAN land. The improvements are usually houses and shops and other kinds ake Ge eiiiea aud ce business, and the Sanitary In- Per Acre. 155 1-4 acres, with | ,, Take ngtiee that | Prencte 6. Foestes of Friese Pub. April 7. , . e . . . “ . ee ° mf. } Rupert, » eeccupet ion rf ar, ud » of buildings. At a superficial glance it seemed the fairest and most BAR Sneek Jo OUBSTS spector is prepared to carry his) $5 buildings included at Brecken-| apply, tor iPerinimion to yurehere the following . ss . . . . . : . . descrive «is: ‘ equitable form of civic taxation, taxing every man according to his determination to do his duty even | ridge Landing, (mile 85.} Commencing at a post planted about three) Skeena Land District District of (Coast _—- . . miles south and two miles west of the forks of Take notice that William Franklin ( wealth. to this length if need be. Per Acre 422 acres in the | the White and Fiat rivers, thence south 80 chains | of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupa $ . “ye? - 1 ae 7 | thence east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains,| keeper, intends to apply for pernins But it has been observed by modern observers, that this system ROBT. ASHLAND P.0. BOX 37 It’s not good enough to throw famous Lakelse Valley. | thence west 80 chains.” ois §. PRESTON ee eee Se ott : . . . . 43: Dated April 20, : } 5 5. ES ; o post planted a es e did not always work out either fairly or in the best interests of the/\, jall the blame for untidiness and | Per Acre. Just a nice little | Pub May 18 corner of surveyed Lot 1712, the vs city. Improvements on land never grow in value. They deteriorate | ——~————-———- | insanitary conditions on the foreign $5 farm of 80 acres. House and | Skeona Land Distriet-—D strict of Casmiar , | Seenee 20 ‘chains north, thence (° chains wm * . : : Traht ’ “ea Was ; t . ice Take notice that I, Brenton Jordon Moore of | thenee about 25 chains north t 65, thene from the moment of their completion. Land is different. Within element,” he says. ‘Some of the| farm buildings included in acre price. | »,/2k*, 2008" 8° C. Gecupation contractor, Intend | about 30 ehaina cast to south ea : ° ous ; : * ‘ : : i : 1-4 mile from railway | to apply tor permission to purchase the following | $068, thenee about 35 chains nor the city limits, it almost invariably keeps on growing in value. Spec- ew business men are quite as careless | *-* ™He fre y | deseribed lanes on + thnen | ane about 65 ehaine east to point of cone : Commence t post planted about ) three | nem containing ) acres, more ulators who were shrewd enough, realised that so long as their neighbors and some of the aldermen are as! ‘ASK UNCLE JERRY” | an commencing sts pest planted ebout forks | Deted Feb 18. 1811 e ° ° e oa ae ° ° ore } | of White and Flat rivers, thence 50 chains south | Pub. Mareh 4 were at work improving their lands by erecting buildings, it paid them bad as anyone else. The hot Rhine ii ing hote?, | anes £0 chaine weet, thence 80 chains north, | WILLIAM PRANKLIN CARP! . : : . De ee a wae . . at: ied uys live, gOINng NOEs. | caence 80 chains east. . j better to keep their own property idle, until the other men had built ‘1.4 | eather is coming in, © hen sani- $17,500 Five years lease. Cash | rst aprit 20 {BRENTON JORDON MOORE ay, iia iii Pitigihed is Dtetates oe up the neighborhood. The taxes on idle land being usually small, it | tataion must be strictly attended $7,500, balance in one and two years. | Pub. May 13 | abe notion that Benjamin Ruel i was easy to hold their land idle. | t, and everyone ought to attend) Buys 5 room House in}, Skeens Land District —Mistrict of Cassiar to apple, tor germiasion to purchses the ldlvveg ote |to this for the sake of the whole $ 2 5 0 ik Take notice that I, Charles M- Knouse ot |" "Commencing st @ post planted 65 chains wet loity.’”’ cme % - » 2 chains west, thence 65 chair ; ce pay nearly all the taxes and not only a small benefit; the man who Rae : __ | of payment can be arranged. Ganetee TOs sdeetel C theet ee noe abies ae chains s ao retarded the progress of the district by keeping his land idle, paid very BESNER & BESNER, Proprierors| As an instance of how rubbish| $6000 Buys Double Apartment | miles south and (2 two miles west of the forte of commencement: eontalning 4 scree, mar « . ** : ; ~ © bite river an a ver, thence so *, rob small taxes, and reaped a bigger benefit than his neighbors It did! The New Knox Hotel is run on the European | accumulates during the winter, House in section 6. Terms | thence west 50 chains, thence north 60 chains, Pet dere a BLL ENIAMIN L KiCE , lan, First-class service. All the Latest Modern - . . 1 thence east 80 chains i nw es not work out fairly mprovrements. ~ ee BEDS 50c UP | the Sanitary Inspector mentioned | can be arranged. Dated April 20, 1911, CHARLES M. KNOUSE| . fe , ‘ : : oi ct ve ees os || Pub. May i3 Francis &. Preston, Ageat 7 = One rich family, who owned a block in the heart of the city of | FIRST AVENUE. PRINCE RUPERT that it has taken five men about $5 50 Buys Nine oo pees | Bkeene Land District Distr : : ait. ° ° ° l@ reek rely “2 away . with basement, hot anc Skeena Land District-—District of Cassiar os . aeenanin cepest o Liverpool, by keeping it idle for nearly sixty years, saw it grow in |a week merely to cart away the ° 7 Take nutice thai I, Swan Halen of Stewart, | Ver-B.C.. occupation proapector cn laccumulation from a certain cele-| cold water, and modern conveniences. |B. C., occupatisa carpenter, intend to apply | Pip Ut Derm value from twelve pounds to over two hundred thousand pounds. “The G | H t ] ¢ . 2 7 Time payments arranged for permission to purchase the following (A Dag, we otlnn nope taxes on it were more than paid by the rents of the ugly hoardings] ee ran OTEl., | brated avenue. Sanitary Inspec- | ” Sachse “Glad Geil “Commencing at a post planted about (5) miles |B. W-'s 8.5. commer ard immoi' ‘ , . * * 4 | *Farlane as < 2S , uys elegant eign 00) south and one( 1) mile west of the forks of the White | (). caean am 8 shale which enclosed it. The tremendous increment was their reward for], , .WORKINGMAN’S HOME | tor McFarlane has at least the $518 Bungalow: four fire-places |#"4 Fiat rivers, thenes 80 chains south, thence 80 | chains. thence wee o ches ‘ i ; Spring Beds, clean White Sheets 25c | satisfaction of knowing that his ungalow; four ire-place chains east, thence 50 chains north, thence 80 scanmamnnns containing 32 keeping the block an eyesore for generations. era ° : "| bath, all modern conveniences. chains went. ; ani . Wa The single tax proposal is a proposal to abolish every other tax Rooms 50c efforts at a clean-ufs in this par- B H Pubs May 13.” Prancis 8. Preston, Agen, | Dated ist Feb, 1911 schemeand ’ 8 ‘ ‘ ‘ ; ys five room ouse on WA _ . me t| Pub. Feb. 26. ; : : BEST IN TOWN FOR THE MONEY (ticuiar direction have been effec- 30 ihe and have one single tax on land. This tax would be so adjusted as TRB AK Poaactasse er : _ Reserve. Skeena Land Distriet—Distriet of Cassiar to take as nearly as may be the whole of the economic rent—that F tive. Matter is more easily dealt! oh eee Rae Tee ae M tlced to | ap,keena Land Disiriet— Dist we | : ". . ptice a. nm m | a . is the higher price which one piece of land brings over another owing with than morals. | “ASK UNCLE JERRY apply for permission to purehase tho following | paul, Minnesota, occupation ma voce i d i bl i i led “th ad i f aetna Ren cs. I H z vce at a post planted about (5) five intends to apply ed porwpmaes * i to its desirable site—sometimes sty the unearned increment o § 2700 Zuys 4 room House in sec- |, Commencing at a post planted about (5) five | (Gllowing deseribed lands re land values.” Hotel Central wy nir'secci § CAPT. ROBERTSON APPOIN- tion 6. Modern conven-| the White and Figs rivers: theres sorth 80 ghnins | ,, Commancing Ot post plants _ , | : ‘ li t } thence east 80 chains, thence south 50 chains, | no¢heant corner, thence ‘ on By placing taxes equally on improved and unimproved lands European and American plan, steam | TED iences including bath. wey mie re JOHN L. MITCHELL | "82% 89 ehuaine thence eas 7 ‘ heated, modern conveniences. Rates Buys 7 room House in sec- ated April 18, 1911 b., SLL. | north 80 chains to post of comr nt several good results are achieved: $1.00t0$2.50perday, : : : o P 3000 ys f Pub, May 13 Francis 8. Preston, Agent | taining 320 acres more or leas i i ; : : tion 5. Modern conven- Dated March 20 1911 MRS. | ‘M (1) It simplifies and economises the work of taxation. Peter Black : ° Proprietor ?| 1s Made Agent for the Marine lj pkeena Land District —-Distriet of Cassia Pub. April 15, Geo. | Ages . : ‘ ‘ | | Jences. Take notice that William Frederix y (2) It makes land more available for industry, since it makes Department for B. C. Buys two story House, 7|%,2rinee Rupert, B. C., occupath ° : * | 2625 uys two story Ouse, (| intends to apply for permimion to purehase the I aes i it more difficult for owners who do not wish to use the land them- : rr — rooms, in section one. haltheilenk: desettbca: lake Take natio Unet Gy ege Levick Y st 7 $ PVP ALANA ™ oo . | i Commencing at post planted about three ye ion cberk, nt f selves to keep it idle for larger future prices. (Canadian Press Despatch) $5 Per month will rent a 50-foot | miles south of the forks of the \ nite and Pies purpilicion "a puschass the f sis : : . rivers, thence uth 80 chains, thence west 80) [..4 (3) It makes for stability by destroying in large degree specu- | FOR SALE | Ottawa, May 13.—Capt. Rob-| store on Second Avenue. chains, thenee north 80 chains, thence east 80| a ative Vv ac c : aay . | enalns. Lakelse Lake about 60 chains nort ; lative land values. 0 Hes Ben coe long Wall | ertson of Victoria, was this morn- “ASK UNCLE JERRY” belie dort TLLIAM FREDERICK CAMERON | of gaid lake (Lakelas River’, th« s : » , > rt ¢ ” secive tz > $ teak A , e . ne suse 3 >, : : } erth, thence about 60 chai (4) It helps industry, by removing a repressive tax from the $200 takes the outfit for quick sale. Apply ? /ing appointed to the post of agent} Pub. May 13. Francis S. Preston, Agen, | Lake’ thence neandering paid lake «! ~ 2 ‘atin, mee ” “i si a ial ls H. E. ROSS, Empress Hotel Pool Roox i, ‘ | e é > . ari erly direction to point of comme products of labor, and makes the tax a force compelling owners mid A eee yee mies for the Department of Marine and | 100 ri . ae ip os - Ape $keens Land District-—Distriet of Cassiar | taining 80 sores, more or lens. Pos i g ace i ame > 7 : ° eg? . : or rent a fine Store on dec- Take notice that 1, Alfre te of P » Ru-| S&S. W. Corner. P of idle land to place improvements on them. wrar~@ | Fisheries in British Columbia. pert, B.C. occupation electrician, intend to| Dated Feb. 14, 1011. GEOR . renue. 26 7 j ond Avenue, 25 x 47, apply for permission to purchase the following | Pub. Mareh 4. (5) It tends to equalise the distribution of riches, because it es ee Es ee — = sien a ine i described lands; is usually the rich who own idle land. The poor man’s lot usually Miata én Tnvectaaa: Nn. #5 $100 igs i eetreee we}, ommmencing St © post planed ebout (8) three te —Ditriet of Const RAMP has his cottage on it. ELECTRICAL FIXTURES Investigate some advertised real | 3 Sa caliehte mialin Mirela! dine Late iene Oe: dais teothe tener” ae. aot] Wien carton Legeeksoper, : Opponents of the single tax idea professed to fear that in any lestate on your next outing. tel? Living Room on Fulton St. Dated April 18, 1911. ALFRED KYTE tonied kai 3 city in which it were put in force, it would at once cause a slump in ELECTRIC WIRING most profitable “little journeys” | Offices for Rent in the Banking District Pub. May 13. Francis 8. Preston, Agent | Commencing, at « post planted s\ \) * = real estate values, and drive investors away. But when it was adopted that are made, in and about this| * ‘ regkeens Land Distriet—Distriet of Casing 80 chalne south, thenee 40 chains nee in Vancouver, real estate leaped in value. The benefits the single) IN BOTH PRIVATE AND BUSINESS HOUSES city, are those made in answering | ASK UNCLE JERRY Kuper, 'B; C., eecupation cook, intend te mips HN TP MBATON GILDERSLEDNE tax brought to the community, reacted to develop .the real estate Week pertounal ef ain eels The Daily News classified ads. ee lands: ae et 8 ; : pa BOY Rae market. : Pe eee ott act. hag (WE eee eee Tl ee ; The first council of Prince Rupert accepted the philosophy of| A first class job is guaranteed in a te i asade be 80 Sl Shin, haa thence wast 0 chains, thence north 80 chaina,| 'Teke sotion thet Alenander, Ml Vs + - the single tax idea, and exempted improvements. Some of the present every instance. set before us will be the Wolgast- | $8750. Dated Apr 120, 1911" JOHN ROBERT PACEY Sci 4 csv for prominton ase th council announced themselves as favoring the single tax idea during! A Jarge stock of Chandeliers and Burns mill, which Promoter Jim $840 Buys lot in section 5. This : 4 6 Aare Set ae et Teret, com planted 40 chains av the last election. While the Mayor has declined to express himself Fittings carried. Controty haedown feralacinion’ at! is a snap for cash. Take poten, that District of Coast Range § crore the Seernyem sorper of thence * as to the council’s policy this year, it is improbable that a reversion Peco dar hemalition So nantes cae eaten | eane Mata, tnanne, 39 seine ies Blot’s open air arena on the after ($550 Buys two lots in section 5. | to apply for permission to purchase the following | commencement containing 820 acre ~ described lands Dated April 17, 1911. i same wot May 27. Easy terms, Commencing at a post planted about three and ALEXANDER Mei? H to the effete custom of penalising the men who improve the city and $600 Buys lot in section 6. Price one-half miles cistant in a southwesterly direction | Pub. May 6 favoring those who retard its progress by keeping their lands unimproved H W Blakely 2 Electrican would be thought of for one moment. from a blind slough from Observatory inlet where * : . 1025. Good terms on bal. the same touches the Ind an Reserve, thence east | . ; President George Shreeder of $ . 80 chains, thence south 80 chans, thence west 4 | Skeena Land District—D istrict of ( od ° . . . Buys lot in section 6. Price | chains, thence north 80 cha ns tc int of ¢ Take notice that I, Lauchlan Jo! ; a Third Ave. Near Sixth | the Tacoma Club is hollering for $400 'y mencement, conta ang 640 eres more or les.” | Victoria, B. C., occupation teacher, intend & — = = — - —— ————-. — ——$_$___—- : ‘ Price $850, Dated Apr | 14, 1911. MARTHA LEEK | 80Ply. for permission to purchase a milder sentence in the case of Pub. May 13. doseribed lande: ee « sout . Gereerenicape ommepecing at 4 post planted ¢ ae Mike Lynch, who was suspended Bisons Land Distelst~Dietslet of Doses . 5 | from the southeast corner of Lot 3060, | 5 y ’ I Range 5 ence HERE is an increasing demand for! Take not ce that 1, Joe Jack of Prince Ri port, | Chains south, thence 40 chains w: t l Q lit B k PHENIX THEATRE iar ne. fee oe the men Dae dwelling houses and apartments. | Porcine pation chrpentar, lntend to apply, for Sate cathe rane SS a Mad da h ud a : ‘ p + | permission to purchase the following described | COMMencement, containing 150 aor: NAHAS rae € ¢e ity ery taking a punch at Umpire Jack! anyone having houses and apartments | "4s: at LAUCHLAN JOHN SHANA Se —— ee ee LS y g p , Commencing at a post planted about threeland Dated April 17, 1911. r ; . 4 Ward. for rent to be vacant at any time in the | one-half miles distant in a south westerly direction Pub. May 6, : ; from a blind slough from Observatory Inlet where near future should list them with us at| the same touches the Indian Reserve thence east Skeena Land District—District of 80 cha na. thence -orth 80 chains, thence westS0 |” a 4) JAPS WANT COMPENSATION | 0n¢e as we have many demands by mail | (ino thenes south 80 chaine te spelt Penal pak notes taps latte Meter (Under New Management) aBanesa I " G I { T from parties who desire to secure quart- | mencement, containing 640 acres more or less. ly "¢ “ has - I a a 2 . Dated April 14, 1911. OE . apply for permission to purcha ers by the time they arrive here. Pub. May 13. JOE JACK | deseribed lands: the north Sommeneing at a post planted st i , ; . est 1 2 AM daily asked my opinion as to the Bieeone Land Distri et District ! Coast Range ©] From GOenee FED. Shtine eam AMS n116, H ave) 4 ake notice that I, J, Harolc eKean of Prine® s p 5,the permanent values of real estate in Rupert, B. C., oceupat on blacksm th, intend x ety Coast patie mange fh nee 80 cham Prince Rupert for investment. To all apy ict if ssion to purchase ihe foliowing | north; thence 40 chains west, then Complete Change of Programme fg Are Afraid International Con- ference Will Stop Sealing— Latest Pictures - Best Music (Canadian Press Despatch) such enquiries I honestly state that any Commensss a © post planted about three and soush, Canes 67 cuales west to oe ees.. ” : a . : one-hail miles d stant in a south wenterly direetio 1" MeTA* 20 F 1 00 GET THE HABIT Victoria, May 13.—Petitions Prince Rupert properties, at present} from a blind slough from Observatory Inlet ee Dated May 2, 1911. a; i! or $ valuations, are a good investment, | {he same touches the Ind an Reserve, thence west | 7" "Y °* EVERYBODY COME have been prepared by the owners wear , 1t, | 80 chains, thence south 40 cha ns, thence east. 0 fe ae s but I advise my clients who are desir-! chains, thence north 80 cha ns to po nt of com. | "ena Land District—District hol of Japanese sealing schooners en- meneement, eontaining 640 acres more or less Take notice that Grace MeT'avish, © ABABA ous of taking advantage of ‘‘snaps’’ to} Dated Apri 14, 1911, J. HAROLD McKBAN | 8: ©. cecupation married woman, inte! gaged in the North Pacific, calling | invest only where offerings are made at aoe Skeena Land District District of Cassiar ‘ang Being the only baker in Prince Rupert importing Adults 15¢ Children 10c upon the Tokio government to| much below present market quotations. | ‘Take notice that 1. Alice M. Knowse et Prince eco Tpeneing at 8 pent nienied m flour direct from the famous Ogilive’s Mills, te : Rupert, B. C., oceupation married woman, ir ; : I sis cc ns< > ' ' Bons , intend | the northeast corner of Lot 1116, Hars east quality of bread and weight can be relied upon, insist upon ; ym pe nsation for the Ww" are able to pick up for our clients © See, for permiasion to purchase the following | Coast, District, Range f. thence 40 cl 4 and note the price—Twenty for One Dollar. Be at ___ | loss of their industry in the event who have ready cash for invest-|° ¢oinmencing at a post planted sboutt : {Renee oo north, thence 40 mmencemes eS ee a : A aa ‘ 20) wo miles rence chains sou lo post of co of the international conference at | ™ents good properiies at from 20 to 40 | routh and two miles west of the forks of White containing 820 acres more or lew. na visit and Flat rivers, thenee north 80 chains, thenee | Dated May 2, 1911. GRACE MclAr oo +e eee ee A A eH **) Washington stopping sealing per cent, below the market by careful | east 30 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence | Pub, May 6. | Fred W. Bobler, Af Y . ‘ i: west 80 chains, * Maybe the price you * salar Vitter vehneeeesctenre veer is scoeal watching of fluctuations and chances | Tii\eq April 20, 1911. ALICE M. KNOUGE ss at Coast rea | , ; y peice y ape ; by our staff, If you have cash for in-| Pub: May 1d, prancls 8 Preston Ayent| apttant Land Dutta Dini Yan Call our Wagon or ’Phone 65 or 294 green . usually pay will buy Phe modern store aims to make| yestment and are looking for real bar- Skesne Land Distriet—Distriet of Cosalar yer: B.C. occupation physician, inten 1° serbed : ' 2 : . : ” i, vi . , 0 ng“ more value than you *' the housewife's shopping hour rest-| gains call in and talk it over. 1 ean ie Take notice East I, my dney Fitagerald of Stewart, land permlesion to purchase the fo al : 4 : o 2 4 * » ©. occupation cook, intend to apply [ or >) . he south® | ; ¢ usually get. Read and *\ful and interesting to her—not| show you how to make quick profits, mignon to purenad the [stlowing deser hed lands deme tt ciel ato oem oa chains cas oon j hy Se - a a ie i. i i " te vommencing at a post planted dbout five . = - ; ary g Sur N answer ads for a while— *\ strenuous and nerve-wrecking, If south and one mile of the forks of White aiheam earner of Lot 1316, ay chains om 7 SS » s e * and “les ” * De : and Flat rivers, thence south 80 chains, thence thence 60 chain one M ree 60 chains WO: : Ad ertise In I h [ ) ly N 8 and learn, the shopper is an ad-reader, this i: Weat 60 ‘chains, thence north 80 chains, thence | thence 60 chains south to post of commencem™ a } e al ew PERE ELE J h H K | ee EER containing 860 ft leas. + vis V is easy to do, eremla A ug OF | Paved April 18, 1911. SYDNEY FITZGERALD | Dated May 2, i911, WILLIAM A. MoT ANTE Pub. May 14, rancis 8, Preston, Agent' Pub, May 6, Fred W. Bobler gest