THE DAILY NEWS —_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_== on —vo — Double Weekly Service “Titems oF . oe | ie THE COSY CORNER a $.S. PRINCE RUPERT and $.S. PRINCE GEORGE | S P O R 7 DEVOTED PRINCIPALLY TO THE INTERESTS OF WOMEN For Stewart, Sundays, 8.00 am. —S=— ~——— —— ert dots —~—-d- EMPLOYMENT OFFICE : FREE For all kinds of help, cooks, waiters, dishwashers, hotel por- ters, all kinds of laborers or me- chanics, call up Phone No. 178 or call at the Grand Hotel Free Employment Office Headquarters for cooks & waiters WE HAVE BUYERS FOR LOTS IN Vor A Vancouver Victoria AND Seattle elbows —dp This is a little section of the paper, which from day to day will be devoted to subjects of special interest to women. Any and all of the ladies of Prince Rupert are invited to contribute to its columns, and to take part in its discussions. Sug- gestions and criticisms are invited by the editor. The hope is expressed that “The | Cosy Cerner” will fili a social need. Freddie Weish and Packey Mc- | Farland meet May 23 in New York. | | eatetiuiclinmensiniais } During the seventeen years that |Joe Sugden, the Tigers’battery | jtutor, has crouched behind the Mondays and Fridays at 8 a.m. |plate, it is estimated that he has| f caught more than 1,000,009 pitched | ss. Prince Albert sails for Port Simp-! son, Naas River Points, Masset, | Palis. eee | ROGERS & BLACK Naden Harbor, every Wednes- Some Belleville boxing fans) day, 1.00 p.m. and for: . vs ; think Kid Meyers can beat Artie Refuge Bay, Skidegate, Queen, ~ : Charlotte City, Lockeport, Pa-| Edmunds in a twenty-round hat- egg his f ao areata | tle. Edmunds is willing to go on if Meyers will make 130 pounds) Charlotte City every Saturday, jand put up a $200 side bet. | —_—_— | STEWART where the boozers lag, blowing ea in his bundle for a twilight jag, while his wife is waiting, sick with her woe; that’s the road to Reno, where divorces Every little jangle lives, every little wrangle husbands have with wives, lon procession, help the passing show, on the road to Reno, where divorces grow.—Walt Mason. CHIC STRAW BRAID TURBAN heart- grow. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN— in domestic Building Material, Cement, Lime, Hair-fibre Plaster, Coke, Blacksmith Coal, Common Brick, Pressed Brick Shingles, Lath, New Wellington Coal ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED Samuel Harrison & Co. Brokers, Prince Rupert and Stewart, B. C. Agents for Stewart Land Company, Limited swell the g 1,00 p.m. The Grand Trunk Railway System connecting with trains from the Pacific coast operates a frequent and conven- ient service of luxurious trains over its double track route between Chicago, Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, Halifax, Portland, Boston, New York and Phila- Tommy Burns, formerly heavy- | weight champion of the world, has! laccepted a contract with Con delphia. Information and tickets ob- Jones to play a dozen games with | tainable from the office hereunder men-| the Vancouver lacrosse team, for wae bookings by al) which he is to receive $10,000. FRANK D. KEELEY we | He is to start training at once, and | WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST A. E. MCMASTER | will report at Vancouver later. Phone No. 200 P. O. Box 580 FREIGHT AND PASSENGER AGENT | a i PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. the _| Tom Longboat, insists upon go-| ‘ing down to Boston, running over | FAMOUS PRINCESS LINE the course, and making a new]4 Canadian Pacific Railway - B.C. Coast Steamship Service record—if he can. If he succeeds 4 ° lit will certainly be a notable faet |] Princess May : and will prove that Longboat can) For Vancouver, Victoria come back ; gain. and Seattle | FRIDAY, MAY 12th, at noon eee Train for Winnipeg and Toron- to leaves Vancouver at 9am. daily Imperial Limited for Chicago. Montreal and New York. Best train across the continent, leaves Vancouuer daily at 3.45 p..a. | Carries compartment observation cars, the finest ear on any road anywhere. Agent for all Atlantic Steamship lines. Tickets to and from European points. J. G. McNab FASHION SHOTLETS See Us for Prices. a ee eee ee ee | dodod TTT LYNCH BROS. ~— — et ts Notes Every Line a Lesson in Spring | Straw braid was never so beau- | tiful it is this spring. Our | sketch today iaken from }model turban burnt orange straw braid, whic 1 was wide enough |to drape in manner shown above. |The trimming, for jaunty [bit of millinery was a band and The butterfly bow is very chic. a Flower thing. Jabots «re still as much favored ever. New coiffure higher effect. All vivid colorings are used for evening. The aeroplane hat is seen every- whiere. Lace veils are extremely long in the new models. | There decided black velvet shoes. Brocades are gorgeous in color- ings and texture. Never have foulards beautiful or so popular. toques are quite Largest Stock was a Lb dbo Sh bobo POSS SSS STS TS eT T ee ST Tee W. J. McCUTCHEON Carries complete stock of Drugs. Special attention paid to filling prescriptions. Theatre Block Puone No. 73 Second Ave. SboSSoSoab bbb POPS SSS SST TTS TT ST TTT Tee in General Merchandise Lowest Prices in Northern B. C. as shows broader, this CANADIAN PACIFIC Le Ea ee PPS SST TT TT PRPS CTT TTT 4 4 wing bow of brown velvet. ’ Fe ts me eel cers es meres seers oer SE | Jack O'Brien is keeping the wires hot in an attempt to arrange! CARTAGE and a match between Johnson and “ LINDSAY'S STORAGE ther Al Kaufman or Sam Lang- G. T. P. Transfer Agents ford. Johnson, who is in New York | Orders promptly filled. Prices reasonable. THE VOICE I heard the voice of the city Calling again and again; AND PURCHASE NOTICE LAND PURCHASE NOTICE tened And into her arms there has Millions and millions of men. is for Land Distriet—District of Coast Range 5 notice that Henry Macartney of Prince B. C., oceupation miner, intends to apply pission to purchase the following described Skeena Land District —District of Queen Charlotte a slands ‘Take notice that George W. Arnott of Prince Rupert, B, C., occupation real estate broker, intends to apply for permission to purct we the following described lands Commencing at a post planted about seven miles and one-halfjmile west and one mile south from the mouth of Stanly Creek, Naden Harbor, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains. Dated March 17, 1911. GEO. W. ARNOTT Pub. April 22. Numa Demers, Agent vogue has announced that he was tired of vaudeville and automobile rac- | orFicE—H. B. Rochester. Centre St. Phone 6% ing and probably will welcome an opportunity to make a little spend-|_ Re Genera! Agent mpencing at a post planted on the south Exchumsiks River, about 2 1-2 miles from hue with the Skeena River and about west from Exchumsiks rapids, thence 80 rth, thence 40 chains east, thence +) Duth. thence 40 chains west to pointo pment, containing 320 acres more or t marked “H.M. SW. cor.” pril 22, 1911 HENRY MACARTNEY a) 24 And I heard the voice of old gar- dens, been so — Of woodland But quiet hearts there were that ways; few ing money. would heed them Grays are shown on many of the inewest materials. illy’s Bakery Lunch Coast to Coast OCEAN 10 OCEAN Tickets To All Points ROGERS’ Steamship and Skeena Land District——Dietrict cf Coast Range 6 Take notice that Angus Beaton of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation miner, intends to apply for per- mission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the south east corner of Lot 3937, thence 40 chains weet, thence 40 chains south, thence about 60 chains east to Lakelse Lake, thence meandering eaid lake shore in an northeriy direction to point of com- mencement; containing 170 acres, more or leas. Post marked A. B., N. E. Corner Dated Feb. 14, 1911 Pub. Mareh 4. In the rush of the busy day. -—— | One of the many wise things| Empress Theatre Basement that the late Addie Joss pre-| dicted was that Walter Johnson would never make a success of |Cor. 2nd Ave. and 6th Street his slow ball. Only this spring| Joss made this point, and he : seems to have had the situation Railway Agency ; sized up just about right, for- Second Ave. Phone 116 ff) according to the New York re- ports, the Highlanders hit John- the Crow inc . rows Peas: Oe son's slow ball al! over the lot. S.S. INLANDER Pe e . } |Sweden married Princess Mar-} na Land Distriet-—Distriet of Coast notice that I, William Melville Corley into, Ontario, occupation clerk, intend for permission to purchase the following lands neing at a post planted at the northwest 5, Coast District, th o ence th 40 chains, thence o Hell's Gate slough, thence along itherly to point of commencement, con- 160 acres more or less pril 6, 1911 WILLIAM 120 | errs sel | Mousseline is now used to trim tb he : frocks of batiste or linen. rhe cities grow old and vanish, And their people faint and die, But the grasses are green forever, ROYAL MODESTY 5 BEATON Forever blue the sky. MELVILLE CORLEY Skeena Land District District of Coast. ey Take notice that 1, John Miller, of Vancouver, B.C., occupation butcher, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands Commencing at a post planted about 1 chain from tidewater at the head of Luscombe Bay, and marked J.M.'s N.E. corner, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains. thence north 8) chains, to point of commence- ment, containing 640 acres more or less. JOHN MILLER, Charlies B. Stark, Agent r APPLE CHARLOTTE Wedding | | Least Important of All at a) | | } Bland District-—District of Coast Range 5 otice that 1, Charles A. Vaughan of ipert, B. C., occupation merchant, intend r permission to purchase the following A lands encing at @ post planted on the south Exchumsikes River and about four miles niluenee with the Skeena Kiver, thence » east, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 thence 80 chains south to point of ement, containing 640 acres more or leas. pril21,1911 CHARLES A. VAUGHAN ROCHESTER & pamenen Yo) 16) 3 ys LADYSMITH *& COAL “soy ne? ae dele) a The Best Way to Make This When Dainty ; .|garet, the pretty niece of King Soak 1-3 box : gelatine : 1-3 Edward, he arrived at St. George’s cup cold water for five minutes it 1-3 Add ore cup sugar, juice in Harry Griffiths, of the Vancou- ver Lacrosse club, may claim to} be in the front rank of veterans. He started his career as a player with the Pastimes, city champions jof Ottawa, in 1891. Since 1895 he has played almost continuously in senior company, he being out of the game one season On account| This is somewhat of a} Dated Ist Feb., Pub. Feb. 25 1911 boili '| Chapel, Windsor, just when the} . ONDE | Derplexed officials their | wits’ end pour over cup Stikine Land District —Dstrict of Cassiar were at Take notice that Sydney Hodgkinson of Tele- «raph Creek, B. C., occupation clerk, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described land Commencing at a post planted about a quarter mile north east from Glacier Rifle and on the east bank of Stikine River, thence east 20 chains thence north 40 chains, thence west 20 chains, thence south 40 chains to point of commencement and containing 80 acres more or leas Dated Feb. 11, 1911. SYDNEY HODGKINSON C.A. Terve, Agent District of Coast Range 5 ce that 1, Frank Hicks of Port Es upation merchant, intend to apply n to purchase the following describe! vd District water. of apples. ol the eggs fingers, to provide seats and |observe due order of precedence. | -+. FOR... HAZELTON As the prince was standing in the} lemon, cookec Strain, and stir in a pan till stiff, thea add of three! dish with lady | up. cake, oe ua | glancing at the prince, “‘who might | and serve ertner! you and your party be, and where | H. B. Rochester - Agent ‘cord. cream, or with am I “Where the you put me doesn’t matter,” the | ; ; s | prince repliec ~ekly. ‘I< | . jleague for six or seven years j Sater hamonly ee : Produce : Feed | Jimmy Callahan, of the Chicago WHOLESALE |White Sox is today playing the ee |best ball of all the members of H. H. Morton - 3rd Ave. Comiskey’s team. His spring form | during the training season does (== not appear to have been a flash in the pan, for he is keeping the pace without the slightest diffi- culty now that the regular season one one cup ==—=F, EBY @®& Co== REAL ESTATE Kitsumkalum Land For Sale | KITSUMKALUM B. C. planted on the south wiks River and about the Skeena River, 580 chains north, uth 80 chains , containing 640 acres ing at @ pont n four ice water doorway with his attending grooms- man one of the officials bustled| ta confluence: ns © Take the fast light-draught steam- whitcs er Inlander for Hazelton, bay well-beaten Line a sony eo Now, sir,’’ said he, scarcely | ‘g FRANK HICKS) Pub. April 7 or sponge pour — of illness. the mixture, Stikine Land Distr\et—-District of Cassiar Take notice that Christian A. Tervo of Stikine BK. ¢ oecupation customs officer, intends to apply for permmsion to purchase the following described lands Commencing at a post planted about 18 chains north west of the customs warehouse at Stikine, outh, thence 20 chains west to T. L | B- ©. thence west 20 chains, thence soutt 20 about 80 chains north to Lakelse | Ccbains, thence east 20 chains, thence north 20 meandering said river up stream in | chins to point of commencement and containing terly direction to el . . 40 acres more or less. fing auld lake to pole nt corse, ines? | Dated Feb. 13,1911. | CHRISTIAN A. TERVO hy 160 acres, more or leas. Pub. Apri 7 arked M. M. G., N. EB. Corner. 14, 1911 ch 4. i District District of Coast Range 5 joe that Mary Maragret Gillis of Vie- Occupation housekeeper intends to permission to purchase the following ¢ ata post planted at the north east j987T, thence 20 chains weet, thence with whipped boiled yolks of three ¢ to seat you?” custard made from After being out of the big ggs. INGENIOUS WORK BOX ki ai LS AS SHINE ARTISTS Prince Rupert Lodge, LO.0.F. NO. 63 Meets in the Helgerson Block Every Tuesday Evening All members of the order in the city are requested to visit the lodge. | | GIR Hand Made Things forthe | Work Table LAND LEASE NOTICE | Enterprising Girl Finds New | and Profitable Line | ‘ MARY MARGARET GILLIS nd Dstrict-—Distriet of Queen Charlotte notice that George Frizzell of Prince i. C., occupation butcher, intends to apply ssion to purchase the following described Coast Land District—District of Skeena Take notice that I, Pau! Brendler, of Porcher Island, occupation farmer, in- tend to apply for permission to lease the following foreshore: Commencing at a post planted about 12 feet from the location post of lot 1301 on Porcher Is- land, thence in a southerly direction following high water mark 1200 fect; thence west to low water mark; thence lnortherly following low water mark 1200 feet; thence east to point of com- mencement, PAUL BRENDLER. Dated March 7, 1911. W. L. BARKER Architect Second avenue and Third street Over Westenhaver Bros.’ Office. can be too many There work bags or boxes for one who is : : , ; ro We have women doctors, women fond of sewing or knitting, and} | law yers, women dentists, women the work are | ; i ; }orators and now has appeared in first articles oe ‘ fai All we 1| New York a woman _ bootblack a. fait. 4 an ; E : ; f | Salle fees) a Miss Lottie Marshall is the pioneer snapes oO Oxes Sullabie [oO lk . : . ° npr - | this time. She likes to black boots. hair pins, manicure sets, hat pins, Shas heats for the Gtk ab thae ane powder etc., will, if attractively/” Ft ; a eit janything undignified or unbecom- covered, sell with astonishing ra-| ing iin thee, ‘pursuit, ake. dam-ass . She cz never & at a post planted about seven two miles south of the mouth of Creek where it empties into Naden Graham Island, thence 80 chains south, 0 chains west, thence 80 chains north, ) chans east to point of commencement ining 640 acres more orless. arch 17, 1911 bags lis on. to sizes this is why MUNRO & LAILEY Architects, Stork Building, Second Avenue, dis G. S. JOHNSTONE, N.G. H always the . MORTON, Secretary. President Lindsay, of the North- | western League, announces that he | has suspended Mike Lynch, play- “~~ |ing manger of the Tacoma Tigers, for the remainder of the season | at | appear GEORGE FRIZZELL Numa Demers, Agent STUART & STEWART ACCOUNTANTS -:- AUDITORS barlotte Islands Land District —District of Skeena notice that I, J. G MeNab of Prince Ru- Pupation general agent, intend to apply F, W. HART UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER jon to prospect for coal and petroleum Hiowing deseribed lands: neing at @ post planted at the so» ection 3, Townsh p 2 Graham Island, ked J G. MeN, 8. E. Corner, thence chains, thence north 80 chains, thence hains, thence south 80 chains to point of pri t. J. G. MeNAB Wilson Gowing, Agent and Distriet Hotice that Jack Bedford of Keighley, England, oceupation over-looker, in- ly for permission to purehrse the eribed lands: heing at a post planted at a point in the boundary of timber limit 38329 and in erly limit of lot 3989, Raige & Coast where the said limits intersect, thence P southerly Linit of lot 3989 aforesaid Projection thereof in an easterly di ection more or less to the westerly lin it of Nt $2601, thence in a southerly direction last mentioned limit 11 chains more the northerly limit of timber limit 36775, 4“ westerly direction along the last men- iC 50 chains more or leas to the easterly limber limit $8329, thence in a northerly 11 chains more or less to the point of ment, reh 8, 1911, JACK BEDFORD ch 25 nd Distriet—-District of Coast Range 6 ee hee 1, Clara May Little of Prince ‘. ©., ogeupation spinster, intend to permiasion to murshean the following lands: neing at ® post planted at the north vr of Lot 1746, Range 5, Coast District t 40 chains, thence north 26 ehains est $1 ehain’ thence north 20 chains pst 10 chains, theice south 45 chains to commencement, containing 112 acres jess, ih 1911, CLARA MAY LITTLE nd Distriet—District of Coast Ri . ange 6 otiee that Eldon 8, Detwiler of Berlin, Bupation doctor, intends to apply for h to purchase the following deseribed Bene &t 4 post planted at the south- , er of Lot 1928, thence east 80 chains b48, thence south 45 chains more or less, t 30 chair om fal ing more or less, thence north 140 nets to point of commencement , nore or less, Feb #1, 1911 BLDON §. DETWILER ° John Campbell, Agent h-east | District of Coast Range V | First insertion March 11 p Skeena Land District District of Coast Range id Take notice that | Severin A. Tallander of Por in cher Island, occupation ship master, intend toap | ply for permission to lease the following de ib scribed foreshore: 3 | Commencing at a post planted at the N.W. cor- ner of lot 1802, thence west to low water mark, | thence south along low water mark 25 chains thence east to 8.W. corner of lot c p or less, 1202, thence north along high water mark (being the westerly boundary of lot 1802) 25 chains more | or less te point of commercement and containing | | all foreshore in front of lot 1302 SEVERIN ALEXANDER TALLENDER DatedMarch 9, 1911. Pub, March 18, Skeena Land District Take notice that William Munford ( Rupert, B, C., occupation prospector, }to apply for permission to lease the described lands: c Commencing at 4 post planted about 100 chaina | south of the Endian Reserve on the east side of Goose Bay and on the east side of the peninsula , thence south 80 chains along shore, thence west 40 chains to Goose Bay, thence north alon, shore 80 chains, thence west 40 genius Tore or less to it, containing $820 acres more or less. Ea dated March - 1911, WILLIAM MUNFORD Pub, April 15, p n q -District of Coast — Princ® intends folowing a District of Coast Benson of Prince} intends te| t jescribed Skeena Land District Take notice that Otis J. Rupert, B, C, occupation prospector, apply for permission to lease the following « lands: } Commencing ac @ post planted about @ ouarter | of a mile from the north west corner of Gibson Isiand on the said Gibson Island, thence south 40 | chains, thence east 20 chains, thence north 40 | chains, thence wrest 20 chains to pains of com- ; pi 0 acres more or less . mencement, containing 8 neree OF OF SON. : Dated 29thMar eh, 1911 | Skeena Land District—District of Coast Take notice that Hume Babington of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation master mariner, intends to apply for permission to lease the following described lands: : Commencing at a post planted about 100 cha m south of the fidien Reserve on the east side Goose Bay on the east side of the Peninsula thence north 100 chains s!ong shore to the Reserve line, thence west 60 chains more or leas to Goose Bay, I thence 100 chains along shore, thence east 61 chains more or leas to post, containing 640 acres ! more or leas, bE Dated March 8, 1911, HUME BABINGTON Pub, April 16, boxes and bottles will find delighted whole fair if provided in sufficient blessed day! Nagging is a nuisance; /house with woe; See road grow. glad whist fans facing, at some silly ‘game, while her house and child- | grow. idity. With a cigar box, by ividing it into various compart- 1ents, quite wonderful things can e done, while the way in which silk powder | there is as much art to it asmany a more aesthetic vocation, there- fore she is one of the most pain- staking, polite little bootblacks that ever looked a patent leather pump in the eyelet. “Of I don’t black but shoes,”’ she Some days I have my hands full, hintz or covered urchasers will in themselves al- course the of the " any ost insure success ’ ’ 1OKt womeu's said, Law-Butler Building Prince Rupert ALFRED CARSS, of British Columbia and Manitoba Bars. Phone No, 280) P.O. Box 351 | Cc. V, BENNETT, B.A, | of B.C,, Ontario, Sas- | katchewan and Al- berta Bars, CARSS & BENNETT BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, Etc, | Office Exchange block, corner Third avenue and | Sixth street. Prince Ruvert, 8 | | uantity, too, and some days I just sit here and read, and it’s very dull— for me. Other girls, | suppose, might enjoy it, but during working hours I like to work. “T don't mind bootblacking a bit—I don't think there is any- thing nicer, for I den't come into contact with any but ladies. I can't help feeling sorry for the girls who work in restaurants and department because my work is more pleasant compared with theirs, And during the Chris- tmas shopping it is terrible. “T advise girls to give up mani- curing for a change and try boot- blacking, It can be made just as| nice as manicuring, too, Every- thing depends one one's being an artist. All trades are arts if the| person engaged in the work is an artist,” THE ROAD TO RENO Hear the wife a-nagging, all the Keeps her tongue foolish way. fills. the that’s the road Reno, where divorces grow’ the husband scowling, when ie should be glad; hear the hus- and growling, acting like he's nad! Grumbling is the vainest hing of which I know; it’s the to Reno, where divorces See the wife go chasing, her frame; other -wagging, in her oO stores, rags on that's the divorces trundle ren all to thunder go Reno, where the husband to See road WM. 8. HALL, L.D.S., D. D.S. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty, All dental operations skilfully treated. Gas local anasthetics administered for the painless ex- traction of teeth, Offi Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, PUPIL OF WM, FOXON, BS@., A.R.A.M.,"LON., ENG, \t ribune. SIXTH STREET HANDASYDE ©& P. 0, BOX 28 | | DENTIST. and Consultation free, ces: | ii-12 } DE ©& HURT) AGENTS FOR STEEL, MACHINERY «AND CONTRACTORS SUPPLIES... P. O. Box 436 a Office. 3rd and Fulton | " | PRINCE RUPERT | | JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING GEORGE LEEK MERCANTILE AGENCY COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS PRINCE RUPERT for his assault upon Umpire Jack Ward in last Thursday’s game. No fine will be imposed. A Canadian Swimming associa-} = —s—i—‘—~—~™S tion is in course of formation ° Littl ? NEWS control the sport from the Atlantic es Agency to the Pacific. On Saturday 4) yagazines :: Periodicals :; Newspapers ath a8 2 ; ~ : j meeting was held in Montreal, and CiGARS :: TOBACCOS FRUITS while only eastern officers from G.T.P. WHARF the board, the other provinces) will have a say in controlling the affairs of the organization in the future. = Lloyd’s “the biggest book in the world,” has just laid the proprietors of the Indianapolis motor speedway a bet of $100,000) to $10,000 that it won't rain at the Hoosier capital on Decoration Day. They call it insurance‘’”’ in this case. If Jim O'Leary laid the price it would be called “a gamble,’ says the Chicago Lots 5 and 6, Block 28, Section 1. $3000, 25 per cent. cash, balance 1, 2, 3 years, 7 per cent, GEO. W. MORROW 1076 Nelson St., Vancouver, B.C, BILLIARDS BOWLING, nr root 4 Alleys. 7 Tables. A good exer- cise. Ac sport, Ladies every afternoon. Newman Block, be- tween 6th and 7th Sts. TED MORRISON, Proprietor 61d Manager Make your “‘business opportun- ity’’ ad in the next issue of The) Daily News a real “hint’’ of what your proposition is like-—and you'll | get in touch with needed capital,