THE DAILY NE;WIS — ee “What Shall It Be” Question This store is prepared to answer it The occasion may be what it will; it is our duty tobe ready to supply you, and we can do it too, With pleasure to you be- cause of the size of display; with profit to you because of our ability to sell close. When the pif question pre- sents itself let us show you how easily we can match your ideas. mere mere Heintzman Pianos EASY TERMS C. B. WARK Jeweller WINDOWS From the outside looking in, or from the inside looking out, the appearance of your windows is an index of your care for the ap- pearance of your home. To the visitor they indicate your taste, your eye for harmony of color; to the passer-by they indicate something of your care for the outward appearance of your dwelling. It is not essential that your window draperies be expen- sive, but it is imperative that they be in good taste. Our Drapery Department contains a stock of wide variety of materials and prices. As low as 12 1-2c the yard and as high as $2.00. Fancy and plain scrims, fancy and plain madrasses, nov- For Rent Partiy furnished House on % 3rd Ave. 7 rooms with ee bath. Electric lighted. ] G. C. Emmerson NADEN BLOCK SECOND AVE, + [our sopa’ || FOUNTAIN. IS OPEN m | FOR 11 L ee Pure Ice Cream with all the / nae “Fixins”’ f ee iy | C. H. ORME The Pioneer Druggist PHONE : ; ; 8&2 Section 5 Lot on Summit Ave. $400.00 Ei Section 7 ‘| 4 2 Lots on 9th Avenue i i $250 each ah sai John Dybhavn, Exchange Block SNAPS SNAPS re TT ee OF §6Moast: Amportance, to | S jal | Christians | ur peci S | NOT CREED, NOT CHRIST ft | aeabidaleates New Potatoes Green Peas ; fa eee ob Dg Fa ete baeh iia | a é + Also Fresh Cucumbers, Lettuce, Rad- Bal ei ishes and all kinds of Spring Vege- Mas NEE tables that are so appetizing this weather. Everything in Groceries at Popular Prices lial a \ ] REAL ESTATE Sarih INSURANCE and Accident Provision House -, near Sixth St. Phone 190 IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL Life, : juga ACCIDENT prrenanes te Boocialty 4 t | ; Low Premiums, Prompt Settlement oot ahs i iv ai JOHN DYBHAVN eee a P.O, Box 757 Office: Exchange Block : i ih —0-2—-% — o-¢-0-0-9— ra ed " He ae 1G FRED. STORK General Hardware— 5 | i Bie | ' Builders’ Hardware | We Wet Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves if Graniteware ‘Tinware SECOND - AVENUE —-¢-¢-¢¢¢ NOT EVEN THE BIBLE t| elty curtain goods, tapestries, nets, etc,, and, in the ready-made curtains, we have the Notting- hams from 50c the pair and up to $10. Rope Portieres, Tapestry Portieres iri all the leading shades and, in short, we can glve you the benefit of a wide selection, and, should you ask it, competent information on anything pertain- ing to draping of your windows. H. S. Wallace Co’y. Ltd. Dry Goods, Chinaware, Etc. Fulton Street and Third Avenue OPENING OF FESTIVITIES King and Queen Drive in State Through London FESTIVAL OPENED Great Crowds at the Crystal Palace Give the King and Queen a Royal Ovation— First of the Functions. (Canadian Press Despatch) London, May 13.—The Festival of Empire was opened at the Crystal Palace today by the King and Queen. The royal couple drove in state through the streets and received a tremendous ovation from the immense throngs. This is the first of a series of functions |which promise to make the Cor- |onation season memorable. pies pe oe Rev. J. S. Henderson B. C. Mod- | erator Emphasises the Person al Aspect of the Christian Fiath—An Inspiring Sermon. | A strong appeal for the Chris- |tianity which is not a matter of | creeds, rites, or dryasdust theology | but of direct personal belief in the ;personal Christ was made by Rev. J. S. Henderson, Moderator of the Presbyterian Synod of B. C., in the Empress Theatre last night. From the text ‘Dost thou be- in the Son of God?” the | Mederator preaclied a sermon |which beginning in quiet earnest |vein rose to a high standard of |eloquence, and was talked of by many of the large congregation on | the way home, “The faith that believes,”’ said |the preacher, ‘is not devotion to | creed, nor to rites, nor to church, |nor even to the Bible. It is de- |votion to the personal Christ. |The thing the Church needs in |these days is vital contact with lieve mon ground. ere assine ° One of the best services the modern newspaper gives the public is in the There buyer and seller, employer and worker, landlord and tenant, and : To put this modern convenience in reach of everyone the News will reduce its rate to a nominal price of a cent a werd Here is our Classified Advertising er insertion. Min olumn for today. VICTORIA CAFE UNDER GRAND HOTEL Lunch and Meals etal! hours; Lunch l5e, Meals 25¢ up~Come and See YOU CAN GET A SQUARE MBAL ANY TIME WANTED te ee emerson A local representative is wanted fora territory tributary to Prince Rupert to sell the hardy non-irri- gated nursery stock grown by the Oregon Nursery Company, Oren- co, Oregon. Liberal terms. Party must come well emer mermsrees ADDRESS et Lost and Found e- FOUND—On wharf, Saturday, May 6th, roll of money. Owner cn have same by applying to Daily News Office and giving satisfactory par- ticulars, 108-tf FOUND—A small sum f on 2nd Avenue. Apply McRae, shoemaker, Fulton St. 98-100 a. oe For Rent Se N ata cternernemem House furnished for housekeeping, 2 rooms, $17 per month; back of rink. Apply a 0 Company. If you would like a new h lose in, phone 205. H. F. McRae @ Co 108-tt Furnishe2 House to Rent in section 6 for one month from May lith—$30. Apply Prince Ku- pert Agencies, 2nd Ave, 101-107 Nice furnished rooms for rent. Apply Drexel ing House, 2nd Ave., near McBride. May 3-imo Oregon Nursery Company Oregon Orenco “ GOING TO BE SOME PICNIC Longshoremen and Labor Un- ions in Launches METLAKATLA INVADED Moving Spirits in the Plan at Present are Longshoremen Who with P. R. I. A. are Mak- ing Preliminary Arrange- ments. A picnic proposed by the Long- shoremen and Labor Unions of Prince Rupert looks already like a mighty big joy party. The plan is to first secure all the support possible, all the best speakers possible, and all the launches and roomy scows possible. Then with banners flying, and in the best of good humor, the whole party will head for Metlakatla to astonish the natives, and have the best possible time ashore until it time to re-embark for Rupert. the present stage it looks as if the plan will go through in great shape. is TRUST CO.’S NEW OFFICES Continental Trust Building is Near Completion THE NEW BUILDING Handsome and Compact Busi- -ness Suite on Second Avenue is the Work of Local Con- tractors. By the beginning of the week the Continental Trust Company's new building on Second Avenue near Sixth and Centre streets will be completed inside and out. Al- ready they are occupied. But the fitting of the strongroom doors has yet to be done, and there remains a little work to do in the public office furnishing. The building is a very compact one, and for its size probably At} | Mack Realty and Insurance Company. recommended. mn Two nicely furnished rooms, one front room, hot 8. The Roland, Third avenue. 108-6. Help Wanted Pdaiiiraiiinii eh iRSiadk msec A girl to do plain sewing. Mrs. N. F. Helmers, cor. 6th Ave. and MoRride St., phone 257. 107-109 Boy to assist in office First Ave. A woman to do house work; also girls for laundry at Piercy Morris & Co., 104-106 work. Apply Pioneer Laundry. 103-105 An Experienced Stenographer ai once. Apply to 108-106 A Mother's Help. One who can do cooking. Other maid_ kept. Apply Mrs. Palmer, 4th Ave. and Hays Cove Circle, phone 209. 101-tf Waiter wan‘*ad at Central Hotel. 100-tf Boy Wanted. Apply at Optimist Office. 94-tf Wanted immediately, girl for light house work. Apply to Mrs. M. B, Cohen, Fraser street or *Phone 32. 103-t.f. Wanted—An 2A-1 solicitor {or the most liberal Fraternal Orders in the world. Call jroom P28, Empress Hotel. J. F. Madiem. 108-114 Wanted—500 good men te join the Order of Owls. Call room 28, Empress Hotel. J. F. 'Madlem. 108-114 Board Wanted 4 Se EF St Oe Pe WANTED-—Room and board in private family. X.M., Optimist Office. 4 Fire Insurance : ts ss rere OUR SPECIALTY—Fire Insurance. We repre- senteleven strong Fire Insurance Companies. We want your business, large and small. Let us quote you rates. The Mack Realty and Insurance Company, cor 8rd Ave. and Fulton St. THE British Union and National Fire Insurance Company of London, England, with capital of $2,500,000.00. Seeusfor rates. The Mack Realty and Insurance Company. 10-tf Situations Wanted ey ee | A_ classified advertisement is a tireless work- hunter~and seldom fails. Man and wife wants position in camp or hotel. Strictly first class cooks. Apply Box T. B | News. 105-108 | By experienced man and wife as cook and helper | T., Optimist. | | Position by Japanese cook in family or boarding | Club to some extent. house. P.O. Box 894. 1038-6 te r accommodates its proprietors and, the firm’s patrons more comfort: | ably than many others in the city. | and well lighted. in excellent shape with stained| and varnished fir-wood counters panels, etc. “, j - 3 © notice that I, Perry Queenan of m& by wing renee = + J. 8. Soumt. BS. Os gaperelion craven ne |Gray at McIntyre tial! after Concert, | gopiy for permission to purchax 10.30 to 2 a.m. | | described lands: | Tickets, Gents $1.00. Commencing at a post plante | Ladies Free of Goose Bay, about three-eights of » a . a | et ae of the mouth of the Bonanra Creek, and ben | J S GRAY & SON on the oasterty boundary of 7 Lina tee e . | 85281 w No, 35280, thence south 40 chains ong | Manufacturing Watchmakera, Jewel-| Oe ts eens: imber Limit No San =e . | a6 L noe ea \ | ers, Opticians and Engravers. Goose Bay, a distance of 40 cha eee | Dealers in Musical instruments. thenee northerly slong the shore of Goow fe : » » & 7 40 chains more or less, t » westerly eh Go agents for the Stanley Piano | *) coe leas to point of commene v0 ae and ayers. sts | 160 acres more or lens. Sole agents for Hewitt’s Rubber} Dated March 7, 1911 PERRY QUEENA Stamps. | Pub. April 7 | Agents forthe Victor Gramophones | jand records, of which we carry a full) 4 Land Distelet—Distriet of Coast Res Take notice that William Fran} of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation - keeper, intends to apply for permission ¢ the following described land ne. | Headquarters for enamel souvenirs. What you don’t see in our windows please ask for. Commencing at a post planted at the south ae | We have been repeatedly asked for corner of surveyed Lot 1712, ther cha We have now south, thence about 35 chains west 264 thence 20 chains north, thence 4 sins wet a large stock on hand, gold filled, $1.50 any size. thenee sbeut 25 chains north ¢ about 30 chains east to south eas rner of La 3068, thence about 35 chains nor ? thence about 55 chains east to p ment; containing 450 acres, more Dated Feb. 15, 1911. Pub. Mare! | Anti-Rheumatic rings. To Preserve Your Eyesight ~s DR. INMAN Consulting Zye Specialist of Vancouver, is now at our store. Ske na Land District District Take notice that Henjamir He Prinee Rupert, B. C., oecupal , af to apply for permission to purchasy the ry defective vision, This is his specialty; | deseribed lands co don’t fai] to see him while he is here. eee aa eens Oe Le | Satisfaction guaranteed. Consultation chains west, thence 65 chair free. chains east, thence 65 chains » d commencement; containing ¢ a . = less, Post marked B. RRS. E j Dated Feb. 13,1911. if you want to save money buy your’ Pub. Mareh 4. BENJAMIN ! uct Furniture of I )¢ ) ’ Skeena Land District — Dist J. F. MAC NALD s Take netice that |, Leslie E. Waite > FURNITURE STORE, SECOND ANENUE, ver, B.C., occupation prospector & NEAR MCBRIDE ply for permission to purchase (> wing > : cribed lands who is selling out his full stock regard- Commencing at a post plar arted L j Pe BE. W.'s S.E. corner and imme " | teen of cost. post marked W.A."s N.W.. ex ae chains, thence west & chair sé chains, thence east 80 chains z mencement, containing 320 acre * rn “THE MODERN SINNER" LESLIE b. WALTER Dated ist Feb., 1911 Charles H. A Age! Pub. Feb. 25. Small Boy's Brave Attempt to . Skeena Land District— District we Describe Rev. J.S. Henderson Take notice that Mrs. L. | an d& Paul, Minnesota, occupation re intends to apply for permissior a oe , . . >? claw ny d-meribed lands Phere is 2 small boy in Prince; Comzieneing at post plar a > : corner of Lot No, 1733 marke race Rupert who came near to becoming | northeast corner, thence west van | . south 80 chaine thence enst "aa ja defendant in a_ slarder suit) north 80 ehains to post ofc a lay ; taining 320 acres more or less 5 yesterday, He arrived home from Dated March 201911. MR Naw Pub. April 15, Gee, } am Age luberant, the bearer of an im Skeena Land District -— District aa | portant message Take notice that George Levick ae pS B. C., occupation clerk, int . “Mr. Kerr wants you to come permission to purchase the [ 6 oes : : ands to church tor ight, for sure. The Coromencing at a post pla Lakelse Lake about 60 chains nor of anid lake (Lakelae River north, thence about 60 chai Lake, thence meandering said lake erly direction to point of comme taining 80 acres, more or lem. |'os 8. . Corner. Date! Feb. 14, 1911. Pub. March 4. modern sinner is going to preach,” was the startling message he de- livered to his parents. No one laughed more heartily os |that the Moderator of the Synod himself when the story Skeena Land Distriet—D ist Take notice that Mary Heat was re- | peated over the supper-table in Victoria, B. C., occupation | a“ ' to apply for permission to purct 7 the small boy's home after the | deseribed lands ws * Commencing st « post plante 4 service, corner of Lot 996, Range 5, C« ~ 50 chains south thence 40 cha d chains north, thence 40 ¢ oe commencement, RY BEA 4 N “ k il eo rads » fir . » MARY BEATON ( - Yesterday the first pleasure boat! pated Aprily? 1911 to sport a topsail in Prince Rupert , PY: M*y ® Harbor this season was shaping Skeena Land Distriet—D istrict ae Dales : ‘ . Take notice that Alexander ro very prettily in the evening breeze. | couver, B C., occupation rea e bee intends to apply for perm issior - following described lands : oll oe ‘ . Commencing at a post plante - The barometer is falling all | trom the southwest torner of | or j h ‘ : chains south, thence 40 chains at down the coast, and either rain | chains north, thence 40 chains « as! - of | commencement containing 820 acre or more wind may be here soon. | Dated Apri 17, 1911 wrostl Be . . ; ALEXANDER McINT Prince Rupert still maintains her | pub. May 6 record of being far and away the agt | 4 & . y t Skeena Land District——D istrict o! need driest and most sunshiny point] , Take notice that 1, Lauchlan Jo! nd r Victoria, B. C., occupation teac! i on the coast for the month. It] apply, for permission to purchas« ° 5 ow described lands; wt is raining, or foggy at many other Commencing at a post plante ee ¢ from the southeast corner of Lot «@ places along the coast today, Point| chains «uth, thence 40 ehaine d : ? : chains north, thenee 40 chair an Grey,for a wonder, reports ‘‘Ciear’’, | commencement, containing 160 « Ty AHAN ” 7 LAUCHLAN JOHN SHA‘ _ Dated April 17, 1911, : Pub. May 6. Investigate some advertised real estate oO oO “x Ae i | Skeena Land District—-Distriet 0! ‘ ‘ nm your next outing, Take notice that Lettie MeTay'! C., occupation married Wo! apply for permission to purchas« deseri nds: . Commencing at a post planted § west corner 10 chains east and © from the northeast corner of Lo! Survey, Coast District, Range 5!" south, thence 80 chains east, th north, thence 40 chains west, (her south, thence 40 chains west to bh it, containing 400 acres more Dated May 2, 1911, LOTTIE Pub, May 6, Fred W.! The most profitable “little jour- neys'’ that are made, in and about this city, are those made in an- swering The Daily News classified ads. LAND PURCHASE NOTICE Skeena Land District-—Distriet of Coast § Take notice that Henry Macartney of Pine tapert, B. C., occupation miner, intends to apply bandas" to purchase the following deseribed Jommencing at a post planted on th, side of Exchu nsiks River, about 2 12 sales froet its confluence with the Skeena River and about 1-2 miles west from Exchumsike rapids, thence 80 chains north, thenee 40 chains east, ‘thence 80 chains south, thence 40 chains west ‘to point o Skeena Land District-—-District of | Take notice that Grace MeTavi-! B, C., oceupation married woman, \)\' tor perm ialon to purchase the follow lands; Commencing at a post planted # corner 100 chains east and 20 chs the northeast corner of Lot 1116, Har Coast District, Range 5, thence + thence 80 chains north, thence 4° commencement. eentaining 820 acres more thence 80 chains south to post of « ee Fost marked Ms Ww cor,” °F® °F! containing 820 acres more oF leas ace Metal 188 ry April . , INRY MACARTNE Dated May 2, i911, G a hier, Ase Pub. April 29. ARTNBY | Pub are. Fred W. Bohler,™ Skeena Land Distriet--District of Ce 2 . + of Coast 7: ast Skeena Land Distriet-—D istri« ancor of Tee ae set enue rare Corley Take hotles that William MeTav’*® | fe appt ' ' ‘on clerk, intend | ver, B. C, occupation physician, 1'el' acct t © pure , P wing ae tegen (pr perralesion to purchase the following jor percalenton to purchase the following a ommencing at a post planted at the horthweet Cc n nd at the soul’ 7 . menei t a post plante of corner of Lot $055, Rang 6, Coast District, thonee Fi, ryt 8 Le be ay 40 chains © a cant 0 chains, thence north 40 chains, thence west | northeast corner of Lot 1116, Harve)" 5 east +0 chains to Hell's Gate slough, thence along | Coast Distriet, Range 6, thence 0” chan ot slough southerly to point of commencement, con-| thence 60 chaina north, thence 60 enn ce rent. Phone 96, 106-tf Deu J Apri weit or lem, thence 60 chains soutn to puwt of © sii LLIAM MELVILLE CoRLE containing 860 acres more or eri A. Mel avi 1 Pub, April 20, ORLY | Based May 8 10h WHEW. abl hd 4 WILLIAM FRANKLI LPENTER