i HE baily News VOL. VII. NO. it. vmscn itui'Kirr, n. a., Monday,l fkhhuaiiy 19, 1017, PRICE FIVE CENTS - - - - - ME WEE HEN iiFJiifi RED SA1 rS DERBY BRITISH ADVANCE THOUSAND YARDS TURKS ARE DEFEATED IN MESOPOTAMIA BRITISH TAKE EARL DERBY MILE AND HALF BaBBBwfllBBEiaaVsBaJVBaBBpfjr MDMMlWWMflDaiHBHLIl BBBa.' aBMfil I WANTS MORE AND HUN TRENCHES Bll9mYaB2S9'4BBVfiEPmXP'MuiT5MHBtt. - . -. . y. wajpuswi 'aih4B!Hiy r. aMejajBBjjajajMMMaai , YET MORE MEN ' Large Number Dug-outs and Ma- Warns Nation Against Kioeselve BBaaBBhBBf BBaBBBaoBBVBB 'BbTBBm m,KbmvHbHdhDMMMmVK IbBhM HUflB7fnXfHfHj4H aBBB)aBBBBBBBBBBBBEV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBbVw china Ouna Many Germans Optimism Plenty Munltlonsi IbBBBBB BBa'.BBBBBEBBsBBBBldBBBB 1 21 B JBBBBBBBBBbeaBBBBBBB BBlBBBBBBBBBBBBHYm- DBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTI Killed Turka Again BBBa ata YaKiuBBfCS'BB H BBBBBBBBu Must Wave Wore Defatted. BBB fli BMBE RPBEBaBBfBBaSBBBHBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBB'BBBBBBarSa'BBBBBBBa B B Br BBBBBl UHtlli Hcadouarter. Franc1, ! wBJBBKBMBjStSJBJViB'JBBBM BB uYAyji1 aYaBBBamBBBBEaVBAvB'BiAj'aV wJ9I London, Feb. 19. Earl Derby, hcli, 10 Hundreds of Prussian j speaking In Hollon, Lancashire, were raptured by tlr Hritlsh j ' iiui i wa hivui v I " ua in the Aliens region. Several iftaau companies of their best regiments yet to come and will in nil were completely wiped out. j LgBT" BibiBBBBBMbWbBBDBMBBT H j probability occur within the next, Pari. Feb. IfThe French' PflK?BBHr xVSBBDK'aBBBBBHEffll . , BBlaKB few month. He warned the nation troops invaded and successfully! ngainut excessive optimism held Herman trenches on the j in believing the end of the war HUer Moselle, me situation is near as the enemy still possesses quiet on the French front, only TgaBBBBBBBB great reserve force of money and patrol encounter being reported. munitions. He said that money, f-Vlj. 10. Increased ac ! munitions and men are vital ne. t.vity of the Ilnllan reconnoiter-ing cessitles. Money and munitions parties resulted In several encounter SHBiBwiKC J A BBBaMTaBsBBV,wz"Hfc BBBBBBBBbW-BBBBBbWM atraaBBBa we have in plenty, but men, and In (he mountain valley more men we want and must localities There were consider have. BBBBBBBBVaelBt j"J'BBBaaBBeBDifc able artillery activities on the Sfc" BBBABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Carso. BBBBTiBPBMMlTf ! MHBBBBB?Bil iIbdmB BBBnBBBBBBBaBBBaBBBBBBMl Mesopotamia. fflHBBBBBBBBfiflHH " EBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBaMlBB NU6Y DP FUTURE Mesopotamia.. Feb. 1 9. -The BtEJnSKA'fKfcKtEa!m flBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBftT- BMH I BritHh advance wait hundred of London The Times says it un itrdt ia the Tigris District. Very derstands that the committee appointed severe caiuallle were Indicted by Premier Asquith last on lh enemy, at well a two PRESIDENT WOODROW WIL80N MAKES HIS HISTORIC SPEECH, Sceae in the I nitcjf Stales Congress on Friday afternoon. .summer to consider Great Britain's tbcvttnd prisoner being taken, February 2nd, when President Uii.n l Id Congress that he had dismissed Ambassador IkrnstorfT and ordered Gerard home, commercial and industrial of .rfti4r a ti a Ika a K at mlA as tamest quantities war ma thus breaking off friendly relations with Germany. luiivj uati.a ttaao nar uao uibuo mm terial vai alio captured Including preliminary report to the government Ismtj-nie hundred rifle. The principles the Nationalist party ada. The Idea was to stir up the (COMMERCIAL CLUB unammousiy'recoBimenflini TurJL otttr made, half hearted QUEBEC ELECTION - -A . . . ?.-.... i. i. i;,.ri " AT-eilTMMeNTrtoperlal preference ate fonfl counter attack w hich were eaily uMsua v v m. asa vvuuviii w repuUed. PYRRHIC VICTORY On the contrary he appealed to claims that Quebec. was disloyal. . . .. . . .. . i i ii i; i i ur l i.i t'liirii ii. u r fit. 1.1 " - 1.1 in pni 1 11 1 1 1 1 ill" aKiLaiioui ' ' 1 More Vesoola Sunk. Hie eieciors on a piaiiorm 01 i.m- 7 " i nnblic meetins was held herel Landon, Feb. 19 The follow-! Ottawa, reb. is. .'Sever wtre ....... , in certain Ontario newspapers l.irr ur -i.t-.c- wilh lhep fooI,h parrol cry tnal lomgiu ai iiich. uie orauaui is-argumeiit in ItritUh steamer are reported victor doleful than thoie ,and Commercial more was that in this mat- Laurier Is vote for Club was or-ter vote for a luak Valde. Worcestershire and ho have Ju)ll emerged trvm ihe he took exactly the same iin,1Pnan a ty thu i.n,ii ii1e!Paniied- The object of the club' St. John, Feb. 19. There have Koaudalen. 77 - thn advanrenipnt nf th lnij.e oeen nominated ior me sevenieen ground tir Wilfrid Laurier. In flledU llorcheter flftht. As Hannibal. as bilingual controversy which . seal In Brunswick leai WltlWfl SMIll. ome Per,,on el""" famous. !hort, Mr. Pevigny couldn't be out i .pile of the best effort, of J X7Z TrsI oft1.? tendon, Feb. 19-The Hrillh;or loyal enough. Never once, at all the Tory agitators to keep it alive. ff.SJS cptored the Herman position on remarked, "One more victory like events, in public, did fl' -Section take, place on Saturday never once nu IO mis icnueu lasi ana niOSl, 7 - - " " , ; Z 'nH IhA enmnalirn l ...in full winir a front of a mile and a half north-1 that and my goose is cooked." he mention the name of his leader, me yueen onanoiies, mis ciuo eat of Orandecourt. The enemy has Us aim the Tne number of candidates .how fTne Conservative party In the Mr. Henri Ilourassa. The for furnishing or dffencn were penetrated to a House of Commons look on Mhreud Mr. Sevicnv. sensed that information that is reliable and lhe ditlract on wjiich exists ' "' drptb of a thousand yards, ' J that name nu longer nad can be depended upon. Intending regarding the late Conservative any i young Mr. Fevigny' victory Just 1 tho government a line on the la large numbers of Herman uead that way. lolmnit in l).tnhoal.p an Urn fnr. . r i . visitors, by notifying the 8ecre.0YcrnmenU rre left on the ground. The; IleJorc the election they were Wore to Dreallie II. view to helping the profiteers, and tary. Mr. A. R. Mai lory, will find- . ...y" Itrituh losses were comparatively going around saying "God help Hut the grimmest feature of Ht0nd to point to Quebec as a some of the club members await-! Mn 9maw-ing imall the'Liberal party if Cannon wins," Mr. Sevigny's victor)- has yet U. pr0vinco in which the cards were- their arrival, when any as-; ,. . . . Xorlheast of Pliegstreet many victory Ih related. And this is the rtoi ilnnr of lnf.,rmnllnn rn.ilrf ; luo V"" u wuy-man- and now that Mr. Sevlgny's ntil vIl Micnil. strata Carsa nirntn adlourned the tfnyouts and machine guns were spot it broke the big VM bs wi'Unsly afforded eVslroyed as result of Hrlllsh hows the Borden government sore up ixej 8nce tne ar began' the tease of the two Celestial gamblers a where St stands in game wnicn was scneuuieu 101 iiorden government has been jut Kfnkf . pre-: lafter of the at n . . . learning some more 11 t .1 ..it...... rr ..i .1 ... . ... ... . I'Lanv aiiDLEV's rnaT nrv. t i'u. paring yueDec sou ior mis cane- '- . raiding parties were renulsed with . .. . ,,. .... . ir i'imiii "vm u e a ii Knii - 1 1 1 atom i i n m aiiirirkiM n.iiiiinriia i - - -- - - mat losses In each instance to to point to a united and highly .any too well have been told that their duty was PROMOTION rM "BOB" the ate v t of Lens. ...... I Considered as a bye-electlon ft disloyar Quebec altogether in stay al Iome nnj raj8e crops. At the Westholme tonight, in ! ' "a,"e 11,8 ,,rm" e,Irc-lttfl.-i mfh of a feat for the favo- of Laurier. who was to be Three XaUonalists have been kent addition to the gilt-edged cast is ' T,ded eral mine, do- j government to go Into a plastered by implication with the m the i,oriien cabinet as living PPearing in that wonderful play. current Ottawa,in political Feb. 19.circles A rumor in Ot- defenr.. constituency inai na ueen "'"" ' 'r"'"-' guaramees 01 ine laci mat mo V ltawa that the Hon. Robert Roger i ., . , ttn, . ,luick. In r.-nmmrtv Tu 1 ,v,n, an euually great attraction in ..... .... .!! 1.. aai- uiim ub 1 bi iiuin iir auauj aa Mil i i iiinvi.i au.. &aarc7 MnmA iiiirn Aerlal activity i going on un- remember and, with all the re- create uus impression m ne wh would shoot holes in the ur- "a ano1UB.Commissioner in London. teaiingly. One German aeroplane of money, whiskey. and;KuglIh speaking provinces the.Union Jack. Moreover, I11 the Mus rciurutu irum oeiuue uere as brouaht down ulthl n OUr .... . .. . . . t ... 1. I tl,.-.(..it i.,iva.iiiiiaiiI... ..-Aa n,n.iiu1'. .... a . . . ., lirt liA a lkl.n &lllilvinfr tlmlrtl" It - ......irai rnin pni.ni.. iiiil i.i.i v..'..tiiiiv 1111 iiui im niin.iin .11... a i . in'iLrnv a pnmnnin w ...b u..av. w oiurr uiiu"' - - .....v v. " -... .p.. - - A Patriotic Concert under the nes and was captured Intact, and !t see Mr. pevigtty defeated for Of,famous teacher and the first blle to speak of the pressure ao- Mr. IHondin told the electors auspices of Hill 60 Chapter of the other two were shot down Hon. Mr. taking sides with Kngland in Ibis violinist of the Seattle Symphony live endeavors of the 'Dorchester that it didn't make . . . . I. O. D. E. will be held in the damaged ' - very badly, showing the - s t. a it i a v niiixn Mr. to h.i,n...,la a.l.n. iei known 111 llie.wur inuccu. I u ITU i!i rruuii unv lifTrnpa fn Cnnmli nrniiAt ' Dalagno goes Ihin Z f .," ."th n,ar,kI"nan- 1'AienaUUe.HobRgerofOuebitwa.nolisup,Hse WHO that .Mr. Pevigny was to un8 IIrWUll Allison Toronto University of Music JeshoJ,ne Theatre om on A Tuesday,peclal 1,6 ' " concentrate the sacrillce. Tho governmeul ih?m very shortly. All who have heard 4r feat lo lts.be look. Ue nlm Md thal I be i I ng of mU,,nK' Zurce. on a backwoods eon. i- surprised to see him coming tanjbody w afraid of eonserip-i-r. ' before will want to'U "The iSiS BIO NOME DOQ RACE stituency and win it for a cabinet bark surprise! and, so to say.,non at h0 had lo do was walk "car nmi aS&in tonight as solo by a choir of 40 girls. Tickets POSTPONED A WEEK minister who has only four or paiite!. I across tho lint into the United .viollnisL 50c, reserved seats, 75c. 44 fltA months to sit anyway. For whnl does this victory stntes. and reports state that this I might have been made meant It means thai ho wo advice wns accepted by two of c CRADLE shift Nome, A Mid.winter sale at Geo. Tile's. Alaaka, Feb. I7lc-' elected those eleven! t the general hospital this on principles , minister very ralunet nu organizers who tink do without one uae of the bad to Complete homo furnishings at unusually con- '.if li kVilf( f lit. I tl ja Itsklllli 1.iiiik!sft :t. .s a llliif fl 111 tf wl A KtPfi tt l s Vif lta ..a k ..a ami i ai.i nil i illiib iniiiiti til aian an iiihii iiiiiiii ii riniiuniiii iiiki nnu or jvnmrvni vk (.ivi arwaaa j avs a a a aau au a a a racthltt!; T part: b .,ch the gover, cost. tf. 00 arc ration or tmc rrr o i ZiTunl ll ll" ilt ol any political and say. "Fee what they did to ,,v hoUl VtJtement and stealW A,n 'a . paragrapher say MOTieat arriage will change a man's 117 DM Tax. S governmeul wanted Mr. Sevlgny when he spoke of Uedo. Quebec has been tauKUyl( 'ateslUog. the AU.k -rf ' l ead-b ThM Hut ars now du to4 psysbla. the l' to tea out fecHng l QurfH. so helping tho Mother Country." Mr. liy lhe K0vcriuiienl and its) W8nMv N Fi " i"7" Sum rs to b paid lo Um Calsf of potlc i Mr Sevlgny down to lest Sevlgny. election naturally pre- Nationalist allies lo take recruit- !! 7bal xeom?a or Hralia Inipccior, wbo will luus HIT Spring, lest l vents this ghastly trick from be. inB Rhtl., Ant, yet, ln ,plte of tae;h "er ll we, tri ur. """" iiiwn of dots ho hsv not tsksa out i'l!;H3?J?: WttSV5l-J theM Urcnccs by Mirth Hi nsit wUI b prosecuted mlihool rortbsr aoUcs. ml Ilin cnniM vvnii nil rrnniml CITY COLLXCT0R. fl vntive pnrl I MMMWWtWl up for a racial campaign or great proved themselves keeu in the nuich. as It reveal 1h 07-piece dinner set and all reveals is thai the bitterness. In which Quebec was ur,.ai .iniDirl.. fnr iihriv n ..v WESTHOLME One thing it to be played ugaiiut lhe rest f other china, 23 reduction at old nationalism of HMO and 1JH 'other Canadians. And on top of LONDON C ATI Canada. That Tile b!g ale. Mr. Sevlgny should tf. orZRA HOUSC dead a Oueen Anne u nj, Mr. Sevlgny wa elected on Is as have won rather take the edge A NO OWLL TONIGHT OWLV conseauently lht rT'Th platform of empire defence. It THEOA BAR A live party will have to off these mischievous Intention, was an awful blow to the Horden NEW WELLINGTON COAL, Third Avsnue alliance If it an to da i mr i.m msi jeur ine wnoia policy :government The lasl man they phone 116.' We have just re. Prompt Isrvlee of Hie Bs4 "UDy AUDLEV! SECRET' I.UIIIKI I., n.u,hee.X" The old, un- uf ward Ihe a government genernl ha looked to wanted to see back on those lerm celved a shipment nf 300 tons there Is to sat at aH hura. riv icu. ....-i ...u.ii ts finish At election that was the Hon. Albert Sevlgny. WUTT inn ,i.. -- at would put 11 solid Quebec for Lump Coal, We aro prepared to and JEFF 1 a at - m..i.At .fill AIT. Pl' - Willi what they " gracu now can OXH FOB LABMM) 'tUI BlftlTO 01 W aa.il lir.Isa .l.v-l 'A Vk.ll. a.i. k w (ConUQued on fir Tarsi). pul in your winter's coal for you.