TIIH DAILY NKW8 The Business of Being eeaa The Daily News THE MAILS Safety First a Boy is a strenuous employment. veeeeeeeeeee Neinix is mora Imnavtuii u.Ik,V., nte lraoini. Ncw&virui iti northern Bmru.H Columbia Sturdy boys and roi.ii.ried Diir i WeeUiy For the East. Bl. girls are not built out of tur I lease. Guaranteed Larteet Circulation books;alone. The best food Tuesdays, 2 a. in. MShlp to Shtibert tbe Urent konse la the WerU alk. for crowing youngsters is Wednesdays, 9:30 a. m. vdMlnly In A l!w VmZ. HEAD OFFICE Shredded Wheat, the whole L Saturdays, 0:30 a. m. Dally News Bulldlnic, 3rd Ave, Prince Itupert. H.C. Telephone) 98. EasL wheat food that builds From .the Wttte f.f 1. tW 1 THAN8D:ir DISPLAY ADVKHTl!Nls 50 rutt ps-r it rh . tirrM healthy tissue, good bone Tuesdays, 5:30 p. m. Nmih Okaktrt tol.i OMrsw"inn inmU nmiml rsle on application. and develops sound teeth Thursdays, 5:30 p. in. A. B. SHUBERT, Inc. SXZS'Jt&SSSlJii. and healthy gums. For Sundays, 3:10 p. in. DAILY HDITION Monday, February 10, 1917, breakfast or any meal, with For Vancouver. milk or cream. Delicious Tuesdays, 4 p. in. with preserved fruits. SIR WILFRID'S IMPERIALISM nnd useful of his lessons In his Thursdays, 10 p. in. Is Lauricr loyal t Thai Is, by countrymen by saying: "The Sundays, 4 p. m. WINTER SCHEDULE the order of a Kreal political population of England is about From Vancouver. party, tho selected Issue on thirty millions; mostly fools." Wednesdays, 10:30 a. m. which the Impeiuling elections With n slight verbal variation, 8. 8. PRINCE GEORGE In Canada ore to be fought out. tho Conservative managers Fridays, 3 p. in. THURSDAY 12 Midnight f.o r Vancouver Of course, some. Issue there at Ottawa must have Sundays, 7 p. m. Victoria and Seattle. had to be. And If the record adapted the text of the Snge of Alternate Mondays from January WEONE8DAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX of Itogers and Sir Snm would Chelsea. Lei us lake them 1st. 8. 8. PRINCE ALBERT not do why, then they tnut seriously, however. HecaUse we For Anyox. Per KeUhlkas, Wrenasit Jnsa an Staoway Jsnusrr 14th. rskruary take fir Wilfrid. If it la hopeless see about us, on every hand at Made in Canada. 10 Tin and SI st, aSarth 7lh and 21 at to whiten the one, then this moment, all those signs Wednesdays, p.-tn. rOR QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS January 17th and Stat, rskfusry 14th they must blacken the other. which generally precede that Fridays, 8 p. m. and ISM. himself," "And he should In defntill.of a policy or a party peaceful, periodical revolution King Sundays, 8 p. m. PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE record, ono can always bespatter called a parliamentary election. be treated in France as a male, From Anyoi. Wednesday and Satarday at 11 if 0 a.m. for SmNhsrs. rrlnce Oeerae. E volent stranger whose heart men ton, Seaaateon and Winnipeg, maklef coenetlena Ihsre for all eelnts the opposing leader. And the test of sincerity H was Xiritish, though his blood Thursdays, Sundays and Tues eest and eeeth. .Misad train every Tuesday at 4 a. m. So the gauntlet i on the this: Has the accused states. was French," And more of days. Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. ground. Let ua pick it up. mail held consistently the same has this kind. The1 Islands. For Information and reservation! apply to lodge evidently livery Tory language at various tinie.s nnd He is assailed here for being City Ticket Office, 520 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 received its commands. And in divers provinces, and even Mall closes. too French, it in as was Paris, this Is to be the red herring foreign lands? Or tins he varied where he was accused of being Jan. 17 nnd 3isl at 8 p. m. across the trail5 Well, every with time and place and audience, 14th too Ilritish. Feb. and 28th at 8 p. m. such question deserves an answer. and every wind thai In of the premier's Mall'Arrives. No evasion. Is Sir Wilfrid blows? Has he been an educa. one nn Imperialist or a rebel? live power with his corwitry-men speeches, of the Jubilee year in January 21st, February 17th CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY London, Sir Wilfrid said: "I Hag the open book of his life, for good or for evil? Has nnd March 3rd. am Ilritish at heart, though been only a long hypocrisy!, he timidly held one tone In French blood. And there Is Lowest Rates o all Eastern Pofnts by Ie who has sworn allegiance friendly and another tone in MINERAL ACT via Steamer to Vancouver and the not today in Canada a single to three sovereigns. He hasj unfriendly communities? Let CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY He' ..Canadian of French descent Netice to Delinquent Partners. received their confldnce. Let back the us see. us go to Meals and Uerth includrrt er,3lne has bent the knee and kissed ' ante-bellum events; of yesterday, who is not convinced that under To Crant Mahood and rauick Daly, the liritish Hag he has enjoyed TAkE NOTICE uiat bereas e hare Princess Sophia fro Alaska Thursday, February 22. He hands in the palace. Is of and even of the day before. of liberty done and caused to be done assessment the privy council. He has a larger measure work tijr surveys on the Daly, Sollltan, Princess Maqulnna for Qranby Qay Friday 11 p, m. than he would have enjoyed vaunted in eloquent periods In 1902, shortly after tho Cdiib and Loti Mineral Claims. slUsied la Princess Maqulnna Southbound Sunday C p. m. under the flag of France." Urn Salmon Bear River District rortlaad and In- lands, his un-i Fashoda many incident, when every Sir Wilfrid, who has always canaJ Vinlor Division, for tM year HIS, Princess Sophia Southbound Monday, February 2Cth bounded admiration for the Ilritish journalist in Europe held the language both and bar paid tor aald work and record-tot Jlritish institutions of his birth was doing what little he con Id same on tame the sum of 1110.00, unless you J I. PETERS, Genernl Aeent sides of the channel; who has over all others. And now, after to cultivate the tender, budding pi to oa the sum of Mil.04 tor yoi told French audiences clearly hare of aald assessment work, tortther Co-nrr Fourth Street and Third Avenue rrlnce Rupert. B.C. seventy years, we are told that pjant of the present entente, and kindly the curious secret 1th the eoal of tola advertisement, wt he has not deserved -that confidence, France was divided Into hostile of French-Canadian loyalty to ball at the espirattoa of ninety (10) day and we are naked to camps. Half the Paris press, from the date hereof, apply to the Minint believe that he would betray It. was pronouncedly antLTlrllish. liritish institutions; and who Recorder at Stewart, tt. C. to have roar has recalled courageously and interests In the aald Dalr. SulUran, Edltk That he blown hot and cold. Pro-Oerman editors even were sincerely before Knglish audiences and Lot mineral rlaima veiled la m. In U-betber That in thirty recruiting pa. not wanting. Germnn spic4 pursuance of the provisions of the Mineral confidence in that touching triotic orations delivered recently and even German gold were vet For Yourself and simplicity they ad. Dated at Victoria. B, C, ihi tltti di) his he had only to race, not absent from the game. It mire there, how all the French or November, A. O. ISIS. Of M S expressed the thoughts- that would never do to let "perfidious JAMES McDO.IALD. the French feeling, the legend, Gift to Friend were undermost and the Albion become the r. II. rtlEDEIUCK C. WINKLE It your French ancestry, was not incompatible thoughts in the back of bis head of a continental coalition. with his oath of NAVIOABLC WATERS PROTECTION AO head. And. at this time, Sir Wilfrid few H I. C. CSastae t till allegiance, is expected by a Now when a government itself was being honored and PERRIN'S violent critics, to foreswear B. Bihlnrtoo and Jforman R. or an individual is on trial, feasted in London. He, and lime that allegiance, or to qualify Bn-lhurit of the aty of rrtnee. Bo pert slander sometimes be a liotha, giving the world .may .. were it, in favor of this excellent la the. rrovinr of Dritlah Colsnbla. here I,.., .1 ? 11..I I - personal proofs of the wisdom country which failed to defend by te nouct that Uter bare tinder Sec that cae you must make sure; of the IJrilUh way of dealing tiun T of tbe aald act depotited with the GLOVES his great grandfather. VVorka at Oiuwa and Minlater of imtilie that Is densely lg-, with And jury conquered races. your "The very head and front of in th orare or tbe Dtatrtci Brirar or noranl. and hopelessly preju-j they were both champions of his offending, hath-this extent; Titlea at the Land Healtrr OfDre at Uw Tbe trell known Perrin trmdcmarlc aa diced. If they should also be the superiority of Ilritish institutions " cur of frtnee Rupert a'oreaaid a deaenp-tlon illiterate, blind and deaf, it over all others. The none other of the !! and tbe plana of a wharf abown in cuts abould be on tvrtf rIotc The French Canadian i well; be built In llenalum Bay, proposed to tills ectioa of might also help some. Hut on result was that the jingo press and like the philosopher, where Lanrara Kland. in front of Loti (to and yew ftt, as aaauree you perf no other assumption can you of Paris, when Sir Wilfrid arrived tt. Queen Charlotte Island Land District, he is well, there is his country. Style. Fit and Finish. safely insult the intelligence of, there, the guest of the French has Province of BrtiUB Columbu. The such a public, and submit such President and Premier, assailed -Canadian AMD TAKE .lOTlCE that afur the ei efeafert fAe) mHd ( lAe taken his own way, and a hlgh-(Continucd p ration of one month from tbe date of err reasons in support of such an bim with invective. He was on page three.! ' the Drat publication -of tola notice the fmmlmm PXMMJM'J CLOVES. Indictment. a "renegade Frenchman." "An said Hume B. BtblBfton and florroan R. Carlyle begins one. of the apostate." "A convert to Ilritish LAND ACT Drodburst will tinder Section 7 Of the said act apply to tbe Minister of rubllc most scathing and spiritual.; ideas. More Ilritish than the Works at bla offlc In the aty of Ottawa, VANCOUVER LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT rrovinee or Ontario, for approval of the OF COAST, RAIMI S. said site and plana and for leaf to construct 4MMMM TAKE NOTICE llit I, Uo Stanley Burton, the said wharf. TbeMeals of thtSM of Ocean Fall, B. C occupation mill DATED at Prtnee nupert. B. C, this secretary. Intend to apply for permission I'lb day of December. A. D. III. 14 purchase the followlnr described lands: H WILUAMS A MA.1SO.X. I Mighty gp Cemmenclnr at pott planted about Ore Solid tors for tbe Applicant Ramsay's rhaloi distant and In weeterly direction from the. eoutkwest corner of Lot II, lUnre J, Coast District, thence aoutn 10 r twins; tbenre east II cnatnts thence north vrhich males bone, and muscle mln,- Wnif W rJ (5 9 chaina; thence veal It chain, to thl and sinews hich Bex in Ihe gyBBK-t Empire Cream Sodas nott. ronutntm LEO to STANLEY all about BURDO.t.it acre. Stuart J. Martin strong right arm of the arnkh x t MFtVt f OVEMUER I, !!(. T. . "A mighty msu it He." Dread 'IRZKzErfe ASSAYtrt rasoe (rom M KaiO. S.A. w. a, Williams. B.A L.L.B - HAZELTON B. 0. In 2-lb. Tin WILLIAMS A HANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc The oldest established Assay SSONtV TO LOAN Have attained their enviable reputation by their superior Bos till quality and uniformity. The moot dloerlmlnatlna housewife irrwm Blnri rnnre SVMrt. S. C Office In the North. Insists upon "Rameayfc Empire" when buying Soda Biscuits. STEEN & LONGWILL They are made In 8). C. and your grocer gets his supply mmmammmmmmmmmmm fi li& the k'nd the vise housewle frequgntly and quickly. Insuring freshness, which means SANITARY AND HEATING 1 I & Oi' TPm lH,tl m, 'nnct V&- 'e crlspnse. ENGINEERS ?JgTifc7r flour YOU ihouIJ use to nute tlSHCRMAira KNOINB opTHs'tD. rich. Dounshg, lieallh-giving Prove It by buying tin with your next order. Agents for I Cl. S In. ky T U, tf.1S EeRr ImM Uvea. ROYAL STAND- Manufactured by McCLARY FURNACES kteeae rower. MfefXp3H ARD mighty good I HI oil s-4 in. bf s t-i i, as RAMSAY BROS. & LTD. PLUMBING Ksrst rower. CO., ci t-2 in. r a i, - and Merae rewee. Vancouver, B. O. SIISET METAL WORKS Phone 5, 831 Hecond Avenue, For Further Information Night phones 570 Apply.to and Hliie 270 The lnhl UiOk. at thai ftlnhft VJ. C, VVILLISCr.CFT Advertise In The Dailv News, r l'm'' flnd al lht r,oht pr,0- a. Prlnca flupert, D, 0. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR F. O. DAWSON HRINOC RUPERT.