Monday, February id, bu ME. DAILY NEWS 1 When Tired and Nervous Local News rft Notes r"fftf-rf ,,',,,,iff j j j j If the end of the day finds you weary or irri-table,with Tho County Court will slttm achingheadand frayed nerven,you need Monday, March 5lh, , ; "" ' something to tone and strengthen the system. m 1 . :. . Mr. J. Fred Ililchlo left for BEECHAM'S PILLS Vancouver yesterday. . THE MINISTER OF FINANCE Tie makers wanted at 'Lake are a-remedy which quickly helps in restoring normal Kalhlyn. phone 381. -jr ;t Uf.. - . REQUESTS J-. conditions. They act on the stomach,liver and bowels, Mr, A M. Manson, M. Pfof and so renew the strenf th. rind steady the nerves. Omlneca, left for VictoflnIiist ,. THE PEOPLE OF CANADA TO -rj A few doses of these wc rid-famed family pills will nlghL . .. ,:L e e e f T: BEGIN NOW Bring Welcome Relief Some coldl How pleasnnt it ' V ' would bo If tho price of. coal would , follow the temperature. : .'TO SAVE MONEY FOR THE t 4. Andy Akerburg, bf Akerburg, NEXT WAR LOAN Thomson & Co., Is on n visit to Prince George on business. Prifice Rupert Feed Co. MrraarmHT or nK J.L.HICKEY A jolly evening we will have mn. a. int f trrrawa tonight at the Carpenters' Hall CONTRACTOR A BUILDER and say, boys, refreshments. Remember, HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS 8 o'clock. AMD FERTILIZERS Store and Office Fixtures, Mi. W 11 Wrlohl nt Mia U'ln.I. Sash, Door and Moldings1. sor Hotel, was among the ias- WU HANDLE Oak and Hard Woods of all senirers for the souln on tne lin- Bulbs, and Take Orders for kinds. quinna yesterday. Nursery Stock. We Specialize In making NOTES AND COMMENTS Cow Hay was n very busy place' Chicken Feed A Specially. and fitting storm win-daws, yesterday. There were at least; Safe Deposit Boxes For Rent any size. twenty boats being overhauled The Ilritish naval authorities, SSOLUTtir FIREPROOF Mall Oreers Premier Attenea T. Plate and Sheet Glass and and being got ready for ec-mmls-l the owners, masters and crews of INSURANCK IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Glazing. sion. Ilritish merchantmen and the P. O. Do I 333. MI Third Ae. do not Ilrfiisli public generally Corner Fraser and 6th Sis. Headquarter for Oyrrvtowii Sawmill Co., Ltd and the .lor lb Coast Tuts PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. The Prince Maoulnnrt had seem to be very much concerned Company, Ltd. PHONE GREEN 269 qulle a good, passenger list yesterday, over the submarine campaign. MOORE a COMPANY among whom were Mr. tl. While the Admiralty is, a usual, PECK, P. O. BOX 448. Knighlhall, Mrs. Gen. Mobertsnn ilenl as to what Is being done, SIT Seeend Avene KN0UL SNOEERS Pltee IM and family, nruce Morrison and enough has been said to warrant BUILOirta FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY THE CONTINENTAL TRUST COMPSNT PHONE 93 P. O. BOX 3C Mrs. Maitland. the belief that the menace Is well PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. Last days of shoo specials in hand. Wallace's. 40 A bridge party was- held at the homo of Mrs A. T. Parkin in aid American shipowners are about Traisfer and Som4 men have heads like bells of the fled Cross Society. Tho to arm their vessels and resume Storage there is nothing in them except M i-i n hhlnft nsAUtintf as lied business, it Is lntereting to "The Daily News" BEST LUMP NUT COAL a tongue. Cross nurses added greatly lv,thc4 note in this connection that the UNERAL DiNIOTOO e0 tm. success or mo evening, ine sum l.'ilited States government flatly CLASSIFIED ADS. SALWARS TltrOTKl. Out. LONG WAITS of 1 16 was realfied. refuses to dlseuss the submarine NTEEO OPli DAT vo nnt:r KO Vancouver Land District District ef Coast, Rant question with Germany until the lit tD STRAIT rGt l WEIGHTS NO SHORT TAKE JSOTICE that Archie Barne Martin, Mr. Emma Htisnn dlel at Port latter withdraws Its declaration When You Order from Us. eeeopatlon m'JI manarer, of the dty of Essington on Friday evening. of ruthlessness. WANTED. Vancouver, Province or British Colombia, Mrs. Huson was one of tho very Intend to apply for permliflon to par-chase lisil Dl'fl.tss PracUcal rsmssa 91 tbe following- deacrlbed lands.- old timers on the Skeena and wa The ousting of the American years' eitvntliee Atlantic Cuall. Caleb, DENTISTRY Comniencinr at a pott planted on the aged 68 years. Funeral will lake relief committee from Helf ium Is Inr, saltlnr, Miiokiar and markrunr all CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT south tbore of CouiIqi Inlet about Ove place at Kitwangar. II. O. Undertakers a pretty piece of business. It kinds saltwater Bth. Write "?lovi .totlce Is hereby Siren th a Court or chain vest of tbe southwest corner Of Sesllae," SS99 9lrd Slrtel, KOmunUm. csowm ao enioet wet In chai-ge of the arrangements. looks If the Germans meant of rcrtslnr nd are as RerUion for tb purpose Lot II, Ranre 3, Coast District: tbence a srcoiALTV correcting the Assessment Roll for tbe south 90 chain, thence west 40 chains. to Kteal (he supplies the com WAITED Uperlenced waltr. Afflj DR. J. S. BROWN City or Prince Rupert, returned by I be tbence north 10 chain, thence weal IS mittee had on hand. kitel omce. Hotel PHnce RapeH. If undersirned Assessor on tbe Tenth day or rbalns, tbence north IS. chains more or Mr. Leo Waugh. late of the MsmsT January. A. D. 1917. will, be held on Mon-dty, lets to II. W. M. of Cousin Inlet, tbence WA-I TED General servant, sjtly Mrs, L. 0(l SwIUl Bleak, Tr (ink the Firth day or March. A. D. 191T, lollowlnr the II. W. M. to this pott nd Government Telegraph Department, The Hritlsh expedition up the W. I'alniore. pbuoe f 94. tf. t 10 o'clock la the forenoon. In tne contatnlBr one hundred and twenty Ove left for the south last night. Tigris is progressing very favor- Council Chamber, City Hall, City or Prince HIS) acre more or let. Mr. Waunh is Joining the Engineers bly and tho indications in the WASTED Small Ii(hi row tost, pboo Rupert, DATED at Vancouver, B. d, this 1st to do his "bit" for his latest dispatches are that the Black 999. All complaint or objection to "said day .of November, A. D. 101. Assessment Roll mutt be made. In -wrltlnr. f. tr. ARCHIE BAR3E3 MARTI.1. country. A largo party of friemls Turkish force 14 hemmed In at FOR SALE and delivered to the Assessor at least ten were down to see him off; Good KuUel-Amara. If that place falls 1 X . AKERBERG, THOSSOH (101 day berore the date or the' ant luck to him. into our hands, the effect upon FOR SALE OR TO REST Tenth Ave. tn4 tlttinr of tbe ald Court, vlx, the Firth LAND REGISTRY ACT will Bacon Street. Modem four roaned COMPANY the Mesopotamian campaign day of March, A. D. 1117. bunralow. furnished or unfsrnlsbed. Dated at the City or Prince Rupert, (Section Si and 14.) The flshfng arrivals over the be very great. Apply p. O. Box 199. nine Rupert. 41 Arrets for Province ot BrtUsh Columbia, this twenty-aecond weekend were the Carrulhers with -FRISCO llarUtlAL." PAttV day of January, A. D. 1917. Re Application no. 91.111. Fllinr S.SI4. 60.000 pounds, W. It. Lord, 10,- How history repeats itself Is ron SALE Household Furniture Apfl "FISHER WAN, "FtRRO" AS0 ba been P. LORE5ZE.S, TAKE NOTICE that application 1909 Third Avenue. WeL U. "CLAV SAS ENSINIS Assessor or the said City of Prince Rupert. madv to rerUter John Bercman, or Prince 000 pounds, Chief Skugaid, 20,000 exemplified In the latest Canadian Rupert. B. C a owner in fee under halibut, all Cold Storage boats. raid on the German trenches. FUR SALE Carload minmr macbiMry, tn PHONE BXS. TOED PETERS. Tat Sale Deed from the Collector or tbe The Republic also arrived with Over three hundred years ago, cludJnr IT matbJM druis. eotuma tan. City of Prince Rupert, bearlnr date tbe il rill Steal. steua-BIUofS etc Appl ald Clerk of the Municipality. City 7-JI-l7-4f lth day of September, 191. of ALL aid 30,000 pounds of halibut and her when the Prince of Orange was Dally Sews. U. SISOCLAS that certain parcel or traet of fare was purchased by the Cold struggling to free Flanders from LAND ACT land and premise situate, lylny, sod be. Storage Co. at 13 V eenln. The the Spanish yoke, a "camUada" MISCELLANEOUS ii ! Work ot Sheet Metal Prince Rupert, tor In tbe Municipality la A m KEEN A LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP more parUculatly known a Lot Ten (10), Rolfe sold 11.000 pounds at 13 was a favorite lorm oi nigru at-1 OIUDUATE RL'RSE (CK.9. Loodua) Tennl COAST, RMMI THREE Block Five Secuon Seven (7), Map pents. I -t. Tl, ..111. t.-I (I), OMiderale, apply t. O. Bo I 949, or I K TAKE notice tut I. Francl Joseph II. uleeplng costumes over their armour, Phone 41. Now is the time to have Beale, actlnr a stent for tbe Empire You are required to contest tbe claim would suddenly descend la Pulp and Paper Mills, Ltd., of S wanton of tbe tax purchaser within thlrry-Ove LOST your heating plant put Bay, B. C, occupation lorrer. Intend to days from tbe date ot tbe service ef this Prace upon the slumbering camp and shape for the wlnten roof apply for permission to lease tbe follow, notice (which may be effected by Rerls- Rnpert Dairy would sweep over it like a great LOST Oold medal, name I, Judre Inscribed. and skylights seen to. inr described lands: tered Mall or at Directed, and your at SUNAOEBIENT wave o f destruction, slaying Finder return to O.K. B litis. consult a UNDER NEW In such ftuinnenclne at a Dost planted on the tentloo I called to section 99 of to.; cases south (bore or the laroon at the end of Land Iierlstry Act" with amendments,! veryone in their way. Just about practical man If you went tbe East Ann or Mussel Inlet, about one tiut to' the follow Inr eitract therefrom;) PURE HOL8TIEN MILK a week ago, 100 husky Canucks results. nd one half miles to a westerly direction . "and In default of a caveat or eerufl- CREAM donned white ladies "nighties" from tbe N.W. corner of T. L 44946. 90S, cate of lia pendens belor Died before the 1 for their customary visit to Fritx C O. Rowe I1600P.. thence south SO chain, thence reristratlon a owner of tbe person en-titled BUTTERMILK FOR SALE moonlight and back with west 40 chains, thence north SO chains under such tax sale, all person so by came Practical sheet metal man. hum rr iu to tbnra line, tbence follow served with notice and tbose cialmtnr. PHONE EST r. O. BOX SM some prisoners. If the Germans ing- shore line In an easterly direction to ihrourh or under them, and aU persons report more Angels, we can account Opposite Hoard of Trade point of commencement. dalmlnr any Interest In the land by virtue j All OrSer Promptly AttanStd Te. for it this time. A fine double corner one llooins 322 2nd Avenue FRANCIS JOSEPH BEALE, Applicant, of any unregistered instrument, and all i block rum McDrida Street. October llth ill. M person dalmlnr any Interest in the land PHONE S40. - - f by deacent whose title I not rtrutered i R. McKay, Proprleior. A free Poland,' which is now- We are instructed by the Estimates Furnished Free. under the provisions of this Act, shall bei promised by the Czar Nicholas as owner to sell this valuable fjjj,fw tffff ever"estopped and debarred from set-1 fur one of the ultimate of the war. property for what it cost at RAW FURS! RAW FURS! f."-'!."W.'i,.?..!5!UlllllO TRICT RUPERT OF COAST,LAND RANOK DISTNtCT-DIB-IIL recalls the vigorous glorification the original sale of Grand .h.i. iK- .muM under the of the Poles If of struggles tin- Trunk lots iu 1900. you such lax sale as owner of the land so TAKE .10TICE that PaeWe Mills, Limited. rP ALARM ITSTtM sold for taies. if Vancouver, British Columbia, occupation, Jer Kosciusko against the com are looking for a home site Tbe Edwitoo Fur AND WHEREAS application bat been nuln and paner makers. Intend to appll bined Prussians and llusslans in with future possibilities as node for a Certificate or Indefeasible TtUe for permission to purchase tbe fotlewim 1791, which survives in Camp a business location you can JlWCVIT 0. S the abovementloned lands. In tbe name described lands. CommenciDr at a post to bell's "Pleasures of Hope," poem better this. feckaige, Ltd. of John Berrntant planted on tbe north bank of Kneye river, UUt lib, St. ad " A.1D WHEREAS on Investlraiins the tbour ooe-quartcr of a mile up-tueam t tb Ft al i " Is for business and offers title It appears that prior, to tbe 9th day from tbe shore of Flti-llurh Bound; tbence A little anecdote Illustrating W write Ore Insurance, lepra-senllni Mil IS ate si. sod IM I"' open ' expert service to trappers, of September, 1914, (tbe date on which north twenty chains, tbence east twenty the spirit of Franco Is told by a only stroor. liberal Companies. lunalta ( lit. traders and buyers of tbe aald lands were sold for overdue chains, tnenea south to river's bank, tbenee correspondent. Two French im v. furs. This Exchange is the taies you were the assessed owner; alonr shore in westerly direction u war Veur business Is selltlted. is hi ., lwe largest in Canada. It carries thereof. poir.t ot commenceioent od roatttntns poilus were talking In a front Slh SU Unas Hotel i out n plan of open, competitive FUHTHER TAKE NOTICE that at tbe forty (40. acres, more or less. trench. "The seat of my trousers H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD tv t? itl re s4 ' selling. It is made up same time I shall effect reristratlon In Dated June 10th, 111. Septf is torn," remarked a pollu; "I am rst MolaLi of solid business men and pursuance of such application and Issiie a PACIFIC MILLS. LIMITED, quite unpresentable," "Oh," said stands for Certiorate ot Indefeasible Title to tbe said by "Mark Smaby," Aut. OI'HVH RESPONSIBILITY RELIABILITY lands In the name or John Berrmaa unless another, "that makes no difference Bea M lrl 4 and let RESULTS you take and prosecute the proper pro among friends, and your enemies 1AVIOABLS WATERS PROTECTION ACT, (ptMl tlfflrw. eeedlnr to establish your claim. If any, SI trd AVa Slid Mi-Nff will it.' S. sales advertised never see R. 0. CAP. 11B. " Exchange are to the said landa, or to prevtol such pro 4-11 . I.l !9fFrt.l widely. They reach the posed action on my part. ' ,M ps rt- ted The Exchango I'ACiriC MILLS, LIMITED, hereby ! big buyers. DATED at the Land Iierlstry omce. but experts. A Bui Utu ftlallM S iKillce lltal II bas, under Section 7 of lb tl AS Hr4 I'" employs none B, C. this. tb dty of Prince Rupert, Its warehouses are safe said Act. deposited with the Minister of Bai tr -n. t, r. A. D. 1919. OLD against Are, Vermin, or other pecembcr, II. F. MACLEOD, WATCH FREE, piiblie Works at Ottawa, and In tbe omre OIROUlt NO. 9. damaging contact. Tbe Ex-change of the Reristrar Oeneral of Titles at Victoria, Apr, IT. District Reristrar ct Title, olllces are central in Hritlsh Columbia, a description of Bes l - Mb Ave. and rlf " 16 Simon Peterson. DavisvtUe, California, kW, tm Edmonton. Beiid your next the site and tbe plan of certain structures Bes as- itorden so4 Tailor shipment to M.I4 to be erected In front or Lot Thirty-one ei 94-7 lb Ave. t4 FulloB 91 , I liv TT SAAlk.JT (91 , Ranre Three (I), Coast District. Bes SS-9th At, and Comoi aw The EtaotM Fur British Columbia, tl tbe bead of Cousins l T -IU Ave, sod Dl r ,l oQuality n oleL Be. s-.tb Ate. and Tbo mi M. M, E. u AND TAKE KOTICE that aftar the ei-pirstion Exclude, Ltd. . Davey AfedUWood ew ajwuT M of one month from tbe date of OtACUIT NO. 8 Years Hie first publication of this loUre, pt. J Bes It 4IS A. md uu A BAMS BUILDING cine Mills, Limited, will, under Seetion 7 5 P1, before bottling 9 Telephone 5M, Edmonton Teacher of Singing and of Hie said Art, apply to the Oovernor-la-Council f Bes 49 liU AV. md m "r Alberta. Voice Production. CUARANTEED BY TUB for approval of the said lite aud 2 Bel 49 Ilk Ave and Orrfi' COVESMMENTaf CANADA iMa m la Mi , .Iii. Plan. Bet - Ilk e ind M (kMt m a4 gm Ut ika UmuiU Dated it Vancouver, British Columbli, J Bee A 7lh A,a. end RAW FURS! RAW FURS! PHONE BLACK 217. ,M k. aM4-VilJJ,l,,w. a 1 f IIOTU,wV tM IM 99tb day of April, A. D. 1911. S Be i Ml Tib Ave slid T BODWELL, UWIOS A LARK. Solicitors for Pacini Mills, Untiled. lijitti tttt rrrrrrf r -------