e..r,iar February 21, M THE DAILT NEWS I Ul nTCn IS! IN FRENCH STEAMSHIP SANK A SUBMARINE I, In ft forty-minute haltfe l:J OF MONTREAL iMfcn the French liner Ouynnnc ami a Oertnan ftiihmaritift off ih coast of France on January 22iul, . Th U. Of TRUIT.A.T1VES-. j.i... thf submarine wan sunk, accord, irig l the ofllcers of the freighter, which an arrived In New Ydrk from llordeau. The Odyanno was one day out from port. At 1 :3ft p.m. the U boat was lighted some distance to ttorl and an- parcnlly endeavoring to cross the steamer' bow to slop tier. The submarine fired a shot which fell iLLLLLLLLBSaaPiHLBBK iuff 'iBrSt!!? ?jBB l j&&temKBK short and lh Oujranne then turn ed sharply to atarboard, o that her biff 05 millimetre gun mounted at the stern could be trained oh the approaching craft. The allliliinriim fli-i..t n ino.n.l !.! MR. ROBINBURQ !...,.. .... . .. . U3 Casgrala St., Montreal. n,tKrDir ana April 20th, 1913. 1,,en 8 l,,,r hlch "truck the -Tawr opinion, no ether meJlcioe wt"'" cl" by the freighter, la the world iwctiratiro for Gmtllf. Meantime, the (Juyanne'a gunner tum,JMitntl4nu,,VTu.ny,t. bad sent one shot which failed to Uaj. ir rr from tbrw com platnti for bit. but strgck very near its Lie yrart. and my sedentary occupa- mark. A aecond ahol from the two. Hour, trou'cht a!nt a kind of .Ouyarine hit the U boat squarely latoiwi ! Paralysis v'th ntstjt Head and the underwater craft was flirt belchlnff paa, drowelneaa after seen to collapse. During the next ratiajf. aau rain in umiari. i wiru tinny minute me auuinanne was jMiliaJ mlifea .f pJi)lrln, but ar-en to be struggling for esisL a:V BT'ped'"- Then I aa Induced anee. So one appeared on deck trr TroJl-a Urea", and now for 'and no further attempt to shell gumte Ituve Ua entirely mrll. UUe fr(,g,i,r waa made. At the !! jaanyoaei.no.ui.erairwoiiiui f,1(J of lh balf ,lour Ule 8ub W; u trouble CfcfontefoaitlpaUoa marine disappeared, not with the th resultant Indigestion, l Ity uauat gradual motion, but aud .Mhfi", and will be ft: you denly. The freighter' officers rjrprlard at the creat benefit ("tp say that they have no doubt that aatiiftrrtTa". A. KOSILMJUHO. the submarine was lost. 1 1 1.6 far $2.30, t.-Ul alte,25e. a,. loraectpoatpaklLy Fruit-, . i x unI, OtUa. A NEW DEVICE LAND ACT The Donaldson liner Lakonla arrived in Ilaltlinore this week taacovfi las a oimnoT otrnuoT prov ided w ith a new smoke device or coast, rami a. nf the Dritish Admiralty that mi nonce Uut I. U lualey Bnr-ti Ocvia ralU. B. C occupation mill render ships immune from sub tKretarr, letend to apply for pennUrioa marine attack. The shin also HfUtMN UM fllotnf described tend: carried a 3-Inch gun mounted trm m k-ui eomrr of tot it. 'tiers to man it. According to one ftMi t. Omii putrtet.. tiwt kxiui ta 'f the gunners .who talked to a t,iL,'VJ!TJlS!',Pisentatlve of the Associated ml kauiMt la all aboat It awr. irrm. mr urn., I" ' tio STiLTY Bt'RDO.T I by Hritlh chemists and scientists, Mnina a, im. r. t. , eenerate enough smoke In WHUW.OOO Canadian oldler'rtrl minutes In mak a vessel l-M inns the Patriotic- Fund m the enemy'- view for several th;mrt JI need Increased eon- r,0ur. - . 1 The Patriotic Fund needs fonr fiiB ALU .ietiere.t ht dollars this year fir one last ... rear. Do your narl. tf LAND REGISTRY ACT tSmtona it ao4 III.) hi Atfucuua x. sou m a. :. TAkt .VOIICK UUI ki'plUtUua liu tcn FRED STORK'S HARDWARE nuSc to rt filler MtrUi B. Moirlr. et rniM Rutwri, I, C, u ttur U tt uudrr Tn &U D4 lm Ux Collector of Um Qty of Prtoc iiapcri. bcArtnc dM Tit AVt um itm ar or 6pifuiir. mt, or all AND S1AGLLAM llul tiruu parcel or CafpsBUra Tol ullfer' Haetfware thlp.Ctianalaey tract or Ud4 d4 prtiuUvt Uuw, ljinf. ad txint in Um Municipaliiy or rrtocs Cable SLmI BMoeka rishlno Taekla ftuiwri, tuur pu-ucvurlr kaon and d-Mrttmt bs Plpa sp FllUnga Rlflaa and Shotguns tt 11 Eirain Hi), BkKk ekm Ammunition li. Section fclfhl (I), Step (tl. Nop ValvM You are required U conteit tbe claim Fumpa Nom Plnt olltsui purcbawr wlinin St dajs from torn and IUnM Ruks)fla1 Hoofing CoerugaUd I rot. Um tUl or Um aerrlca of ut nolle (bleb roar t effected by peraooal Mr- M WC MLL NOTMHM BUT THE KST ilcei and yoar attention la called to ac- Uon It of lb "Land Retutry Act'' ltb amMKlment. and to Um foUowtat cxuacl UerefrgcD: "and In default of a rrt or ceruacata of lu pendent beinc FRED STORK'S HARDWARE ntrd twrora Um reautrailon aa owner of permna la perwn aa entitled aerted ender tta notice ucb ule, and all B. SMITH has a dry goods store in a certain tbuM cUtmlat Utrourb or under mem. and A aU pern cliiiAinf any latere! In Um Canadian city. He docs a good business, but watt land by virtue of any unregistered Imtru-ami, to do more. He believes that Advertising in his local "newspaper U A and aU paraona cl limine any In-teeeti la I be land by deacenl twt UUe way to get' more business. So he advertises every now and then. u nut retittcred under Um provukm of This is where our friend Smith is wrong in advertising every now and UUt Art, aball be lor cr etiopped and then. He should advertise regularly as. frequently as his local newspaper debarred from aeiunt up any claim to or in reitt of the land ao told for taxes, is published. and Um Kraiitrar aball muter Um person Smith says he wants to advertise regularly, but he can t always find the tin eBUlled under aucb lat aala aa oner of to prepare advertisements, which is true, for he is his own buyer, sales-manager, iIm laud m sold for taiea." director of store service, credit man and half-a-dozen other things. A.ND WUIUEAS application baa been tuade fur a CertiBcaU of Indefeadblo Title What Smith should do is this: If he is located in one of the smaller cities,in to iim abomenUoued landi, in Ute nanM which there are no advertising agencies giving a local copy service, and he or Marlon B, Morrtey has his staff by to no one among own .qualified instinct, or experience a.nd W'HLKEVS on ioeiurunr Um write the daily announcements, he should go to the publisher of the, newspaper title II atpeara I tut prior to tb lib day of Srpleniber, ItU, (Ibe dale on wbicb in which he means to advertise, requesting his help. In nine case Um said landi were aold fur overdue out of ten, the publisher, through his. advertising manager, will be only too lair . you were Um ateed owner glad to give Smith the assistance desired. thereof.I'LHTIltH TAkE .NOTICE Uut at lb If Smith is located in one of the larger cities he should secure the services ume nine I anall effect reilftratlon In of a recognized advertising agency which will take over the work of preparing Dr.Price's pureuaare of aucb application and liue a his advertisements. land Certiorate in tne of name Indefeadble of Marlon Till B.to MorrUey the aald In this way Smith can be sure of having his advertisements prepared regularly unlea you take and prosecute lb proper and intelligently, with no more trouble to him.than the. supplying of pmrecdmt In eatablitn your claim. If any, the information required by the writer of the advertisements. la the said land, or to prevent tutb pro-rxiwd So business income Smith can do more business, and more means larger BAKING POWDER action on my part. for himself, to say nothing of other gains that go hand in hand with the DATED al Um Land lteiitry ornre. Prince lluixrt, B. C. thla I Tin day of doing of bigger business. There is no alum in Dr. Price's October, A, D. tits. II. r. MACLEOD,, This Smith do know him? Cream Baking Powder. The names District KesUirar of Title. man you of its ingredients, printed on the Ta HeutM-a 110) faclfle Nurent.sl.tq,Vancouver, B. C Mil Are YOU Smith? label of every can, show it to be CalJ tlie Pony Kxprts for wood made from Cream of Tartar, which rut ia stove length, or 4 feet. comes from grapes. Dust household coal and icetieral If Je lecal tmjit talk 1itiaiM pcohUeae wiak sk AAee. ywa ore Toe yMar No nlum baking powder or food con transfer. Piano moving our of Irti liting Department twpapr. tnining nlum bo sold in Specialty, Trices moderate. IMionr is permitted to you are Jetng a prtnlncjat c pauewl tui It would b Wi) for to kaeo many countries. To avoid alum read tho .iOt, IUW. HoRors. tf. Ifco couil and aaaUtanc of a good dvrtlaia afeocy. A list si tfcaia babel and use only baking powder made .at m ttithed, rilhoal coil or eaMfaUcn, by the SocraUry of CanaAiaja. Pr a from cream of tartar. Shoots, pillow i-ftsra, hlaukcU, Raoaa 503. Luanatlen Quiktiaf. Tor eat. tHd-lrt'nd rp?fvi our 20W re. L diictlnflfo. . 'lite. If,