Monday, Frbrusry ? IMS DAILY 4NKW8 g( to fed t I XL.HICKEY Local News Notes FreshandFit eospopoeB ee ' fSftrTMCTOtl A RHilLDER trf't JSmmm ssssnaesssa Finest rubbers Wallace's. Store and Ofllco Fixtures, you must keep yourstortv The Princess Knn arrived this Sash, Door and Moldings. ach well, your liver active, morning with 450 tons of coal Oak and Hard Wood' of all the bowels regular,and your Borings and mattresses, 20 THE MINISTER OF FINANCE " kinds. blood pure. Your physical reductions at Tile's sale. tf -' Hi' T , Wa tpMlallxa ln making condition depends on the . REQUESTS and flttlnf aterm windows, health of these organs. Mr. tfhrlford Darton is confined any al. When anything goes wrong to home with an attack of la ' THE PEOPLE OF CANADA TOirVi Plat afnf Miaat ttaa and grippe. just take Mld-ulnter salo at Oco. Tlte's BEGIN NOW Gorner Fraaor end tih tia. Cotnpleto home furnishings at PHONE OMEN Mft ; at few doses of Beecham's. ... Pills cost. tf. TO SAVE MONEY FOR THE ana avoia serious illness. any Mr. A. J. Prudhomme, of the P. O. BOX 44. They are a fine corrective and 0 tonic for the system, and a Savoy, returned yesterday from a NEXT WAR LOAN visit the line. great help in maintaining good up 1 health. A single box will Just arrived, spring slock of neyajriwem or tvumc Prince Ripert Feed Ce. prove the remedial value of new rugs in choice patterns. Geo. . a. ttrt crrrawa , D. Tile. tf. HAY, OIIAIN, PEED, SEEDS BEEOUH S Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Mcftae and family left foe Vancouver on the AND FERTILIZERS Princess Maquinna yestorday. PILLS S WK HAND LB The Princess Sophia is expect Bulbs, and Taka Order for ed about 6 p. m. from Alaskn. She Uraw SU ml AmT MwiicU sa tk.WetU. will leave again tonight for the Nursery Siook. M liantsi. la boiM,SS. Chicken Feed A Specialty. south. (Cf eCtrlitttr Safe Deposit Boxes For Rent LAND REGISTRY ACT Mr. D. J. Williams, manager of THE tNCWCktf WLMM 1 asoLUTct-T piats)oor the Ilocher de Boule mine. . and INSURANCC ISJ ALL ITS KSlAIICNfS Stall Oedeee Preatptlf MUMM Te. (Section IS nd 111.) Mrs. Williams, left for Victoria P. O. Boi aSS.. BOS Thlre Ate. He Application No. 01,111, nunc 1.8 U. last evening. risMrBstsiAira KMma Headquarters tor Oeorrfto tavatiil Ca, Lid., and tbe Rerth Coast Tblar TAKE NOTICE that application ba heen t cu 1-1 la. br T la 1-'S Cosapany, Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. made to register John Bergman, of rrinc Mr. J, W. Prilchett, of Wrangel, nupert, B. C a owner In tee under who has been spending a day or PECK, MOORE 6c COMPANY Tax Sale Deed rrom the Collector bf the o?l a M k i 1 i-i k. n two here, went north the Spokane air of mnce Rupert, bearing date the on it avawee cshbul anoctits 1 0 th day or September. ISIS, of ALL A-tD last night. a oil a i-t in. sr a n-t PHONE 93 P. O. BOX 98 SINGULAR thai certain parcel or tract or auiLCiso roftettMLv oocueifD mr tmi ooTiMEMTaL thust eoairant land and prtmliea altuate, lytnr. and be- Mr. James .Martin, of Massed, PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. in r In tbe Municipality or rrtnee Rupert, who has been in the city for the more particularly known at Lot Ten (10), For Further Information Block ne (), Section Seven (7), Map past few days, intends returning Apply to Sit. home tomorrow. TraKfer aid Stvrage You are required to con teit tbe claim W. E. WILLISCROFT "The News" or tne tax purchaser within ihlr'yare Steam engineers, gas engineers, Daily BEST LUMP A NUT COAL daye rrom tbe dau or tbe serrlee ec ibl deck hands, and anyone who Prlnca Rupert, B. O. notice (which may be eCtected by Registered ovv to Mail or a Directed, and your at knows anything about boats. If CLASSIFIED ADS NO LONG WAITS tentlon U called to aection is or tne they want a Job, should see Capt, Sl It tmt Ir St. "Land Registry Art" with amendmenu, swt sa ata f 4ut sr4 . s He is KO SHORT WEIGHTS McOee. recruiting for the SUUCRIBC FOR s nrt to tbe following extract therefrom:- a, f. t at set M ate Inland Water Transport Pertlce. When You Order from Ua. -and in default or a caveat or certin WANTED. . a Ns-c"rt. t. 4M s rate or lit pendena belnr Bled before tbe tnt St.. s The Daily News s registration a owner or tbe person entitled The Princess Mnqulnnn had WAMTIIi AT OMcaMsctunitt, accastMa-ed Bea e ikeiwro l m s under aucb tax tale. aU persona so h ikM H..I.I. s quite a good list for Alse passenger la tasoJme repair work. stroos, s served with notice.. ...and those clalmlnr aet IT- l.f tie aM Tib the south yesterday. There were well educated boy as apprentice. Apply s under and all ! M.iL tbroucb or them, persons Waters Protection Act. s Navigable AkertMirr, Tbomsu a Co. cUUninr any Interest In tbe land by virtue several visitors to the city return, r. a. O-. CNArrcs) lit. Prwce Rufert Dairy of any unregistered Instrument, and all ing home, but they all hoped to be VtiLMO LADY RCULIRLD ror loeal omce. osftftvti aa, A. . persons claiming any Interest In tbe land Bwa tt- ted ir. aa M i aa,n ,oon lo enJJr lne annti Rr stauar eiperteac (ir any B01 ,DaC The Grand Trunk rarioc hall ay Coca by descent wboe Utle Is not registered IPwl lSBe I under tbe provisions or this Act. shall be,weather, paay hereby elvee notice that It has, aitder 10. Daily News. 41 a ES led ae e4 i ror ever estopped and debarred rrom set-1 eelkm T or the said Act. deposited lu . PURE HOL8TIEN MILK Hill BL'SIMESS Practical roretbaa tl 1 Be M-Ht s4 Mfp.vs. tt ting up any claim to or In respect or tbe wr. C. Moll, of Sookane. went the Minuter of PuUic Works at otus. year etpertewr Atlantic CuasL Catca- es Bw tad Ave aad IM H land so sold ror late, and tbe ftuirar . . and In the office ct the District Reaistrar wtlin-L taf, satiiar, MBofcinr and marktUar all es te tad ata etvt i i BUTTEMHLK snail register tbe person enUUed under ,fouln Mr..MOUIia the Land Rertstry Omce. DUtrlct or kmds saltwater Bsa. Wrlie "Novel rt -a t . I at Alice Arm looking over rrtnee Rupert, at rrtnee Rupert, a decrtp I sucb ux sale aa owner or tbe land k jbeen up siaien at a am alai aiaui - - - old ror taaea" some properties.- He is very en- tvt ef the site and plan er lumber mill CtexHftr mi phone m r. o. box sec AM WHEREAS appUeatlon has tthiiiaHe and other worka proposed to be built la ami eirwrla In Alice WASTED Eiperleoced waitress. Apply et tl ua ate, M rwt, made ror a Certificate or Indereasible Title! , ,. . , tbe rrtnee Rupert harbor at rrtnee Rupert. hulel Hotel tf a, eg owe-ni'v sad once. Piiace Rupert. ail Order Attended Te, freeaatly "" ""0 or to tbe abovementloned lands, In tbe name '"J British Columbia. In rront Wsierfroot or John Bert-man i the immediate future. It lor k -f. arcordlnf to reiislered plaa or at ae .tia m ttMh WAN TED General serrmat. apply Mrs. L. et g..ik 4 and rnwM R. McKay, Proprietor. A3D WHEREAS on Investigating the . the tovntlie or the said rtty or rrtnee W. Pattnore. pbuoe t0. IX, es -.! at. SM IMM n rerlslered In tbe aforesaid lai title It appears that prior to tbe th day Hprrt death The sad news of the of .' e at M TV. M office as Mo. ttl. Beettoa T. or SepU-mber. 1911. (lbe dau on which rertstry ...... ..ww.,,.n Gordon Anderson has Wen WANTED SmaU !iht row boat, pbooe tbe said land were sold ror overdue received AMD TAKE 50TICE UmI after the et taxes) you were the assessed' owner in the latest list of casualties. piralion or one month rrom the date of BUfk ttt. CIMUIT no. a. et and la thereof. the Rrst publication or this notice, tbe et FOR SALE Gordon, who was only 18, ron sale Grand Trunk Pactoe Railway Company the FURTHER TAKE 50TICS that at essjssasnaBsKaBl same tune I shall effect registration in left nupert with the 48th Battalion. will, under Section T or the said Act. apply at awi wrna. pursuance or such' application and issue Mr. Anderson, senior, is an Uw Minister or PubUe Works at .his axs aa tie . .M t ron I ALE Hoiuebold r roll a a re Apply A line double corner one Certificate of Indefeasible Title to tbe said old timer in the Kittimal and the offlra In the City or Ottawa ror approval 1000 Third Aveaue. WesL 11. 4 0.t M t l sM p t lands' In the name of John Berrman unless nvmnathv of all will be estenifod it tbe said site and plan and ror leave m 7i ate. ed !. block, from McDride Street. you uke and prosecute tbe proper pro- . ' . . . . , . to ranstroct tbe said torks. FOR SALE Carload miaiar mabixry, la Bwa 1t ft At, and ls l We. are instructed by the reeding to establish your claim, ir any.J10 1,1 m ,oss Dated at Wlnnlper. Manitoba, this tlst cludiar It machine drills, cuIusm lit, r wests." to,.tbe said lands, or to prevent sucb pro- day or rebruary. A. D. ISI6. drtll'rel. sleaja-BlUaas. etc. Appll to sell this valuable owner posed action on my pan. I A tea will be held at the home THE ORA.XD TRL'MK PAarTC RHILWAT Dally News. If. 'property for what it cost at DATED at the Land Registry Office.Inf . A. T. Parkin. 855 Ilnr.!.m CO Mr AMY. II. II. IUMSABD. Solicitor. the original sale of Grand Prince- Rupert. B. C. this tth day or.C( , .... ... MISCELLANEOUS December. A. D. 1116. "i """' Sheet Melal Work Trunk lots in 1909. If you LAND ACT it. r, macleod. ;irom j 10 o in ata or ine prisoners are looking for a bojne ite Apr. IT. District Registrar or Titles, of War fund Admission 10c. 0IUDUATE NL'RSB (CM.B. London) Terms 'With future possibilities as To s.mon reterton. Davisville. Cauronia.iT,e MMM Gibbin w, have a Ml UNA COAST.LAND Dl SIAJMI STRICT TMSKS OlSTmCT Of moderate,phone 41. apply P. u, B01 til, or Now is lha time lo btvr a business location you can (stall, selling fancy articles and your heating plant put ia not better this. CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT ehome cooking. This is an invila- TAKE Uce that I. francl loaeph WATER NOTICE shape for th winUr. roofs tio" "tended to all the ladies in iteale, actinf as arret ror tbe Empire ami skylights seen to. ..? i. nven .hi . ennrt or and Paper Mills. Ltd. onswaason We writ Ore Insurance, representing nip only itronr. liberal onv Revision for the purpose or revising and Prince Ilupert. itay, D. (-. occupation lorser, tnuod to DIVERSION NO USE In such cases consult a paniea. correcting tbe Assessment Roll ror lbe j ppljr ror permission to lease tbe follow TAkE NOTICE thai Oeoria McRae. practical man If you want Veyr buelaaee U aelkrted. City of rrtnee Rupert, returned by the In tlie cajr COIlleBt, subject er described landSr whose addreaa la Skldetate, B. C wilt resulla. undersigned Assessor on tbe Tenth day of Canada s share In the war,' held Cienmenclnr at a post planted on the apply for a. lire new. to lake and ee I lo LTD. i.n.r n. tait. win h. t,.M on siMi. shore of the Isroon at tbe end of H. Q. HELGENOJOW, outn tone feet per minute or water out of C. 0. Rowe day, tbe Fifth day of Marrb. A. D. ItiT, by the Queen Mary Chapter of the be taU, Am of Massel Inlet, about one Demster Creek, which Dow northerly nd at to o'clock in toe forenoon, in tbe . O. D. there were twenty-six nd one half miles In a westerly direction drsina lato Aliford Bay, about II chaiaa Practical sheet motal man. Council Cbambei City HaU. aty or Prince eay, ,eill ,n The winners were: rom tbe M.W. corner of T, U 4111. rrom tbe N, c corner of T. L. III. The le ' w a a m a . wer e a a ItOOP thence south to chains, thence water will be diverted from tbe'elreatn at Opposite Hoard of T'a r All coraplalnu or objecUona to said a8 w it jcsri, viuiei ucikii-Assessmeni west 4S chains, tbtnee norta to chains a puint about tea chains wear rrom a. V, Hooma 322 2imI Avf ar mm mm Roil must be made, in writing, ton, Metlakalla, prize 12.50; class nore or less to shore line, thence follow. corner of Lot 4, B.:C. rtsbrrUs. and will and delivered to tbe Assessor at least ten 13 t0 H years, Iluth Uix, Prince r shore line In an easterly direction l be used ror power purpose upon the land PMONC SAa. oijs weiore lum oaie oi turn ur. tllnP. ,(, t K( rlsift nv.. II ulnl of roronMnremcnL described aa adjoining Timber Until 111 Estimates Furnished Free. sltltng or tbe said Court. vti tbe fiflh FRAMCIS JOSEPH BEALE. Applicant. la application Id lease. day or March. A. D. 1917. years, Freda Morrow, Prince Ilu- ictober lllb. ISI6. i.ll Fur This The EdwitM notice was posted on the around Dated at tbe aty or prince Rupert, pert, prize 95.00. The prize es. on lbe I llh day or January, HIT. A Province of British Columbia, this twenty.,. . u.m i, P-fl(i in 1,1-1, Vaaeeevee Land Dlatrltt DlstrUt ef copy or this notice and an application "ADoUarlnTime, Exckaige, Lti second da, of January a d. hit. Inchool Pardeburg Day, February eeeat, Uns S. pursuant thereto and to the Water Act. 1014 will be Died In the office of the 'or 27lh, at 2 o'clock. Parents and Assessor of the said city prince Ru- Saves Nine" Is open for business and offers pert. Daughter of the Kmpire will be TAKE MOTICE that Archie Barnes Martin. Water liecorder ai Filaee Rupert. Ob expert service to. trappers, FRED PETERS, wcupation mill manager, or the city or Jeetloua 10 the application may be Bled traders and buyers of' aty Clerk or the said Municipality. welcpme. Vancouver, Province er British Columbia w lib the said Water liecorder or with VISIT lo The Bank ol furs. This Exchange is the' ST'tt-IT-41 intend to apply ror permission to purchase tne Comptroller of Water Itlfhts, parlia largest in Canada. It carries; Cnl the Pony F.xpross'for wood the following described lands 1 men! Buildings. Victoria. P. C, within A Briliili North Americi out a plan of open, competitive Commenclnr at a post planted oa the sltiy day after tbe first appearance r-f for the purpose selling. It is made up rut In stove lengths or 4 fret. south shore or Uuslas Inlet about Ave this notice In local newspaper. of solid business men and Ileal household coal and general cbaina weal or the southwest corner of The dale of tbe not publication or this depositing prt of your stands for Lot SI. Ranie S, Coast District! thence notice la rebruary tlst, HIT, c.rninjjt, bcconvci a pleasant RESPONSIBILITY RELIABILITY DENTISTRY transfer. Piano moving our south to chains, thence west 40 chains. OEOROE MeltAE, Applicant. when once habit, RESULTS rpeelatly. Prices moderate. Phone thence north to chains, thence west II and profitable bains, thence north I S.I cbaina more or it. hive acquired Exchange sales are adver-4 OMOMrN N0 aaiBeMI y you not. It. V. iiogers, tf. less lo II. W, M. or Cousins Inlet, thence Used widely. They reach the a sriouLTT big buyers. The Exchange loilowinr the II. W, M. lo ibis post and AKERBERG, THOMSON The dollar you u.o to oped DR. J. 8. ROWN eonlalnlnt one hundred and lwenty-0vs Savinf employs none but experts. ShccU, pillow cases, btankelH, Mtl) acre more or less. in account in the Its warehouses are safe Dcsrrirr against fire, Vermin, or other bed.spreads receive our 20 reduction DATED at Vancouver, B. C, this si COMPANY Department in turn oaissi Sswltb Bieea, Tklre AveaiM damaging contact. The Exchange Geo. Tile. lay of November, A. D. It If. others, the habit ol savm offices are central in D, .tf. J. tl. ARCHIE BAflMtS MARTI.1. - Agent ror 1 ru xpRiaoO I MP ER I A L." "PALMER," Edmonton. Send your next rows. BKIKNA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Of "riSHCRMAN." "PtaajO' AND shipment to BJalvatlon Armv, QUEEN CHARLOTTE I SLAM OS "CLAY" OAS ENAINBa. THE BANK OT The EfbntM Fur I'uhllo rnetlriK, Tm-xtsy TAkE NOTICE that I Otorte McRte, of PHONE BM. British Nm A.Hcrka and Pwturdsv Skldecate, B. C, occupation Intend Thiiraday at R p. ni enalneer, E. Exctage, Lti . Davey 'indsTs at 7t?0 p. in. to apply for permission to lease the Tf YEARS IH l'1'-' u fullowlnr described landst CAPITAL AND UarlD-. A BARM BiHLBtHO Taachar of tinging and ls M Hanson, B.A. M.Y.Cuiiunenclnr corner or Lot(t a 4,poal Aliford planted Ray, at Sklde-aif tbe B. C. UNDERTAKERS imnwv riipfrT DRANCB T Ice bona BBSS, Edmonton wr. g, Williams. I t. utM luUl, tlirnce west to chains, thence Alfcerta. Voice Production. WILLIAMS A MANSON nurib 6 chains, thence to cbaina In an W.J.SMITIinilS, Mnnafl easterly direction following tbe UMERAL OIREOTORS AND EM. shore line, arrlatara, tolUltora, Elo. BALwirtS BATI6SA0TION MWFWS)CMWF8RS! tlurnre two rneine ia point or cuiuneace-iiu-iil, OUAR. IN PHONE BLACK 217. sour TO LOAN contalnlnt II acres, btore or less, SNTHrs OPEN DAY AMD NIOHT ADVERTISE ( Sol tISI otoiiOK McliAE. Applicant. 11 (NO STRIET PHONE 41 News esfsyseeeaaTp Hetgrsja Block Prtnce Runeil. 1. 0 Dated January tttb, f a 1 7, All The Daily