The Daily voi,. vm. w. s0 MUNCH IlUPKHT, H. C WEDNESDAY, FEIIKtMHY 28, 1917. ,Prtir.l K1VK CKNT8 BUSTED STATES RE ACHES THE VERGE OF WAR SINKING OF LACONIA REGARDED AS OVERT ACT BY WASHINGTON OFFICIALS mml-m-mmmmmmi ' - - UNITED STATES A GREAT PATRIOTIC AMERICA IS OFFICIAL ATTITUDE OUTBURST IN IRELAND ADVANCE MADE CONSIDERING Queenstown, Feb. 28. Very remarkable BY BRITISH ON Washington, Feb, 2H. The scene were witnessed (linking of the Laconla in a clear. here when the rescued woman THE OVERT ACT cut cane according to the highest from the Laconia which was tor ANCRE FRONT pedoed without warning by a Ger-!man official Interpretation of the act. submarine, were landed here sinking of Laconla Twelve Die and no farther investigation will by a patrol boat. Huge crowds Advanoa Mad on an Eleven-Mile mrican wwni Mill.... Ra In- be necessary before action Is (were gathered on the wharves and Front First Llna New Two eluded Violation of taken on the part of the govern, chanted the Naval Anthem In Ilea Further Ahead-Ships Neutral Blahte. incut. Thin became known as the ,tone of defiance to the enemy. Sunk. That the Irish people are at one "ministration's attitude follow-canard Ws.blngtonV 1VU 28, The with the remainder of the Empire London, Feb. 28. The British company advise that the conference between Presl-tutil in thir hatred of the German was number of dead and miasdent Wilson and Mr. Lansing. shown in no uncertain manner. advance along the Ancre river has tnf among the passengers and Many officials believe that the attained a depth of two miles and ere of the Laconla uumber long awaited overt act against READY FOR THE FINAL extends along a front of about i.hs. Mr. and Mr. Hoy, of the United States has now been eleven miles, according to the official Chicago, and American ne- committed by Germany. As the Sidney, N. S. W Feb. 28, At report. Bapaume, which m firemen who were member situation is now in tha hands of a huge meeting held here today. had been declared would fall only of U crew of the Ill-fated steam-;Congress, it is expected that quick ' J tjwiv Premier Hughesurged the people after the greatest price ever paid tr nave died of exposure after and positive action will be forth, ' JMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMEwflS'lBkSilBl- or Australia lo stand solidly he by a victorious army" is now di k tJ lot hip sunk. Four Americans'coming. The President and his -S.lj4jI C HMMMMMMMMMvHMMMpMft&JHHHP sS9 hind Iiritain in this world-wide rectly threatened by the greatest ttt saved, cabinet will have all the facts ( liBSBHHaK struggle, of right over might. In German retirement since the Although United States citliens available before them when they slancing Iiritain as stripped for stationary warfare began more ? killed on the Laconla, Presl- go into session tlili afternoon. the victorious final, he pointed than two years ago. The newly oVatWIUon wllLnot lake action) out that the Commonwealth occupied ground opens up Baany cata Congress pastes on his re- DEMANDS VENGEANCE should rid itself of all excresences possibilities for the British forces. wt of yesterday, rr authority; from HIS COUNTRY ligewise. Oermana Rao u I sad. 9 f9l-,ll i.ii,.). . nt" -rmiti- A hostile attack cm the Somrae wtfnlity The alnklng of the London, Feb. 28 Mr. Austin AN IRISH SOLDIER'S MARY has been repulsed with great, Uk&ii I looked upon by united Hoy, a Chicago businessman wbo losses to the enemy. riuiens as a clear cut vlo-ii in thl city just now on inter.; I By Patrick McGill) biuasflhe United States rights.;national trade affairs, has cabled I RARE AND REFRESHING. FRUITi 1917 CROP, London Bystander I January 2. I have Just come The British steamers Headley, 5, investigation is neces- to President Wilson demanding iback from the "dump" with ra 4,953 tons, and the Aries, 3,70 1 urj, that the United States avenge the LETTERS FROM THE LACONIA'S WIRELESS lions. The supply is excellent: toes, have been sunk by German Uti. Feb. 28, The oITlclal 'murder of his mother and sister, BOYS AT THE FRONT i MEN WERE HEROIC better than ever. When I came submarines. Inn t the laconla disaster who were killed on board the La-- 1 1 out here first the men used to irt it fc&ma: Total nmuber of conia, Mr. Hoy Intends throwing! Very interesting letters have! Queries town, Feb. 28, The grumble rations were often late; MittCftrt and crew was 29 1; the up his business and enlisting in been received In town from- two jL,, operat Donnes and letters and parcels used to get m snu. icnjvcf lande at Oueeustown the army, to add bis own personal of Prince Rupert s ojd timers,!Tntj nr ih hpme nf the lost; reliefs generally came up ... .. . It -I r .i -1.: 1 1 I i AM r .t....-,-ft. tnit' at Banlry, H; drowTjea,,efforts n the caueir!ireetnK,uj,e.wiw iw' Ttiey- "were . ... . .. .. I dd of exposure and buried atlworld of the Hun menace. i fore they went to France George """" """ " -the trenches generally lengthened r stag- tooay tne unanceiior says M.t ia hospital, 6. Two Amerl-j i Leek and, Harry Heyes are both two survivors to leave the ilsef oul a week, sometimes a that President Wilson's action is f toasta were among the thlr-i PAARDEBURO DAY in France and report themselves sinking ship. They stuck to their fortnight. Hut that was a long without parallel. He said that he -WW. The newspaper here fit and well. They say they have apparratus sending out S.O.S while ago. There, no doubt, the had not yet been informed why i3 totrue the sinking of the Paardeburg Day, which has been throuah some strenuou P,i- llnii n Hrituh wnriihin xe. heads were in the same position diplomatic relations have been Unsu as an overt act against been set apart by the Ipmerial limes and both feel quite III IO sponded and then had to jump as a manager new to a business broken on. to e unaneelior Ui tailed States. Order of the Daughters of the go through the same again if need which is short of hands. He finds statement to the Reichstag em. Umpire for the purpose of foster- be. in tt it...m mm J i,ih ui.h" rr overboard. They were picked up a department originally run by braces all the old arguments IdUCULTURAU CREDITS ing patriotism, was suitably ob- some "quick action." Trench life by a lifeboat. There was a united lwo men controUed by one, and about being forced into a defensive POPULAR WITH FARMERS served yesterday at the High eems to get tiresome. They say eulogy regarding the splendid a machine which was worked by war and places once more all !School. Parents of the children that everybody is In good spirits conduct of the Laconia's officers a dozen men once kept going by the blame on Britain. Germany Victoria, Feb. 28, Thirteen and members of the Queen Mary and hoping for the "Day" lo come and crew. half that number of hands. So demands full reparation and " fcsadred applications have been Chapter. I. O. D. K assembled soon. To their numerous friends i it was with Us. Every nook and guarantees for the future. lt with by tSie Agricultural for the purpose of presenting the )n town both wish to be remem- UNCLE SAM'S BATTLE cranny (call them sectors and Urdit Cs)mmlssion lo dale. Loans 'priies of the recent essay com- bered. Harry Heyes adds thai so FLEET DISAPPEARS salients if you will of the firing ftCsRAt J RftMtTVNsj"ts utrraalina i ot7 510 have al-'netition. The winners. Miss Freda fr as their part of the line is line had to be manned and our mjj m.j I Morrow and Miss Hulh Mil. read concerned il's all up with Fritx Washington, Feb. 26. Uncle strength was not great. To me. London, Feb, 26. "At a meet-. their etsays, and Miss Marguerite now, for the "naming t-weue na am battle neet has mysterious- the miracle workers or Ibis war ing of the Agricultural League," BERNSTORFF LEAVES NcColl, in the abnence of the arrived In the firing line. Also y and completely disappeared. It were the Old Contemptibles, the says the correspondent at Rotterdam writer, read Miss violet i.eigu- "Heath vaney tcotty. i nose wnoyi purposely lost ana noDouy nere men who xought against over-Halifax of the London Evening News, Feb. 28, It Is expected'lon'a Mrs. Du Vernet made the remember thee two pugilist knows its whereabouts except whelming odds -when everything Dr. Wildgrube, a Conservative uut the' Frederick VIII. with presentation In a fitting manner, wouldn't give much for the chance president Wilson, Secretary Dan- was aga'nst Ihem. But now things member of the Reichstag, said: Count von HcrnstorfT, the late Principal Brady gave an in- of an enemy in a hand lo hand tels and the chief of naval opera- are different; we have even got "'.Now that Mr. Gerard has 0rman ambassador to Washing- spiring address on Patriotism scrap. tions. 'our letter-bqxes in the trenches closed his espionage office, the ln, m board will leave for F.u- and thanked the Daughters of the, . From now on until the end of and if the postman arrives late German people will breathe freely 'ope Unlay F.mpire fr the Impetus which ' RED CROSS NOTES the war, w jiclher the United States we say things. Its almost like and will be relieved of an in ' 'such a competition gives to essay becomes involved in hostility-with home I've got to write a tolerable nightmare, provided he ORALE OF GERMANS ,writing, one of the most import-1 Mrs. F.mbleton and Mrs. Phil Germany or not, it is not likely letter before tea. does not return before peace is; WORRIES HINBENDURG ant branches of school work. MacDonald will havo charge or the navy will have its hiding., January 3. Going out on a declared. -------- I Mr. George W. Morrow spoke the sale of home cqoklng in the 'place revealed. raid tonight. Fergus was apeak- tv'Mr. Gerard's residence in Landon, Feb. 2C lleuters cor- briefly, emphasiiing the great lied Cross rooms in Friday. Absolute secrecy of movement Ing to me a minute ago. He is Berlin and his intimate relations rpondent at Ilritlsh headciuar. need of patriotism and expressed The Daffodil Tea held on Sal- (9 the first law of naval strategy, very excited for he is going out with our responsible authorities ! In France says a copy of an the thought that Paardeburg Day, urday by the five young lames hen the Germans bombarded on the raid with us. A very brave were painful to the German people, order Issued by Field Marshal von as a day set apart for the cele- was a great success. The rooms the east coast of England the boy always ready to stick his but the climax of pain was Hindenburg has come Into the bralion of a victory should be were crowded from three until people demanded to know where head into danger. Up to yesterday reported when Mr. Gerard has the Possession of the Ilritlsh forces, dispensed with, in view of the six and the sum of 32 was rea-'Admiral Jellicoo'a fleet was. I thought he never knew what insolence to describe the imperial In part the order aaya 'The op- loyalty shown by British South Jlied. The committee In charge "Lost somewhere ia the grey fear was. Twas inhe morinng chancellor as his friend. Next lo rations at Verdun from October fricnn Iroops in this war. as well as the ltcd Cross Society mints of the .North Sea," was all and he was standing by my side England America is our worst lo December resulted In serious The meeting concluded with are very grateful to Mr. Killas the satisfaction Ihey got from vhen one of the men near us enemy.' " and regrettable reverses Incnn- the Hinging of two choruses by for the uso of his tea-room nnd Winston Churchill, the first lord poked his head over the parapet able officers must bo ruthlessly the iuills of the High School. to Messrs. Balagno, who played f 0,e admiralty. :amV got hit right through the Father, Mother, Sister, Brother "moved. The number uf 't,ri f su uriifcimuiij, mm u uh rorelieau. can get the "right kind" of shoes TIDE .assisted In any way. A PLEA FOR SOCKS said at WALLACE'S. tf. "ier Which un nniiaiinllv lame1 SUN AND j ..Vhat a fool," Fergus for German troons. some of' whom I I Mrs. Woodland, treasurer of the He did not know what fear was.' urrendercd without serious Thursday. March 1st. lied Cross Society, acknowledges The Imperial Order of the , "But you re never afraid. coasHNUTtoN or tmc orrv or re- 7:23 a, in. with thanks the sum of 1100.75 Daughters of the Empire is mak. said. istanee. or without suffering any Sun rises 5:57 p m.'from Mp. W. Shrubsall, being the ing a special appeal to the publio: uv ..i.i Kermia "r that nil losses. hnw- that the Sim sets " mural of 12-39 a.m. 111. 10.3 1 proceeds of the recent rallle of for socks for the men in II."v vmi, Vnnv.. .'.." HOTIII iouk of u,e troops en-lLow water " 1S17 B Tsiss. wl wa 0W Tho n.i.u.lwgh water .7:lfia.m. 1H. 17." the hig nsn. ;ireiirnes. a cuange oi ooks i .rh j kow how brave he Tbet Uiri tx now du and payabto. s the correspondent,or,,.r that the i Low water .2:10p.- Ht. ' Last rriday at the sale of home ne oest preventative or "trcnclitWaJi fUj pf ifaat courage which lam trs lo t paid to ttu Chlsf of rotteo Istus reason for thu water .8:53 p. m. HI- ' cooking unuer tno cnargo oi .Mrs. icei, uio uiosi ureaueu fu oi me OVercomes fear. I hope, he comes or tltalUl Intprctor, who wUI 1117 requr a most High I M-m h( tmi us. Tyre nnd Mrs. 11. P, Wilson, the uanauians at pixseiu campaign, M.M..a. tu ,mrm , lhe raW. '""ui inveatlgatlon and that (Uiptalu McGee. no Ownrs or dots -bo bt boi ttfcsa oat '"PS luust li int... i.. .... i... ii.f sum of 170.50 was realiied. The o iroiu iiumoer uouoie wnai. Jauar 1-Hald over. Heached it Uttnret by Ksreh 1st next will too "'Spirit of the German Infrantry.l The Rl-lers of St. Jowpn' -. thanks of tho society are extended they were a year ago, but the tho trenc,, am, accounted for a proMcuUd wlUiout further aoUeo. ast I. - n. imening of a com- to these two ladies and to supp.y oi socks nas not increaseu gootJ few of thQ enemy Ulil Fer CITT COLLI0T0R. bouse all those who contributed to the m -roporuon. I i U-srhool gUs was killed. He'a lying out on Fifth Avenue. Hven Ins Jm; success of the sale. Iho I, O. I). E. wishes to ask lhe , gomewhere. x must WESTHOLME on Monday. March the' women of Prince llupert to rUe to ,,,, motUer, NVe look LONDON CAJE 01A HOUSE .begin, on When you think of shoes think answer the plea of the aoldiers. ievwi v.rUotiers. The ofttcers 7:30 p.m. of Wallace's, .....lata .l vvi.. ti a d unn ma i iim i TONIGHT vii.uini uuiv u ii"J'.v IhM AND TOMORROW .. i . m i vvna vnrv'-, iihia. The V ls- war. 0,n. Thursday aiiernoon, Third Avanue ....-nKiii'VT f,. blt u,ey djJ nol know Kef MSUE HAYAKAWA Hakery and Tea NEW WELLINGTON COAL. March.. 8th, Mrs, Mc.Mullin will be!gus' as I did; so I call It tinsuc. Premst Sarvlea af iha torls Just a 1 ...ta a.. .i a a. m arrived, BOO tons lump, 100 um ,u. receive mw g us oi C8g,fu, THE HONORABLE FRIEND' tons nut coal, We give prompt u.e rrince nuperi woman m tne January 5. Something like gas thsra la to eat a aH I'll. period. AH i).v.,v in'servlce Albert MeCntTnrv. ntunui shape of socks for the boya In the' .. , ' KM. jdeouied at the Ui" '50,,flf h, ,Wv- irneh ihi BOXES FDR LAS4BS s ic. the ineunllinp- (uruviiufl. j tConUnu-4 tto Ps T-rs)