The Daily News juJbWL. 4wAbsbHbbbbbbbbbi c'., VOL VHI. WO. 63 I'lllNCK WJPKIIT, U. C, SATtllDAY, MAnCll 3, 1917, VHU'.K FIVK CfcfVTtt - CONGRESS EMD01SES : ARK D NEUTRALITY PRESIDENT'S REQUEST IS GRANTED - 535 MILLIONS VOTED FOR A BIG NAVY , U.S. PRESIDENT j GAY BUDAPEST NOW SAD , - BRITISH NOW For some nights past lhe HAS BACKING streets of Hudapest have been, ADVANCING lunged in darkness, and the once J ay Hungarian capital has been OF CONGRESS llkp a lifxlrirpil nni! nimriaL ilp- TO BAGHDAD 'serted town. Owing to the scarcity of coal, and consequently gas, Will Build Many Submarine and the street lamps are no longer Turkish Retreat Has Now Bacoma Speed Up Shipbuilding jjjghled. Only at rare interval Rout Immense Booty Captured Armed Neutrality ran one discern a lamp burning British Ready to 0t Bill Pastes. at night, and the shop windows Into Bapaums. are ein darkness. Thus we are itprml to Th Dwlf Nt.l jven worse off than the people of ! l!HaKaaaaH tSpeeUI to Tbe DHIj Hews.I Washington, March 3 The London, over whose nightly suf I London, March 3. The Turkish UxEPwwies.94' fcring the newspapers have been retreat from Kut-el-Amara has the Armed Neutrality J has pasted Scale In MHts House N'"- wiln on,y l,,,rle,n du-.nlientvole. making merry for the last two now become a great rout. The Congress plana to year. Shops hate to be closed Turks in great confusion are at seven o'clock, except those again retreating from Ayiziyah, substitute stronger senate inea. THC POSITION ROUND ABOUT VERDUN which supply provisions, which which lies miles west of iore for It. The President ia all Thl map shows by It shaded area the gain made by the Germans fifty-two are allowed lo remain open half Kut. Since December, the British tttij U alHi hl signature Just a year ago at Verdun and till held by them. It should be on hour longer, and even the have taken seven thousand over u soon a the bill passes and will noted that Verdun and it strong ring of forts is still In the hand cafes have lo be closed at midnight prisoners and since the fall of tkm act very promptly in arming of the French after a year's attempt to take them away. vessels for defence instead of one o'clock in Kut, over 4,300 prisoners, 28 American the morning as formerly. Afler guns, 19 trench mortars, and 11 traiotl the submarine menace. GOVERNMENT AS8AVER HUQE FOOD STOCKS twelve o'clock at night the streets machine guns have been captured. Grant Millions. WANTED IN RUPERT, FOUND IN STORAGE full of drunken and are soldiers, The Turks were very well supplied .aval Appropriation Hill Th.. - - - according to the "Pesti Napolo" with ammunition of all kinds and Ilia. ManitlA tiilav 111 ---- - - The mining committee of the Investigator of the police de-of "it is impossible for a respectable they have been compelled to leave Vjeiunimou content, without a Hoard Trade are to take up partment of Chicago in taking a woman to go out alone or even very large quantities behind In rJl rail. This hill call for an census or me ioou supplies a lew in the company of he: husband their flight. Three Turkish gunboats, ,1 of 335 milllona for the question of appointing a gov ttfoditure 'day ago. found in storage at one after that hour." It often hap. ten barges and thirty pontoons One million, and a tialf ernment at.ayer for the city of tttuvy nMftrMnjc plant two million pens at night that women are Inputted have also been taken. The u alMi granted for the naval Prince lluperl. Tula apoinimrni .pound of poultry and 900,000 lb. and their husbands assaulted British cavalry are operating to Uh U San Francisco, The Sen. it considered to be absolutely es- 'of butter, besides carloads of by these rufllans, and the the north of the retiring enemy tie tbc passed an appropriation sential .to the mining Interest of meat, fish and applies. This in. police are never at hand when and their apparent object is to ,! m londred and twenty mil-mt this vatt and varied territory. jVestlgation was ordered by the needed. INDIAN RULER HONORED intercept the Turkish forces. the and for Ut tubmarinea chief of police with a Mew of! The saying that a hungry man : Western Front. spwdi&f tp of the shipbuilding 'learning whether the prevailing is an angry man is illustrated by1 This is a photograph of his London, March 311 Is report, THE CUBAN REVOLT pnfrimmt. high food price were due to a the temper of the people of Ruda. hlgliness the Maharajah of Bika-pett. ed that the Germans have already Oerman Money. scarcitr of subblies. as claimed The same writer In the nir. who will assist the secretary fallen back .behind Bapaume, Tie 0nernment learn that spui m tbe D4U, . (he UP,,. From lhu Isil "Pesti Napolo" says, "If you hap-.of state for India in matters con-pw which point Is only being held by war millions have Wen loaned Ixindon, March 3 It ha.beenftt only one cold storaga plant, it to ak a passer-by in the 'renting the prosecution of Hhe a screening force.. Its fall is im. to tarraoia, presumably with a learned from a reliable source can be seen that the scarcity ex. street to tell you lhe way to the war. minenL The German war office ti of enabling blrn to adopt a that the efforts of the Oerman ists only on the market. There Andrassy Avenue you will get a j " . admits a voluntary and systematic ot attitude. The aourcee is plenty of food stuffs in the rude answer or none at all." The RED CROSS SALE withdrawal of advanced positions a hieb this money came are agenla to make trouble for the country for all the people, but women conductors on the tram.' VERY SUCCESSFUL on both sides of the Ancre. Fight, jf German origin In the United United Stales in Cuba were forestalled with such large slocks being held cars are especially the subjects ing is going on near Lou port iUUi, through the co-operation up, an artificial scarcity is created. of complaint. Hadly paid and ' The sale of home cooking at the wood and on the southern limit of Ihlpa Sunk. of the llritlsh government. It is badly fed, they are always in a P.ed Cross rooms yesterday under Bapaume. The change from Twenty-three American blp also learned that the Germans temper, and a man may consider the charge of Mrs. Embleton and trench warfare to the open ground lt been attacked. Twelve have have been plotting to make more U-BOAT STRANDS himself lucky if during a short Mrs. Phil MacDonalj was very is very much appreciated by the bwa destroyed by minea or ub-Bariaet, trouble for the United States in ON DUTCH ISLAND tram ride he escapes being in- successful. The sum of $77.05 British troops. The British are Four Americana have i i i Mexico. The Germans had hoped suited by One of them, while a)was realised. That the public is now- in a position to attack: ua-paume tn tilled and .aix wuuiHicu... . -h,,... - nitl XlPticn in London, Feb. 28. It is reported woman under similar circum-'fully alive to the necessities of from three sides simultaneously. The ea.ualUes are exclusive of f lo m(Mtt) lhe Um,ed Slale. from The Hague by Ileuter'e stances is still luckier. If you the Red Cross Society is fully The enemy has been tkose on the taconla. from the south. correspondent there that a Gere- hand the conductor a silver coin shown by . iU continuous gen-she compelled to shorten his lines. man submarine has stranded on will Invariably say she has'erosity. thus the initiative jn the western GENERAL NEWS HALIBUT ARRIVALS the Dutch island of Walcheren, no ch'ange and if you dare to pro- . .. . .. front will remain permanently in the North Sea. test she turns you off the car.The STEAMSHIP LINE FOR RUPERT with the Allies. Two thousand $IC1U U TM OtllJ The Liberty with 31.000 pounds A Central News dispatch from shopkeeper treats you Just ai . German prisoners have been cap. Tu Kaiser is confined lo hi of halibut Is the only arrival In Amsterdam says the 'stranded though you did not come la buy At the Hoard of Trade meeting lured by the British during the " ilh a severe chill. I the harbor this morning. Her submarine is the U-1J-30, and his goods but to steal tbcm He last night the question-of a lo-rharges month of February. Germany promises to releate catch was told to the Cold Storage that she is not dai'iaged and probably you double the proper 'cally owned freighter, to make French Front. tt Tarrowdale prisoners on 7lb at c. There has been a considerable will be towed to Flushing. price for everything, and if you,prince Hupcrt Its headquarters, Offlcial Two German raids drop in the price obtained dare to protest he will simply 'and to supply the sunlunding west of Soissons were repulsed. Tb lirilith priie court refuses by the boats. On Monday, BOARD OF TRADE throw you out. The writer says canneries, logging and mining We made two raids and got prisoners 10 Ptpone the confiscation of halibut sold for I3ic. while yesterday that "one's whole life from morn-Jcamps was brought up by Captain from the Grman trenches lk steamer Kankakee, Hocking the regular price was 9c. A very largely attended meeting ing till evening Is a continual Dabington. It looks very prom. north of Vauquois in the'Argonne M Oenoa, oil flying the Amerl . .s Is .w i accounieu ior uy of the Hoard of Trade was fight and struggle with other;i$ing for a vessel being secured District. Bag and alleged lo be German held last evening,' when several people, the population behaving for this purpose, which will be Russian Front. aed, gether yesterdsy there arrived mailers of imiortanre were gone at though the little veneer of fluanced by local parties. The Offlcial The fight for the pos 270,000 pounds and 02.000 pound into. Among the matters brought culture they once possessed liad'ijea was endorsed by the Hoard session of the height in the north MORE VESSELS SUNK of oilier fish. Today a special up was the creation of the Prince entirely worn off." Jof Trade. The question of a ern Roumanian from was con train with nine cars left for the Rupert Pilotage District; the Dangerous Elements. 'pilotage board was also brought tinued yesterday. London, March 3 Official con. commencement 6f a locnl steam Everybody Iji Tact ia over-'up. As thero are more danger Salonlkl FronL r nrmttion ha been received that east. ship line; lhe erection of a smelter whelmed with his own private marks and buoys and lights out-troubles. A German air raid at Salonlkl Donaldson liner Tritonia, NATIONAL GOVERNMENT in Prince lluperl, andtho appointment First there Is the worry sUJo this port than outside three was repulsed. The enemy machines tons, and the Uritish aall. of a government as-sayer. of getting the money for the food, larger ports combined, it was felt were not permitted to come ng thip Cairngorm have both ' stuffs, then that of getting food-'that something ought to be done close enough to the town to do j torpedoed Con.u Frost at' ,h,e J r. ng a iter stuffs for the money, both tasks n this direction. any damage by bombs. report, that two T"", Hoard of SMELTER FOR THE COAST being extremely difficult of ae-f "ember ,,f th0 crew of the laltor 'ron w ..king endorae- complishment. Under such cir- the crowds in almost every part Don't forget the girl's concert re ,..,ng and have been j t tl.ey had There is mine talk in Ottawa rumstauee it i not difficult lo of the city. They are handled at the Westholme Theatre on 'vn P a drowned. An official ,L?lf k V. alow lhe llnw that the government intend es account for the temper of the just a roughly as the civilians, Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. Ad Ir.""ase from. . it..rti.. ii.nt S r XIP 1 1 1 1 1 If'I tablishing n smeller or refining people. Living on soup and po- and no comfort are provided for mission 50c, reserved seats 75c, "k" r - ot ot.vv ,i ' i.iiili a war government works on the Pacific coast. At latoes when there are any and them. There Is a great scarcity -" n lhe Allanllo expired on l" the sys- the Hoard of Trade meeting last working from seven in the morn- t)r electric cars, and hundreds of Made to fit and, fit to wear-r-sole lh I t Morel, and that no vvarn-itt,,d n linLn as they night it was decided to get in ing till .even lu the night on people are continually seen wait-little Slater Shoes, agent- WAL-tf. ing r any kind will bo given ' fS, touch with the"member for this or no food, the poorer for them. When at length LACE'S. ny W.I. hereafter, I ASilnSf-i f- riding, Mr. 11. B, Clements, re classes bavo become a source of one arrives they make a rush for about v ict-.ry. I questing him to send full infor danger to the ordinary law-abld- u, and I never saw anyone make Christian Science 8oclety ser bring NtW VWELLINATM COAL, fori, to can and h..uld be mation as to what steps idinuld ing citizen. Then thero are the room for the crippled soldier to vice are held every Sunday at 11 , J1 n"ived, BOO tont lump, 100 reorganliutlon bo taken to bring about I ho establishing soldier back from the front, a hoard It RrU On the contrary, a, in. Sunday School at 12 noon. ,,ut coal Wtt give prompt v" This. nciiim - not of thti smelter here. numerous class, as the town is every day seo people hustle them 8 l. ..I.olar. Wednesday evening meeting at jrics Albert & McColTrry, phone! ot cril" i- The mining committee of lhe full of deserter. Altogether, it and push (hem In front of them. taken In P'r't Hoard of Trado'wllV work In con is not surprising that statistic At tho present time it is a positive o'clock. Hay Building, 215 2nd ANNIVERSARY junction with the city council on show that thero was an alarming fact that one dread to come in Avenue, METHODIST this question. ' (increase, in crime the during past contact with stranger, or even W1STHOLME year. jhoard a tramcar or railway train. Special ervlcej ' l''?,lu" j Akerburg. Thompson A Co. have( In short, Hudapest, which wa (TIio Is to be noted, ore LONDON CAFE OPMA HOUSK or lhe Mh i.,.iMiii.1i..hin,.ni (alway renowned for Us gaiety ... crowded a. the tramcar., as TONIGHT ONLY "'iTi'1! 1 and evenins bra., and phosphor brome. This ttnd hospitality, has become a city there are not waggons enough to ANB GN4LL Famou, be held ii wrnlnj claM 11(,ln, nni, u 'of bad-tempered, ill-behaved, dis- 'accommodate the naisejigers. On Third Avanua NAT J.y,ra 0. GOODWIN pp.MnU tomorrow t II ()f Mfd fop mkilur ,, tron,ng satisfied, unsociable people, What'a long-distance Journey one see Prompt Service of th Boot tin. Hev. H. " J ' , , Dh'sMHtna. It will repay anyone in. jstrlke one a most repulsive Is'soldier standing In the corridor, thara Is to eat at aH hours. "THE MARRUqk BOND" ,Port Simpson. ,""fc' t,,-tending going salmon (rolling .the treatment meted out to the all night, while other, civilian flva ifu .service. Hpfiai J My ,hil( ,pr,. lo ,ave a look at,wounded soldier, and oftlcer, wlm and women, a r comfortably HXH FBR LAMM JOHOAL BUDQCT ...,i.ipu.i iiv inr ii.., 50(uro the, most notable, feature of seated. Olasgow Herald, ,welcome.