FEEL LIKE A 20000,000" 0 BEING" Belgians Depend on us TRUIT.A.TIVE3" Brazil Th. icy Of u.hb An Two v.r srrrinr for Bread! Siace thortfr aJte the Genan iatMioa, ihc BdfMM t S)Ja' as O hare depended lor food eaurejy oa the "Unaussioa for Relief m Belgium". Their own lore of food, even if not destroyed or piVcf ed, would Ust only three weeki they have hid Be duace to raisrDofe aad the ruthJess Geraasa refuse to supply theaf Bacied by tie Belgian fefefFund j38t, Rose St., Mod trad. April 4 th. so ceoemWy cooinboted in the Bnbth Ejapin sad tbo United "Farorcr two years 1 w lek n1 States, tb neutral Belssao Reef Camssisaioa has isaportesi I tuiTuul from conUant eaoutb wheat. Sour sad other foods to feed the wbols natioo fai... '. n& Mftltie Ikt so far. The gest majorky of the 7,000.000 Brlsjsat left ia Hurt so badly tint I fcsrod I wool J die. the eooatry bar been able to pay fat shear daily slawsa ce of Ttic KOined to be a lump in ray bread' but a stoatUy arowiag number has M siBSisy lek. ttorsach and the ConsUpaUoo wu jnaJful. I suffered from Wo In Ikt Unlets w art) wXag to let these htrndasdVot AiassnJi of But KJy Diuiiu. ' wooes. cUdrea aad old roea starre. thty ussst bo fed at tho I wtt treated by phyaielan for a y ear expense of the Belnan Re bet Food. To make this 'in J bAlf J he did me no food at all. tomeooo must coatribuat aoadf $3,000,000 a i I tried " Frolt-a-tlvet" as a list rrnort. WAITING FOR AN OVERT ACT OSOalirBsisSriaSBTl After ntlof three boxes, I was crttlly No poopb aader 4 Afcd Flasji an at wol akssss aJid twHre boxes mads xmfroiti mo he aupernalural. He I able to Kneroujar as wo Canadian! No caaos ha ersr boss writ Nov I ran work all day and tbrro EARLESS SETER HAS A PLEA FOR SOCKS deacrrictg of beipl lathe aoakt of ut no Headache, no Palpitation, no be e cry where at once. So twouer Heart TrooUe, do Constipation, no TERRORIZED GERMANS had the Oerman army discovered The Imperial Order of the bssp the sou aat awitjuJ at mm owa ABasI ria or Kidney Trouble and Ietllilt Daughters of the Empire is mak. his depredations in t rvV-aad It wu "Frult-a-tlres" cue quarter, fng a special appeal to the public Ujt fr mo back my health". II i not the Grand Duke Nlcho- and thrown a cordon around a for socks for the men in the MtptM AltTIlUH LAPLANTK. jla. nor General Ilruasilon", who district, than he reappears iu another trenches. A change of soeks is Central diaallM CMMiitfat, St tt Pitar ft, flOe a box, A for 13X0, trial also, Z'jc. ;i the Rrimmeat foe of the new locality and make things the best preventative of "trench $2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Moatk. it aU dealer or sent poat paid by Fruit !Chief of the German Staff. H it as uncomfortable as eer for the reel." the most dreaded ill of the i Uvea limited, Ottawa, present campaign. Canadians at a man who haa allpped like a Teuton forces. All along- the the front number double what LAND ACT wraith in among the GeVman line 1,000-iuiIe front between the they were a year ago, but th and done more damage than any llaltic and Dukowina bo ranges, supply of socks hat not increased tuias uD Dirmtcr district or theae His is in proportion. Don't sawfter of generals. nanle busy with raids, cuttiug wires, merely yv eotfti COAST, UM THKX1 The I. O. I). E. wishes to ask iUrlrxa Peter, the guerrilla king, leariug up roads arid railways, the women of Prince ftupert to limn wrwi Mathicn's Syrap of Tx aad Cod Urer OB not oaty hi aour tbat I. rraoct iorh and the KaUer has olTered a reward sp)ing and- always escaping in answer the plea of the soldiers. I lllfr II promptly areata coagWiig, bt tfcaaka to H tonic oad MM, trust oi for Um Cmptra vWnil II propertWt it to throw ctt help thearatem of 150.000 for his capture, the nick of time. This is the w-omen share in the ttrcoKtheiiing rtfe ud rpr MUU. Ltd, of waoa tbo cold and thus effects a permanent core It It this quality watch kas ansa lor In, . C oeeopauoo lot rr, intend M dead or nlive. Peter it aid to Altogether there are 50,000 war. O n Thursday afternoon. Bt Uas Urgcat solo of any coogb aad cold remedy fox Canada. ' Kut for prnauiioa to W4t ux follow- March 8th, Mrs. McMullin will be trwrnbrd Uatt guerrillas organized in about 300 jje. Urg letiUs, rvtrywlktrt. M NavlgabU Watora Protoctlon Act. l"at homo" to receive the gifts of oatMttrtai al a pott planted oa Um brave bands with grim and relentless JL k fctATlUXU CO, ftapv. PB Kfl iksr f Ufaoo at UM rod ef m. a. rx, CKaetta us. Ihe Prince Ilupert women in the a ttx km ( MoimI lakl. about ooe leaders, llratest is the shape of socks for the boys in the ni rat kttf UM to a iirlj dirteUoa Tb 0rao4 Trunk PflO hailatr Com- band of Larless Peter, and grim- Irenchdi. tKMBtXV, cororr of T L. 1414. 11. ptajr bwrrby sura sntirt tbat It bar, uodrr most relentless of leaders. ltlW arora aootb to cbatna, tbeor fUa T of Um at4 Art. drpoaltnt wlU misl, m M Baa, tbraeo norm it tbu Um Muuttrr of pablie Work at oiuwa, Is Peter himself.' wn tr b-o to tbors Hot, IbrafO follow- an4 la Um oraco of Um DUUlet Ktrtsirar 'SS'T;- ''f$t&ZSZ5RiG. '.M'RX lu itm few la ta Mikrir dlrr-eOoa la or Um Land Hrilttrr Offlre. Dulrtcl of Karless Pete'r is in Hussion M f tMMBtorrtnrat. rrinro Aprt, at rruuw Roprrt, a oracrlp-1 i'lt-tr Liesukbi. lkilli of Pcler'o HUC1I JotETK BE.UX, Applicant, omafr ilea, ma. i ll ST 2J?L'SZ aM and are I,aiafuU' OUDd- Um Prinro Rupert baru at pnoca Rupert. Peter, in fact, can hear, Hinell, Brtiab Columbia. In rroot of Waierrront! ... zu sus a. Bbrk -f. ateordiBi to rttuxtnl piaa of .. t"e abnormal ib townnu of um mm cur of r-rtnot , tensity l a Pawnee. He is When Man Marries tui SO TICK umi Airfcta atroaa Mtrua. Rsprrt rrsuurrd la Um rrraai4 land, a earless because he is vsaoca sua Kaaatvr, of Um tJlj of rrtuirr otor a so. ill. Kcuon T. merely , rriof of Brllitk ColaakbU, aad te .10T1CE ut aficr um as- Jfaf (i appeaU for mercy. Ear- u arttr far prmJtUoa to pr-ant Mrailoa of xm Don la rrorn tM OtM er i . ... tkt fawiat dmti Uadat ib ant poblicUc of us notice. ' :- w "- "lHEN a man marries he quickly discovers Ciwiiunas at a pott plaaM oa Um Oraad Troak re lutlwaj cxn414n'; tilled ut lh Latlle of Krasiiik. the awai akort t Coomm lakt atoat Art Ut, uoJrr Secttoo T of Um said Act, apply i his need of innumerable he had aoa i u Uw ouiktil corr of to Um Minitur of Public work at bit first stiu light between Hussians things IM II Kurt 1, Coait MiUIcK Uwora mr. m um air of oiu ror approiaMd Austrians; and today Peter of before. Mtt II cfealaa. Uaraq ! 4 cbalaa, ut Um m)4 mm and plan and for lasts i . . . never thought m aorut ts cbaloa. Uwoco wtit II to rontiruct um aaid wotkt. snes no quarter anu atatt tor avav tkrora aorta IM cbaio otort or O.ud at Wlnnlprs, Mtnltoba. UD till ,,.. iiB -lu,.Llera no nriSuii. And the the baker butcher, and the cabinet IW M. of Cuoilat faMl. Uwore day of rrbruary. A. D. III. . . . ..... i Dm w. W. M. to Uia pott aaJ the ohod Tint PAanc ilulw at ;ers, uui ne reiuses u take luem. "oaaar' eat kuolrr4 aa4 twret-Bt co'.p'ir: ,lAR?.i? ;tr an enemy wants to surrender. maker have a new home to supply. atm Btora or Wa. into LAND REGISTRY ACT Peter gies lihn a fair fight, it Vaatoavrr. a, C, U0a lit l- SMrnbrr. A. 0. Ills. ScUao 14 and tlt.l which often euds in tho enemy The new husband and wife must buy aacHia Btnxra uarti.i. going under, for Peter tolerates which had to OU Um lmliuUoo No. I I.I 1 1. HUBS Ml 4. things they previously given UMO DISTOICTOI STRICT OC TAkc ."toilet tbat application bu u in his band only picked lighters. WW CMAJtLOTTl ISUMO mad to rcsitirriaba arrimaa, or i naw , rr-fi i.n.,t hi mn little thought, Ruprrt. B C at owner in re unorr a( ftt 0TCE ibal t, Ororra Mtrua, of Tat tut Drrd from Um Collrctor cf Um food, clothes, arms, accuuiltre- a. c . ocuiuoa aatioerr, i MJilB ttTAlSiUirul.. Having private fund,, he A thousand marriages mean a thousand" kt applr for prrmUitoo to lra Um H oay ""f OrKTlbed Un4ts- tl.tCL'UR umi ctruin parcel or uact of ..utjhines in these details the new homes. . asrrlBt tt a pott ptaelr4 tt Um MiaVLCM?- rZ.V rd-up rival guerrilla chiefs. He iu ,f Ul 1 ,lf0K- Bar. kMo- !., fil ! cbalot. Uteac ntora patucuUriy known at Ut To (III. .,u,,iu,8 ruthlessly. any of his Right here is a .fact 'overlooked by many I scctloo $to III. P -4 tkatai, tbroro I rbatoa In aa Block ra lH. nnt.n Mm shirk or ofTeud. In gen- tirrtuoo foUovlns Um ibora Um. merchants. l chain to potal of commrnco-. Voo art required to oaoi u. claim)t.rul tiuvat himself as earless Kouialni it atrta, mura a Waa. at um tat purtbr wiuua tnlrfy-ntt, et uu to Hussiaii weaknesses he does OtOfcOat McRAC Appilranl. day from Um d at rrlca us "HJauary lllb, HIT. Att nwuca twbicb may b K,bJ j to the cries for quarter of tlorman They say, "ITow could it pay ux tb Ferbaps some people knew your irrcd or a Dlrtcied. it your of in at- and Austrian foes. keep on repeating the story of our goods or your 'store five or ten yeara eouw LAND D4STHIOT OISTRICT tcntion u caiMd to tecuoo good or service?" ago. Since then new generations have OP -Land Rcittuy Aft- wi pctr obtained from his COAST, SUUMW a. Utrrtrrom: 1 money come into existence. twct tnd to Um folkwini drftuit of a cttcat or crriia- rich father, a manufacturer of If could reach JU flOTICK tut I. Uo Sunlry Br- -and in they every possible The boy of to-day is the man who tf4 ralla, B. C, occvpauoo ralU caia'of b pr--owner of 1 prrtou 'Smolensk. Tho father was in customer with one advertisement will sign the cheques to-morrow. Today r'' lout to apply for prnnuiloo mltutliua uiied undr tuch t ut mi, aU ptrtoot to oVgpair it ''o lo of two of his and if people didn't forget there your advertisements are of small WitaH Uta follow In- ocritnl Uodt: rTd wiin ;u,'lrl CT' who- might be no object in "keeping everlastingly interest to him. To-raornm he is three killed In sons were tklVUf,''t it a pott pUaiad about 0 .v at iU" -- if solicit hit trade iiiruurb or snarr your customer, you 4uioi JJ to4 m s wntrrlr direction Und .. t, mfrr.. U, Um (contiuued Oh Page Four.; ' advertising., through U,'7 -wiboaai corMr of Ul II. "-. (ttT, .1. D'"". Umbco touUi tl ut peraoot suy cuuumt unrtruwrea any InKrtil "J Hall the Pouy.Iapreis for wood But because ever) possible customer Every day thousands of people discover la kJ V1 11 aaiai tbroro nortb UMrat wboat Ull It does not read every advertisement, for the first time their Deed of ibraa wrti tbtin. to this protUiwnt of UUt AeV ttiU cut in sluvo lengths or 4 feet, you must repeat. aaumini B all about, 41 aertt. "o..r your kind of goods. e.W- - tJt & licit household coal and general ,":"-",.,,T.!,liv WMO any ctaim to or In Will you be: there every day witk uns up because s. and UM 'lr' transfer. Piano moving our And these thousands of new for taut, laud told bid for their business? c,ty ball rciuwr U- Person cauUrd iund specially. Prices' moderate. Phone homes ore every day coming into ex your or prinok mjpiirr turb lat mm at aworr of lb Und M istence, continuous advertising brings Or will you leave the field to your XaIIa a. told fur U" hl, 301,'U. W. ilogers. tf. iucrcascd results. competitors?. ASP WlirMAS '.Tk! of mUiof n.d for a cruarstt al .lHlriHM ,ao4 Itnd. la tM Bul" Tho Patriotic -Fund needs to Um abotrmmlloocd dollars this year for out Advertising is the key that opens the door wifll yeur. Io your part. of these Iomes apWa-rJablS new to your goods. of aplrmbrr. Hi. rdu Und wrr. -. "-,. taid htmUf' !. air of rrmca utcti you wcrs Is Advertising on yfjur key-ring? IM ""miflllR. ..ii TAK S0T1CS.ffi rriuiioo tl is Stuart J. Martin St II " Asssssorsl lean trrl Adrici rtgariing pour- atbtrtirinj proWemr ts afoiie&U through trl.lr.l of lnd,ff ttt.J ASSAY kit uny good adttrtinng agtnty or the Secrtiary of ihs Canadian r iwa. Cou'' ho riftn Und la lb. iubm of "rfr'r pro- Prt4t AnociaUon, lloum AOS, iMnuden IiuU4iny, Toronto. "lai .i SL D' Enquiry ineuUm no obligation on your pol o vriU if tiUsTiatW. "toi it iu.?,J!.i't Pr,or Ruprl, tcfdmit w ""- iucb pro HAZELTOK B. C. 'tu of Wuaiblt, this twaaiy Ui Um taid unat, or w anuary, a. tl, hit. nnitiry omc. I hated at lb - w Tho oldott o attabllahtd tb. ibis Assay I t,tli 14 C1 of p Prliira Hulirrt. P r'B brcrnttwr. A. D. u.ri EOD. Offlct In tht North, rji, C1. ikialis, -.r'.:.Z..tnr Of Till' Apr, IT. p,""n;7,V.U,"auiorau. IT-IIIT-41 To Simon Pttrrwo. 0