Hmunlay March HIE DAILY NEWS 3 67 EARLESS PETER HAS p.j 00 0,0ii0t)Tn 4 For Bilious Bathe Internally TERRORIZED GERMANS j Local Ncivs Notes Troubles Continued from Petge Three! and Keep Weil ! 41 The heavy headache, torpid Tho Marquis of Queensberry Is liver, sick stomach,bitter taste, battle, and he Rave their Intended In town. iaior. . .n .iui"i ft. 1 1 --' ti. .11' i in mouth, furred tongue, dull fortunes to Peler on condition the still reasonable hi . I .Mine, to resist dlia but she i Shoes price and muddy skin, all come thai vi Bits br t than cp. eyes from a poor supply, of Due. money should be spent in fighting WALLACE" tf. v liv br no chanc If w permit tb 'III conditions nussias invaders. Peter was Lower Inleltln W or icia These unhealthy are Springs and mattresses, 20 tlovrrd wltb seeumulated watt. Tel thai promptly corrected by much attached to his brothers. ia a universal eosditlon today, ts t reductions at Tile's sale. . tf. tb number of latstlv drars He went to proven by Smolensk, prayed on ....a MfllDllwd. mum bin knees with his father, and Mr. It. Hoyd Young; returned to lit..rou rn belp Malur In Niton's most vowed that ho wnuM slay 2,000 Port Simpson last night. rireewai way by internal Diinmr. sad in keep tb an easy, ixjn babll-formlnf way 6 (lermans and Austrians for each tmeet and clean as Hatdr "The Lady" of Shallotfat the demands II to b for perfect beilih and brother killed. This was a big PIUS Westholme on Tuesday at 8. p.m. srer defenc arsmii conurion. over order for a band numbering only . i mllllnn keen, brlrbt, healthy peopl LUX which stimulate the liver, eighty. Peter began in winter There were four cars of fish for teitify to Its result ot Mrs. C 0. M. (Dam oa requeit) regulate the flow of bile, near Dvirisk. His eighty men the east on this morning's train. Strathroy, Onl, writes r sweeten the stomach, and were in white uniforms or covered Just arrived, spring stock of or I testirytar am pleated to tb to roerln hav this of tn opporluslty I. n. L Won't discolor silks or fade renew healthy bowel action. with sewn sheets; their boots were new rugs In choice patterns. Goo. Caicsde. I hav been tttlnr II now Tor a A household remedy ap covered with white fur, and their D. Tito. , If. old woman,miiH utl,racterr but my health reiulti.Is so Improved I am an colors. )roved by sixty years of pubic rifles, painted white, so that noth New models in women's shoes Hut.I bav iis.pi a renewed tA rl m leu addrcia of life.In an.Ton If you don't use LUX you naturally dread the service. For every-day ing but dark showed. ordeal of wash day for silk blouici. eye-slits and pumps just -arrived WAL on privately wbd may desir to writ t your Silk illnesses, Beecham's Pills Ilefore the year was out Earless LACK'S. tf. me restraint in uacao. fibres are peculisrly sensitive to common soaps and lmi rail on Crrll II. Orm. n-aetUL to ordinary nashtime rubbing and twining. fist let a An.I titj nnllnitt t.M -,! I.m.1 are a tested corner Srd Av. and ttb Street, rrinc The LUX wsy it away better you make a thick, "cruu"1 r i?r u,ioh i ,rls. At the Weslliolme on Tties Rupert,Mas of ana Today requeei Is Only rre 10 dookki.Per Oat-vrny tr creamy lather, you stir the garment gently about, flerman troops. I day at 8 o'clock. 55 you rinse thoroughly, you press out the water Remedy Hut Peter is not Invulnerable.! " . . Infernal Btlbwr, Tb '1. B. U Catcad" gently and hang out to dry. w.AWMfl ... wUI also b akown and ciplained to you is fabric fresh He nearly lost his life, the account' .T The result a as as when new. Thii re ir wmi 4eitr. I f mi rir f.p Ht tar .rnti'il Ixiv as nnnrenlieo. Annlv fers to anything that pure tvater itself will not harm. Booklet to Dr. Cnaa. A. TymD lit Col goes on to say, when he began the(Akrl,llPt, Thomson A. Co. New Year with an offensive In Ga-licfa, Hjs band was cornered and WANTKI) Machinist accus. lalsatlon Arms, ill. iij arrl Limited tomed to gasoline repair work; awvs J.L.HICKEY free Tral surrounded by one of Austrians Public meetings, Tuesdsj Apply Akerburg, Thomson Co. with superior numbers, and thirty rhursday and Ss.turUa at 4 ti- m CONTRACTOR A BUILDER of his men were killed. Peler es- The Princess Maqulnna had a Sundays at 7:30 p. m. coped, as Tie has always escaped, ver heavy cargo for Prince Ilu. Store and Office Fixtures, iniitl sra ha amkIiimI lssilltt but with In his,1'""" u" ""J" an ugly wound, Sash, Door and Moldings. Oak and Hard Woods of all thigh. This, however, only served) The latest Canadian casualty "Hie Daily News" to make Peler turn cavalryman, !Hst shows the name of S. Heebe, kinds. We Specialize In making for he declared lhat his ill-luck ,or u,en Parlous islands, as CLASSIFIED ADS. MAKE YOUR DOLLARS windows, was uuc iu his Blow legs, ana and fitting storm any size. seeing that the majority of those .A meeting of great importance FIGHT Plate and Meet Glass and left of his band were horsemen, was held in Prince Hupert on WANTED. he decided to recruit only those Tuesday night. All the restaurant Blazing. BtiV WISHES EMPLOTMtST Apply Daily to proprietors were there, -THE who could ride well. AT Comer Fraser and 6th Sta, : consider the high cost of living. Mem a. FRONT. This extraordinary young man, In consideration of the continuous WA.MEU WATTRESS FOR EM TRESS PHONE aUCCN 209 BUY who was less than two years ago,ncrcage Jn ine prices of all food CAFC II P. O. BO X 4. I a merchant leading a quiet life stuns, the conclusion was arrived CIIAMBtRM UD WAS T ED On who under DOftfliWlOK OF CflHflDft ," in a provincial town, has acquired at unanimously that there was standi waiunt tabic. Apply savoy Hotel. all the habits and weaknesses only one thing to do. If they were to continue in business at all, and WA.1TED AT MublnliL accvilotn- typical of the Slav outlaw. ed to taaolin repair work. Also ilroof, THREE-YEAR Priace Ripert Feed Ce. that was to raise prices. The weU educated boy at appreaucc Apply He is religious, a drunkard. restaurant proprietors were very Akerburr. Tbunaa k Co. charitable, fierce, grim, frivolous, reluctant to do this, but they felt War Sfiif3G$ f WANTED Etperleocvd waltrvaa. Apply Certificates HAY. GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS apd pleasure-loving. He has done I that they were not only Justified featel fttnc. Hotel Frtnc Rupert. tf to make general compelled a hc!bu.1 no military service, and as AND FERTILIZER raise. W'ATEi"Loneral servant, apply Mrs. L. 2213.OO 021.50 roM could not taken volunteer get as a At the meeting there was some W. PiUnorc, pnon tC U. he started a guerrilla corps of his djgcugsion aDout charging for OO.OO 43.00 WE HANDLE LOsTT 44 100.00 OO.OO own- Exchange. j potatoes and drinks extra, the Orders for and Take Bulbs, same as has been done In Seattle LOST Between St. Pelefs Cburtb, Seal INOIVIOUAL PURCHASES LIMITED TO IIM) Nursery Stock. land Co and Hay Cove Orel, lady's oM MINERAL ACT Vancouver. However, it was bracelet, tat pattern, finder para Chicken Feed A Specialty. . ' tnougni mat a sugni raise in return to Dally .lews Otoe. FOR FULL. PARTICULARS APPLY AT ANY DANK sastcnticm. iris fiuctio.i. BEixis prices throughout the list was OR ANY MONEY OROE.R POST OFFICE fiuctio.i. 0ETU.f. BLl'E bell frac- preferable to this method. The FOR IALE Mali Oraae PfwatpU AUMM To. Tio.i cosmos fraction. THiSTLi restaurant men have been feeling riNANO OtlTMtlN FRACTIO. HAKIOOLD FRACTION, LILAC . . . ... ,iIdK f rOR SALE tl-hwl launrb wiu S bone JAN. S.HI7 ' Ottawa P. O. al 13. SOS Third A. FRACTION, FER.I FRACTI0.1, PIME APPLE t ' 7,., - ". power Cray eorioe. Boat and esttne PRINCE RUPERT, B. C nuCTios. coxcomb. bfoojuia FRAC commodities and Joint action has about tbre year old. Sever been nd Tiox, MI5EAAL claims iiuate to tbc been considered necessary to en- much. I'rtc t 10.SS. Apply D. A. Mc-rtuil. Own cnariott District, located t or near able them to remain in business AUee Arm. B. C ! urns sr, Qun ciMriotM nitDd. Pr.n, . al a'u NVhjie reereltlnir the ne-of rOR SALE Household Furnltur Apply Brtuto Columtu. nJ Uwfaiir htUl bj tted Mines Limited. icessity, the increase in prices was I0t TWrd Avenue. West. tf. take 50TICS tbai I. John a. Mtinm, .agreed to by all, simply as a FOR SALE Carload minint macninery. In O. BOX 33 PHONE 83 P. ciuitor for ft4s Mines umii. rr?meang 0 f 8 -1 r oreservation. cludiut 11 marnio dnila, rulumo ban. miners' eerUUe Ko. J0114 B. Isteod ,.. ..,,.., L.. ,,., ..... drtll-iteel. steain Biunft, etc. Appli i Safe Deposit Boxes For Rent PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. rier ine eiplrsUon of slxtjr ajt fron m"x"n" Daily Jiewi. u. ABSOLUTELY FIRSFROOS' tb d4i bereor to apply on bhu or tn oi me nigiier prices are not loeai. IRSURANCC IN UL ITS BSUNCNtS Mid companr to I be Miniar ReenMer fof ibut are world wide. So starting MISCELLANEOUS 1 Transfer asd S tertlBcatt Of ImpwemeBts far the pur nndv rtrat. lh 5lh Mareh. Storage pof of obtalaint a Crown Oraot to the lleadqutrters for 0ortiow Sawmill C, Ltd.. and tb ,lortb Coait Tiraf above culms. all the menus. in Prince Hupert TALBOT HOUSE flood Rooms. Every con- Company, Ltd. BEST LUMP et NUT COAL A5D FURTHER TAKE JIOTICE tntt aetton will be Just a little higher than veitlenc. Hot water bain. It.IS and ft under Section St of the Mineral Act bbi 'heretofore. per week. 10c and lie. a nlttl. PECK, MOORE & COMPANY NO LONG WAITS Dc commenced uerore ute lituaoce or rocs OniDL'ATE M'RSE (C.M.B. London) Terms sir sd At acstasuL broskrs f- ,tt certiorate of Improvements. moderate, apply r. O. Bot SIS, or CARBONVOID sale NO SHORT WEIGHTS Dated toll Slit day of Mar. - 0. !. for by Lip. rnon 41. COeSSST BUILOINQ fORMCRLV OOCUrilO BT THE CONTINENTAL TRUST When You Order from Ue. J0H5 A. MACI.t.lES. sett & Cunningham, and Parkin-Ward Solicitor for tkeda Mines Limited. Electric Co. tf tlei M. Manaon. SJL W. E. WUItaaa. A, L.L.B LAND ACT WILLIAMS A MANSON Mid.winter sale at Geo. Tile's. Complete home furnishings at Barristers, Solicitors. Ele. erlKce Rupert Lass OleVtot OleUlat of OMIT TO LOAM DENTISTRY ! Rffl cost. tf. RAW FURS? Priace Rupert Dairy Ooaat, Raat S. Boa list TAKE HOTICE Uul IAS Paclfle MIIIl. Hirrna Blocs Prinr Rupert, a. C Limited, of Vancouver, 8. C oucapatloo Sheets, pillow cases, blankets, OStOWN UNfS SMtlOM WOSt pulp 'asd paper maKers, Intend to applj bed-spreads receive our 20 re A BSBOULTV The Edmonton Fur PURE HBLSTIEN MILK for permlitloo to purcnaio Um foltovtnc BHOWM DR. J. 8. descrUted lnd : Commrncmr at potl duction Geo. D Tile. tf. planted at tbo aoutneait corner of Lot SSS rrr alarm system 1 oturrtsT Exchange, Lid. BUTTERMILK ua lite wett abort of Cousin Inlet, tneoee omtsi satiia eia, rwie west 40 cnains. tnenca aoutb SO cbaUu, s 1 Is open for business and offers ihcnce eatl to tbenca nortnratterl; JHVCVIT o snore, s "I service . phom tsn f o. sox see eipert (loot snort to point of commencement, s buy"." and the tsoisiyiuiKmuiim Stei IS Ilk St. -rid led . traders rooulnlnr ti acres, mors or leas. aasafN 4SS4 Kirs. harw ' " aii or priir stun t. Stei ts sib Si and in t This Kic rACirlt MILLS LIMITED, ttnoda, It ! a 14 Sin St. ind Srt lurirest In Mark Smabr, arenu toe IS Junctiua cr t, vvt SH Sheet Metal Work nut a plan of open, W R. McKay, Proprietor. " Dated May Uth. A. D. ISIS. Aur. II SIBMBRSJAITS RSMMNR Srt Ave. live sellinif. It i SJa IS 1st lfwrfi if solid business men n" ClS 1-1 I. k 7 la-. IS-1S w WATER NOTICE lb Sis. Iknm Mtl stands for MrPwr. e How Is the time to have BL'-ABILITY 41 tot 17 'si ate ot via t ii.. RESPONSIBILITY - DIVERSION ASJO USE t Ovl-S S-4 Is. kr S 1t l ZS tr rl'itel.. yfrur heating plant put In RESULTS TAKE KOTICE that Oeorsa McRaa, Mac Pwe. s shape for the winter; roofs lUcl.aiiRO sales FOR SALE s ci 4 i-a m. k, s m, tsas ClftOUIV so t and ",ey vttuiie addrssi I Bkldegatet B. C, skylights seen to. tutil widely. Nora Pwe. toe ra Ird ts . qt The M.oiw apply for a Iicene to taks and um IIS Z IptMt Itmr In auch cases consult a lilrt buyers. but cubic feet per tuioute ot water out of employs none "P.1,, A fine double corner one Urinaier Creek, blcti 0o norlberly and For Further Information ts rd trt 4l W'KrMt practical man If you want Il warehouses r0.fh:. drain loto AUford Sty, about II eualns to to a M 1st si wrSrte It, J results. itKalnsl fire. Vermin block front McHride Street. Apply a tft tad vc tod tnd fl contact 1 M f tnaa to X. E. corner or T, L- til. Tna ilitmaginif We are instructed by the water will b diverted from lb stream at tot IS tnd v tod its st C. 0. Rowe rhanKO olllces are ee g a point about ten cnaint wajit from ,t.W. W. E. WILLISCROKT S7 n r r lylinonton. Hend rr owner to sell this valuable rorser or Lot 4, B. C Flincrles, and will Practical sheet metal man. shipment to Prince Rupert, B. O. OIROUlf so. t property for what it cost at land b used for power purpota upon tna Opposite- Hoard of Trado .the' original sale of Grand described as adjolnint Timber Limit 111 tot Si ttb v. and luiioo Ss. The Edmonton Fur Trunk lots in 1000, If you In implication to lte. to sa sonvo sad Tartar sit 3 llooins 322 2nd Avauk Ttila notice was posted on tot f round toi S4- ttb . ud Sultna SI are, looking for a home site on lb ttb day or January, HIT, A set. sui v. 14 ( PHONK S40. Exchange, UA with future possibilities as copy or ihi 'nolle and an application SS.t 7 Ml ive 4iKt fUr p. Estimates Furnlshtd Free. a business location you can punuant tbereto and to tb Water Act, kw 4k 41k l. IM TlMUiirtu St ADAMS BU'LD,NOnl.(1 1911 will bt C-led 10 tbt oBlct of tb E. Davey not better this, . S2S3, Water Decorder at Prlnca huperl. Ob , CIRCUIT MO. a Telephone Jectloua to tbt applleaUon may b Bled ? ssti tiv art. sua LBiffiiua SS I WW - W writ ort Insurant, repr wtb tb aald Water Recorder or Willi Teachsr of Singing and 1 : B. C. UNDERTAKERS Mtlat ooljr llruiif. ULxrtl cud. Hue CMuptroller bf Water Rlfbu, rarlia-nwni tot 41 tin v. and Mkrii si 2 RAW FURS! BII RUdioti, Victoria, B. O, within Voice Production. ! toi 4 I Ik As, aud O'ven SI Vur kwlea Is MllclUS. my dju afier tb nrit appearance rt 5 toa 44 lib Ave and rl si U SURAL OiaaOTORS SND ESS. tStis ixW in t lucal Mwapajxr. mm 4aW7Ui Ait. an (aarla. 4 SALN4NI SATISFACTION SUA. H. G. HELBERBBN, LTD Tb da t of tb Brst publication of tbti PHONE BLACK 217. a toi 11 Itb ait, and Vibi J NTEB4)tN BAT ANO Nlm . -,i i'i St. i Hi. I Sit 1 1 a iwin is Ftbtuary tin. hit, lit SNU STNEET 4H0NS 41 I.I1- UbHJltUE M(RAK, Applicant.