wtnMday, March 1, 1017. THE DAILY NEWS DIEONLYMBKK THE GERMAN RETREAT o HELPED HER qiinrtf r In France, March 5,- THAT iThe German withdrawal nml Dip TIMBER SALE XS71 j Hritish advance lo the .f.,lhi'-t . Jinpaiimo allll continue lues "Fruif-a-lliBS Afita Prfvic Mc hw Marnier of UruU mi ut it.. -i i . . l. . i... oo o tird day of MtrrtL,117 for ibe "oiiiniecniiri ami hip imTMjif new x i ji, !, r-l 4 6M oe j rlllh look possession , ttmir. OBI- MAreh Had, 1815, ef n.ttjf, brmlork nd ,,4'r, on n a fiKit. II wa here on Jtlly 11 "I lure receWed the most wonderful :T'r"", ",.," ... or mm year thai mm of Lon. lt Inlet, QUrtn cinrtoiw NlAn,! Uklr Wiiriti. don men nalpj tm4t liru- benefit from "FnjJiUm'V ' rrr will t HUM r,.. on I.ufrcred tot yeArt horn'Xktmmahtm inrKname ponlllorl obJ by ine rUnte of d.I took erery lilghpil vnlor and incrlttcn htakd remedy obtainable without raeulti. I and held tfi.r uhe unUl""Force J (ncJ "Frult-a-tlTes" ad It . 14 ' ' . Jtack hy Diaxncd Kiinllre: ,wliili only medicine thai did good. IN TMI UPRIMI COURT Of BRITISH lliroalencd them with awfllhiln- Njw I am entirely well the Itheti-mlim COLUMBIA. Hon, Many llrltluh dead lay (.here. hu ditappeared,... and the ter- and iho placn will be liaunted for I twt in all frrtn f r lepain'1" " -- - In tttc iMtur of ib Admininriiton Art. ever by the memory of their lo I,. that other, who suffer from such tnd onu Kreat endurance. 'jeulog diiea, UI try "rult-a. In 1 he miir or ttM ,uu of i-ewr I.al MrUrhltn, iecrttrJi Iduiuu. nifdit the vales were open. Ikh.O for $2.50, trial she, 26c. TAfcE .10TICE UKI If order of 111 me cierman troops had alolen iOc Mowr Juil Vwni, lacAl ludr ,r ih away in the dunk, leaving nothing At all dealer or ent pottpald by Fruit-iUTC SUfrriM tou n 1, nuJe it nth dr of behind Lul refune of trench life, limited, Ottawa. trtimtty, HIT, I tt()liitd Adinlolf IT lor of I lie tttc Of Plr MtLtrhl.n fn order lo keep the way open for LAND LEAK IMTIM dfed. All Mftle tutlnr tUlm. anm.1 tneir withdrawal utrong posts of itm Mid onto r Urtbj required 10 far- .Oermans wilh machine gun held .tie NOTICE that I, WilHam June rd tuim prtmtf trind ioimwi or out In the wdff 1 Iiml onth nf lfore lh I Ilk dr of AprU, ISIT. nd'ii mttiwirt, etinr rent for tba Antio. II imHI Imirkud ta urn Mid eiUM ar I"0"10'1 ood and In Diezewood p ;:. )h ColamtiU Pirklnr Com piny, Uroll-rj reqvlrrd ty b iirmuut of Ihrlr ijicii lies to the west of I)ucquoy ritred oRlr III Vncotir, B. C, obu-aiuM rorHmlUu ineie oecurUon wr leepeer, In-irsd rear-iruard posts, number f Ainnddf. filled um tod dijr of Mirefa. IT. ic ippiy foe perroitiloa to Iim tb I. II. Mr Ml:LUX, uracil! Adminiiirilor. Ing an offlcer or two and anTthine between fifty and sixty men. with ,,ci mmrncinr tttnrt of rontind poi Cnl anreo iboul on mil in i tmi vsntcatc oourt or britibn machine nuns, and probably tele.I ic4 hiif nortl) or perdih Br, tnm OOLUSWIA. pnones kreplng them in touch k,--- jiortb cirbtr etwln, tbtnc rui with the 11.aln army, chosen for f,r; .-hi lot, IImik toutti fljUIf ctalnt, la lb nulKr of um AdmiaitinUon Act, their tried co'uraae and intelli AOd gence, stay behind with orders to rrairr 1Kb. 117, M la U oaitcr of th euw of John WIl tUN iAMtS MATTHEWS, AppHeanL A dim, octied. Inuiuu. hold on to the last possible moment. TAKE .MJTItt ltt by order of nil They are doing gtf with LAN AST IImwt udr Youor. locl jadr of Ibe determined spirit. luprnw court, Oid tb m dr of Are Wise to Tricks. Jourjr. 117, I a tipulalrd Adralnli. him land BinwKrr MmT or irlor or lb etM of Jotia Adun. All tricks of war are being used COAST, derttwd. All trtle tuilDf cUlmi (filsJt ty check and kill ihe Iiritish patrols. lb Mid tittle ar berebr rtqulml to for In addition lo telephone rd mum nnrlT tended lo nx 00 or TikE ootlr UMl f. fnocll otrpt Ufor wires attached lo explosives, Ger um I lib Ciy or April, I7. ind ill Mrlte tadrbird to the ukl ttut are man helmets have been left about I Muml lo nr tb kmoual of I heir la- wilh bombs concealed In them sol dtblJ'diw foribvlia. Hit lit akWfilm.l.. . n l..nn lA...k.J I kiJ w-iMfHii limn u mm mmm rm inwi " Mtod tbc tad Amy ..t , , mjuciicu, fc-- lvf at- - 1. a MtNiLti, omnai Adnuwnrtar. aiMj "fre are olhvr devices of this mawwlnr l pott pUaicd oa lb 1 kind which I are Ingenious but A Ik. lAMMM I Ik. ... 1 .. UUI hM.. - tmi sueREJH court of SMttTtBN fiardly worth the troub e. OOLUSWIA. I Orrnian aninein am! marhin "- """ IffUlllirril iriv Hi llrilich nr.al.r la lb. .nerof tb. Admuiniion Att.',rout,,f ln lhey are ticing ta tb tMtier of Um rtui of John ou 'Co111 their hiding-places Pipiiivr mnuifbei, oed. inietut. i There was a lot of Ihein in the ' UMtBWL or, lbt 1 "" ruins of I'ulisieux. but last night nw as losrrn mix. Arvi"i llxr lodr Touar, loral ".f iK i 1 ""'ftflAt" iar fir. I Ahl nr nn.l a I tjjut ilia, . Anpmn Court, mid. lb tltt iJ of ba rB si.ssa.isisjj, B I1U (f (f,Iifl rrbruirr, 117. I u scttoUited AdattDtl-trtlar man. hunt among the broken ,w Lmi Dlirit lulct f of eililo of ioba BipuiU Bimaicbel brickwork, they were destroyed, ComL St a. oVeeAied. All wrlwi bIBf tUlm irtlnit and the ilritish line now runs well Uw Mid .iuw ire Derebjr repaired to for-ard lieyond it lo Oommecourt on the mbh prir.ir ttrified to nw oa or TUI scTlCt nut Arctxe Btrtvrt Mtrua, tf?rv lb. untdir of April. It 17, i ml left and down to tries on the right, 'JfSPRI ! S)M11 SJT1 V Hr W V .l lrli liuktlrU to tb. Mid nUli or The Cermana have destroyed wf Troflara of Brllttti CWcatiU wwm am mnw iw uui repaired U tx lb unoiiai of tbelr la- Irlea .Church Lower, aa ther Iia I drbUMiie rorttallB. 1 ' 1 Mw Okt ruUtitc 6nt4! Uadt- itu-sirujeu me i.ourcn 01 ,cniei- Piled lb tod air of Mirrb. 117. Uwirarsf tt pot! (4aUd oa fbt t, it MeXLLUi, orai-ail Adinmuirtior. 'Le-potit and the famous clock : r:t of ttM Mnibarit eorwr of ;tower of Itapaume. This is to I rust I, CMI PUlrMIs UM-ftor lJ TNC BUetttaM OOURT or BRITIBH stt rid of nositlona of nIi.Tvallnn I It :ba!ot. thrmem mtl 4 rfeala. COLUMBIA. I,.i.i. ........ ,uJ aortk t cttsta. HM-r vtt St Hritish in their advance. Heavy la tb Duller of lb A dm!all irt lion Act, shell fire ha been concentrated H. W M. of GonilB Inlol, Uwiinr ond In Um mailer of in. riuie of WlUum by the Oermans on lrle and they iuur Mlcktlnrr Sbdl, dereed. Id- are also barrnging high explo. 111: cm mar or im. teiUM. sivea it. BlUd Viotoarrr. B. C, U0 11 TILE MOTICE lbl bjr order Of III upon of So-mbfr. A. p. 1(1. Honor lodt Toner, loci I Jdt of Um The latest village to fall into II ARCHIE BirOE MAHTIM. Aeprftu Court, md tb. ttrd day of our hand Is Thilloy. north of rebrturr. ItIT, I wti appolBied Adralnli-In Ligny Thilloy and Just south of lor of Um eiuw of Wlllmn Jame 1 la The German: 11 1 deceased. AU pa u inc. are now UIIN CMAMLOTTC IB4JLNOB MirtriMj- Sindrl. part kit In culm muut Um Mid tiui are retiring to Loupard Wood. AchteU I hereby rrqulr4 to fomard anM property Le-I'etit and Iiucquoy, strongly 'ill Sonet Umi I 0orm Mca, of erloed to jnt OB Of befor Um Itlb day iieieiueu jor me lime Demg ny a b 0 Cm cm.ua rnruMr, in-4 of April. HIT, tod til ptrue Indebted to mpftj tor ptrmitileo lo It 16 Mid nut ar required lo pty tb thick belt nf wire. I I amwonl of IbHr Indrbtedne forlbwlUk Home of the German dead Adrodat It (km I Unkrd it lb tuird Im tad day or Nairn. I IT among the rear guard appears ti CIGARETTES I. II. MtMCLUX. OfflcUl Adminl.lrilur. been 11.71 iom- rl f 9 efctHM. uwc havj equipped for 'three or four weeks, another Indication, a ProUcllon AtU WaUra MavlSAbU brrrrbrrrrrrrrrrrrI brrrrrrrrbrrrrrrrrrrrrI . suvruoa rodowmv in oor no. figured by their officers, that the rtWIM to roMll.Ol C0BUDtK L S. C, CHATTER 11. retirement movement extend may utnit It err. amro or k, r.tono. McRAE. AlOHrtnL Th oBd Traok ra ruiiaiy com- iovcf thirty days and that the de- 14 tihutrj ttm, tir. Att pnjr btrebr i " , nxir:sire is lo delay any extensive aVrUon 7 oT Uw Mfal Act. drpotlled un Hritish forward movement duriug CQUVtR LAMB Ol STWtOT-lBTIHOT lb Minuter of PobU Work t Oil. that time. J. X Or COAST, RASHSC B. oJ la tb orae of tb DUtrtct RetUirar ..r iha i-nj RrtnrT OIBC. oiiinri or TAlil HdTICt Ikal I lM lul Bar. lHnr itunerL at Prtne Rupert, a deKlip CARACAJV0ID for' cale by Lip. Una of tb MM tod pita of lumber mill at tkk very honr more smokars arc "Urt Intfiv! to i.Tljr for permUitoa and otter ork propoied to b built In ett 1 Ciinu.iighaiii, "oil I'arkin. trying Munuk for th 1 mr-UiH it folio in f dirrltrd Uodei lb prtne Rupert narbor at rrtoc iiupcri. Ward tlcctric Gi,. If i8t time tbi aM itM4uii CrJunAAi in front Of WaWrfronl otiW lOcfa-grade dmttM comkktd. M dlllinl irwl ib At isiian Hlork T, accordta to rttiitertd pUn of th. loniiu ot tb Mid city of rrtnc ORDERS U hi .inrnrc w. . nil Ik ffUl IHCIIG1 III! UtCDM www DOMB sv huptrt reiniiry rt4itcrd orne ti S Um foraid M Un. Almost 1 00 per cent ol these new Murad Tiir notice tail tiwr w 432 Prince Rupert Cadet Corps,! sniokers continue Miu simoken. ptritloa of on mucin rrom um - - WWM. V W 1 V J. Hy C. Itrady, Instructor. LXn ITim v v ituiAii Hm Ortl pubUcaUca 01 u "l', . r. o. nr.n.1 Trunk fartSC RaiiaiT" -"'H-"J What k happening to-4ay has happamai; will, tinder section !f Work l bl It is proposed that the above "A Uttfe Saving b faffiM to it In Minuter Iha CUT of Of PubUe OlU ie corps eMail camp for two weeks every day since Murads were first of IIm titd tit nd pla n rr '' during the coming summer. All intrcrduceA to roMiruct tb Mia worat. boys wishing, to attend must en- , Handy Thinf" luid at Wtnnlpei. Miuiwm, roll before April 30th. r.t.t-atairW A. II. II IT ANV Um. Tin- nnixn tnuiK PAOrll BtlLWAT ax A3 A tRsyUBHDIt! IOT IbIT Ut- ft man M aassra usi n COMPA-tY. IL II. IUMSAIID, Solicitor. CITY OF PMfttMt RUPERT chance to become r Qmoiity! .44 .Hour li bertby rlveo tnai Court of I mm Jjwn the ready rttviiion fur tb purpoM or rcvlilnc lud I money to STEEN & LOHGWILL torrecllnr tb AtMiMnent Roll for lb I auvantajc of a rcaHv hid City of I'rlnr. Rupert, returned by the I And the o Miirads hy 6m opportunity. uodenlrued Alienor on tb. Tenth day of I BftrVITflftr AND IIEATINO Jiuutry, A. P. HIT. wUI b held on Mon smoker to day, Um rirtk day or Marrb, A. P. 117.1 ENGINEERS al 10 o'clock In Um forenoon. In Ibe Council Chamber, Cliy Hall. City of Prlnc S7,n Recount, tnd Kuperl. bc Agsnla for ready for what the brin. All coniplainu or objeclloat lo Mid McCLARY FURNACES Aiieiinieni noli mun b mids, la wHtlnf, Hid vJeMered lo Um Ateor at Iran linl ,n'c.Saving 101 day twror tlM. Oat of in Drill Department. PLUMAINO .iiiiue or iim mm court, u- tn rtrib THE and day of Mirch. A, P. t7. BANK OF WORKS Piled ai tbo ai or prtM. RuwrL I B CHECT METAL rrutinc or uriuia Columbia, tbl tweaty I'hnita 8, 834 Second Avenue. mc(M)4 day of January, A. P. HIT, P. LORaWMH, "lAL AND Night phones 67o Ulue 270 AiieMor of Um said 01 ur or I'rloe Ru. and ' -va- 7J.a. pert. , PRINCE WIIPPDT bB.ub, Th. rloht ork, t the rloht riito rtTiHis, Pr,c Cliy ar of tit ukl MuaMpallty, -" .J CllVn. lima and at th HERS. ,r'a IT-lrt.IT.lll