THE DAILY NEWS Hnlurrtay. Ma,..s, , 191 at' " GILLETTS LYE , THE MAILS Safclv vil The Daily News EATS DIRT - UL HIE IKAIMNU flKWbt-Arf.R IN M)KTtRN BRITISH r.rllUMB.A Publkkwl Dally n! Weekly For the Cast. Guaranteed La meet Circulation Tuesdays. 2 ft. ni , I "amp to Shubert Wednesdays, 0:30 a. m. ' I, A " . 1 ixlhM HEAD Or'HOli Saturdays, 9:30 o. m. ' j 3 Only Srven Huildm;, .'Ird Ave. Prince Htipert. ll.O. Trle-phon 98. From'the East. rM.,NtKNI IMHI'UW AllVEH I ISl.Nd 5o kiiIk prr inch. Cmtrsct Tuesdays, 5:30 i. ni. ' 1 ' rnie in application. 5:30 SHUBERT. Inc. Thursdays, ryiii. A. B, SZ&Vat&ES.M Sundays, 3ii0 p. in. DAILY EDITION 21 Saturday, MarcU 10, 1017. For Vancouver.-Tuesdays, I p. in OUR ARKftlCAN COUSINS of America Is not the intellectual Thursday, 10 p. m. Probably llio most miUland-inff activity of New England, WINTER Sundays, i P- SCHEDULE lessons that tho war has or the industrial wealth of J &UETTC0MPAWUMJ2JI taught us arc that beyond a Pennsylvania, but the tnornl TORONTO ON From Vancouver. certain figure mere superiority and physical energy displayed l Wetlnefdays, 10:30 h. lu. 8. 8. PRINCE I1UPERT In crude numbers counts for by the Southern Slates both in Fridays, 3 p. m. THURSDAY 12 Midnight f.o r Vsncouv.e little, and that fighting power the war of Independence nnd 7 m. Victoria and Seattle. Sundays, that remains for the most part the Civil Wnr. ENSLAVING BELGIAN PEOPLE p, WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX merely potential may be the, It is something for us to be Alternate Mondays from Janu 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN operation of the lime factor b proud of that this energy Iteuters agency stales that according ary 1st. fee I UW i en, Vvriassll. ad Slagway aisfth 7lh and flat 1 neutralised by an Inferior pow which expressed Itself in n to news received regarding For Anyoi. rOM QUIEM CMASLOTTI ISLANDS MARCH MTR "0 ISTH cr that Is fully organized. It Washington, a Lee, a Stonewall the deportation of the inhabitants Wednesdays, 10 p, ni, should not, of course, have Jackson, wns essentially of Brussels, every man to bo PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE needed a wnr to teach us these and almost purely British. deported receives a card, with his Frfdays, S p. in, Wenier and SatrS l 11 10 s. m. fee Smrtner. rrlncs Ohti te. Names like McClellan, Sundays, B p. int snaeten, Saststee an Wlaelgss. millaf aesaUena lnr fee sH telati lessons for,they are merely nn flrnnt, name, address and profession, and elaborate.npplication of an elementary Sheridan, anil Johnston attest orders lo appear at the railway From Anyoi. at td seetli. ,mt4 !' cvtey Tady al 4 a. at. law of physics. But that by 1800 the dominant stock station at eight a. m. On tho card Thursdays, Sundnys ond Tues Agency All Oosan Steamship Lines. nations are slow and unwilling wns still pure British, with the lis printed a warning that those days. For information and reservations apply t: pupils, and experience in the Scoto-Irish element distinctly who da not appear for immediate only school in which they will marked. And despite the vast deportation will undergo three The Islands. City Ticket Office, S28 Third Avenue. PHONE 2ta learn. Having grasped the emigrations nlnce from continental months imprisonment and have Mail closes.' vitalness Of tho elements of Europe, we may ret to pay a fine not exceeding l.poo Jan. t? and 31st nt 0 p. m, time and place in war, we do assured that in a searching marks. Feb. Ulli nnd 28th at 8 p. ni. not attach quite so much military emergency like war, the nation The card also contains the following importance to the probable would continue to be ruled unconsciously somewhat puzzling notice: Mall Arrives. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY entrance of America Into by its British "As it may bo thai you will be January 21st, F'ebruary 17th .the war as we should have done characteristics. The ingenuity sent to a place of work and that. ind March 3rd. Lowest Rates all Eastern Pointa in its earlier stages. And there nnd resourcefulness developed therefore, il may bo no more pos o via Steamer to Vancouver and the is no use denying that the by pioneering and free industry sible to keep in touch with your LAND REGISTRY ACT CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY moral as well as the military would serve the American in family, it is suggested that you (Sections St and 111.) Meals and Derlh Included 9lame an uplift would have been greater little stead had they not been provide yourself with spoon and had the United States her fortified by his sublime In. seen and fork, winter garments, linen Re Application X. toll rile .Ho. SI Princess Maqulnna for Granby Bay Friday 11 p. m. way sooner to let her hand capacity to know when he was strong bools." Those who con .TAkE .1UTICE that a;plication has Men follow her heart. Dut as a beaten. It Is this spirit that sent to sign an agreement to work made to rctiiler Martoa B. Morrtsey, ei Princess Maqulnna Southbound Sunday 6 p. m. cannot be fuller than full, explains the incredible fortitude l-rtnce Rupert, B. C. as owner la lee glass in Ocrmnny or Belgium are ex under Tit SaU Deed from the Collector Princess Sophia for Alaska Hhureday, March 15th. the coming - in of the Slates and ultimate success of empted from presenting themselves. of Ibe City of Prince Rvprrt. beaiiar date would not appreciably affect Washington and tho unprecedented The card Is signed by Ibe I Bib day of September ISIS, or ALL our determination to achieve bloodiness of the Civil General von Foden, Commandant ASD sl.tOULAR I bat certain parcel or J. I. PETERS, Cenernl Atrent victory, or our confidence thai Wnr. No war, has ever more of Brussels, the same officer who tract of land and premises slluiie.of rrtnee lytay. Ca ntr Fourth Street an.I Third Aeenue. Prince Rupett. B.C ind belof In the Manldpaliiy we shall achieve it. clearly shown the value of in November caused the muni Rupert, more particularly known and de From the point of view of an training than the war in which cipal authorities to be arrested scribed as Lot Ellbleen (IS). Block Eltnl Impartial neutral, the addition both sides were largely tin. for refusing to communicate lists (Si. Section tlibl (li. Map StS). of the United Slates to the trained, for the higher com. of unemployed. Yon are required to contest the claim of the tat purchaser within It dart from Allies would at once remove mands were reserved more and the date of the service of tbis swUce their ultimate victory from the more for officers whq had been Salvation Arm. ( hich may be effected by persona! ser region of contingency to that I trained at West Point and had vlrei and your attention la called U see CANADIAN WOMEN lion SS of the "Land Reltry Acr with of absolute certainly. For, potentially, seen service. The need for a Public meetings, Tuesda amendments, and w Ibe f olio wis c el tract SHOULD KNOV Til 1 1 ' 7 the United Slates may strong and continuous military Thursday and Saturday at M v. u Uiererrum: "and la default of "CANADA FIRST"MM Is the nTn rank as the strongest nation in tradition is all the greater in Sundays at 7:30 p.m. caveal or cerUBnie or Us pendens twins JI' WsrCrocer. Tht Cevctometl lleC;e r the world. Her power does not a country of shifting population Died the person before entitled the redstnUoo under such aa owner sale, alt of h.2031 wis lb uory-iTtusis inr.3A.i rest entirely upon her unique and short historical mem. LAND REGISTRY ACT persona so served with notice... . - and eesia P. geographical position, and her ories. A positive policy like (Sect loos 34 and 111.) Iboae claiming lb routs or under them, and tmtMmS ceieta-Mjeevaa taetfC eaeci-iiST WnTteij I kj. enormous natural resources. the Monroe Doctrine, unsupported ail pereooe clalmta aavy Uteres! la Ik -iWa ttfiout lm llu w ThS , true root of American! by a strong army was. Re Application So. SI 44-1. ruiar til land ment,by and virtu all of persona any unrertiured claiminc any liutru In ArUMKnCONDCNSrOMILKCO.Lre. greatness is Ip be found in the to use Lord Roberts word, a TAkE NOTICE I tut application bat been lereil In the land by descent whose UUe Aluns,Oal4 Cists at- successive streams of virile "provocation" to an unscrupulous raade to regttier Ttx Corporation of u t not registered under the provisions of Cur of Prince itupert in tbe rrovtac of and Puritan, adversary. The United this Act. ahall be for aver estopped and humanity-cavalier in fee under Bruun Columbia, a ovrner U barred from setting up any claim to or Latin, Rritish, Dutch arid Slates has realized this by now two Tat Sale Pee from tba toueeior or In respect of toe land so sold for tates, Scandinavian that successively and she has an opportunity to ibe atr of more hoveri. bearing data the and the Registrar sbatl register the person DeoDled her shores atd pene give military and naval earnest TIH oar of December III, of ALL AD entitled under such tat sale aa owner of trating inland, generated in J of her "longing for what we land SINGULAR and premise thai certain aituite parcel lying,or and trad teto of the AMI land WHEREAS so sold for application la tea." ha been 2,000,0001 their internecine and foreign are fighting for." And her in Um Municipality of Prince Rupert, more made for a CertiOcate of Indefeasible Till struggles an energy that re-f history proves that an improvised particularly known and described ai .lorth 10 the above-mentioned land, le the name Westerly Seventy (T0. feet of Lou Eleven of Mirlon B. Morrtsey; would Belgians mained and still remains proof i American army (lU. and Twelve (IS) Block Elbin A.XD WHEREAS on Inveiugiting the against the enervating effects make up in adaptiveness and in lt. Section Od (I), Map tit. Utle II appear thai prior to the fib day of wealth or sub-tropical clu' fighting spirit for what II lacked You arc required to centit ibe claim of September, ISM, (the dile on which Depend on us male. From the point of viewJ in experience and continuous or Ibe tat purchaser within ifalrty-nt the said lands were sold for overdue days rrora toe data of the service of ton laieij, you were the aiseased owner tradition. the miracle of an ethnologist, Bread! notice (wnlch mar be effected by Personal thereof. for service or at directed), and your attention ITRTHER TAKE .10T1CE thai at the is called lu section J of ttn "Land Iter same lime I shall effect registritton In r 4MMMMMMMMMMM Istry Act" with amendment, and to t6j pursuance of such application and Issue a rollowtof eitract therefrom: Certificate of Indefeasible Title to Ibe said Since shortly after the Ceiraan tnvaiion. tie Belgians and in default of caveat or certificate lands la the name of Marlon B. Morrtsey "Gtnmition have depended for food eotiiely the of Us pendens being Died before toe ret unless yon take and prosecute too proper on Ramsay's titration, at owner or Ute person enUUeU proceedings to eitabtiib your claim, if any, for Relief in Belgium". Their own itofe of food. under turn tat late, all persona so served to the said landi, or to preveot inch pro Willi notlre and Iboae clalialag posed action on my part ' even if not destroyed o pilLaged, would lail only through or under litem, and aU persons DATED al the Land Reentry Once. three weeks they have had no chance lo rait: 3oiej rlaimloc any interest In the land by vtr Prince Itupert, B. C, this tit day of tu of any unregistered Instrument, and October. A. D. ISIS. and the ruthless Cermaai leiuse to supply them I ! Empire Cream Sodas all persona claiming any Interest In the IL r. MACLEOD, land by descent whose title II not regis-tered District Regiitrar of Titles Baded by li under tb provisions of tola Ask To Reuben .lugent. Esq, Ml shall be for ever estopped and debarred HOT racinc St, Vancouver, B. a rrora settlor up any claim to or In respect fund Relief of the land so sold for la tea, and tie Navigable Wats re Protection Act. Belgian In 2-lb. Tin Registrar trull register the person es r. s. o, chattir ita. t tilled under sorb tat aale at owner of the . land so told for lates. so (coeroualy cocslribuled in ike Deiush Empire and the United x Have attained their enviable reputation by their euperlor A.M WHEREAS apllea lion has been The Orand Trunk Pacific Railway Com Slales. the neutral Delapaj) Rctel Conniasoa Kai iovportrd quality and uniformity. The moat discriminating house-wlfa made fur a Certificate of Indefeasible Title pany Section hereby 7 or guei the said notice Act.ibal deposited li haa. under with enough wheat, Sous an4 other loods la feed ike whole oatioo to the abovementlooed lands. In the name Insist "Ramsay Empire" whan buying Soda far. Tbe oi ike 7.000.000 BcIgUoa led in upon of The Corporation of the Qty of Prince the Minister of Public Work! at Ottawa, to peat ma forty Meultav Imperii and In toe omce or the DUlrlcf Regiitrar die country have been able la pay lot ikeit daily aBowantc ci of the Land Regliiry OiBce, District of bvcad but steadily petriey. Dumber have A.Ml WHEREAS on tovesllrslinf the Utle a oe nooey Prince Rupert, al Prince Rupert, a de scrip In B. C. and hla supply It that prior the fourteen 111 day Thty ara made your grocer Beta apeart to, Hon of lb Die and plan of lumber mill of of September Kit, (Ine date on which In Unle we are wiKoi to Irt dies kundtedi el thousands worka to be built and quloaly, Insuring freshness, which and other proposed frequently maana. the said lands were sold for overdue Ibe I'rioce Rupert harbor al Prince Rupert, veomeo, chiLlien sad old men starve, tkey must be led at tn crlapni taieir. you were a mortraree thereof. British Columbia, In front of Waterfront espense ol tbe Belgian Relief Fund. To aisle ihia poaubU FURTHER TAkE KOTICE ibal at the Block "V. according io registered plan of aomeooc must contribute aeeHv 13,000.000 a roootk rvery Prove It by buying a tin with your next order. same tune I sbsll effect reyiatriUoo in the tow nil to or tho laid city of Prince Bvwtk eS this wialetl pursuance of such application and Isiue Ruperl registered In the aforeuld land Manufactured by a Certificate of Indefeasible Title to the reglttry office as No. ill, section 7. ceebibu' No people onder Ibe AKed FUae ara aa wefl able le said lands lo the name of lb above cor A.N TAkE .10TICE that after Ibe it pontlon unless lake and aa we Canadians I No cause kai ever been nwr' you prosecute pirtiion of one montb from the dale of Seoeroualy RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. iha proper proceedings to establish your tbe first publication of tbii notice, the ol belpl In the eaas el justice and Humaaily lot claim. If any, to the said lands, or to Orand Trunk Pacific milwiy Company the sake ol eta- own self-reaped let w give al we caa to Vancouver, B. O. prevent such proposed action on my pirL will, under Section T of the aald Act. apply kelp eut nuutyred Al&eil Dated at iI)q Land Registry umce. Prince lo lha Minister of Public Work! at hit Itupert, . C. this toth day of December, office In the City or ouiwa for approval Seae! re seWnptsaoa veesaly, saeaealf a I aae kasaat seaa as LeaJ s A. D. t. of the laid site and plan and for Itave iictaJ Ceasssinsaa,as le lie ' II. r. MACLEOD, to construct tbe aahl works. Mtntrsat Central ExtouUv Committee, M K Petor K, District Registrar of Tltlea. Haled al Winnipeg. Manitoba. Ihll Slsl Advertise In The Daily News. To rrederle care C. lm flrbittner,Freeman,Etq.,C P. R. Bldg. Jtiic.u orand rt.m.rv. trumk a. ri pAciric ii railway $2.50 Feeds A Bclgiaa Family A Month. Edmonton, Alberta, LUHrA.-i i ii. ii, iiAna.Mtu, eoiiriwr. EMPRESS COFFEE WH4LESALE DISTRIVUTOR P. Q. DAWSON PfiiNcc riuptrrr, -